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Jun 11, 2011 2:36 AM

Sep 2010
Arcueid with her usual what if's. The dual page with Arcueid and Shiki was really nice to see. Really enjoyed reading this.
Jun 19, 2011 6:20 AM
Mar 2010
Can someone quickly explain this ending?

Surely Arcueid was not actually alive when Shiki came to rescue her out of that castle? Were all these pages simply Shiki's imaginations before he died? Also, did Arcueid really die in the last battle?

Jun 25, 2011 5:09 AM

Dec 2008
Hero_kun said:
Can someone quickly explain this ending?

Surely Arcueid was not actually alive when Shiki came to rescue her out of that castle? Were all these pages simply Shiki's imaginations before he died? Also, did Arcueid really die in the last battle?


Arcueid did not died in the last battle (or rather she did but after Roa final death the part of her power that he stole from her returned and revived her).
As for those few pages showing Shiki breaking into the Brunestud Castle and waking Arcueid from her self-enforced dream I think it's a refference to doujin Sleeping Beauty (I think it was also a side story in Kagetsu Tohya but I'm not certain of that), I think it is left up to reader to decide how to interpret this scene.
New profile design sucks.
Sep 1, 2011 4:19 PM

Mar 2011
I have a a question:

In the Satsujinki section, Sensei mentioned that Shiki can live longer since he cheated death (or something like that). Does that mean that Shiki has been living more than the normal human life span?
And Ciel too
Dec 20, 2011 1:14 PM

Feb 2011
Apr 27, 2012 7:36 PM

Dec 2010
Really enjoyed reading this; the last pages alone made it truly worth it

ShikixArcueid ftw :D
May 8, 2012 12:05 AM

Jan 2012
InfiniteDestiny said:
Really enjoyed reading this; the last pages alone made it truly worth it

ShikixArcueid ftw :D

I like it even if its a good or a bad ending :D
Actually glad that nepal is facing disaster
Jun 16, 2012 7:41 PM

Jul 2010
wow, definitely an enjoyable manga, would have definitely been depressed if melty blood wasn't a thing

Jul 4, 2012 12:06 PM

Aug 2010
Absolutely Loved It 10/10!!!!

Arcueid <3, probably my fav female ever
Shiki Complete Badass and one of my fav male characters ever

Arcueid X Shiki OTP
Apr 11, 2013 12:21 AM

Nov 2009
Wow ... I completely forgot that Arcueid was still on Earth, IE still able to be reached by Shiki ... I am actually very happy w/ this ending ... I thought after the last chapter it would do that whole "I loved and lost but am better for the experience" bull shit but ... I was pleasantly surprised. I do very much like this ending even if it isn't the original ending or just an add-on, Anyways the manga was pretty good, a few gaps here and there and not exactly my cup of tea but I would say about an 8/10 maybe 8.5 ...

Also ... post #4000 XD, ironic that it winded up being the last chapter of this series (and promise I didn't plan it that way)
Apr 12, 2013 3:08 AM

Dec 2008
Pirating_Ninja said:
Wow ... I completely forgot that Arcueid was still on Earth, IE still able to be reached by Shiki ... I am actually very happy w/ this ending ... I thought after the last chapter it would do that whole "I loved and lost but am better for the experience" bull shit but ... I was pleasantly surprised. I do very much like this ending even if it isn't the original ending or just an add-on,.

The author did an interesting thing here, in the original it is up to player choice whether Arcueid returns to her castle or remains with Shiki but since those are mutually exclusive endings the adaptation can only pick one (and adaptations usually go for the bittersweet ones since they have stronger impact), yet in here we somehow got both and I like it :)
New profile design sucks.
Oct 19, 2013 9:10 PM

Nov 2011
I found the ending kinda cheesy but was happy that they were reunited once again. Happy endings do put a smile on my face sometimes. Cool they are actually together now actually. Shiki and Arcueid <3

Feb 21, 2014 1:03 PM

Sep 2011
Okay, so to start off I really liked this series as a whole I give it a 9/10 probably the best 'romance' manga I've read. I haven't ever read the Visual Novels so I don't know if the manga is a better adaptation of the novels.

