I thought I'd also tell exactly what are the changes compared to the original stuff, to be clear, and to let you understand what type of content is exactly missing in this new version:
- The heroes are invited to Kita by the village chief, not the dancer, and are treated to a feast. The dancer begins his dance but he's interrupted immediately, and it is said that he had trained for that for three whole days. When he stands against the monster, the others realize he's still dressed like that because he was still secretly training.
- Zaza laughs defiantly when nike says his title, and he asks why, but it was actually because his sister was tickling him.
- The same night they're out with toma zaza and migu, kukuri tries another magic but she fails and summons a giant laughing flower, which, in the anime, has the best laugh I've heard in my life (don't know if it was the italian dubbing or the original), and which stays in the cursed village for days laughing and laughing and laughing.
- In the anime, toma's grandpa proposes some more equipments to the kids, very strong but with some funny unbearable flaws. Like a sword too heavy to raise or a shield that actually gets in you in the mood to dance and sing.
- The best thing about this dungeon is that it actually has a complex map and some puzzles to solve, just like in a videogame. While confronting all of this, there are some very funny gags that got cut out as well. Not going to enlist the puzzles they solve to traverse the dungeon but they're cool. They eventually find the fairy near the end of the dungeon, not at the start like in this new anime, of course.
- Kukuri and migu are actually having fun in the prison, playing some kids games and causing a ruckus. When kukuri says nike will absolutely save them, she imagines him in a very cool and irrealistic way. Later on, when nike says she's an imposter because he's thinking about her rear, she also says he's an imposter because she's thinking about an even more ridicolous kinda cool version of him.
- The old dancer is nonsensically tortured by the monsters, and they explain that they don't care about him at all, but since they somehow kidnapped him, they have to torture him some way or they'd lose their reputation.
- When the boys find the old man hanging from the ceiling in this new anime, they are angry at him for no reason. Originally, they were because they were secretly spying on the scene of the dancer and the monsters, and the dancer said to the monsters that he had seen something moving behind the door. So they rush to hide better, the monsters go and search and don't find anything, and the dancer says he absolutely had seen someone so they should search better behind any cranny. So they're hiding in fear and anger, and as soon as the monsters go away, they get a revenge.
- The boys talk about the girls they like, and this adds to their characterization. Zaza notices toma always says migu's name first, so he likes her, and zaza acts as her father and jokingly says he's not going to give her hand to toma. Toma replies zaza probably likes kukuri because she's a mage, and he becomes red.
- In front of the boss, they prepare to fight, but they realize they don't have their weapons anymore. So nike consults a copy of the manga to see where was the last scene where they had them to understand where they left them.
- While nike is fighting, the dancer says he's performing an ancient and legendary dance he was saving for an important moment. But no one pays attention.
- Nike is about to be struck by the boss, when time stops and a spirit comes out of the sword, announcing a miracle. When time flows again, he wonders what the miracle was. And it was actually the old dancer gaining more stat points (speed +3, strength +2, beauty -5) so he dances more vigorously. But at that point nike sees the magic circle hidden in the dance.
- Migu tries to convince kukuri to observe the dancer saying it's a serious matter, but she abruptly bursts in a big laugh because she finds him too stupid.
Sorry for any mistake, wrote it fast. |