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Nov 1, 2018 2:57 PM

Apr 2015
Mamoru Hosada's latest film Mirai no Mirai is being released in UK cinemas from tommorow. Is anyone going to see it, and what were your thoughts?

I'll be going tomorrow night, and it's being shown locally to me too which is super rare. I would be lying if I said I was the biggest Hosada fan, but I certainly have enoyed a few of his films anyway. Plus this latest one seems to mix time-travel with a story about family, so I am totally looking forward to it.

Nov 2, 2018 2:49 AM

Aug 2016
Unfortunately, I can't justify buying anything more for myself this close to Christmas......not that I'd feel comfortable going to the cinema on my own anyway....

But @Wood94 just know, I am incredibly jealous!
Nov 22, 2018 4:57 AM

Aug 2016
I Apologise in advance for this rant, especially for those who don't have any interest in this series, but well, this is an anime discussion thread sooo....

I'm getting tired of the Fate series...

Or perhaps it is better to say I'm getting tired of Fate being the only one of Type Moon's series that get any recognition. Now anyone that does know me, knows I am a huge fanboy of Fate, and Type Moon in general. But they have so many other good series other than Fate that deserve some love. Tsukihime is seriously underrated, and could make for a really good anime if adapted properly, and I'd love to see what Witch of the Holy Night is like as I haven't read any of the VN yet. But instead we are stuck with more and more Fate spinoffs. This past year or so alone we've had Fate Stay Night Heavens Feel movie 1, Fate/ Apocrypha + recaps, Fate/Extra + sequel/conclusion OVAs, Fate/ Kaleid Movie and a Kaleid movie special, a cooking spinoff, as well as an anouncement that we are getting a TV series and 2 movies based on FGO. Does anyone else think this is far too much? I'd personally much prefer fewer, more high quality entries, than a higher quantity.

Now granted, the only ones I would want to adapt Tsukihime into an anime are Ufotable, and they are busy working on the Heaven's Feel trilogy, but we really don't need a hundred other series in the meantime. Going back to Tsukihime for a second, I do think they could work well if they were adapted in Kara no Kyoukai's movie format, with a movie for each of the 5 routes. The routes of Tsukihime really aren't that long, especially compared to Fate/Stay Nights routes, and one of the biggest problems with the already existing Tsukihime anime of 13 episodes (yes it does infact exist, as much as we don't want it to), was how dragged out and filled with exposition it was. If all of that was cut out, and it simply adapted the important parts of Arc's route (as well as some slower character moments) it could easily fit a 2 hour or so long film. 2nd Film would cover Ciel's route, and again, a lot of that wouldn't need to be gone into too much as it mostly follows Arc's route until near the end where it branches off. 3rd film could then cover Akiha's route etc etc.

I mean I do get it, Fate is their big money maker, but their other series are just as good, and it's a massive shame they don't give them the same amount of love to them as they do with Fate.
Nov 22, 2018 1:13 PM
Jul 2018
I can't really speak too much on Type Moon outside of Fate and Kara no Kyoukai but I can see where you're coming from. I'm very much of the mindset that in terms of Fate it is very much business orientated like you suggest. I think many seasonal anime watchers would agree that fewer but higher quality anime would be great and you only have to look at the number of shows now compared to 20, even 10 years ago to see the trend.

Gigguk did a video recently that pretty much nails the Fate fan base for newcomers to the series. We do like to share the love of Fate and throw money at the screen for the merch.

Personally, I'm okay with them making more Fate anime. I thought Fate Apoc. was pretty poor and Fate Ilya's 2nd season was uncomfortable to watch but when the staff working on Heaven's Feel was announced to be largely made up of people who worked on Kara no Kyoukai which I loved and then the Fate Ilya film turns out to be really enjoyable I am fully behind this trend. It's the nature of the industry to milk the cash cow until there is nothing left... and when that is done, THEN you get spin-off anime or anime related to the Type Moon universe.

I think it's only a matter of time before Tsukihime gets a (much needed) remake but I feel that will only happen if other Type Moon properties continue to rake in cash.