Now about the ending, first let me say that I like this 'nicer' ending where they live happily ever after. Never been a fan of highly depressing love stories 'ala Romeo & Juliet.' That said I don't quite get this ending, maybe I'm just dumb or need to re-read the last two chapters. I'm confused on how this plays out.

From what I gathered Arcueid survived her fight with Roa but put herself back into deep sleep in order to suppress her vampiric urges. The only difference between this sleep and her previous slumbers was the fact that now she had all the pleasant memories of what it was like to feel alive. Thanks to Shiki she no longer feels lonely and has in a way been given a reason to live, besides just being a weapon that hunts vampires.

Now Shiki on the other hand is seen talking to the Magi, who encouraged him to live on as a child. She hints at his body deteriorating and the whole 'you can never find happines' thing. So from what I gathered, he has cheated death far too many times and his lifespan is ending.

This is the part that really confuses me the whole scene where Shiki, with the help of Ciel, finds Arcueid and breaks her out of sleep. Then it goes back to Shiki wearing a blindfold and walking off. So was Shiki coming to the rescue all a dream by Arcueid, did Shiki end up dying towards the end, or did he become something like Ciel. Where his body is frozen in time, tied to the fate of that which killed him. That also leads me to wonder, how is Ciel still alive? I mean didn't they say that she and Roa where one in the same. That she shared the same soul and therefore was tied to his fate. That the world could not let her be killed because it would cause a contradiction. So does that mean that Roa is actually still alive somehow. Or was the essence that Roa took from Arcueid which gave him immortality somehow melded with his Soul. Which somehow links Arcueid to Ciel's immortality since part of her was part of Roa.

Okay.....I'm going to stop here because I feel like I'm entering an endless loop of questions. So, anyone here that is a Tsukihime fanatic can help me out. Because I'm pretty darn confused with how this manga ended.
Mar 4, 2014 5:18 PM

Oct 2009
Karharot said:

The author did an interesting thing here, in the original it is up to player choice whether Arcueid returns to her castle or remains with Shiki

thanks for that comment :) I really hoped that the two of them being together wasn't a manga-only thing.
May 18, 2014 9:55 AM

Sep 2013
I liked that ending, better than the VN. Shiki barging into the castle. ShikixArcueid OTP
May 29, 2014 9:52 AM
Jun 2013
Does the part where Shiki goes to free Arcueid actually happen in any of the visual novel endings?
Oct 9, 2014 9:21 AM

Dec 2008
Megalo-dono said:
Does the part where Shiki goes to free Arcueid actually happen in any of the visual novel endings?

It doesn't in the original Tsukuhime
. However I think that a story like the one from the doujin I linked abive was in Kagetsu Tohya (a spin-off of Tsukihime rather loosely tied with it by the characters and some of the events) and that breaking into the castle would be an obvious result.
New profile design sucks.
Oct 11, 2014 12:28 PM

Jul 2010
10/10 probably the best romance story I've ever read (though I don't read them a lot but still). Amazing.
Feb 21, 2015 9:22 AM

Jun 2014
Well there's a sequel melty blood and Arcuied is listed as main character. So im taking the happy ending. I thought it would be tragedy.

blessofcurseJul 3, 2015 9:42 AM
Jul 3, 2015 2:47 AM
Nov 2013
This was a captivating read, I had no choice but to binge read from chapter 14.. The story was so good! The ending was a little cheesy, but exactly what I wanted to see and I think was brought together very nicely. Shiki x Arcueid!!

