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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Oct 5, 2017 8:34 AM
Aug 2014
TsundereHeart said:
finished with this season. pretty satisfying imo

early on i thought some of the drama was kinda irrelevant but later on it didn't bother me as much.
the later arcs (like reina's, asuka's) i liked much more though

tfw last episode has more playing than nationals.
well I guess it makes sense since they missed their goal at nationals by a decent bit, and the graduation is pretty important

also i know kumiko is supposed to get with shuuichi but wow this anime doesn't highlight it at all. what's his selling point?
even though it's just kyoani yuribait reina would go with kumiko so much better lmao

last episode was p. sad, with everyone leaving and all.
i would probably be interested in another season if there was one. though idk how much more source material there even is ._.

There's no selling point because his character was demoted from being a major character in the novels. In the anime he feels like an extra unlike the novels.
Nov 3, 2017 2:22 PM

Oct 2015
I see now Yuko is the president she does deserve it considering how opinionated she was and Natsuki is vice to support her, as suggested by Asuka. Loved the performance their gave to the senpais infused with flashbacks from the previous season, almost got emotional. The goodbye Kumiko gave Asuka was heartfelt and her giving Kumiko that note was like passing a torch to her.

I loved this anime and this ending felt like an ending but I would've loved if they did win gold at that competition, but I guess the writer felt the audience wouldn't be interested in the sequel if he wanted to continue.A great sounding 9/10. See you in 2018 for the movie.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Nov 27, 2017 12:55 AM

Jul 2011
Were much more drama based than first season, reason why I did give better score. Only thing I liked more on first season were opening :D

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Feb 18, 2018 2:37 AM

Dec 2015
Nice ending which gave a sound meaning to the series' name sake. Still think season 1 was better in terms of drama : music.

They've hinted at a second shot at nationals + Gold however I'm not sure how I'll feel about a potential season 3 considering how big of a role the 3rd years played in the series. It's hard to imagine a plot line without them + a movie wouldn't do another shot justice.
Prim3Feb 18, 2018 2:45 AM
May 23, 2018 4:40 PM

Nov 2016
Wasn't expecting that saying goodbye to this show would hit me so hard.

Well,overall I think that I liked S1 a bit more,but some scenes at the end of this were pretty great and striking.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 26, 2018 8:21 AM
Jul 2018
kumiko you slut what about reina huh

I love this series so much, I can't wait for the sequel movie...
Sep 18, 2018 7:27 PM

May 2018
A well done and believeable wrap-up of the show, as they didn't win the competition and other little things. And a slight to medium improvement over season 1 due to more character development and, most importantly, putting the biggest focus on Asuka, as she seems to be the most interesting person out of the bunch.
Leaving all the introduction of season 1 helped as well, that left the show to shine in the drama section.

I'm glad I picked this up again. After being not impressed by S1 years ago, I've never watched the second season. Comparing it too much with K-On! at that time was a big mistake by my side. Don't do that.

So yeah,
S1 5/10 > 7/10
S2 8/10

Excited for the movie.
Mar 4, 2019 2:33 AM

Oct 2017
And here’s our beautiful conclusion.

Sadly the third years time is up, In the band and at school. They will definitely be missed, especially Asuka ❤️ I really like how close she and Kumiko got over this season alone. Kumiko really was heartbroken to see her leave.

It was a great series. KyoAni never fails. Now to move on to the movies.
Apr 12, 2019 7:15 AM

Feb 2018
What a way to end the show, it was so good.

This season focused more on drama, I've really enjoyed it. Asuka is a great character and Kumiko really is something special, her interactions with the cast were great.

Can't wait for the Upcoming movie!
Jun 22, 2019 8:44 PM

Feb 2018
The day Asuka graduation has arrived. Good anime 10/10.
Jul 28, 2019 10:48 PM

Mar 2018
Definitely a grand finish ^^
I really liked the show
Guess I will watch the movies now

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Aug 6, 2019 4:37 AM

Jun 2017
Excellent and Quite the Fitting Epilogue episode to sign things off for Season 2!

First up, we got the new President and Vice-President and they're just gold, good work Asuke-senpai (lol she's totally playing them indeed)! Natsuki-senpai is just too frickin' awesome really and that tease with the royal-like apology xD, glorious stuff! I think it hit me at this point that things were really moving forward, and that little following bit with the homeroom teacher and Taki-sensei put a smile on my face. But there's obviously going to be a few against the tide of change, and sure enough it happens to be Kumiko.