So from my point of view people who don't care for Fate/Type Moon will always be drowned out by the larger Fate fan base and it's fair to harbor some dislike for big studios grabbing easy projects to make money but it won't last forever. Some new trend will come along to push Fate away eventually. I understand your point of view and I would definitely watch more Type Moon adaptations, but I can't honestly say I'm unhappy with the OPTION of having a Fate anime every other season.
Nov 22, 2018 2:01 PM

Aug 2016
Yeah, you're right, I wont deny I have enjoyed quite a few of the Fate Spinoff's. I guess what I am frustrated most about is just how *frequent* they are. Whether they are bad or good, too much of any one thing can get overwhelming. Gigguks's vid is the perfect representation of that, especially for any newcomers to the franchise. it's just....too much. I still like Fate, and i will continue to like Fate, I just wish it'd slow down.
Nov 26, 2018 11:43 AM
Jul 2018
I think there are a lot of people who feel similar (too many anime), not just with Fate and even the monogatari shows too at the minute. I remember listening to a podcast talking about how the Anime community discussion/trends uniquely move so fast mostly due to the nature and amount of seasonal shows.
It doesn't even seem to be a case of welcoming someone to anime with a typical Ghibli classic to test the waters anymore when there are so many new shows... and a lot of very good ones to fit everyone's taste.

I guess with the way Fate is going it might be a case of some "new" anime or new style of Battle Royale anime to knock it off the top spot and be the hot new thing. Until that happens we're probably "stuck" with adaptations.
Dec 29, 2018 1:06 PM

Apr 2015
What was your favourite anime you watched in 2018?

Wherever it be a seasonal that aired this year or any anime you happened to watch for the first time, what was your favourite?

My nominee just has to be YoriMoi. I absolutely adored watching it, but it's the impact that it's left on me that makes it my choice. It's influenced me to go on adventures of my own, and it was an experience that I hope I will forever look back at fondly.

I will also give a brief mention to Maison Ikkoku (1986) for being one of my all time favourite romances when I thought I had seen them all. It's introduced me to a whole new era of anime I know literally nothing about, and it just warmed my heart.
Wood94Dec 29, 2018 1:13 PM

Jan 5, 2019 4:24 AM

Aug 2016
So, what shows are everyone interested in this next season? I probably won't pick up any while they are ongoing as I have a busy couple of months, but I am interested in a few.

Boogiepop Phantom - I do like the sound of this one, and I've been curious about the original for a while now.

Promised Neverland - I've heard the manga is really good for this.

Kaguya-sama - I've had the manga for this one on my plan to read list for quite a while now.

Dororo - A lot of people seem to be hyped for this one, and the summary has piqued my interest.
Jan 5, 2019 1:48 PM
Jul 2018
@Renn I had a quick look at the Anichart for this coming season and nothing really jumped out at me from the descriptions. The two I did add to my PTW list were Promised Neverland which you already mentioned and The Rising of the Shield Hero which I'm interested in at least checking out from the description.

Rising of the Shield hero has Kevin Penkin working on the music and the director worked on Tsukihime so it could be kind of a mixed bag.

The Director of Neverland has worked on a large number of shows I enjoy in one roll or another so I'm interested to see how it goes as well.

I'll probably check what else is popular after a few weeks into the season and maybe pick something else up, I've heard the Boogiepop anime mentioned a few times so it might be one I check out.
Jan 7, 2019 1:17 PM

Apr 2015
Not all that many have caught my eye so far, but these are the ones that I really want to watch:

Domestic na Kanajo - Love the sound of this one, sounds a bit more serious and drama driven and I love those.

3D Kanajo S2 - I absolutely loved S1, though I felt the conclusion was more than perfect in my eyes. So I am equal parts hyped and terrified for what happens next.

Kaguya-sama - A slightly more fun sounding romance, though the psychological tag raises an eyebrow. Even if that's just an MAL quirk, I am sold on the synopsis anyway.

And these are some bonus ones that caught my eye:

Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. - A wholesome sounding series from the perspective of both a human and a cat?? sold

Meiji Tokyo Renka - Time travel, romance, many bishies... then it's obviously the historical accuracy that I want to experience.

Mar 5, 2019 10:27 AM

Aug 2016
So heres an idea for a discussion, What are your favourite anime from each year?

