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Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online (light novel)
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Apr 15, 2018 3:56 PM

May 2016
NiBer said:
Reshiram_IX said:
I really enjoy SAO and find it kind of funny how the same people that bash the series are planning on watching this. If you didn’t like the 1st season, didn’t like the 2nd season, didn’t like the OVA, and didn’t like the movie what makes you think you’re going to like SAO Alternative? It’s set in GGO the same setting that everyone thought was dumb in the 2nd season. I don’t get it, why waste so much of your time watching a franchise you hate? “Because Kirito isn’t the protagonist” is not acceptable. I wouldn’t watch the spin-off of a series that I didn’t like.

It's because deep down they do like it, but they're too scared to admit it because of overwhelming controversy. What did you expect from anime with the biggest hate bandwagon on myanimelist? People are easily brainwashed and this proves it. I mean look at the ratings of SAO now, it's rated below some ridiculous shows and even porn. Just shows you people are conformist wimps.
NiBer said:
Reshiram_IX said:
I really enjoy SAO and find it kind of funny how the same people that bash the series are planning on watching this. If you didn’t like the 1st season, didn’t like the 2nd season, didn’t like the OVA, and didn’t like the movie what makes you think you’re going to like SAO Alternative? It’s set in GGO the same setting that everyone thought was dumb in the 2nd season. I don’t get it, why waste so much of your time watching a franchise you hate? “Because Kirito isn’t the protagonist” is not acceptable. I wouldn’t watch the spin-off of a series that I didn’t like.

It's because deep down they do like it, but they're too scared to admit it because of overwhelming controversy. What did you expect from anime with the biggest hate bandwagon on myanimelist? People are easily brainwashed and this proves it. I mean look at the ratings of SAO now, it's rated below some ridiculous shows and even porn. Just shows you people are conformist wimps.
Completely agree. Well said
Apr 16, 2018 12:55 AM
Feb 2017
Reshiram_IX said:
I really enjoy SAO and find it kind of funny how the same people that bash the series are planning on watching this. If you didn’t like the 1st season, didn’t like the 2nd season, didn’t like the OVA, and didn’t like the movie what makes you think you’re going to like SAO Alternative? It’s set in GGO the same setting that everyone thought was dumb in the 2nd season. I don’t get it, why waste so much of your time watching a franchise you hate? “Because Kirito isn’t the protagonist” is not acceptable. I wouldn’t watch the spin-off of a series that I didn’t like.
what you not understand saying tht fan hate ggo in sao they not..they just hate how kirito use sword like some jedi in a good war setting with new character and whole new thing except the same game..there lots of reason why to watch and like this more than orignal one..
Apr 16, 2018 1:53 AM

Nov 2009
Seras_Victoriaz said:
Reshiram_IX said:
I really enjoy SAO and find it kind of funny how the same people that bash the series are planning on watching this. If you didn’t like the 1st season, didn’t like the 2nd season, didn’t like the OVA, and didn’t like the movie what makes you think you’re going to like SAO Alternative? It’s set in GGO the same setting that everyone thought was dumb in the 2nd season. I don’t get it, why waste so much of your time watching a franchise you hate? “Because Kirito isn’t the protagonist” is not acceptable. I wouldn’t watch the spin-off of a series that I didn’t like.
what you not understand saying tht fan hate ggo in sao they not..they just hate how kirito use sword like some jedi in a good war setting with new character and whole new thing except the same game..there lots of reason why to watch and like this more than orignal one..

What's wrong with being like a Jedi? Everybody likes Jedi!
Apr 16, 2018 2:21 AM
Jul 2011
Don’t like SAO?

It was entertaining to follow how more ridiculous this gets with every episode.

Why waste your time?

I like watching stupid shows.
Also messing with SAO fans is fun (exceptionally with those how discovered anime thru SAO).
megaloadApr 16, 2018 2:49 AM
Apr 16, 2018 2:24 AM
Feb 2017
flannan said:
Seras_Victoriaz said:
what you not understand saying tht fan hate ggo in sao they not..they just hate how kirito use sword like some jedi in a good war setting with new character and whole new thing except the same game..there lots of reason why to watch and like this more than orignal one..