But you got to give it to Midori to shift the focus to Shuichi out of nowhere there, lol. Sweet little 'thank you' and off he goes, I'm truly saddened by his treatment lol. Aoi-senpai hints that Shuichi's been at it for a while too, whoo-hoo, but sad that there was no more of him in the episode except for the cross-dressing bit which was pretty ridiculous. Damn, seeing the graduates and then the youngs-uns' play in appreciation to each other was really touching. Some of the shots featuring their pasts, tears and smiles were really heartwarming, to say the least. Kumiko thinking back on her first encounter with Asuka-senpai was a really nice touch too, and similarly with the other recap bits.

Anyway, moving on, it seems as though her playing is slowly resembling that of Asuka-senpai now, that's an interesting gesture. And then those final moments with another one of Kumiko's outbursts, it really hit home this time I've to say. "See you", not "Goodbye", very glad to see that personally but I suppose it's only about time before "Goodbye" is set into into motion and thinking about that is a little saddening. Anyway, last episode her sister and now Asuka-senpai, she's been going through a lot isn't she? And we got an interesting title drop out of the blue too, that was really cool to have! Amazing how they made it in parallel with that of the beginning of the Season too, always a pleasure these kinds of things!

All in all, a really touching and fitting finale but admittedly a part of me was a little let down by the little focus given to Reina and Taki-sensei this episode. I don't know, I just feel as though their arcs aren't exactly completed just yet and especially for the case of Reina considering how much focus was given to the relationship the two at the start of the season. But hey, these are all pretty much underwhelming concerns when put side-by-side with the positives of this episode and the season and even the franchise.

More than anything, this story was really the journey of Kumiko and in that aspect, this show completely hit the top-tier mark! Even for the Mizore-Nozomi drama-heavy segment, what was the bigger picture of that in my opinion was the change in Kumiko that this resulted in. Same with the case of Mamiko's and Asuka's respective arcs. A big props to the VA for her excellent work too, and for making her seem just so much more genuine and realistic! Amazing how she'd swtich between the three modes constantly though: unimpressed for Shoichi mode, bad-personality for Reina mode and the usual, lol.

Season 1 showed us a lot more of the music elements and the trio in particular but this Season dived into the more drama-heavy bits and the duo of Kumiko and Reina, so picking one over the other is a really tough call in my opinion. At the very least, there is no doubt that the Art/Animation and the Sound Departments were godly top-notch! To sum it up, both were excellent in their own ways and I'm totally psyched for more!

Movie 3 is, like the usual, never available here so it'll be a long wait *sigh* but I'll make sure to check out Liz to Aoi Tori soon!

=> Final Score: 9.25/10! Roughly about the same as Season 1.

- Storyline/Plot Development: 8/10
- Characterization/Character Development: 9/10
- Sound Department: 9/10
- Art/Animation Quality: 10/10
- Personal Enjoyment: 9.5/10

Last but not least, #PrayForKyoAni and #HealKyoAni

_MushiRock11_Aug 6, 2019 4:42 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Oct 12, 2019 3:45 PM

Jun 2019
the fuck I was crying like a baby
I will miss this anime, really
of course, I prefer the season 1, but this season was really good with the relationship between Kumiko and Asuka, really loved it

(PS : Kumiko x Reina)


“You’ll always have me.”

Dec 27, 2019 3:56 AM

Apr 2013
Kind of a flashback episode that resolves a few feelings as well. I'm glad nothing happened with Shuuichi, would've felt kinda out of place.

Just as good as the first season, very enjoyable. 7/10
Jan 1, 2020 6:24 PM

Mar 2019
I might’ve bawled my eyes out, who knows. 10/10 anime.

Apr 9, 2020 8:48 AM

Feb 2019
I am going to miss this series so so much.

Yuuko is the new president? I didn't expect that (expected Natsuki), but I have no complaints. She really showed her determination to her friends and in extension the club over the past year. Her energetic spirit and dedication will be good for the club. Lol at having Natsuki as the vice president though. Despite their banter, I think they really are good friends and will be an excellent president-vice president pair. With Natsuki being the more level-headed one but Yuuko bringing the spirit. And their unique close relationship will always liven things up and keep the wind ensemble moving forward. They have my full support!