I used this site to filter my completed anime by year and i found it rather fascinating when I started looking into it. I found the further down i went in years, the less and less i actually had to choose from, to the point where my "favourite" for that year was only really between a choice of two. It almost makes me want to go and watch some older anime just to fill my list up. I also found it incredibly hard to decide with some of them. I could only choose one for each year, and that means i had to ignore some really great series! 2008 especially for me was hard, as i had narrowed it down to Toradora, and Clannad After Story, two shows that are very dear to me for entirely different reasons. I settled with Clannad as I feel that one ultimately had the bigger impact on me, but it was not an easy choice.

But anyway, I'd love to see what your lists would look like, and if there were any particularly difficult choices and compromises you had to make!

Mar 5, 2019 11:19 AM
Jul 2018
I hope I have done this correct:

Completed : 235 Anime

Yeah, I realised when I got to the Pokemon Movie: 2000 that was my only choice for that year. I had a few anime outside of the Ghibli films in the 80s but I was suprised just how old they are and how much I love watching them again and again.
The toughest year for me to choose a single favourite was probably 2016, partly due to my rekindled love for anime and partly due to a whole bunch of shows that I absolutely adore.

I already knew @Renn and I would have some overlap, we have similar opinions on some shows, plus I've only watched about half the number of anime. It was tough for me to put Bleach ahead of Monster but I think the Soul Society Arc (and the fact that I haven't finished Monster yet) just wins it for now.

This was a lot of fun though. I'm definitely need to chase down more anime from the 80s/early 90s to add to this list.
Mar 5, 2019 12:02 PM

Aug 2016
PearDrops said:
I hope I have done this correct:

Completed : 235 Anime

Yeah, I realised when I got to the Pokemon Movie: 2000 that was my only choice for that year. I had a few anime outside of the Ghibli films in the 80s but I was suprised just how old they are and how much I love watching them again and again.
The toughest year for me to choose a single favourite was probably 2016, partly due to my rekindled love for anime and partly due to a whole bunch of shows that I absolutely adore.

I already knew @Renn and I would have some overlap, we have similar opinions on some shows, plus I've only watched about half the number of anime. It was tough for me to put Bleach ahead of Monster but I think the Soul Society Arc (and the fact that I haven't finished Monster yet) just wins it for now.

This was a lot of fun though. I'm definitely need to chase down more anime from the 80s/early 90s to add to this list.
Going on from that, I will also say that the ones where we didn't overlap, like Non non Biyori, Garden of Sinners and a few ghibli films like spirited away were also very close to being the ones i chose too, but others barely just edged it for me.
Mar 17, 2019 7:29 AM
Jul 2018
@Renn - Incredibly broad question! I'll do decade anime first then my favourite for every year in from 1990- 2016 when I stopped watching anime on such a consistent basis. You put the 2nd Broly film there btw? I'd rather it be blank than that! :O

@PearDrops - Nice list!

removed-userMar 17, 2019 7:52 AM
Mar 18, 2019 1:45 AM

Aug 2016
@RychesShadows Oi don't bash my choices, and in my defense, it's not so much for broly than it was more Gohan and Videl screen time.....

And Huh, Death note and code Geass really aired the same season??
Mar 18, 2019 4:50 AM
Jul 2018
Renn said:
@RychesShadows Oi don't bash my choices, and in my defense, it's not so much for broly than it was more Gohan and Videl screen time.....

And Huh, Death note and code Geass really aired the same season??

I'll give you a pass then if its more for that reason.... Original Broly just likes Carrots too much xD
Apr 1, 2019 12:57 PM
Jul 2018
New season time:

What is everyone watching this coming season?

Even if you're not checking out the seasonals, what is in your currently watching queue?
Apr 1, 2019 1:40 PM

Aug 2016
PearDrops said:
New season time:

What is everyone watching this coming season?

Even if you're not checking out the seasonals, what is in your currently watching queue?

Hmm, the only thing i'm watching for definite is Attack on Titan. One punch man too, but i'm not in any particular rush to see it. Other than that these few have caught my eye.

Kimetsu no Yaiba - basically just because it's Ufotable, but I do enjoy a good supernatural series.

