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Apr 19, 2017 5:19 AM
Aug 2014
Well that was stupid.
Apr 25, 2017 2:01 PM

Feb 2015
- Whew, even in death, Junko is still awesome.

- Not sure why Mitarai didn't just use the video earlier before he got into the killing game but wth, I'm just glad to get more DR.
Jun 21, 2017 5:36 AM

Jan 2014
Twas okay, I guess; let's see if Kibou hen can provide a satisfying end.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 6, 2017 10:35 PM

Sep 2013
Holy shit stop bringing in Junko. Once was good, twice was bad, but yet again? She's the true rotting orange of this series.
nep-nepJul 6, 2017 10:38 PM
Sep 28, 2017 1:10 AM

Jul 2012
Togami badass as always! Hope the special concludes everything nicely.
張大です for 張大勇督察
Jan 5, 2018 6:50 PM
Jul 2018
Stupidly cheesy as expected.
Jan 6, 2018 12:00 AM

Dec 2012
The video that started it all?
Those eyes.
A message from Tengan.
Ryouta telling them the story of Zetsubou-hen.
video of kibou?
Ryouta! How dare you brainwash Aoi!
Damn! Aoi got Makoto in the position.
Kyousuke saved them.
Chisa's body.
Aoi got shot. No!!!!
Monaka really in space.
Makoto got caught.
lol at Junko.
Dat ost!
lol at Junko saying almost out of air time.
Our mirai is over now?
No. This is where our kibou starts.
lol at Yasuhiro.
lol at Byakuya.
continued to the hope side.

And that was the end of Mirai-hen. Loved how my waifu Chisa said Mirai is over now and Kibou starts now. This is it...The end of kibougamine Gakuen. After 6 years, it all ends now.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Aug 8, 2018 3:27 PM

Sep 2010
At least Kyoko is alive is all I'm happy about. Tbh, this part of the series wasn't all too interesting.
Aug 12, 2018 12:42 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Weakest of both arcs, but still deserving of praise, didnt had any boring moments, keep on edge most of the time too.
Feb 3, 2019 9:58 AM
Dec 2018
Okey... And the end? Where is it?
Mar 10, 2019 6:20 PM

Sep 2011
Well, I don't think that was a good way to finish a series. I hope that the Hope arc can give a good conclusion to the plot.

So Tengan created this killing game just to make sure that the video was going to be spread to all the world? That was really crazy. And Hajime is finally back.
Mar 19, 2019 8:15 AM

Jun 2017
ok. my thoughts on future arc episode twelve:

-so at first they make it look like Tengan watched the video and became a despair. that ofcourse wouldnt have made any sense,as he already knew the video brainwashes anyone watches it,so it is good that they didnt go in that direction. unfortunately,the direction they did go in wasnt any less stupid. heck,it was even more stupid. like munakata said,if tengan was so set on using the video why didnt he just steal it from ryota or force ryota to use it? makoto's reply to that question makes absoloutely no sense. he "entrusted his hope to ryota"? what does that even mean?? there was literally no reason whatsoever to do all this murder to get him to use the video. heck,if the video wasnt made and he wanted to force him to make it it would have been a tiny bit better,but the video was already made lol. you could take it anytime you wanted.

-furthermore,if ryota wasnt inteded to be in the death game then
--who invited him?
--why didnt Tengan cancel the death game when he discovered it could very much be meaningless because the whole goal could easily die in it?
--how come Ryota already had a bracelet made for him with a forbidden action?
--how come that forbidden action is precisely the thing tengan wants him to use?
if tengan's plan was tampered with by an external source who installed the bracelets and whatnot then that would explain a few of these,but at this point i doubt that.

-also,how did old man tengan move them all to the lower premises?and why did he put a very dangerous Forbidden action on himself that could have easily forced him to expose the truth at anypoint(maybe his bracelet didnt have poison in it and thus he wasnt beholden to it?possible i guess)?and who killed the guards?and if despair wasnt involved then how come the fake guards had red eyes? bah gawd this makes no sense whatsoever!

-also, god is all this "videos" stuff stupid. i legit cant believe this crap is what DR devolved into. a "video of mindcontrol hope"to combat the "video of mindcontrol despair", and that "hope"video somehow allowed Aoi to betray Makoto,even though that is completely against any principle of friendship and loyalty that hope is all about in the first place. that video of "hope"also makes people have no problem killing, even though killing is despair not hope. what the flying f***. My god. that is stupid.

-another reason it is stupid: you dont suddenly change the whole equation in the final episode/the second to last episode. the entire thing was built as "the final battle between Monokuma and Makoto. Between hope and despair". Monokuma even said so himself. that was the entire point of the show. yet in the end(as i unfortunately expected)there literally was no "Monokuma" whatsoever. just a pretaped message. thus,the entire point of the show became invalid. there was no "final battle of hope vs despair". not only that,it got changed to "Ryota vs Makoto",which would have been semi-acceptable if ryota was the "Monokuma" of this show. the mastermind. instead,he was an innocent bystander and victim who randomly became the main villain out of nowhere at the very very end.