Nice move, Midori and Hazuki, encouraging Kumiko to go after Shuuichi. Though it was short, I liked seeing them together. Aoi it seems had seen Shuuichi's crush on Kumiko for a long time, but Kumiko still doesn't admit it. Really wanted to see those two get together, but oh well. I heard there are ships that make it in the novel, but I wonder if it'll be in the movie which I'll watch later. If not, guess I'll have to read the novel someday, hopefully in Japanese by then.

And then the farewell party. I really loved that one. It seems so fun and ridiculous. Loved seeing Asuka-senpai doing magic lol.

I really loved the third-years' performance. That lively, energetic jazz melody. I'm definitely gonna be hearing that one again. They really gave it their all. I wonder when they had time to practice for that.

Yuuko stuttering on the last part of her speech though lol. Wow, Nozomi was conducting? I guess she'll be playing a much bigger role in the wind ensemble in the coming year.

That performance of "Crescent Moon Dance" was beautiful. I loved all the scenes with Kaori during Reina's solo. We saw the flashbacks of what happened back in season 1 with Kaori and Reina in that contest for the solo. It felt bittersweet to me. Even though Reina is the better one without a doubt, I still feel kind of sad for Kaori-senpai and all she had to go through. She was so dedicated and in the end, she couldn't do the solo. But her smile showed that she held no anger or regret over what happened. It seems it's a memory that'll live on forever within her, to the end of her life. And we got the flashbacks of Sunfes too. Even though it partly feels like a recap, I have no complaints whatsoever as it was masterfully and beautifully executed. We saw again how they began their journey, their first performance at Sunfes after Taki-sensei came on board. It was really where they started.

And then graduation really came. A lot of people cried and kouhais and senpais got together for their goodbyes. I really loved seeing Kaori and Yuuko.

"You're the president, aren't you? Hang in there."

She was hugging Kaori so tightly and crying into her chest. Yuuko is probably the character that my feelings changed towards the most this season. Used to see her as annoying, but now I really love her. And she really does admire and care deeply for Kaori. Yuuko has a lot of love in her, for Kaori, for Mizore.

And then Kumiko found Asuka. I honestly did not know that Kumiko disliked and even hated Asuka at first. But it all changed, slowly and gradually, until now Kumiko can't bear to say goodbye to Asuka. The senpai who inspired her. Their meeting and friendship really changed Kumiko's life. And Asuka gave Kumiko something that was really dear to her: the notebook from her father. She passed it on to Kumiko. Although Kumiko still wants to hear Asuka play, her time's up. It's time for Kumiko to take the reins and in turn play and teach her kouhai. But still, Kumiko couldn't bear to say goodbye.

And so Asuka says just don't, if she doesn't want to. It's not truly the end for their friendship. They can still see each other outside of school, no doubt. And Asuka being Asuka, she will probably visit the wind ensemble as often as possible. So instead of saying goodbye, Asuka said "see you".

Amidst the falling snow, Kumiko opened the notebook and finally learnt the name of the piece Asuka played that day, on the field in the morning sunlight, the sad, gentle melody. And it was: 響け!ユーフォニアム.

I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting that. But it all fit so well and like Kumiko, somehow my heart was filled with warmth.

And that was the end of one of the best anime I have ever seen. I won't ever forget this, and one day I might even rewatch it.

I wanted to give this a 9 at first. Because it didn't feel like a "masterpiece", although I really was amazing. But somehow I don't feel right giving it a mere 9. I usually reserve 10 for true "masterpieces" or those that really change and affect my life. But this was so good that I can't give it anything less than 10. So here's to you, Hibike! Euphonium. 10/10

God bless Kyoto Animation. It still pains me to remember what happened. But truly, they have created works that touch our hearts and change our lives. And Hibike! Euphonium is not just not an exception, but it is a prime example.

And thus the final piece ends.

I feel so sad and empty that it's ended. I haven't felt this in a long time.

Thank you, Hibike! Euphonium! Thank you, Kyoto Animation! And thank you, Ayano Takeda!
Jul 20, 2020 9:20 AM

Nov 2018
Really emotional season.
Well, managing to make me cry is already a huge achievement itself, but doing it several times...
It's good to watch anime like this after hard times to remove inner pain from your soul.