What's wrong with being like a Jedi? Everybody likes Jedi!
its not wrong but they kill the war theme..making op jedi master in war game and not focus in the game details too but only on how op kirito is..
Apr 16, 2018 2:40 AM

Nov 2009
Seras_Victoriaz said:
flannan said:

What's wrong with being like a Jedi? Everybody likes Jedi!
its not wrong but they kill the war theme..making op jedi master in war game and not focus in the game details too but only on how op kirito is..

What "war theme"? GGO is set in a sci-fi post-apocalypse with monsters and laser guns, not a facsimile of WWII (or any other war for that matter).
And the story is not about how strong Kirito is (though being strong gets him into the thick of action quickly), it is about solving the mystery.
Apr 16, 2018 2:43 AM
Feb 2017
flannan said:
Seras_Victoriaz said:
its not wrong but they kill the war theme..making op jedi master in war game and not focus in the game details too but only on how op kirito is..

What "war theme"? GGO is set in a sci-fi post-apocalypse with monsters and laser guns, not a facsimile of WWII (or any other war for that matter).
And the story is not about how strong Kirito is (though being strong gets him into the thick of action quickly), it is about solving the mystery.
watch back the entire 2nd season dude..its all about how op kirito is..they not explain entirely about the game and not show entitely of.the game world, they did the same to alo and sao arc..thts why ppl love this more than this back carefully..i talking about why ppl hate sao and like this series..its obvious
Apr 16, 2018 2:48 AM
Jul 2011
If you tried wine and didn’t like it, you wouldn’t go out of your way to try all the different kinds of bottles would you?

Do you even know how many variety of wines are there?
Do you even know how one variety can differ in taste depending from the domain (the place it grows)?

Wrong allegory, dude!

Talking about spinoffs there can be drastic differences between those and the original.
Like Zettai Karen Children and The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke: very different tonally and thematically.

Another example are the OVA and ONA spinoffs of Gundam Universal Century.
Just compare MS IGLOO, Gundam Unicorn and Gundam Thunderbolt. Nothing in common visually or story wise but they are in the same universe.
Apr 16, 2018 2:54 AM

Nov 2009
Seras_Victoriaz said:
flannan said:

What "war theme"? GGO is set in a sci-fi post-apocalypse with monsters and laser guns, not a facsimile of WWII (or any other war for that matter).
And the story is not about how strong Kirito is (though being strong gets him into the thick of action quickly), it is about solving the mystery.
watch back the entire 2nd season dude..its all about how op kirito is..they not explain entirely about the game and not show entitely of.the game world, they did the same to alo and sao arc..thts why ppl love this more than this back carefully..i talking about why ppl hate sao and like this series..its obvious

Lol. Have you even watched the entire SAO season 2? They have a whole arc dedicated to Asuna and her new friend, for example.
I know what this discussion is about. And I like main SAO stories more, because they're more intellectual than this CGDCT show.
Apr 16, 2018 3:01 AM
Feb 2017
flannan said:
Seras_Victoriaz said:
watch back the entire 2nd season dude..its all about how op kirito is..they not explain entirely about the game and not show entitely of.the game world, they did the same to alo and sao arc..thts why ppl love this more than this back carefully..i talking about why ppl hate sao and like this series..its obvious

Lol. Have you even watched the entire SAO season 2? They have a whole arc dedicated to Asuna and her new friend, for example.
I know what this discussion is about. And I like main SAO stories more, because they're more intellectual than this CGDCT show.
when i talking about the game setting,game world and other talk about asuna..looks like sao fanboy only love hero and heroin"intellectual"..a story tht only focus on character and not all of the character but only 2 or 3 character for each arc is intellectual.story tht not explain about the game world view and how they skip the boss is intellectual..hope alt ggo not become like sao, ruin every game theme they make..
Seras_VictoriazApr 16, 2018 3:05 AM
Apr 16, 2018 3:09 AM

Nov 2009
Seras_Victoriaz said:
flannan said:

Lol. Have you even watched the entire SAO season 2? They have a whole arc dedicated to Asuna and her new friend, for example.
I know what this discussion is about. And I like main SAO stories more, because they're more intellectual than this CGDCT show.
when i talking about the game setting,game world and other talk about asuna..looks like sao fanboy only love hero and heroin"intellectual"..a story tht only focus on character and not all of the character but only 2 or 3 character for each arc is intellectual..hope alt ggo not become like sao, ruin every game theme they make..