Fruits Basket - never actually seen the original, but heard enough good things about it to make me interested in a remake of it

Fairy Gone - as i said, I love a good supernatural series, and this one sounds incredibly unique

Carole & Tuesday - sounds like a typical feelgood show, plus having a sci fi music series could be interesting .

Shoumetsu Toshi - that synopsis alone has me hooked, could be a good mystery anime.

Senryuu Shoujo - based on a 4-koma by the looks of it so could only be shorts, but the description gives me some silent voice vibes. It doesn't have drama listed as a tag, so probably not, but could be good anyway.

Also @PearDrops love your new sig. The forums need more k-on gifs 😊
Apr 2, 2019 2:06 AM

Sep 2018
PearDrops said:
New season time:

What is everyone watching this coming season?

Even if you're not checking out the seasonals, what is in your currently watching queue?

We're blessed with another strong line-up of anime this year, huh?
This season I plan on watching:

Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season although I still need to watch the first two seasons lol

Carol & Tuesday; made by the people who produced Cowboy BeBop; can't go wrong here, right?

Fairy Gone because fairies

Magmel of the Sea Blue I loved the trailer for this and it feels like it'll be The Promised Neverland of this season.

Blade of Demon Destruction this has already started this season, so you can go watch the first episode now!

Shoumetsu Toshi again, this had an awesome trailer and gives me Persona & Steins Gate feels.

Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu I heard the manga was amazing, so hopefully the anime will be too.

But ultimately I'm just waiting for the 2019 season of Gintama to air, since Gintama is the best anime ever!
Apr 3, 2019 1:04 PM
Jul 2018
@Renn A little more K-on is always a good thing in my book.

I'm also checking the Ufotable anime out, the PV looks fine but the staff is what grabbed me. Yuki Kajiura and LiSA for the music and the Producer behind Kara no Kyoukai and Fate Stay Night UBW, Zero & Heavens Feel Movie 1 (as well other material of course), it really has me intrigued.

You basically mentioned everything that I'm watching with the exception of the Isekai Quartet Short but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by that at this stage (^^)

@soulstyce I'm about a a season or two behind on Gintama at this stage but I can't deny how good that show is. I just need a few weeks of free time to catch the last few seasons.
removed-userApr 3, 2019 1:27 PM
Apr 3, 2019 1:14 PM

Sep 2018
@PearDrops I'm glad to know you're enjoying Gintama! If you're about to start the Silver Soul Arc, then I can promise you that you're in for a treat. Assuming you've watched the Farewell Shinsengumi arc too? For me that broke me lol. Cried so hard.

Did you see the new Gintama teaser too?
Apr 3, 2019 1:26 PM
Jul 2018
@soulstyce I have the 2017 arc (Slip Arc?) to do before going to the Silver Soul Arc which I've heard is fantastic so yeah. Still a bit of catching up to do but I'm slowly clearing my Plan To Watch list down before I jump back in, or trying to at least.

The comedy in Gintama is brilliant but what I feel people who skip it due to the length (or whatever reason) miss out on most is how remarkable the serious side of the Gintama anime can be. The music and OSTs are usually great as well, it's rare from my experience to get the range of emotions and enjoyment Gintama offers and the sequels generally live up to the previous seasons. It's definitely something.
Apr 3, 2019 1:47 PM

Sep 2018
@PearDrops Ah, make sure you don't get confused by the Slip Arc as it does not continue from the previous season although it is still canon. Expect a mix of parodies, comedy and some tragedy too! That's actually a good way to watch Gintama; I watched it over the course of 6 months to get the most out of it.

This is very true; furthermore how the first two episodes are specials. Some people begin at the 2015 season due to it being ~top 3 on MAL lol. Gintama is truly something. Oddly enough, it was the Kintama arc that hit me in the feels the most... seeing Gintoki's friends choose him despite Kintoki being the 'perfect' version of him. Deep stuff.
Yet to watch the movies, but no doubt they will be flawless too.
May 10, 2019 4:26 AM

Aug 2016
So this is something I saw on the main MAL forums a while back that piqued my interest. Are there any anime that you found that are either seriously underrated, or obscure that you think more people should check out?

Are there any anime you consider Hidden Gems?

