Aug 25, 2016 2:35 PM
Your avatar's strengths and powers are determined by your average skill and points in any subject. You may create powers that are mixes of multiple subject, or specialize, specialize, specialize. Feel free to mention another subject or be creative too. Subjects. Physics: Includes control over vectors, velocity, heat, and/or gravity. Biology: Includes buffs, debuffs, and healing on self and others. Chemistry: Includes elemental control and alchemy (anything from FMA-style to crafting poisons and potions). Languages: Allows spell casting requiring chants and tomes. (This is a pretty free category, so make sure to specify what kind of spells you have access to.) Mathematics: Allows power to transfer values between stats. Also allows certain buffs and debuffs. Any powers controlling space manipulation. Increases HP available and regeneration rate. Yes, the school is pushing math. History: Includes powers to spawn and control any sort of familiars or minions. Sports: Increases physical attributes. Stats/Attributes. Strength: This determines the physical strength of your character. It also increases the weight you can carry. Agility: Agility can be explained as the reaction speed and dodging speed of a character. It focuses more on dodging rather than attacking. It is also useful in small, compact places. It generally governs small movements, while bigger ones can be determined by strength. Endurance: The defense capability of the character can be described as Endurance. It increases both Physical and Magical Defense. It also increase the damage bearable. If you take a magical fist, you can probably take a real one. With that said, ranged magic can often be blocked by other magic, so having a low endurance character is feasible. Accuracy: This raises the hit chance and critical hit chance of an attack. It is most suitable for those who use long-range weapons and magic that rely on pin pointing targets. Horizon Points(HP): It's pretty much the 'Mana/MP' of this role-play. It allows the user to cast powers and skills at the cost of it. Health: As the name states, health is health. Maximum Health is 100%. The character loses when the Health drops to 0%. Grades Students are expected to take 5-6 classes. This includes at least one science (Physics, Bio, or Chem), one Language course, Mathematics, and History for Freshman. Points per subject are earned through the course of the rp, but each student will enter with a transcript. As per the Suiheisen model, an A = 100 points, a B = 75 points, C = 50 pts, D = 25 pts, and F = 0. You may choose your own grades for your transcript, but please don't try to be perfect in every category unless it reflects in your bio and personality and your character has reason, motivation, and any consequences expected of a person so specialized in doing well at school. [b]Grades[/b][spoiler] [b]Science: [/b] Physics, Biology, or Chemistry [b]Languages: [/b] Can be anything from English to Latin to Japanese to Spanish [b]Mathematics: [/b] Algebra for Freshman-Sophomore, Calculus or Stats for Junior-Senior [b]History: [/b] Only required for Freshmen. Others may take a second extracurricular instead. [b]Sports:[/b] Any sport or P.E. [b]Extracurricular:[/b] This includes any subject not already mentioned, like Philosophy, Theatre, Art, etc. You can also take a second science. There is also an E-sports league at the school that earns credits, a chess division, and other similar leagues. [b]Total:[/b] Add up all points [/spoiler] Avatar Creation: [b]Name:[/b] (Please fill this once more, or nickname/title if desired) [b]Owner:[/b](Name of the Student that you've created, 1 Avatar per 1 Student) [b]Powers: [/b] (For every 200 points in your total grade, you have access to request one power from the dean.) [b]Power Explanations: [/b] (Please do know the limit to one's power. Also please note what subject or combination of subjects the effects scale with or draw from, and some measure of HP cost so I know it isn't unlimited.) [b]Stats/Attributes: [/b] For every point in Sports, you get one point in any of the first 4 categories. Distribute as desired. [spoiler]Strength: Agility: Endurance: Accuracy: Horizon points: Everyone has 50 HP, plus half of their current math points.[/spoiler] [b]Weapon: [/b] (optional) [b]Pic: [/b] [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] |
CrogLatteMar 22, 2017 5:36 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Aug 30, 2016 2:23 PM
