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Mar 27, 2021 9:55 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
zieek said:
I've watched half of season 1. I think it's 4 or 5/10 at best. I hate Towa's naivete and that's my biggest reason for rating it that low.

But I intend to finish it and eventually watch season 2. Since I don't know if I will ever watch Inuyasha.

I would say Inuyasha is massively better as a series and would recommend it over this series any day.
Mar 28, 2021 4:05 AM

Oct 2008
ACasualViewer said:

I would say Inuyasha is massively better as a series and would recommend it over this series any day.

Here is my issue, Inuyasha might be better, but anything that takes more than three episodes to hook me in and has over a hundred, is to much trouble to get in to. When it has that much episodes it should START in a more appealing way. Sadly for me Inuyasha didn't, and while I havent given up on it, it's going to take dedication to watch until I finally get hooked.
Mar 30, 2021 8:33 AM

Mar 2018
100% gonna' watch it.
I'm not gonna' deny that it has flaws in terms of story-telling and pacing(and animation blunders here and there) but I'm hoping that the 2nd season will be a lot better.
I can view its technicality and characters separately.
On one hand, yes, the flaws.
But on the other hand, I LOVE the characters. The only one irking me is Takechiyo but that's on me since I don't like loud characters.
So I'll watch to see where they'll be headed. With the hope of it becoming better overall at the back of my head.
Apr 4, 2021 11:34 AM

Nov 2020
Yes. It was fun though I don't consider it canon but still it's fun so yea I will watch
Apr 7, 2021 12:59 PM
Apr 2011
The last episode was way too hype, I have to know what happens next! Tho overall the 1st one was a so-so season, hopefully it improves soon. I don't watch anime actively anymore so it's all I'm waiting for lmao
Apr 10, 2021 3:08 PM
Sep 2019
I will watch it for sure
I didn't finish the first season just to skip the second one. I might be a little disappointed but it's fine
Apr 18, 2021 5:04 AM

Jul 2020
yes despite its flaws, the nostalgia made it enjoyable to watch.
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Apr 24, 2021 3:45 AM
Jun 2014
Fail_Man_X said:
While I was disappointed by Yashahime as a whole, part of that is because I hold the original in high regard. On it's own, I thought the series was fine, and every episode after the dumb ojou-sama filler was good (though that's only five episodes out of twenty-four). It definitely wasn't bad enough to give up on this universe or ignore as non-canon

ACasualViewer said:
I also hate to see that all the responsible characters just abandoned their kids in this series as well.

The only parent who abandoned their child was Sesshomaru, who is raising them by some dumbass "survival code". Even then, he's willing to give Towa a means to bring Setsuna back, rather than just letting her die.

We don't know the complete story yet to determine he abandoned them. In one interview with Sumisawa he hinted Rin could have raised the girls before the fire, so maybe he was around them during those years.

Now that they're 14, he can't be around them to protect them. At least it's been like that until the end of s1. I hope s2 is different in that sense now that Kirinmaru is not interested in harming them.

By the way, the 'survival code' is a reference to a kabuki play that tells the story of a lion throwing his cubs to a cliff while he waits for them to climb. It's supposed to be a proof of affection towards the kids and a desire to see them getting stronger to survive.
Apr 24, 2021 5:03 AM
May 2011
kaizen07 said:
Fail_Man_X said:
While I was disappointed by Yashahime as a whole, part of that is because I hold the original in high regard. On it's own, I thought the series was fine, and every episode after the dumb ojou-sama filler was good (though that's only five episodes out of twenty-four). It definitely wasn't bad enough to give up on this universe or ignore as non-canon

The only parent who abandoned their child was Sesshomaru, who is raising them by some dumbass "survival code". Even then, he's willing to give Towa a means to bring Setsuna back, rather than just letting her die.

We don't know the complete story yet to determine he abandoned them. In one interview with Sumisawa he hinted Rin could have raised the girls before the fire, so maybe he was around them during those years.

Now that they're 14, he can't be around them to protect them. At least it's been like that until the end of s1. I hope s2 is different in that sense now that Kirinmaru is not interested in harming them.

By the way, the 'survival code' is a reference to a kabuki play that tells the story of a lion throwing his cubs to a cliff while he waits for them to climb. It's supposed to be a proof of affection towards the kids and a desire to see them getting stronger to survive.