Best manga I've read in a while. Perfect mix of psycological/romance.
Jul 30, 2016 1:09 AM

Jan 2016
Re-reading this wonderful adaption of the VN never gets old.
Just wish we would finally get the VN remake 0.. waiting so long already -_-

Sep 4, 2016 9:28 AM

Oct 2012
Was wondering about the manga, since so many positive reviews were given and was hoping I found another hidden gem, but no, for me it was a simple above average manga, which was kinda sad with all those hyped reviews.

The manga has so many flaws that it would take multiple posts just to describe it, so I just won't even start.

Out of positive - it's a decent romance shounen with a story that can touch your heart.. also if it had less 'horror' elements I would even call it shoujo, since it was so sugarcoated and innocent looking big time.

All in all it's Type Moon and their style of 'emotionless' characters trying to understand emotions etc etc...

Not that I dislike the manga and the plot didn't touch me at all - it did, but saying it's very good is overpraising it, there are much better manga series out there for that 'very good' place.

My opinion may be a bit biased, since romance is not really the type of manga I prefer, but even among the few romance manga series I read - it wasn't something special. I certainly will forget this series rather fast, it gets 7/10 from me, although it was a struggle between 6 and 7
Sep 5, 2016 12:38 AM

Dec 2015
Hentaicheg said:
Was wondering about the manga, since so many positive reviews were given and was hoping I found another hidden gem, but no, for me it was a simple above average manga, which was kinda sad with all those hyped reviews.

The manga has so many flaws that it would take multiple posts just to describe it, so I just won't even start.

Out of positive - it's a decent romance shounen with a story that can touch your heart.. also if it had less 'horror' elements I would even call it shoujo, since it was so sugarcoated and innocent looking big time.

All in all it's Type Moon and their style of 'emotionless' characters trying to understand emotions etc etc...

Not that I dislike the manga and the plot didn't touch me at all - it did, but saying it's very good is overpraising it, there are much better manga series out there for that 'very good' place.

My opinion may be a bit biased, since romance is not really the type of manga I prefer, but even among the few romance manga series I read - it wasn't something special. I certainly will forget this series rather fast, it gets 7/10 from me, although it was a struggle between 6 and 7

If you are also familiar with the Fate series check out Carnival Phantasm, it's a parody crossover between Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night.
Sep 7, 2016 1:19 PM

Jun 2016
Hentaicheg said:
Was wondering about the manga, since so many positive reviews were given and was hoping I found another hidden gem, but no, for me it was a simple above average manga, which was kinda sad with all those hyped reviews.

The manga has so many flaws that it would take multiple posts just to describe it, so I just won't even start.

Out of positive - it's a decent romance shounen with a story that can touch your heart.. also if it had less 'horror' elements I would even call it shoujo, since it was so sugarcoated and innocent looking big time.

All in all it's Type Moon and their style of 'emotionless' characters trying to understand emotions etc etc...

Not that I dislike the manga and the plot didn't touch me at all - it did, but saying it's very good is overpraising it, there are much better manga series out there for that 'very good' place.

My opinion may be a bit biased, since romance is not really the type of manga I prefer, but even among the few romance manga series I read - it wasn't something special. I certainly will forget this series rather fast, it gets 7/10 from me, although it was a struggle between 6 and 7

Pretty much my thoughts summed up exactly. Halfway through I was just plodding on in order to get to the finish. It seems Type Moon stuff is pretty formulaic, and it didn't even intrigue me the first time (-Fate-). The ending was decent, I suppose. I'd give it a 6.5/10.
Dec 20, 2016 5:17 PM
Nov 2014
Great manga, very enjoyable + addicting read. Wasn't flawless and has its fair share of problems, but fantastic overall.
Dec 23, 2016 9:13 AM

Dec 2015
BruceLad said:
Great manga, very enjoyable + addicting read. Wasn't flawless and has its fair share of problems, but fantastic overall.