Name: GamiKami Owner: Daisuke Abe Powers: Perfect Edge; Origami Power Explanations: Perfect edge: GamiKami may run his energy through any thin material like fabric or paper, causing it to instantly grow stiff, flat, and sharp. While energized, his paper can meet a blade head-on without faltering. The HP cost is in relation to the size of the object. i.e.: A sheet of paper may take 5 HP, but several small shreds would take 1 HP. Perfect Edge draws from Chemistry, changing the alchemical make up of the target to harden it. Origami: GamiKami can fold his paper into different familiars that follow his orders and can fight for him. Again HP cost is dependent on size. If he manages to fold 1000 paper cranes in battle, he will have one wish granted, aka, he will likely win right then and there. Regardless, doing so would take a huge amount of time and at least 200 HP. Origami draws from History and Art History. Stats/Attributes: 50 Strength: 10 Agility: 15 Endurance: 5 Accuracy: 20 Horizon points: 75 Weapon: Paper. He keeps a lot of paper with him. And a fan. Pic: Grades Chemistry: 50 Latin: 75 Algebra: 50 History: 75 P.E.: 50 Art History: 100 Total: 400 |
CrogLatteMar 22, 2017 5:43 PM
Sep 12, 2016 3:30 AM
Mar 12, 2017 8:09 AM
Name: Usami Owner: Rui Blanc Powers: Air Magic Power Explanations: 1. Air Solidification: Lulu can put pressure in the air molecules to solidify them. 2. Razor Wind: The user can project air in a way that allows them to cut through matter from a distance. It can cut both softwood and hardwood. It can't cut stones but can crack em' Stats/Attributes: 50 Strength: 12 Agility: 13 Endurance: 10 Accuracy: 15 Horizon points: 87.5 (rounded up to 88) Weapon: Fan Pic: Grades Biology: 75 Japanese: 75 History Sewing: 50 Stats: 75 Badminton: 50 Art: 100 Total: 425 |
Mar 21, 2017 1:29 PM
Name: Pendragon Owner: Alexander Eisenwald Powers: Empower; Graviton Power Explanations: Empower: The user is capable of controlling their own body to their will, increasing any of their attributes. But the user only has half their points in Sports to distribute. This can be changed at will, but cannot be constantly changed in the same post. Graviton: The user is capable of creating a field of gravity, with a radius of 50m, where they decrease to the point of zero gravity or increase the force of gravity by up to five times normal strength. The user, however, is unaffected by this and can move freely in that zone. The user can choose whether or not they want to be affected in this zone as well. This also affects any physical projectile, but has reduced effects on magical projectiles. Stats/Attributes: 100 Strength: 50 Agility: 25 Endurance: 25 Accuracy: 25 Horizon points: 75 Weapon: Two energy blades(as seen in the picture) Pic: Grades Physics: 50 Languages: 100 Algebra: 50 History: 50 Sports: 100 E-Sports: 75 Total: 425 |
Discount66Mar 22, 2017 11:45 PM
Mar 21, 2017 5:03 PM
@Discount66: I see no god-like abilities, so APPROVED I don't have some cool approved trademark picture... oops :/ |
CrogLatteMar 23, 2017 4:33 AM
Mar 23, 2017 8:29 AM
Name: raiores dragryder Owner:raiores dragryder Powers: fire change, flame blade Power Explanations: fire change: his body changes into flames for 2 posts and then 3 posts must be made before he uses it again in the same limb. If he attempts to use it more than he should, he will change but the limb that changed will get back to normal on the same post and will be disabled for 3 posts. Other than the cool down and limited duration it costs 5 HP Fire blade: fire forms on any part of his body and it can take any form for 3 posts and 2 posts for cool down. He gives it that name because he usually makes it a blade hutbit can be anything. Other than the cool down and limited duration, it costs 5 HP Stats/Attributes: Strength:28 Agility:28 Endurance:28 Accuracy:16 Horizon points: 85 Weapon: Pic: Grades chemistry: 90 english: 60 algehra: 50 History: 50 Sports: 100 art: 50 Total: 400 |
RaioresMar 25, 2017 12:36 AM
Mar 23, 2017 11:14 PM
Mar 24, 2017 12:46 PM
Name: Akiba Owner: Akita Akio Powers: Sword Summon; Blaster Power Explanations: Sword Summon: Summons any type of sword. It depends on the strength and the hp that Akiba has. If the sword is large and heavy it will take a lot of strength to use it. It will take 5 hp to make a regular sword, so it depends on the type of sword Akiba creates. Sword Summon draws from Chemistry. Blaster: A flying device that fires a laser beam. It depends on the accuracy and the hp that Akiba has. It will take 5 hp to summon one. Blaster draws from Chemistry. Stats/Attributes: 100 Strength: 30 Agility: 20 Endurance: 20 Accuracy: 30 Horizon points: 88 Weapon: Steel Gauntlets Picture: Grades: Chemistry: 100 Physics: 50 English: 75 Calculus: 75 History: 50 P.E: 100 Total: 450 |
