Alright, so I'm not exactly sure how often I'm actually going to be on here, but ever since I discovered this place through curiously clicking on a link on my friend's signature over on the ANN Fan Forums I've been interested in some of the different features this site has to offer, so I decided to go ahead and give it at least somewhat a shot anyways (though it's taken me this long to actually go through with it ^_^' ) We'll see.
Anyways, I pretty much go by BrothersElric everywhere I go online. It's not really all that highly creative, I know, but it's kind of the best I've ever been able to come up with. ^_^' If you haven't noticed already, yes, it is indeed inspired by Fullmetal Alchemist, my #2 favorite series of all time (though it was #1 when I decided to use it). But there is at least somewhat a minor little story behind me deciding to use it though. Basically I just thought of the series' episode title "The Other Brothers Elric" and decided it'd be something simple, yet just clever enough that not very many other people actually use it.
Everyone pretty much just knows me from Anime News Network's forums and ANN FF. Those 2 and here, plus my e-mail address and MSN Live Messenger that can be easily seen above are pretty much the only social means I have online, seeing as how I'm the kind of person who likes to keep things as simple as he can and not have too many of these places I have to check up on constantly and whatnot. ^_^'
Which basically brings me to my next point: I'm a very laid back, easy going, pretty fairly simple person. Which is good in a lot of ways of course because that also means I'm a very friendly person who's pretty easy to get along with and can pretty easily get along with others, but it can also be quite a nasty backlash quite a bit of times as well because that also means I can be pretty lazy and unmotivated. ^_^' In fact I like to compare myself with Hige from Wolf's Rain because I'm very much his same personality. That's why I like to use his avatar so much, because I believe he's a perfect representation of myself. ;) I'm also very much an optimist as well, or at least try to look on the good side of things as much as I can anyways. I have my moments, as anyone else does. ;) Although despite all this, do note that I can have a pretty nasty temper at times as well, especially towards stuff I particularly feel strongly about. But don't worry too much about that, because that doesn't happen at all unless you really, really piss me off. ;) Also something you probably don't know about me in RL: you wouldn't guess it online, but I'm actually a pretty quiet, stoic (but not cold :) ) person, as I'm actually not all that great at speaking my mind unless it's through writing. ^_^' But don't worry, I'm still a very friendly, laid back, easy going person nonetheless. :)
Right now I don't have much to brag about in my personal life. I haven't been to school in a while now, I do have a job but not a very good one (or at least not a good one to solely base your income off of anyways) and I still live at home with my parents Oh, and did I mention I don't have a driver's license and probably never will because I hate driving with that much a passion? ^_^' But there's hope for me though, so don't ride me off as a deadbeat just yet. The only reason why I'm really in this position is because I got kind of snubbed on an LDS service mission (a mission one can serve if they can't serve a proceliding one for some reason, which I can't because of learning disabilities. And yes, I am a Mormon, just so you know ;) ) which I had to take time off of school for in the first place, as well as not be working at the time either. But now that that's all behind me, I will be headed back to school this coming fall, and am in search of a better job, though I wouldn't mind working this one at the same time either (it works that few hours ;) ).
I already have 2 years of school behind me, and pretty much up to now I've just been getting general education courses out of the way. I'm still pretty undecided about my major, but I do know that I want to go into something that has to do with computers at the very least. I have been and will be again attending Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, and I also play the trombone in the marching and symphonic bands. (I've been a band geek since Jr. High. As we said in our high school bad, BAND JOCKS ROCK!! 8-) )
As far as my anime interests go? Well, I've been a fan of anime ever since I was in the 7th grade, but my first experiences in anime actually go back to when I was a kid. For the longest time it was mostly just Cartoon Network stuff plus whatever else was on the other cable channels we've had that I'd watch/get into, but my tastes have evolved quite a bit since then, and honestly I owe it all to the world wide web. ^_^ Mostly just ANN and bit torrent though. ;) I like pretty much anything as long as it's good, although I really don't like sexual content (for obvious reasons ;) ) which of course automatically means I won't go anywhere near Yuri/Yaoi/hentai/whatever else falls into that category. And I typically don't like series whose soul focous is girly/shojo-ish/high school hijinx/moe-ish type stuff, meaning probably my 2 least favorite generes are Slice of Llife and Shoujo. Though that doesn't mean I don't like anything from those generes, it just simply means that for the most part I don't. But there have been series like that though that have actually caught my interest, even some in a pretty big way too. But yeah, other than that, pretty much anything that's good. Though my favorites do tend to be action/fighting type stuff, sci-fi/fantasy/mech type stuff as well, but my favorite all time genre is without a doubt shounen! 8-) I also like some of the more deep, psychological type stuff and whatnot quite a bit as well.
Sorry about my novel of a profile. ^_^' Anyways, even though I might not be on here that much anyways, still feel free to contact me, send me messages and whatnot, and ask me any questions. I'll be happy to get to know ya if you're a nice person like me! ^_^
All Comments (60) Comments
Nominees are:
One Piece
Rurouni Kenshin
Paranoia Agent
Gunsmith Cats
Gokou Ruri "Kuroneko Shironeko" ( Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai)
Oe Kintaro (Golden Boy)
Rakka (Haibane Renmei)
Shiro (Deadman Wonderland)
Kasuga Ayumu "Osaka"
Sorry for asking but have you watched FMA: Brotherhood?
I've always thought it to be a must-watch for all FMA's fans.
I just felt like being more active on this site recently... Still not doing a very good job. =(