You might want to check out the original VN: while being quite dated on the technical side, it's still pretty enjoyable story-wise.
Feb 12, 2017 3:27 PM
Apr 2016
as a person who have read the VN and played the 5 routes i would say that this manga has fantastic adaptation. it follows the arcued's route taking some aspects of others routes.

i personally love this ending more than the true ending of the novel (they had to be together)

Arcueid damm girl! you made me cry again!
Feb 16, 2017 3:19 AM

Dec 2015
megaxer said:
as a person who have read the VN and played the 5 routes i would say that this manga has fantastic adaptation. it follows the arcued's route taking some aspects of others routes.

i personally love this ending more than the true ending of the novel (they had to be together)

Arcueid damm girl! you made me cry again!

One day we'll have also a proper anime adaptation.
Feb 16, 2017 8:49 AM
Apr 2016
Xarvon said:
megaxer said:
as a person who have read the VN and played the 5 routes i would say that this manga has fantastic adaptation. it follows the arcued's route taking some aspects of others routes.

i personally love this ending more than the true ending of the novel (they had to be together)

Arcueid damm girl! you made me cry again!

One day we'll have also a proper anime adaptation.

it could happen someday maybe after the tsukihime remake in 20XX
Apr 12, 2017 11:45 PM
Mar 2016
megaxer said:
Xarvon said:

One day we'll have also a proper anime adaptation.

it could happen someday maybe after the tsukihime remake in 20XX

Hopefully after the Heavens Feel Movies.
Aug 24, 2017 8:25 AM

Oct 2014
Zeebrah1337 said:

Hopefully after the Heavens Feel Movies.

I think after Fate/Extra, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, Fate/Strange Fake, Fate/Grand Order...
Kinoko Nasu forgot Tsukihime
And Takeuchi want only draw Saber

Jun 24, 2020 1:53 AM

Apr 2020
Varete7 said:
Zeebrah1337 said:

Hopefully after the Heavens Feel Movies.

I think after Fate/Extra, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, Fate/Strange Fake, Fate/Grand Order...
Kinoko Nasu forgot Tsukihime
And Takeuchi want only draw Saber


It's still pretty hazy, yet as of now TM is planning to give Ufotable an opportunity to adapt "Hollow Ataraxia" after "Heaven's Feel III" movie comes out.

I mean, Fate/GO provides TM with hella cash annually so "maybe" they'll return to some older planned projects, such as "Tsukihime" remake in the future...

Oh boy, I too love "what if's".
Sep 20, 2020 3:48 AM
Jul 2019
That was an interesting read. Not as complex as Fate but still a good story for Type-Moon's first work. Shiki being a way better protagonist than Shirou will ever be.

Jan 7, 2021 6:12 AM

Jul 2014
I just finished this... I still cannot get this feeling off my chest that everything was a dream/what if, and Shiki is still looking for her and the thought of him might not finding her kinda stings me... I'll just remain positive and think it wasnt actually a dream and the pages shown where they were together were real... then again thinking about it.. we do see Ciel with Shiki having a conversation near the castle where Arcueid was.. and the last page wasnt him walking and still looking for her but the two of them together and happy, so maybe Shiki really did find her. Anyways I cannot wait to play this! I hope they alter the true end a little and make it a tad bit similar to the manga end, and then ahve Arcueid a more wholesome end with them going on dates and such.
Anyways the remake game is about to drop this summer! Im definitely doing the true end and then Arcueid end!
-StrayJan 7, 2021 6:20 AM
Feb 4, 2021 11:20 AM
May 2020
Tsu-kki said:
Re-reading this wonderful adaption of the VN never gets old.
Just wish we would finally get the VN remake 0.. waiting so long already -_-

I just hope u are still alive to witness the remake that has been confirmed.