AcellahMar 29, 2017 11:30 PM
Mar 24, 2017 1:52 PM
@aceAboody You can start rping unless other admins say otherwise. Hope you have fun :) |
Mar 28, 2017 12:37 AM
Name: Makoto (Used his own name for his avatar.) Owner: Makoto Kozaki Powers: Magic Blades; Swift Power Explanations: Duplicate: Makoto has the ability to create up to 3 magical copies of his sword for 6HP each. These copies simply float around Makoto when he is not controlling them. If he lets go of either of his two swords with this ability activated, they also will float around him. He can control these swords up to a 3 meter radius. Makoto can use these swords to block an attack from any direction, given that he can react in time, and he can use them to perform complex sword combos with many hits. Each individual sword can last for 3 turns and has a 4 turn cooldown. This ability utilizes Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. Swift: Makoto is able to move any amount of stat points from any of his other stats into the agility stat. The ability costs 5HP, can last for up to 1 full post, and has a 1 post cooldown. Stats/Attributes:
Weapon: Dual Wield Pic: Grades:
@Raiores (Edited. And yeah I assumed it would average out.) |
RayallMar 28, 2017 10:27 AM
Mar 28, 2017 8:38 AM
Name: Watson Owner:Sota Kurosaka Powers: Unlimited Parody Works, Tiger Power Power Explanations: Unlimited Parody Works Through a combination of his theatricality and chemistry knowledge, Watson can use the power that is 'Unlimited Parody Works'. Although not actually unlimited, it allows Watson to create a copy of any weapon, both fictional and real for a mere 10HP. So what's good about this? Well the copy will take on certain attributes of the real thing, so for example a copy of a flaming sword really will burn the victim. The downside to this is that every weapon created only has one good swing or shot in them, with them breaking apart after a single use. He also can't create tomes with it. On the bright side, he get's a cool red jacket when using this power. Tiger Power This is exactly as it sounds; For 60HP and using his history power, Watson can summon a tiger familiar called Terrance. This isn't a cutesy little tiger or cartooney looking one, but a good old Bengal tiger. He has some control over Terrance, after all, it is still his familiar, but for the most part he lets him fight using his natural instincts. Stat wise, he has 1/3 of the attributes of Watson, apart from his agility which is 2/3. Sadly this power doesn't bestow Watson with any cool looking jackets, but Terrance is a tiger, not a fashionista, what were you expecting? Stats/Attributes: 90 Strength: 20 Agility: 25 Endurance: 25 Accuracy: 20 Horizon points: 80 Weapon: Shinai Pic: I'm sorry Fate/Stay what now? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Grades Chemistry: 60 English: 50 Calculus: 60 History: 90 Sport- Kendo: 90 Drama: 80 Total: 430 Edit: Added a weapon for when not using UPW |
StrangeJMar 28, 2017 11:16 AM
Mar 28, 2017 10:31 AM
Mar 28, 2017 11:19 AM
@strangedragon No idea why not so I use the You can start rping unless other admins say otherwise. Hope you have fun :) |
Mar 29, 2017 11:55 AM
Name: Stella Owner: Clyde Kingston Powers: Fire Bomb (For every 200 points in your total grade, you have access to request one power from the dean.) Power Explanations: With great exhale Stella can blow a ball of fire towards and enemy. (Please do know the limit to one's power. Also please note what subject or combination of subjects the effects scale with or draw from, and some measure of HP cost so I know it isn't unlimited.) Stats/Attributes: For every point in Sports, you get one point in any of the first 4 categories. Distribute as desired. Strength:12 Agility:11 Endurance:10 Accuracy:12 Horizon points: Everyone has 50 HP, plus half of their current math points. Weapon: Broad Sword (optional) Pic: Grades: Physics: B Biology: B Chemistry: B Languages: Allows spell casting requiring chants and tomes. (This is a pretty free category, so make sure to specify what kind of spells you have access to.) Mathematics: B PE: B |
ConstantHypnosisMar 29, 2017 4:46 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Mar 29, 2017 12:20 PM