Chirin no Suzu - so I stumbled on this one a while back now, didn't expect much from it, and only watched it as it was fairly short. But I came out loving it. "Don't judge a book by its cover" holds true here, as while it may appear cute on the surface, it is actually a surprisingly deep and dark anime.

Nazo no Kanojo X - I think a lot of people read the description of this one and immediately back out. But once you get past the very unconventional setup, this becomes one of the most genuine feeling romances I've seen in quite a while.
May 12, 2019 6:46 PM

Nov 2012
Cyborg 009 Vs Devilman is a huge hidden gem. I enjoyed it much more than the recent Devilman reboot Crybaby which it has less than 3% viewers of according to MAL and a much lower score.

Saiki while pretty well known I'd still consider a hidden gem as it's criminally underrated and quickly became one of my favourite series. I think it is a common reaction to be astounded this show is not much bigger than it is after watching. The writing, comedy & characters are all quality and it's a Jump series. I can't wait to see what comes next from the Mangaka.
JVskunkapeMay 13, 2019 9:40 PM
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Jun 6, 2019 2:23 PM

Apr 2015
What is an instant put off for you when browsing for anime to watch?

This would be one of mine:

The extent of my pickiness is this: "Read the manga" endings and just abrupt, non complete, endings are not my cup of tea at all; I much prefer a series to have some closure. So this little sentence tells me it's not a full adapation, and unless they go with a anime original sort of thing I will most likely be left wanting more from it.

Obviously this isn't a blanket statement of every single series, it's just one thing that can put me off giving a series a go.

Jun 18, 2019 12:50 PM
Jul 2018
Wood94 said:
What is an instant put off for you when browsing for anime to watch?

This would be one of mine:

The extent of my pickiness is this: "Read the manga" endings and just abrupt, non complete, endings are not my cup of tea at all; I much prefer a series to have some closure. So this little sentence tells me it's not a full adapation, and unless they go with a anime original sort of thing I will most likely be left wanting more from it.

Obviously this isn't a blanket statement of every single series, it's just one thing that can put me off giving a series a go.

It's unfortunate that as an anime fan we get those types of endings quite often due to the nature of the media essentially being an advertising tool for its source material. It's nice when an anime ties up with the manga and both conclude in a nice little bow but that seems rare in the series that I have watched at least.

Having picked my summer shows I can have a stab at the question though... at the minute the first thing that puts me off is little sister anime. That's a trend that I personally don't care for. If people like it then sure, enjoy it, it's just not my sort of thing for the most part.

I'm not overly fussed on re-cap movies or series ending as a movie but that depends on the series as much as anything I guess so it's a little more open.

To be honest I'll try most anything that is popular to see if it's to my liking as well as picking things that interest me. It's easy to overlook shows with the pace of seasonal anime.
Jun 19, 2019 11:43 AM

Aug 2016
Wood94 said:
What is an instant put off for you when browsing for anime to watch?

This would be one of mine:

The extent of my pickiness is this: "Read the manga" endings and just abrupt, non complete, endings are not my cup of tea at all; I much prefer a series to have some closure. So this little sentence tells me it's not a full adapation, and unless they go with a anime original sort of thing I will most likely be left wanting more from it.

Obviously this isn't a blanket statement of every single series, it's just one thing that can put me off giving a series a go.

An interesting question actually, normally I dont think too much about why I pass over an anime, generally wouldn't blink twice and just skim over to the next one.

But one of the biggest reasons I pass up on a series is MALs average scoring. This isn't even something I'd say I religiously follow, and even actually a little contradictory in my case. I've had plenty of anime that has a MAL rating of low 7s that I have given some 9's to, and some high 8's I've rated as low as 6. But when I'm looking for new series, the average score is one of the first things i look at. Anything lower than a 6 sends big red flags to me.

If a series has both a high score and a synopsis that interests me, chances are I'll probably like it, but if its an interesting synopsis but with a low score, I'm pretty much expecting to like it, but for it to ultimately feel generic, fairly forgettable, or even just outright boring...

