One of my all time favorite romcoms comes to an end, what a great movie. The opening scene at the water park was awesome, I wish we coulda saw more of it lol, that was some premium swimsuit fanservice to start out with. The entire school festival arc was really nice, love how each girl got their own dedicated mini arcs with Uesugi, call me biased but my favorites were definitely Miku and Ichika’s bits lol. And man, the moment of truth where each of the girls went off throughout the school in separate rooms and let Uesugi choose was the moment this really started to feel like the finale, very heart pounding lol. And I’m sad to say I already knew who would win before starting the movie because I got randomly spoiled back around Season 2 airing, but it didn’t stop it from being a fantastic moment. Yotsuba is not my favorite, but I’m still really happy for her because really all the girls in this show are amazing, and after seeing more of Yotsuba’s backstory it helps show that she deserves the win, really loved seeing Uesugi chase her down and have that moment with her.
And I’ll say, even tho Yotsuba won, this movie was incredibly satisfying as a fan of Miku and Ichika, every girl had amazing moments and at the end it still showed all of them spending time together with Uesugi, so in a way they all won. It does surprise me in 5 years none of the other sisters found other love interests, but maybe that just shows how strong their love for Uesugi was, the fact they can all still chill together is a wholesome way to end it. Yotsuba’s wedding was really nice as well, and having Uesugi pick her out of all the quints looking identical in wedding dresses was a nice touch, it also gave us great final moments for each girl. Also I’m jealous of Miku and Nino’s cafe lol, I always thought it would be cool to own one so that was really nice to see. And the only things I have to complain about with this movie is the stuff with the quints’ biological dad and Uesugi’s childhood friend. The childhood friend ended up being relevant at least but the biological dad stuff felt a bit forced to me, like unneeded drama.
But besides those negatives it was such a good movie, it felt like a super long episode instead of a movie tho, which is one of the reasons I think I would have preferred a 3rd season, but still absolutely loved this. I hate to say goodbye to the Quintuplets but this is the end, been following this series since Winter 2019 so it is heartfelt lol. I definitely plan on rewatching from the beginning soon and I’d also love to read the manga and see what the anime skipped.
@TheColonel76 Yeah that rewatch didn’t happen soon, unless you count a little over two years soon lol. But yeah, I’ve now finished rewatching the QQ movie, which means my long awaited rewatch of the series is done, but I’m not done with the series overall yet, I thankfully still have those Summer 2023 specials and the recently released Honeymoon specials to enjoy, very excited to see those, but this is technically the end of the series, and man it was a very bittersweet rewatch of this fantastic film.
Now since I pretty much said all that needs to be said in my 2022 post I’m gonna keep it short, but the main thing I wanted to mention on this rewatch is how much more I appreciate the way things played out with the quints’ love war for Uesugi, the movie really does give you closure for each girl no matter the winner, Yotsuba may have won but all the girls had such good moments throughout, especially when each girl had a dedicated stretch with Uesugi, it really felt like any of them could have been the winner when he was alone with them, all of them left me with a big smile on my face, maybe besides the biological dad stuff which I still didn’t like on the rewatch lol, it just feels so out of nowhere, but at least Itsuki had her great moment alone with Uesugi after it was done.
And to cap off this post so it doesn’t get as massive as my old post, I WILL NOT HEAR ANY YOTSUBA SLANDER! Listen, I get it, folks are upset their girl didn’t win, and Yotsuba unfortunately didn’t get the focus the rest of them did outside of this movie, but damn I feel bad for anyone who writes off this whole film and series just because of the Yotsuba win, my favorites are Ichika and Miku but I still really love this outcome, seeing Yotsuba happy and how all the quints still stuck together after her win is just so sweet, I just love all these characters so much that it didn’t really matter who wins, it’s the journey to getting here that’s most important. So yeah, maybe I wish one of my girls won, but I would’ve been happy for any winner, just like Nino said in Season 2 about wanting to celebrate anyone’s win, I think a lot of people didn’t understand this message, it’s sad but it is what it is.
But you know what, those people can kick rocks, I’m here feeling great after seeing the end of this series again, and that’s all that matters. |