@hydehypnosis You should add your character's grades too. Check other applications if you don't understand what I mean |
Mar 29, 2017 4:47 PM
HydeHypnosis said: Name: Stella Owner: Clyde Kingston Powers: Fire Bomb (For every 200 points in your total grade, you have access to request one power from the dean.) Power Explanations: With great exhale Stella can blow a ball of fire towards and enemy. (Please do know the limit to one's power. Also please note what subject or combination of subjects the effects scale with or draw from, and some measure of HP cost so I know it isn't unlimited.) Stats/Attributes: For every point in Sports, you get one point in any of the first 4 categories. Distribute as desired. Strength:12 Agility:11 Endurance:10 Accuracy:12 Horizon points: Everyone has 50 HP, plus half of their current math points. Weapon: Broad Sword (optional) Pic: Grades Science: Physics, 75 Languages: Sign Language, 75 Mathematics: AP Algebra 75 Sports: Basketball 100 Extracurricular: Chess, 75 Total: Add up all points, 400 EDITED |
ConstantHypnosisMar 29, 2017 10:43 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Mar 29, 2017 10:27 PM
@hydehypnosis It's numerical value from 0 to 100 and not from F to A. Fix that and add your grades in language and we're good to go. Also Mention which language (e.g. English, Spanish, German, ect...) |
Mar 29, 2017 10:44 PM
@Raiores Totall over looked there was a layout for grades xD it should be fine now... i think... and hope. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Mar 29, 2017 10:57 PM
Name: Angus Owner: Stein Ishikawa Powers: Warsong Power Explanations: 1. Fingering "A" Minor: Angus Strums his guitar while in "A Minor" that creates a high speed vibration on its edges, It can cut through Hard surfaces but can only scratch steel and rocks. It was drawn from physics Stats/Attributes: 60 Strength: 20 Agility: 10 Endurance: 10 Accuracy: 20 Horizon points: 80 Weapon: Electric Guitar Pic: Grades Physics: 100 Languages( Japanese): 45 Mathematics: 80 History: 40 P.E.: 60 Music: 90 Total: 415 |
crow890Mar 29, 2017 11:01 PM
"In this world full of misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort that in the end, there is Light in the Darkness. |
Mar 29, 2017 11:03 PM
@hydehypnosis Add history or a second extracurricular to the grades and I'll check it again Also I started grading the rest of you post and I see you there are a few things you should edit so I'll tell you what to edit in this post so you don't have to edit it multiple times, ok? Well, first, you have to mention the HP cost of your power. And just in case, HP doesn't mean health points here, it's the power you have, like chakra in naruto, ki in Dragon ball, nen in HXH, or magic power in fairy tail. I think 1 example was enough but who cares anyway? XD Second, your stats. You have 100 in sports so you can increase your stats. The sum of them now is 45 but you can increase that to 100 Also if you don't understand how you calculate your maximum HP, it's 87.5 but because it can't be a decimal, we make it 88 Also you can have a power other than this fire ball one. You have more than 400 in total so you can have 2 powers if you want. Tag me when done and I'll grade it |
Mar 29, 2017 11:08 PM
Mar 31, 2017 1:18 AM
Name: Velvet Owner: Emmilyn Versain Powers: Creation Power Explanation: As it is said, creation is the power to create. With Emmilyn's cards, it can create weapons, knights, etc. Although some may be weak or temporary due to it being made by cards and it cannot create worlds or dimensions. Each indiviual card takes 5 HP and 50 HP for a deck of cards. Stats/Attributes: 80 Strength: 20 Agility: 20 Endurance: 20 Accuracy: 20 Horizon Points: 90 Weapons: Cards Picture: Grades: Chemistry: 85 French: 90 Calculus: 85 Computer: 85 Volleyball: 80 Theatre: 90 Total: 515 @Raiores My sincerest apologies. |
RiriaMALMar 31, 2017 6:39 AM
Mar 31, 2017 6:47 AM
@sweetlili So, you only want to make one power? Well, that's fine. Also you can have 93 HP not 90 but I can overlook that, It's not like it makes any difference. You can start rping now if you want. Hope you like the club and enjoy your stay here ^ω^ |
Apr 9, 2017 9:02 AM
