Ryuseishun said:Dutch_Chief said:
Very true. Apparently it's not allowed to like something that someone else dislikes, and then it's also not allowed for such a series to get an extra season. Personally I would just be happy for the people who do like the series, even if I myself would dislike it. My opinion doesn't give me the right to demand cancelling a show I don't like. That's just pure preference, and you can't enforce your preference upon others, even though these days that seems to have become a thing on the internet. Respecting other people having different preferences, instead of turning personal preference into "absolute reference" would be much better. If I don't like the taste of wasabi, should it be banned?
If you guys liked it, then cool. This is probably the kind of standards or preferences you're basically okay with, and if that's the case, you do you. But if I feel obligated or curious enough to check out s2 because of a feeling that maybe stuff will improve or change up, then I'll watch it regardless.
Whether or not I'm obligated to make the decision is ultimately not up to others, anyways.
I'm always a bit weary when standards are getting applied to things like music, movies, or in this case anime. Since there are no universal references for how someone should appreciate something. I mean, when I hear thrash-metal music, my first response would be to turn to another channel, or mute the volume. I'd rather hear a song from the irish folkband Clannad instead. But does that mean Hardrock has a different standard, and thus should be considered less than what I like? Maybe from my point if view I'd rank it lower, but wouldn't a fan of thrash-metal not at the same time consider Clannad's music to be 'lacking energy' and for him/her feel like elevator music. so a lower standard from their point of view? And who is right? Is anyone right? That's why standards don't really apply here, imho, and it's best to avoid the concept, because it can convey a hidden meaning of one being better than the other, when it really should be purely about preferences.
Standards can only be applied if there are universal criteria, that everyone agrees upon. If the animation is really bad, missing frames, or the sound is skipping, voice actors that clearly sound like one person tries to do all the voiced and make it appear like these are different, but anyone can clearly hear it's the same person. Those are production standards that could be used to rank something. But for the rest, it mostly preference, being turned into 'reference' and while just one character different between these words, totally different concepts.
Uzaki-chan is a typical anime/manga that makes you chose. Either you love it or you hate it, so it seems. People who love it perceive Uzaki as outgoing, stirring up things to make things happen, and between those moments feel she has a cute side. Others just see her as an oversized chest size stalker, who they want to avoid at all cost. And some might be between these extreme, it's not all black and white, but many pick sides at the edges, really liking, or really disliking.
For me, also having read the manga, I focus more on the shippy and cute moments, and the comedy, but others will perceive this series differently, and I fully respect that. Keeping an open mind is key here, I think. Most arguments start when judging comes into play. |