If you liked this anime,I recommend you to also watch Given and White Album 2.
I hate everyone equally
Aug 8, 2020 2:14 PM
Apr 2019
how many love confession we had in one show ? where all of them are non canon and are just friendly banter ? haha ..
Kumiko is a bit unbearable to watch,but that's why I enjoyed and craved for her.
But I thinkl the plot went easy on her.She can't handle multiple problems at one time,so all of her problems came one after another .I think they needed to focus here,specially when Reina and Asuka's problem both were running at the same time.

This show has many high points and I enjoyed them very much ! However,it's not the same level as Haruhi,so a bit disappointed .8/10
Sep 7, 2020 4:36 AM

Jul 2015
I can already sense the pain of many people seeing no ship has been confirmed to the end. Well season 2 was good, a lot more drama compared to the lighthearted comedic season 1. Quite the touching end seeing all the moments and also Kumiko confessing she initially hated Asuka but slowly started to like her to the point where she's gonna miss her.

Oct 29, 2020 2:24 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Dang it, I thought I used up all my tears in the last episode.

I thought this anime would’ve been more centred around kumiko and kousaka, but it seems it’s more veered toward kumiko and asuka as it is those two that get the final scene at the end. Asukas footsteps in the snow were what got me good. Anything about saying goodbye to a character is always going to mess me up a little.

Still kind of thinking what was the overall point though. Basically it’s just a short, bittersweet journey of a high school concert band, and we are along for the ride of ups and downs. If anything, the message is probably the classic “chase your dreams”, even though it may be a rough path, you have friends and family to guide and support you. Not to sound cheesy, but that’s the gist of it.

Maybe this anime has left a SMALL void in my heart, but it’s not one that will last long and I’ll forget about it soon as I move on to my next series. It was moving, but still not enough to wreck me for days on end. Speaking of which, guess I can mention how I like taki-sensei’s send-off for the show, as they talk about what it is to be a teacher, and starting anew each year. Talk about bittersweet

This was some good decent shit. Wouldn’t mark it as rewatchable though, going through it the one time will be most impactful. While goodbye scenes usually get me, I’m not super duper sad that this is the end of the journey and we won’t see these characters again. The characters were well written enough to do the job, but nothing extraordinary or special imho. Still, there’s nothing I can really complain about hibike euphonium, it gets the job done on all fronts and even excels at some; mainly the artwork and the character drama. Definitely was not a waste of time, but rather time well spent. 7/10

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jan 9, 2021 11:40 PM
Sep 2020
So damn good, cant wait for season 3
Jun 22, 2021 7:35 AM

Jul 2014
I feel like I'm going to be in a distinct minority of people who liked Hibike season 2 notably less than season 1. There are many reasons for this, but the simplest is that the show took very different approachs to the narrative in both seasons, and I was much more of a fan of season 1's approach: seeing the band develop and hone their skills in pursuit of the goal of Nationals made great progression, and the necessary character drama was there to accentuate those developments rather than overshadow them, while at the same time feeling fully in service of the music.

By contrast, season 2 almost entirely throws the music out the window - even doing a Love Live Sunshine and glossing over the final performance in the huge competition they were aiming for from the start - and dials the character drama all the way up to 100. Gone is that sense of progression that made season 1 enjoyable, and instead all we have is a pervasively bleak tone of constant drama (all of which Kumiko literally stumbles upon in the most contrived, lazy fashions imaginable).

Worse still, this starts with four episodes centred on characters who had almost no presence in the show outside of that arc; frankly, if not for Liz and the Blue Bird (where I understand those two are protagonists), I'd say you could cut those characters and those four episodes out of the show entirely and absolutely nothing would change about the course of events.

We do later get to some of the more prominent side characters from season 1 - Kumiko's sister and Asuka - but not in service of the band's musical development at all. In fact, Asuka's arc almost directly counters that notion and gives it the middle finger: due to her mother being a controlling, abusive bitch, Asuka barely turns up to practice, but in the end it doesn't even matter as she's still able to perform with the ensemble anyway and do well on exams to boot. On top of that, Asuka's character flaws are merely brought to the surface, but nothing is done about them and she remains exactly as she always was. As a result, it feels entirely pointless and unrealistic as Asuka basically gets to have her cake and eat it to, and then be praised for it all while remaining the same selfish, distant girl she was at the start. Oh, and that gives Natsuki the middle finger by essentially saying she might as well not exist as she was never going to be allowed to perform with the band.