Name: Cry Owner: Cyrille Powers: Spacial Punch+ Kick, Lunar strike Spacial punch+kick This punch and kick are a devastating kick and punch that has the ability to double the stats of the user but the ability could drain the user's energy if used too much. The number of times you can use this ability determines the user's strength. Hp cost:5 for first use and goes up by 1 everytime you use it Lunar strike. This ability requires a long-sword to use. This ability is basically when the user grabs a sword and swings it in a shape of a crescent, it will double the power of the attack. This ability is forbidden to use for self-benefit and is only allowed to be used to protect, not harm. Hp use:5 Stats: 100 Strength: 60 agility: 10 endurance: 25 accuracy: 5 horizon points:88 Weapon: Fists+ a long-sword called eclipse Grades: Taekwondo: 100 French: 100 Maths: 75 chemistry: 100 history:50 biology:75 Total:500 Pic: |
CyrilleApr 10, 2017 12:08 PM
Apr 11, 2017 12:27 AM
Name: Lia Muller Owner: Celestia Rekon Powers: Bardic enchantment using music Power explanation: Lia uses music to put her opponent to sleep. If you aren't paying attention, Lia can lure you into traps/control you with her music. This power draws from history, music and languages. To put someone to sleep takes 15HP. The sleeping spell wares off quickly, as she is not skilled at it yet. To control someone, it takes 55HP. Stats/attributes: Strength: 10 Agility: 30 Endurance: 10 Accuracy: 15 Horizon Points: 75 Weapon: Magic Flute Grades: Physics: 75 Languages: 75 Mathematics: 50 History: 75 Sport: 65 Extracurricular (music): 100 Total: 400 Picture of character: |
Galadriel_Apr 23, 2017 5:26 AM
Apr 11, 2017 8:18 AM
Apr 11, 2017 8:17 PM
Name: Luna Owner:Sakura de la Luna Powers: Luna can summon ancient greek gods Power Explanations: Ability one Luna is able to summon poseidon (god of the sea). Poseidon can breath under water, make rain and control any source of water...except blood. As Luna becames stronger, maybe he can as well.. Ability two Luna can summon Athena (goddess of war). Athena has the ability to make a circle around her and her opponent, this became a double edge sword. Neither Athena nor her opponent can get out until one person is down. Athena also has increased speed and endurance by 100%. Athena uses a sword/shield and is able to fly. Ability Three Luna has 2 guns which she can use to shot people. once every 4 post, Luna can combine those guns to make a cannon. The cannon has a 10 miles shooting range and is extremely powerful Stats/Attributes: For every point in Sports, you get one point in any of the first 4 categories. Distribute as desired. Strength: 10% Agility: 30% Endurance:10% Accuracy: 50% Horizon points: 100 Weapon: 2 Guns Pic: Grades Science: F.................. Greek:100 Japaneese:100 Spanish: 100 Math: 100 History: 100 P.E.: A+ (100) History: 100 Total: 700 |
Sakura_megamiApr 15, 2017 6:10 PM
Apr 12, 2017 1:28 PM
Name: (Star Dazzle) Owner:(Star Aito) Powers: (Flame Cannon, Smoke Bomb) Power Explanations: (Flame Cannon blasts a fireball out of her hand and causes damage only to the thing it hits (sometimes it's brutal, sometimes it's weak). She can only shoot 3 Flame Cannons in 1 post. If she exceeds that amount, her hand will be burnt and can't use it for 3 posts. The cost of Flame Cannon is 5 HP. Smoke Bomb shoots out a cloud of blinding smoke from her fingertips and can spread in diameter only 50 feet. It is fairly lethal but she has to get really close to someone to use it. She can only use this 1 time for 1 post. The duration time for this attack is 5 minutes. If she uses it more than once she will poison her whole hand (not just her fingertips) and she can't use the attack for 3 posts. It costs 5 HP Stats/attributes Strength: 23 Agility: 36 Endurance: 17 Accuracy: 19 Horizon points: 100 Weapon: (a small sword) Pic: Grades Chemistry: 70 Spanish: 60 Mathematics: 100 History: 80 Sports: 96 Extracurricular Activities: 70 total: 476 |
Star-DazzleApr 12, 2017 2:05 PM
Apr 12, 2017 2:06 PM
@star-dazzle You've been approved and can start rping, hope ya enjoy yo stay here ^ω^ |
Apr 13, 2017 12:57 AM