Game world? If you want game world, you gotta read the SAO books. You can't really expect an anime to bother describing the world and mechanics to people. People watch anime because they're too impatient for discussions like this.
That said, you should watch Log Horizon. And fill in your watched anime list while you're at it. I don't believe you have watched only titles.
Apr 16, 2018 3:14 AM
Feb 2017
flannan said:
Seras_Victoriaz said:
when i talking about the game setting,game world and other talk about asuna..looks like sao fanboy only love hero and heroin"intellectual"..a story tht only focus on character and not all of the character but only 2 or 3 character for each arc is intellectual..hope alt ggo not become like sao, ruin every game theme they make..

Game world? If you want game world, you gotta read the SAO books. You can't really expect an anime to bother describing the world and mechanics to people. People watch anime because they're too impatient for discussions like this.
That said, you should watch Log Horizon. And fill in your watched anime list while you're at it. I don't believe you have watched only titles.
then thats why i said this alt ggo is better than sao, and you even say it yourself they dont have time to bother describing thw world mechanic but they bother about chnging the game sao,alo and ggo..your answer just show how bad sao is
Apr 16, 2018 6:26 AM
Jan 2018
Reshiram_IX said:
I really enjoy SAO and find it kind of funny how the same people that bash the series are planning on watching this. If you didn’t like the 1st season, didn’t like the 2nd season, didn’t like the OVA, and didn’t like the movie what makes you think you’re going to like SAO Alternative? It’s set in GGO the same setting that everyone thought was dumb in the 2nd season. I don’t get it, why waste so much of your time watching a franchise you hate? “Because Kirito isn’t the protagonist” is not acceptable. I wouldn’t watch the spin-off of a series that I didn’t like.

Because it's written by someone who actually knows how to write stuff
Apr 16, 2018 7:00 AM
Jan 2018
Reshiram_IX said:
JudoJD said:
If you take anyone still hating on SAO

We all know it's just a simple minded hate mob... It doesn't affect the series success in any way shape or form

So let them be salty about it's existence..

OK..main issue I have with all the SAO haters is my goodness..they're such jerks..
I'm in a group where some guy just said he enjoyed this first episode.. He got a tonne of insults for having "trash taste" and sth sth "watch more anime blah blah" ...then they all say "criticism" like.... Lol ...all of us know they're just plain overblown hate comments
(it was freaking essay telling him how dumb he was and had truck run over his head when he was a kid if he actually enjoyed a freaking Japanese cartoon)

Actual discussion stops when they're around or in an open forum on a site like this where they can troll so just find a closed group or something where people are chill and you can actually have a constructive discussion...without trolls
Thanks for sharing this. I just might find a closed group.

That's called creating a protective bubble around yourself. No actual constructive discussion can come from this type of action. Closed groups are for fanboyish circlejerking, not for actual discussions.
Apr 19, 2018 2:01 PM
Mar 2015
You know, I actually found it really hard to start this series until i saw this discussion. For some reason, I didn't even notice it was studio 3hz, and if the writer is not only different but also famous for an early 2000s classic then I really have no reason to ignore it. I mean, sword art online was never bad just because it's sword art online. People who say it's bad say that because the characters are the same throughout the whole franchise, and they sucked right from the get-go. They were so bad that making fun of sao became a meme. In this, literally all of the things people didn't like about sao have been taken out.

... now time to go actually see if I'm right.
Apr 19, 2018 4:15 PM
Apr 2016
Master Reshiram_IX you are amazing, i agree with you
Otako_MasterApr 19, 2018 4:41 PM
Apr 20, 2018 10:27 AM

Jan 2018
I hope more people can see Sword Art Online. Even if it's a spin off. Chasing people away is just, well, they watch anime too.
Apr 29, 2018 2:49 PM

Jul 2014
Yurapsih said:
Reshiram_IX said:
Thanks for sharing this. I just might find a closed group.

That's called creating a protective bubble around yourself. No actual constructive discussion can come from this type of action. Closed groups are for fanboyish circlejerking, not for actual discussions.

OP bailed out on his own thread lol
Apr 29, 2018 8:37 PM
Mar 2016
I find it hilarious that SAO fanboys need to convince themselves that "like everyone really loves SAO they just pretend to hate it because they're like haters and stuff", even going so far as to make alt accounts to agree with themselves (didn't think i'd catch that huh?) and pretend that their opinion is more popular than it is.

Sorry your favorite LN/show has a shit cast and a incompetent writer.