-i will give them one tiny credit though,which is that ryota is doing exactly what junko said last despair episode when she said that a world without any despair is despairing in its own way,so he is accomplishing her goals without even knowing it,which is a nice touch,but not nearly enough to excuse all this crap.

-How the f*** did Aoi return to normal?? one moment she was mind controlled,then after the commercial she wasnt. there was absolutely no hint as to how she was freed from the mind control that literally NO ONE was able to be freed from in the entire series without the entire NWP program,yet she was randomly and quickly freed from it just like that. the hell??

-Munakata Clotheslining the guards and their stormtrooper aim were funny though XD

-also,apparently bullets dont pass through wooden doors. go figure >_>.

-so were the video results that we saw imaginary or real? they should be imaginary,as the countdown hasnt finished,yet we see that Makoto was really surrounded like we saw in the results video,so it was half real and half imaginary?wth lol?

-the "Junko Narration" portion was weird as heck. so she is basically narrating from the afterlife with chisa?and eating popcorn there? wth lol?also,chisa returned to the hope side after her death? XD
well,atleast this gives me hope that she can be resurrected in the future by some dark ritual then XD

a really,really,really,really crappy episode. second worst in the series for sure (nothing will ever top episode 7 as worst).

Danganronpa 2.5 OVA next,then the hope episode.
Jun 16, 2019 5:40 PM
Apr 2014
I'm late to the party but whatever.
This episode pissed me the fuck off.
There is 0 consistency with the brainwash and fucking plot armor galore for characters.

Makoto gets brainwashed but oh don't worry it only lasts for 30 seconds or something for some miracle.

Oh no Asahina gets brainwashed! Oh don't worry it only last for 30 seconds or so as well for some miracle.

This brainwashing thing is so inconsistent and stupid it makes me think the writers just said fuck it people won't notice. And looking at most of the comments here I guess they were right.
Jun 21, 2019 9:21 PM

Feb 2018
The end was hanging and it seemed like Kirigiri was indeed dead.
Jul 16, 2019 5:40 AM

Oct 2017
The worst ending ever XD
Oct 27, 2019 8:30 PM

Jun 2019
Once again, this episode was a little underwhelming compared to the previous one. Still not as boring as the finale episode of the despair arc at least.

So Chisa was pulling the strings the whole time, what a devious bastard! I gotta be honest, I don't get the Chairman's plan. It was laughably stupid and backfired immensely.

I'm sick and tired of this brainwashing nonsense. I though it was bad in the despair arc, but it might be even worse here! It's way to convenient. Mitari's plan to brainwash the world towards hope is really stupid, but I don't see any way for our heroes to stop him. Unless everyone's just gonna shake it off like Hina did somehow.

They should've though more about Danganronpa 2 while they were writing this. The whole point of that game was to turn the remnants of despair back to hope. It was incredibly difficult and went horribly wrong! This brainwashing tech is stupid and shouldn't have been used so lightly!

I really don't like the theater scenes with Chisa and Junko, the tones don't mesh well at all. Junko's far to silly for this arc and I despise fourth-wall breaks.

My boy Byakuya's back! He makes everything better. Not sure how he survived since the show didn't bother to explain, but whatever. I guess Kyoko's still dead though.

Hopefully they'll remember that Jabberwok Island exists for the hope arc. This kinda went off track with Mitari's plot though.

The story has a lot of holes when I start to prod it, but they didn't really bother me. I liked this arc, it was different, but in a good way. Hopefully they end this franchise well. I have high hopes (pun definitely intended)!
Mar 16, 2020 10:56 AM

Jun 2017
Okay, this was seriously stupid and the episode very underwhelming.

Tengen-san's whole stroke of genius plan was extremely doubtful from the very start. So what would be the merit had all the Future Foundation leaders passed away and Mitarai-san still wouldn't be able to get out of his fear? Why even prepare a bracelet for him too then, what if accidentally he was to wind up dead? Wouldn't that totally beat the whole reason for this meticulous plan in the first place? And the funniest bit is why stop him from doing the exact same thing (Code) that you prepared all this for. I'm afraid this isn't even a gamble, just a whole load of bull.

Mitarai-san's little rising moment was so-so, moreover. I get where his idea of brainwashing comes from since they've been brainwashed once already but that really isn't a solution. It'll be the same story all over with manipulated masses. As if there wasn't enough going on already with the bits over on Jabberwock Island that they'd to include this bit too...

To be frankly honest, the brainwashing concept is like a plot device that strikes when used once and in rare cases two but this took it to a whole new level. Each and every plot thread had something to do with brainwashing and sadly it didn't really click much for the Future Arc and reasonably for the Despair Arc.