That's all well and good until your daughter gets murdered because you weren't there for her...
Apr 26, 2021 9:36 AM

Sep 2007
Probably not....I couldn't sit through season 1 and cringe every time I am reminded that I put it "on hold"
The promo image on the anime page (for s2) also seems bland also doesn't show anything that motivates me to watch more either....
May 13, 2021 7:45 AM
Jan 2019
Yashahime was a HUGE disappointment for me. I don't understand why the characters behave the way they do, many Inuyasha characters have been replaced with other hollow ones (like Takechiyo replaced Shippo -I mean, come on! They even use the same powers-) and the "bad" guys are just a joke, you can't even take them seriously. I just can't accept the storyline (which, in my opinion, makes no sense AT ALL) and the fact that the characters we've grown so fond of feel so foreign, especially Sesshomaru acting so coldly towards Rin and his daughters without explaining the reason (don't get me started with what happened to Inuyasha and Kagome -they simply took them out of the way-). Many things that happened throughout the season remain unanswered and there are characters, such as Riku or Kirinmaru, whose intentions and goals are hard to understand. All in all, there are many copies and borrowings from Inuyasha (story, characters) and many things going on that let me down. So, to answer your question: I don't think I'll be watching the next season. I was too disappointed in the 1st season and the way the characters acted. Honestly, I was sad to discover that Inuyasha received such a sequel. :'( I'm just gonna pretend that Yashahime never happened and stick to the old, glorious characters and story!
May 17, 2021 2:36 AM
May 2018
why hanyou no yasha hime not make chara again like personality miroku, i want person like miroku again, in narut@@ had jiraiy@@, one pi@@ had san@@ until now, very2 suck to look this story, a man with perv and charisma to seduce until teasing all girls, hanyou yashahime this creator lost to make unique story and lost all personality in this passion to make a legend.
yashahime with lame story and girlis most likely i want see inuyasha arc before marriage until raise
May 17, 2021 3:42 AM

Feb 2021
The moment Setsuna kicked the bucket, this show became a total crap...
It's such a shame, Setsuna is my favorite MC of the series...
May 22, 2021 3:21 PM

Apr 2011
I’m currently half way through the series and am enjoying it so far.

I very much agree with ShadowAnimeGod; the nostalgia is the main reason why I’m continuing to watch it. Brings back memories of secondary school where my friend and I would take turns standing up in the middle of class and the other would shout ‘Osuwari!’ and we’d sit back down 😂

Unfortunately I haven’t really grown particularly attached to any of the new characters so far. The vague references to our old favourites is the main reason why I’m continuing to watch it.

But I am still enjoying it and if all goes well I will probably watch Season 2 when it comes out. It will not come close to how good InuYasha was though!
Aug 6, 2021 1:02 PM

Jun 2019
I'll watch it for the same reason I watched and am continuing to watch Higurashi Gou and Sotsu. Or for that matter, any additional seasons or sequel series for a series which is a top favorite of mine.

Of course it's nowhere even remotely as good as and can't hold a candle to the original. It was never expected to. Like most sequels. Because it exists as an essentially unnecessary addition to an already expertly finished product and just bonus content. So the reason I keep watching is not out of a naive expectation of it ever coming close to reaching the heights of the original. It's just out of pure curiosity.
Aug 6, 2021 7:29 PM
May 2017
Yes I'm going to watch it. I'm hoping more answers . And will there be more time travel hmm. I just hope it gets finished. Waiting sucks
Aug 7, 2021 7:48 PM

Nov 2008
Ill watch it under 3 conditions.

1. Its ONLY 12-13 Episodes

2. No stupid ass filler episode like that annoying Princess one

3. It DOESN'T screw over the original characters, though by the trailer, it might be that case.
Aug 17, 2021 4:00 PM
Jun 2020
I'll watch only a few episodes and if it's shit like the first season then I'll just drop it
Aug 17, 2021 5:19 PM

Nov 2012
Yes, because I'm a masochist. :(

Sep 9, 2021 8:01 PM

Feb 2017
I will watch it because i try to complete all the things i do, this time is to watch all Inuyasha, the animes, movies, ovas, amvs, and new seasons too.

The first half of the new season was like a throw of cold water on my face, but the second half have a very good opening and decent fight scenes and yuri fanservice scenes were fine to watch,
but what saves the show is Sesshoumaru, if they remove him, i will still watch it to finish but witch
may eyes dry.