As for OP's original question, the only decent thing SAO had was it's setting (and a decent soundtrack), which was all wasted on the most atrocious writing, plot, and characters I've ever seen outside of teenage girl fanfiction.

I'm going to give it a chance because I like the studio and it isn't crippled by the existence of the SAO cast, maybe I'll hate it, maybe i won't.
Apr 30, 2018 10:07 AM
Nov 2017
Well, every SAO fanboy said that the haters hate SAO, especially GGO. But as the one who hate SAO, actually I admit that SAO's concept is realy interesting. But yeah, I agree the worst part of SAO is GGO, but why? Not because the GGO, but of course, because the Kirito himself.

I mean, just think about it, even though he is cheater with some fk high skill this doesn't make any sense that he can defeat all the player with just a sword. He is new player in this game, and I know... his stats is high because it took from the other game. But just think about it! If you play an fps online game and there is high level player, and he can win just with a fk high stats sword/knife and can avoid every single bullets is really impossible. GGO original story just make it cringe and retard, they didn't even do anything with a great concept, they just make Kirito is more cooler and cooler which really make me cringe.
Apr 30, 2018 10:42 AM

Jun 2016
Skirch said:
Atrassius said:

So is this completely separate from SAO other than being the same genre?

Everyone agrees that the setting of SAO is pretty cool and unique (For its time). The only thing this new series shares is the setting.

And the world. It is obviously set in the same world
Apr 30, 2018 1:47 PM
Sep 2010
FinNote said:
Different cast, different characters, different studio.. just the idea is the same.. people who didn't like SAO can give it a try, because there is a chance they'll like it regardless

Nice troll excuse, sorry to say this but this SAO is inferior to the original, in both LN and Anime, the LN dont sell even half as good as the original SAO by Reki Kawahara, and this anime has worse rating both here and on anidb than the original SAO. Lets face it only the small group of original SAO haters think this is better.
Apr 30, 2018 2:02 PM

Jul 2017
Shineek said:
FinNote said:
Different cast, different characters, different studio.. just the idea is the same.. people who didn't like SAO can give it a try, because there is a chance they'll like it regardless

Nice troll excuse, sorry to say this but this SAO is inferior to the original, in both LN and Anime, the LN dont sell even half as good as the original SAO by Reki Kawahara, and this anime has worse rating both here and on anidb than the original SAO. Lets face it only the small group of original SAO haters think this is better.

Honestly, I don't like either, but before it aired I couldn't know.. I don't hate SAO, I just think it's bad
Apr 30, 2018 2:29 PM
Sep 2010
FinNote said:
Shineek said:

Nice troll excuse, sorry to say this but this SAO is inferior to the original, in both LN and Anime, the LN dont sell even half as good as the original SAO by Reki Kawahara, and this anime has worse rating both here and on anidb than the original SAO. Lets face it only the small group of original SAO haters think this is better.

Honestly, I don't like either, but before it aired I couldn't know.. I don't hate SAO, I just think it's bad

Well cant argue with that, its your opinion, and you dont seem like the standard sao hater who cant stop at saying he does not like it but goes into assaulting ppl who like that anime. For starters i hate Hack Sign and i know some ppl would love to kill me for that, but compared to all those SAO haters im only saying "i hate hack sign", and not something like "hack sign is stupid, you watch this cause you are stupid". This is whats pissing me off the most and i tend to overreact on sao hate posts cause there are so many ppl who instead saying they dont like the anime and leaving it at that, start harassing and insulting ppl who actually enjoy the anime. I gave SAO both seasons a 10/10 and the new SAO Alternative a 7/10 (bite me if you dont like it haters, its my opinion).
May 2, 2018 2:15 PM
Jan 2016
TheEntropy said:
. Ill drop this pretty quick if this MC turns out to be female Kirito but with different writers

But that's actually what this is going to be! the only reason to set it in the SOA universe is to cash in on the fans that enjoy SOA. So clearly they're going to follow pretty much the same formula as SOA... if they try to change it up to much they'd alienate the "built in audience" (SOA fans) which would go against the whole purpose of setting it in the SOA universe... Stargate tried doing that with SG:U totally changing from a action adventure with comedy to a more serious tone and more of soap opera in space feeling... You know what happened? it killed the whole franchise. So if you guys think this is going to be completely different from SOA you're delusional.
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