@PearDrops ooo yes, recap episodes / movies are something else I generally just avoid, if I have the time, I'd rather just re-experience the whole thing. Though theres been the odd few exceptions here or there if they add in some significant new scenes, Gurren Lagann being a great example of that.
Aug 9, 2019 10:14 AM
Jul 2018
The fall anime charts are starting to appear already :/

Fall 2019 Anime

I will have a few leftovers but there are still a few shows that seem interesting to check out including a few Madhouse shows.

Any recommendations or shows to look out for from anyone else?
Aug 9, 2019 11:07 AM

Apr 2015
Wait, already?! I've still not finished with the spring season dammit. Thanks for linking the chart anyways @PearDrops, the series on that list that I am most looking forward to are as follows:

Beastars - I love the sound of the synopsis and how it sounds like it may take a deeper look into some of the usual school-drama topics. I am also really curious about the animal characters too as it's something I haven't really seen before in anime.

Kono Oto Tomare! 2 - I liked the first season soooo.

Pet - I have always loved the idea of mind control and memory editing and this seems like it's tackling those sort of themes. Again, the synopsis is what has peaked my interest.

Hoshiai no Sora - Thanks to the anime Baby Steps, tennis is a sport I kind of know the rules to. That isn't what has taken my fancy though, it just seems like a sweet, wholesome little story with some kawaii boys.

I am sure some other series may pique my interest as the season goes by, but overall I am looking forward to trying all of those.

Nov 3, 2019 7:35 AM
Jul 2018
So we're a few weeks into Fall season... what's everyone watching these days?

From the current season I'm watching a few Isekai shows Cautious Hero and Make my abilities average and I'm going to try and finish the Fate cooking show alongside Fate Grand Order.

I've not decided if I'm going to complete the Board Game anime but if it ends up being kind of average I'll probably start Nichijou, I've been putting it off for ever.

Nothing really stands out at me this season
Nov 5, 2019 11:07 AM

Apr 2015
@PearDrops Glad to hear about what you've been watching, how are you finding the fate cooking show? Despite what I think of some of the other Fate series', I just loved that spin-off. So damn wholesome! I've also put off Nichijou since the dawn of time, so I know that feeling...

I've barely watched anything these last few weeks, with work being hectic and being ill this last week, and so I really don't have any updates :( I have just started UtaKoi, and it's an interesting one for sure. Some of the name drops and references to Japanese history does fly over my head, but the stories themselves are something I like alot. Plus I do enjoy learning more about the subject and I have found myself wikipediaing the actual people and poems after, and that's fun.

As for the seasonals, whilst I also couldn't find all that many anime that peaked my interest from the descriptions alone, there is one single one that I am VERY excited for; Hoshiai no Sora. Heard alot of good things about it so I can't wait to give it a go when the season ends. Oh and Beastars too.

Dec 9, 2019 2:01 PM

Apr 2015
How would you rate the decade for anime, and what would be your pick for anime of the decade?

I think i'll forever remember this decade fondly for the sole reason that it was where my anime addiction properly started. I began the decade kind of aware of the medium but mostly put off by my own incorrect judgements about it, watched my first series on a whim in late 2011, joined my first ever social club here on MAL around 2016 or so, and have just loved watching and talking about it more and more by each passing year. And that makes picking a favourite so much harder, as it turns out it's when most of my all time favourites aired haha,

But i'll commit to my own idea and nominate my personal choice; Angel Beats

The series that took me from liking anime, to loving it. It was a whole new experience i'll never forget, and I have rewatched the series a few more times since and I still feel the same way. I've gone on to fall in love with many other series since, but I think this will be the one i'll forever associate the 2010's with.
Wood94Dec 9, 2019 2:14 PM

Dec 16, 2019 9:40 AM

Aug 2016
I was just about to type up some lengthy post about the years end and what everyone thought, try to get a bit of activity going on the club again, only to see you had already beat me to it @Wood94 haha.

But to answer your question, I would say that I am in a very similar place, I used to watch a lot of anime when it came on TV when I was younger, things like Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z etc, but grew out of it when I started secondary / high school, as for the most part, it just wasn't the "cool" thing anymore. (Not that I would ever have been considered one of the cool kids...) But even then, it all really did stick with me through the years, even if I didn't fully realise it. The 2010's was really where it all started coming back in a sense for me. I had left school, started college, and just started to not care what anyone thought anymore. I picked up the latest Pokemon game at the time (Pokemon Black) on a whim, which was my first step back into it all I guess. Fastforward a couple of years after that, and I was going through a rough point in my life, which is when I fell back on a good ol' bit of escapism to get my mind off it all, which led to me rewatching Avatar and Dragon Ball. And I fell in love with them all over again. I wanted more.