Name:Raven Owner:Zyphkin Powers: crimson lightening burst, black flame burst Power Explanations: Crimson lightening burst- this allows the user to control crimson colored lightening at will, the user may use it as a destructive weapon or for buffing his body. This red color lightening surges from his body when buffing his reflexes or making his body react as a magnet. This also works in reverse making him able to walk upside down on surfaces or stick to surfaces. As far as destruction goes he uses a large AOE. The user slams his hand in the ground or air sending out an almost undodgable lightening force in a 360 degree force that cuts through matter like a scalpel on human flesh if done in the air. If done on the ground the ground will be surged and ripped apart as red electricity rips from the ground immobilize all metal objects as the lightening acts as a magnetic field as the enemies take damage. This takes alot of concentration and alot of energy so it is only used as a finisher in fights. Burst count for ground and air aoe is 2 uses per battle, aoe size ranges up to 7-9 meters in a 360 degree veiw. Raven his able to use more common abilities also which can be used more often for ranged abilities. Crimson wrath- red lightening rains down around raven for 3 posts making it impossible to get close to raven. Any who try will be struck down,( no one has tried to get close so it's not impossible to get to him but let's use logic here) Crims on thunder-a large red thunder bolt rains from the sky for single-group targets in close proximity of each other aproximtly 3 meters of each other. Crimson surge-this is a buff which cloaks his body in crimson red lighting which increase his reflexes by 3%of the average avatar. Crimson light- this is a sensory ability, this uses practically invisible threads of plasmid energy that raven creates to use in finding his enemies. Black flame burst-basically the same as crimson lightening burst just with black fire. Abilities Black flame rage-massive aoe which covers the ground in intense black fire that burns extremely hot and can possibly melt armor. (Almost impossible to put out) Power of the black flames-this is a power buff Wichita increase ravens hand to hand capabilities allowing him to hit extremely hard cracking in not shattering armor or weapons if hit properly. Stats/Attributes: For every point in Sports, you get one point in any of the first 4 categories. Distribute as desired. Strength:15 Agility:30 Endurance:25 Accuracy:30 Horizon points: 98. Weapon: Pic: Grades: Physics: 100 extracurricular Biology: 100 Chemistry: 100 Languages: 90 english Mathematics:98. History: 100. Total:598 |
ZyphkinApr 13, 2017 9:55 PM
Apr 13, 2017 4:00 PM
@zyphkin Sorry but your powers are too OP, change them. Also you should remove physics, chemistry or biology, a char has only 6 subjects including one of the three I mentioned, a language, maths, history or another subject of your choice, sports and another subject of your choice. Also you need to mention which language(e.g: English, Japanese etc...) |
Apr 13, 2017 9:52 PM
Apr 14, 2017 12:38 AM
@zyphkin Well, first, your char has 7 powers, you're only allowed 2 with these grade. Remove them till you only have to and I'll grade it again. Also in this rp we don't use cool down durations or Max uses per fight, we use horizon points so mention the HP cost in each one of your powers |
Apr 14, 2017 12:48 AM
Apr 14, 2017 12:57 AM
Apr 14, 2017 1:00 AM
@riaores Biology I think it is states if a power has any buffs or debuts for them to be listed on the sheet, at least that was my interpretation. If that is wrong the system is flawed and needs to be made clearly. |
Apr 15, 2017 5:00 PM
Apr 15, 2017 6:14 PM
Zyphkin said: Name:Raven Owner:Zyphkin Powers: crimson lightening burst, black flame burst Power Explanations: Crimson lightening burst- this allows the user to control crimson colored lightening at will, the user may use it as a destructive weapon or for buffing his body. This red color lightening surges from his body when buffing his reflexes or making his body react as a magnet. This also works in reverse making him able to walk upside down on surfaces or stick to surfaces. As far as destruction goes he uses a large AOE. The user slams his hand in the ground or air sending out an almost undodgable lightening force in a 360 degree force that cuts through matter like a scalpel on human flesh if done in the air. If done on the ground the ground will be surged and ripped apart as red electricity rips from the ground immobilize all metal objects as the lightening acts as a magnetic field as the enemies take damage. This takes alot of concentration and alot of energy so it is only used as a finisher in fights. Burst count for ground and air aoe is 2 uses per battle, aoe size ranges up to 7-9 meters in a 360 degree veiw. Raven his able to use more common abilities also which can be used more often for ranged abilities. Crimson wrath- red lightening rains down around raven for 3 posts making it impossible to get close to raven. Any who try will be struck down,( no one has tried to get close so it's not impossible to