Omedetto ☺️
Aug 19, 2021 7:57 PM

Mar 2016
Last couple of chapters had me quite emotional, ngl. Now hoping ufotable will make a bonafide 2-cour adaptation of this series one day in the near future.
Dec 13, 2021 12:06 AM
Jan 2021
anaaga said:
I have a a question:

In the Satsujinki section, Sensei mentioned that Shiki can live longer since he cheated death (or something like that). Does that mean that Shiki has been living more than the normal human life span?
And Ciel too

No, Shiki going die faster than normal human because he use MEoDP often
Dec 13, 2021 12:11 AM
Jan 2021
FullmetalRaikou said:
Okay, so to start off I really liked this series as a whole I give it a 9/10 probably the best 'romance' manga I've read. I haven't ever read the Visual Novels so I don't know if the manga is a better adaptation of the novels.

Now about the ending, first let me say that I like this 'nicer' ending where they live happily ever after. Never been a fan of highly depressing love stories 'ala Romeo & Juliet.' That said I don't quite get this ending, maybe I'm just dumb or need to re-read the last two chapters. I'm confused on how this plays out.

From what I gathered Arcueid survived her fight with Roa but put herself back into deep sleep in order to suppress her vampiric urges. The only difference between this sleep and her previous slumbers was the fact that now she had all the pleasant memories of what it was like to feel alive. Thanks to Shiki she no longer feels lonely and has in a way been given a reason to live, besides just being a weapon that hunts vampires.

Now Shiki on the other hand is seen talking to the Magi, who encouraged him to live on as a child. She hints at his body deteriorating and the whole 'you can never find happines' thing. So from what I gathered, he has cheated death far too many times and his lifespan is ending.

This is the part that really confuses me the whole scene where Shiki, with the help of Ciel, finds Arcueid and breaks her out of sleep. Then it goes back to Shiki wearing a blindfold and walking off. So was Shiki coming to the rescue all a dream by Arcueid, did Shiki end up dying towards the end, or did he become something like Ciel. Where his body is frozen in time, tied to the fate of that which killed him. That also leads me to wonder, how is Ciel still alive? I mean didn't they say that she and Roa where one in the same. That she shared the same soul and therefore was tied to his fate. That the world could not let her be killed because it would cause a contradiction. So does that mean that Roa is actually still alive somehow. Or was the essence that Roa took from Arcueid which gave him immortality somehow melded with his Soul. Which somehow links Arcueid to Ciel's immortality since part of her was part of Roa.

Okay.....I'm going to stop here because I feel like I'm entering an endless loop of questions. So, anyone here that is a Tsukihime fanatic can help me out. Because I'm pretty darn confused with how this manga ended.
​Ciel back to normal human and cannot use "Roa knowlage" For Shiki i think i just dream or something like that, Because in Talk (possible for Tsukihime 2) Shiki go to ainnash to freeze Arcueid Vampiric impulse
Feb 4, 2022 4:10 PM

Sep 2018
Quite good, but manga can only do so much. A good adaptation would have been a much better first experience. Arcueid was adorable though and Shiki was a competent protagonist. 8/10.

My main gripes would be the story is too minimalistic and short, it could be further expanded and developed and not enough attention on the maids.
Sep 23, 2022 12:41 PM

Mar 2020
GakutoDeathGlare said:
Quite good, but manga can only do so much. A good adaptation would have been a much better first experience. Arcueid was adorable though and Shiki was a competent protagonist. 8/10.

My main gripes would be the story is too minimalistic and short, it could be further expanded and developed and not enough attention on the maids.
Sadly, you can only do so much considering each female character (except Satuki) only really gets a major focus on in their specific routes from those games - a lot of the stuff with Ciel and some of the stuff with Akiha were lifted out of their routes for example. Sadly, the maid routes are so incompatible with Arcueid's that all that was carried over into here was the diary and one sentence alluding to Kohaku's backstory

Oct 11, 2022 10:24 AM
Sep 2021
very memorable princess of the moon
Feb 26, 2023 12:45 AM

Mar 2019
arcueid best girl, can't wait to read the remake
Sep 22, 2024 1:41 AM

Jan 2013
great so shiki ended up coping with maladaptive daydreams about arc.

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