After a search for anime similar to DBZ, I ended up finding Bleach and I was hooked. There was no going back for me at that point, a year after that I joined MAL on a whim, so as not to have to keep a list saved on my phone anymore, was invited by one of our gracious admins, @Agilityredfox, to join this club, and later similarly invited to the Discord server by @Wood94. I think just being able to discuss the medium with others is what has made me delve so much deeper into this fandom than any other I've been interested in in the past.

So for me, I would have to say the most important anime for me has to have been Bleach, I know it technically didn't start airing in the 2010's, but it did drift into them before it ended it's run. It is what introduced me into this community and I can't think of any that has been as influential on me to that degree, though I can certainly name ones that I probably adore far more than it that I have watched since.
Dec 31, 2019 10:40 AM
Jul 2018
Everyone seems to be doing the lists and reviews of the decade so I have been listening and checking out what others have been thinking and I'm probably somewhere in the middle with the 2010-2020 anime, cautiously optimistic going into the next decade I'd say.

I think on average the level of writing, directing and storytelling has dropped off, which in my (admittedly uneducated) opinion is a result of the huge number of anime created per season nowadays. The stress and pressure on staff and budgets in the industry really needs to change in the next decade to address the problem because in reality I don't think it can continue to expand globally like it has without something giving way.

In saying that, the way anime has grown globally and become more accessible and (more) accepted by the general public is great and I think there are exceptional shows in the last decade, some of my personal favourites. I think the quantity of anime has also helped the variety of anime with genres like my beloved 'iyashikei' (comfy/healing anime) getting more exposure. You also have a lot more people working in the industry, more young talent getting a chance with smaller studios, more female directors getting the chance to lead big projects and the old guard still lending their skills to seasonal shows and big movies. All-in-all a really good decade for anime.

In terms of picking an anime for the decade though, that's a tough one. I have so many personal favourites in different genres which all impacted me differently. I love Steins;Gate, I've watched it on repeat more than any other anime for the way it uses the fractured timeline storytelling, I love Non non biyori for the maximum level of comfy it induces with it's little episodes of slice of life, I love Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo and Koe no katachi for kicking me in the feels and making me explore shows I would normally skip right over, I love Flip Flappers for the visual feast and Humanity has Declined for my finally finding my spirit animal in the MC. Fate... well I have a love/hate relationship with Fate but it has undoubtedly had a massive impact in the last decade.

After considering all that, my Anime of the Decade would still have to be Your Name. I don't think anyone can argue with the overwhelming success that anime encountered. More than that though, the way it looks, the way it feels, the blend of hand-drawn and CG animation and the soundtrack especially feel like it will be an anime you could easily use to describe this decade. I like to think that the success also helped to prise open the doors of streaming and global releases just a little. Just to know that there is an audience outside of Japan who will pay to watch anime in a theater, even if we're still a ways off from getting regular screenings I think it helped a little.

Aug 20, 2020 1:30 PM
Jul 2018
It's gotten real quiet over here lately.

Is anyone watching anything interesting currently?

I'm trying to clear out a few stragglers that have been on my PTW list for ages along with a few seasonal shows. Really enjoying a 2007 series called Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit. I don't remember why I added it to my list but it's a nice change of pace to watch a fantasy anime without some sort of Isekai element attached. It's pretty decent so far too but I'm only a few episodes in.
Aug 20, 2020 1:46 PM

Aug 2016
I watched Moribito a while back @PearDrops and I enjoyed it, as you said, its nice seeing a pure fantasy for a change. i do remember I wasn't overly invested in the main story, but i really loved the main two and their relationship.

I've just been catching up on these past few seasonals myself. I just recently watched Wave, Listen to Me, and while i wasn't initially sold on a show about radio, it really drew me in, in no small part thanks to the MC and her very energetic personality.
Apr 5, 2021 3:32 PM
Aug 2013
new season poopy,
change my mind.
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