They know that Sesshomaru saves their ass, beacuse the last season was a lot with him on
the main screen.
Sep 16, 2021 6:59 PM
Mar 2016
I think I had enough. story get boring on the way to s1 end. so I won't watch s2
Sep 18, 2021 12:55 AM
Sep 2008
Definetly not, watched first season and it was a complete dissapointment at the very least I will watch a resume of how the story ended.
Sep 19, 2021 11:19 AM

Nov 2012
No, at least not anytime this year. I dropped the first one. I couldn't take the poor writing and editing not to mention character development. I truly disliked Towa. I found her too irritating for words.
Sep 23, 2021 5:49 AM
May 2019
No, I won't be. I got up until Episode 15 in Season 1 and then dropped it. Not only was the writing and pacing getting worse, and more nonsensical with each episode that passed, the OG characters also felt OOC and it was getting more and more obvious that their only purpose in the series was for promo and tie-in IY merch sales. The relationship between Sesshomaru and Rin getting 100% confirmed was also the unpleasant and rotten cherry on top of an already bad fanfic of a series.

So, I'll just do like what I did for Episodes 16 and up in Season 1 - read the amusing ANN reviews on the episodes just to keep up to date on the train wreck, but not give the series any actual views. It doesn't deserve it.
Sep 28, 2021 12:57 PM

Jul 2015
Of course. I saw the 1st season so i must watch it as well :).
Oct 1, 2021 5:33 PM

Dec 2013
Yeah, mostly because of Moroha, I liked her a lot.
Oct 2, 2021 12:15 AM

Mar 2020
Yes, overall season1 wasnt that great for me but i liked the ending. So i will be watching s2
Oct 2, 2021 12:16 AM

Jul 2020
I didn't even knew it was getting a second season -__-

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Oct 2, 2021 4:00 AM

Aug 2013
I'm gonna hold off for a few weeks because this show had promise then shitted on itself; there was no depth to the characters, no clear signs of development; just a bunch of strings fuckboyed together just because they are offspring of their parents.
Don't believe the hype.
Oct 22, 2021 3:40 AM

Dec 2015
i'm 3 eps into S2 and yep, it's just as craptastical as S1.

the giant snake woman was a joke of giant proportions. :< i've never heard of a medusa in Japanese folklore... have y'all? plus, the art and animation for that whole fight was abysmal. the frozen ocean was done in fewer frames per second than a middle-school kid's flip-book done with Post-It Notes.

the facial expressions on all the characters have gotten worse. the expositions are longer and unless the subs i'm reading are fake? the explanations are devolving from S1.

the part where Moroha basically humps the tree demon and kisses his ass to make him talk was funny though.

some bits and pieces of the animation are good. certain special effects and lighting are well done, but are too CGA in comparison to the 'old school Inuyasha' art style of the rest of the scenes.

the fight choreography is a joke even less funny than S1, the proportions of weapons and their wielders and opponents are so bad in spots that i thought i was looking at 'stop motion animation' of 1960's American Comic Book frames. you know the art, where the guy's giant fist is supposedly right in-camera and nearly the size of his drawn upper body...

the fight between Setsuna and the 3 ogres/oni? that one bit where the oni is throwing rapid punches and Setsuna is dodging... the background is just a blurry mess of green... i guess grass? the punches are nothing but blurry blobs and impacting with green flames maybe? and Setsuna herself is barely animated. her hair wafts just a tiny bit but NOT along with her motions as a ponytail would move, she's basically a sticker in the frame then 'shzzwhip!' she dodges with a little 'wavy wavy' after image thingy and 'pop' she shows up in frame again in a different spot and then there's more 'shzzwhip' as she pops in and out in and out of view again. terrible work right there. just terrible work.

the only reason i'm watching it right now is ... well as the other commenters mentioned nostalgia, a slight curiosity to see how crappy it gets... kinda like staring at a car-wreck as you drive past, and the fact that there's nothing anime on right this moment this week. i waited 3 weeks till the 1st 3 eps stacked up and i'm fairly certain i'm going to wait a few more weeks yet again till some more eps stack up. when i don't have anything better to watch at that point i'll sit through a few episodes more all at once.
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Apr 12, 2022 3:46 PM

Oct 2008
If there is a 3rd season, which I doubt, I will give it a chance. I won't deny that this 2nd season was harder to get through than s1, but as someone who hasn't seen "Inuyasha" and don't know if I will, I have to make up for it, by watching this series for as long as it lasts. Hoping that it lasts only until it's 2nd season.
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