Lots of glaring issues with the fight scenes too but that's really more of a nitpick than anything else so I'll just exclude that for now. Togami-kun's badass entrance (plus his personal swift squad) was a treat to watch, however. Easily my favourite moment of the episode!

Looks like things are looking pretty gloomy for Naegi and co and there's someone else in the fray too seemingly so I'm guessing there's still a fair bit to come. I hope that'll at least be more logical and understandable to end things off on a positive note, at the very least.

Overall, this season has been pretty bad if I'm to be brutally honest. Some interesting reveals during the mid-phase but it just came flat by the end of the journey. As such, I'm going to settle with a 4/10 for this. Junko-chan made the Despair Arc far more enjoyable than this alone, I'm afraid.

Edit: Credits to @FFTHEWINNER for this find. How did Asahina-san break out of that genjutsu that the populace, on the other hand, couldn't? Possible the most glaring flaw of the episode when you think about everything that transpired over on the Despair Arc in particular.
_MushiRock11_Mar 16, 2020 11:02 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 7, 2020 9:54 PM

Jun 2016
Quite honestly, I was so bored during this that I cannot be nearly as charitable as I’d like when criticizing it. At least when it came to the Despair arc, I had clear reasons for finding it lackluster. I felt the Despair arc betrayed the core selling point it sold me on. Future arc could be said to have executed its selling point poorly but I wouldn’t say it betrayed it. That said, I was disappointed because I loved the concept so much. A frantic game of murder mafia with added forbidden actions to make the strategy more intense and the trust more strained. Again, due to not being nearly as attentive as I’d like to be I can’t nor want to criticize in excruciating detail, but the characters didn’t grip me excluding Kyoko, the fighting felt nonsensical when it could have been fascinating and not caring about the characters made it all feel like a crash course in which I was waiting for the end result, and brainwashing is a trope I find absurdly boring.

However, with the episode ending as I reflected on how sad I was that Hiro’s entire role was avoiding bullets outside, he appeared and saved Makoto and that put a big smile on my face. If the original characters are more involved in the Hope arc, at the very least I’m already connected to them and will enjoy their presence moment to moment.
Sep 9, 2020 7:38 PM

May 2020
Tbh it's still confusing but never mind. There is still a hope side to watch. The senpai is coming to save Naegi and friends. The game end with just two people. No matter what still confusing.
Nov 30, 2020 6:18 PM

Aug 2020
I feel like I'm gonna vomit saying this but Enoshima kind of has a point. How come Naegi was against Mitari using brainwashing when he brainwashed the cast of DR2? The instances seem fairly similar to me so I don't get why he was against it...

Munakata fighting everyone off was cool as hell. Really glad he never turned to despair in the end.

Togami and Hagukure's appearance was great. I love those two.

Also I hope Asahina is okay..

Jan 2, 2021 7:41 AM

Aug 2020

I hope that Hope Side will answer all of the questions we have about this anime. Or V3 will explain stuff at least?

I'll give this annnnnnnnnnnn 8????? Or a 7?? Maybe I'll give it an 8 for now but if my questions aren't answered by the time I finish the series, I'll lower my score to a 7.
Feb 10, 2022 12:24 PM

Jan 2013
Anything and everything in Danganronpa that's about "the Event" is fucking awful.
Sep 19, 2022 12:04 PM
Jul 2021
the ending was very mid

Feb 26, 2023 3:17 AM
Jul 2015
5/10 bcs the only one functioning in this story tbh Chisa Tengan Kitaran

Everyone else are dumb ASF that's why they killed each other instead of solving puzzle

I guess Junko Tengan the only one Clever

Mitarai too Late at using hipnosis reverse brainwashing hope to others

Ultimate Video Hypnosis

Also not Chisa and Junko chilling in Cinema date 💀💀💀

Without Junko Monaca & Warriors of hope & remnants despair AS antagonis winner is so boring yall lucky I don't feel to vote 1/2 4 yet
Apr 9, 2023 7:02 AM
Nov 2010
I wish I have that brainwashing video. I can use it to have all the pretty girls in the world have sex with me!
Mitarai should succeed. Humanity is hopeless. They never learn and will repeat the same mistakes sooner or later. Brainwashing them to no longer have negative emotions and lose their "humanity" is the only way to save them. 7/10
Jul 17, 2023 8:58 AM
May 2019
Dissapointing, I saw the twist a smile away. All this and *cries* my kyoko.... ;-;
Aug 11, 2024 5:51 AM
Oct 2023
A good conclusion to the arc of the main characters of the first opus. However, less well-arranged scriptwriting choices than the "Despair" part
Oct 16, 2024 8:29 AM

Aug 2022
Buen final para seguir con la cronología de Danganronpa.
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