ok. my thoughts on future arc episode twelve:
-so at first they make it look like Tengan watched the video and became a despair. that ofcourse wouldnt have made any sense,as he already knew the video brainwashes anyone watches it,so it is good that they didnt go in that direction. unfortunately,the direction they did go in wasnt any less stupid. heck,it was even more stupid. like munakata said,if tengan was so set on using the video why didnt he just steal it from ryota or force ryota to use it? makoto's reply to that question makes absoloutely no sense. he "entrusted his hope to ryota"? what does that even mean?? there was literally no reason whatsoever to do all this murder to get him to use the video. heck,if the video wasnt made and he wanted to force him to make it it would have been a tiny bit better,but the video was already made lol. you could take it anytime you wanted.
-furthermore,if ryota wasnt inteded to be in the death game then
--who invited him?
--why didnt Tengan cancel the death game when he discovered it could very much be meaningless because the whole goal could easily die in it?
--how come Ryota already had a bracelet made for him with a forbidden action?
--how come that forbidden action is precisely the thing tengan wants him to use?
if tengan's plan was tampered with by an external source who installed the bracelets and whatnot then that would explain a few of these,but at this point i doubt that.
-also,how did old man tengan move them all to the lower premises?and why did he put a very dangerous Forbidden action on himself that could have easily forced him to expose the truth at anypoint(maybe his bracelet didnt have poison in it and thus he wasnt beholden to it?possible i guess)?and who killed the guards?and if despair wasnt involved then how come the fake guards had red eyes? bah gawd this makes no sense whatsoever!
-also, god is all this "videos" stuff stupid. i legit cant believe this crap is what DR devolved into. a "video of mindcontrol hope"to combat the "video of mindcontrol despair", and that "hope"video somehow allowed Aoi to betray Makoto,even though that is completely against any principle of friendship and loyalty that hope is all about in the first place. that video of "hope"also makes people have no problem killing, even though killing is despair not hope. what the flying f***. My god. that is stupid.
-another reason it is stupid: you dont suddenly change the whole equation in the final episode/the second to last episode. the entire thing was built as "the final battle between Monokuma and Makoto. Between hope and despair". Monokuma even said so himself. that was the entire point of the show. yet in the end(as i unfortunately expected)there literally was no "Monokuma" whatsoever. just a pretaped message. thus,the entire point of the show became invalid. there was no "final battle of hope vs despair". not only that,it got changed to "Ryota vs Makoto",which would have been semi-acceptable if ryota was the "Monokuma" of this show. the mastermind. instead,he was an innocent bystander and victim who randomly became the main villain out of nowhere at the very very end.
-i will give them one tiny credit though,which is that ryota is doing exactly what junko said last despair episode when she said that a world without any despair is despairing in its own way,so he is accomplishing her goals without even knowing it,which is a nice touch,but not nearly enough to excuse all this crap.
-How the f*** did Aoi return to normal?? one moment she was mind controlled,then after the commercial she wasnt. there was absolutely no hint as to how she was freed from the mind control that literally NO ONE was able to be freed from in the entire series without the entire NWP program,yet she was randomly and quickly freed from it just like that. the hell??
-Munakata Clotheslining the guards and their stormtrooper aim were funny though XD
-also,apparently bullets dont pass through wooden doors. go figure >_>.
-so were the video results that we saw imaginary or real? they should be imaginary,as the countdown hasnt finished,yet we see that Makoto was really surrounded like we saw in the results video,so it was half real and half imaginary?wth lol?
-the "Junko Narration" portion was weird as heck. so she is basically narrating from the afterlife with chisa?and eating popcorn there? wth lol?also,chisa returned to the hope side after her death? XD
well,atleast this gives me hope that she can be resurrected in the future by some dark ritual then XD
a really,really,really,really crappy episode. second worst in the series for sure (nothing will ever top episode 7 as worst).
Danganronpa 2.5 OVA next,then the hope episode. |