And then there's this ending with Kumiko's "confession" to and sudden obsession with Asuka: where the fuck did that come from? After all the time building up her friendship with Reina and outright erasing the one with Shuiichi that exists in the source material, that feels right out of left field and just adds insult to inury to the complete non-ending Asuka's arc received. And it was a shame, too, as the finale was building itself up as an emotional conclusion despite my other issues with this second season.

Speaking of erasure, our two secondary protagonists from season 1 Midori and Hazuki basically don't exist in this second season: no arcs, virtually no screentime and probably not even five interactions with their supposed friend Kumiko. Would've much preferred to see them get literally any development at all instead of the two new side characters we focused on for the first two episodes instead.

If this show didn't look so damn good (cos Kyoani always deliver on the visual front at least), it'd definitely fall below the 6/10 I've settled on giving it.
Jul 11, 2022 3:16 AM

May 2020
show took quite a tumble downward these last few episodes

not showing final performance was fine, but at least make up that time with meaningful moments with our characters. Asuka character couldnt be farther from realistic if they tried. She shows less emotion than Rei from Evangelion, which is ironic since her name is Asuka.

The show really had potential to do something special between Reina and Kumiko after setting it up so perfectly in season 1. Oh well, I guess for some reason they wanted to spend the last 6 episodes focused on Asuka instead
Sep 29, 2022 5:02 AM

Apr 2018
Wow that was emotional, goodbye third years and especially Asuka :'( at least I'm happy that there is a movie and then there will be a third season but I feel like it will feel empty without these characters, even though I predict some new ones will be added
Jan 11, 2023 7:31 PM
Jan 2021
I can't believe how much Kitauji has grown since the beggining of the show. It was beautiful to see how much they improved, their ambitions growing, the friendships. All that struggle and insecurity now has turned into a dream that everyone shares in common.

I was so emotional during the presentations the senpais and the kouhais performed. Especially during the graduation scene, where we could see how much the veterans inspired the others. The remaining members of the band will have to work hard to mantain the high spirits and I'm sure they will do a wonderful job.

Thank you so much, KyoAni, for such a wonderful show. I will surely come back to this one and watch it again, again and again.
Jan 30, 2023 10:07 PM
Dec 2022
Focuses on drama but all music is good , even i dont unnderstand it.
May 9, 2023 9:32 PM

Mar 2016
On to Liz and the Blue Bird now as well as patiently waiting for the recently announced S3. However, if they weren't to exist, this would still be an incredibly satisfying ending. What was needed was finished while knowing where the characters were likely to be going.

Was interesting to hear Kumiko confess that there was a time where she hated Asuka as I never really picked up on that. But she eventually became her school-sister. The one who supported her and she looked up to.

Really sad that she has to move on from that, but it's why KyoAni is so good at showing these important SOL moments. The torch is passed, and Kumiko has to be the inspiration for the future members :')
May 16, 2023 12:08 PM

Jul 2021
it was pretty damn good. liked it more than season 1. the drama was really good and i love me some good drama. the character growths were amazing, it was great to see how far each of those characters have come after going through difficulties.

the graduation part didn't really hit me for some reason, didn't get emotional but i felt like i should have lol. anyway the asuka and kumiko scene was heartwarming to see, i kinda wanted them to hug though too bad they didn't.

nice name drop though.

overall 10/10. on to the movie.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Aug 26, 2023 2:27 PM

May 2020
Kind of a poetic end with Kumiko finding herself at the same place she first had a glimpse of band and Asuka towards the end. She did let out some pent-up feelings too, which might sound like a confession but is actually a speech of admiration. Fine end, and like the title suggested, it indeed felt like one LAST epilogue... when of course it isn't.

Anyways, this season as a whole was a season of patches. It was good sometimes and then it wasn't the other times. I mean I'm not content at all with the way we started.. drama with Nozomi and Mizore, two characters whom we didn't even know about last season. And then the bit with Reina's obsession.. joke stretched too far imho.

They focused largely on drama this season, and kind of little on music, I mean they skipped the nationals performance lol. Not sure what will be their approach going forward, as a good chunk of characters have left the band now, but okay we'll see.

Season one was a bit better.
Jan 13, 2024 10:49 AM
Jan 2021
Amazing, make me cry.
Jan 21, 2024 1:37 PM
Nov 2023
It was perfect, enjoyed and felt every second in this anime.
Feb 28, 2024 4:13 PM

May 2021
Asuka stealing the win from right under Reina and Shuuichi's noses.

They made this feel like an ending and I would probably have been heart-broken too but luckily I am watching just a month or two before S3 releases.

This season was more focused on drama than music which is fine coz I liked it more anyway, except Mizore and Nozomi, still think that was just a small misunderstanding.

Best girl: Kumiko. She's still kind of a mystery to me. Feels like Reina needs to step up on removing her mask.

Onto the second year now.

Mar 21, 2024 11:15 AM

Jul 2017
After rewatching the first 2 seasons after nearly 7 years, left disappointed. I've never been a fan of the works that KyoAni have made besides their seasons of FMP and the Haruhi movie (mainly for the content and characters, animation was never the issue) but this was the closest show I felt like initially to be in that 'good' area besides the entries I mentioned. After rewatching it, season 1 was fine but not quite great but season 2 was the real disappointing part for me. Just way too much forced melodrama that made it exhausting to watch. The first few episodes focusing on a conflict that was dragged out for way too long and could be solved in seconds, with characters that season 1 never really focused on at all making it even worse. The stuff with Asuka being frustrating and dragged out again, with a weak and abrupt payoff after Kumiko's conversation with Asuka that has everything resolve itself too easily. The lack of performance in a big stage that the show was building towards with the first year that feels even more anticlimactic. The relationship stuff with Reina and drama there not being that great for me again, although that did somewhat have some teases from early on with Taki's past. The fact that Kumiko was magically involved with finding out or being a part of everything with sheer coincidences most of the time by happening to be at the right place at the right time. Midori and Hazuki, characters I didn't care for much in the first season, adding literally nothing this time around. The music was good, performances were good but more was needed. More balance in general was needed this season since it felt way too heavy-handed and making it unwatchable at times.

Since it was a continuous story with some build and time given, it wasn't resolved as quickly as something like Violet Evergarden with its episodic structures that had me even more irritated. But season 2 was just not it for me and a big difference from season 1. Not enough magical moments to recover what this season left me with, even with some growth that did take place in ways. The animation was stellar again and the lighting in the big scenes was really good, but season 1 had more magic to offer there than this one with certain scenes. I don't know, just could have been so much better if this portion had much better balance to everything.
Mar 25, 2024 11:35 AM
Mar 2018
A perfect finale for another great season of this wonderful show!

The goodbye between Kumiko and Asuka was so beautiful, like a punch to the gut, but in a good way; I had tears in my eyes. I never realized that K hated A before she said it; boy, I am glad that things turned out so differently! They really developped a special bond, those two.

The credits were really pretty!
Apr 2, 2024 1:50 PM

May 2015
One of the most heart-touching end. I love Kumiko so much.

Finished rewatching, loved this show even more than before. Hype to see season 3.
Apr 15, 2024 11:14 PM
May 2020
i dont know why im crying
Apr 20, 2024 3:44 PM

Mar 2024
After finishing K-On in 2017 I was looking for something else to watch. I still remember how I scoffed at the thought of watching Hibike then, which seemed just like a 'K-On ripoff'. Now 7 years later, I can just say - boy was I wrong. Binged season 1 and 2 in a day, just couldn't stop watching. KyoAni are really masters of their craft.

I think I need to get more tissues for the movies and season 3...
Jun 20, 2024 7:06 PM

Jun 2009
Man I loved Kumiko's arc this season. The parallels between her relationship with her sister and Asuka, how that all tied together to make her re-affirm her love for the Euphonium. How the title of the series was always tied to her relationship with Asuka. Fuck it was so good.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 24, 2024 11:01 PM
Apr 2023
I liked the first season better but I had a great time watching the second season.
Dec 3, 2024 12:51 AM

Aug 2019
it really does suck Asuka is no longer in the band, she was easily my second favorite character after Kumiko
Jan 31, 12:40 AM
Jul 2023
Ready for season 3!
Feb 27, 1:48 PM

Jun 2015
The story wrapped up nicely. Now that I've watched this season, I know I should have watched the first and second season together. Anyway, I'm here and I'm ready to continue the journey.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
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127 by Ston3_FreeN7 »»
May 25, 2024 10:54 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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