get to him but let's use logic here) Crims on thunder-a large red thunder bolt rains from the sky for single-group targets in close proximity of each other aproximtly 3 meters of each other. Crimson surge-this is a buff which cloaks his body in crimson red lighting which increase his reflexes by 3%of the average avatar. Crimson light- this is a sensory ability, this uses practically invisible threads of plasmid energy that raven creates to use in finding his enemies. Black flame burst-basically the same as crimson lightening burst just with black fire. Abilities Black flame rage-massive aoe which covers the ground in intense black fire that burns extremely hot and can possibly melt armor. (Almost impossible to put out) Power of the black flames-this is a power buff Wichita increase ravens hand to hand capabilities allowing him to hit extremely hard cracking in not shattering armor or weapons if hit properly. Stats/Attributes: For every point in Sports, you get one point in any of the first 4 categories. Distribute as desired. Strength:15 Agility:30 Endurance:25 Accuracy:30 Horizon points: 98. Weapon: Pic: Grades: Physics: 100 extracurricular Biology: 100 Chemistry: 100 Languages: 90 english Mathematics:98. History: 100. Total:598 oh titan why must you always make these copied crazy ridiculous over-powered characters. just why dude..why... |
Apr 15, 2017 6:14 PM
edited my avatar can I get a cheek for power please |
Apr 15, 2017 6:29 PM
@cuddlyangel15[b]Science: [/b] Physics, Biology, or Chemistry [b]Languages: [/b] Can be anything from English to Latin to Japanese to Spanish [b]Mathematics: [/b] Algebra for Freshman-Sophomore, Calculus or Stats for Junior-Senior [b]History: [/b] Only required for Freshmen. Others may take a second extracurricular instead. [b]Sports:[/b] Any sport or P.E. [b]Extracurricular:[/b] This includes any subject not already mentioned, like Philosophy, Theatre, Art, etc. You can also take a second science. There is also an E-sports league at the school that earns credits, a chess division, and other similar leagues. [b]Total:[/b] Add up all points Use that template for your grades plz ^ω^ Also your powers are too op, change em |
Apr 16, 2017 12:36 AM
@cuddlyangel15 Lol not my fault you don't put thought into yours lol and yours is op with out anything lol. |
Apr 23, 2017 10:23 AM
@Galadriel_ You have 1 more point to deposits in stats but Hope ya enjoy yo stay here n have fun rpin ^^ Also hope ya be active in da club, me n star r da only 2 who rp here :/ |
Apr 27, 2017 11:07 PM
Name: Akashi Seijuro Owner: Akashi Seijuro Powers: World Origin, Peasants Punishment Power Explanation: World Origin The user of this ability is able to examine the target’s strengths, weaknesses and attack patterns upon chanting (must be said in latin) the target’s deep secret. When this ability is used it has a chance a giving the user sever headaches and increase heart rate depending on the user's current state, both mentally and physically. In addition the target is able to conceal their information if they are strong willed enough. Continuing on the user is not able to use the ability on the same person twice in a span of 6 months and the use of the ability costs 10hp. (latin, biology) Peasants Punishment First in order to use this the user must be in the following situation: Must occur in the early stages of a battle The target must be afraid of death or you The user must understand the targets (what they're doing, who are they, age etc.) When all the standards are met the targets will be forced on their knees for a short moment and there stamina will be lost quicker. The side effects of this though is that it won't work twice with the same person and the user will become weaker for this period of time. Also the user will lose 10 hp. (Physics, Biology, Algebra) [b]Stats/Attributes: 100 Strength: 50 Agility: 20 Endurance: 10 Accuracy: 20 Horizon points: 85 Weapon: Kicks or sometimes punches Grades Physics: 70 Latin: 70 Algebra: 70 History: 20 Basketball: 100 Biology : 70 Total: 400 |
Apr 28, 2017 8:53 AM
@eagleassassin Your powers aren't approved. Avatars are like game character and they're the ones you fight so you neither die in battles nor get their secrets because avatars don't know them, only players do. Also peasants punishment is too op. You can have cool downs, penalties, preparation times or anything on your powers but that doesn't let you make them stronger if you want Change your powers and ill check it again |
May 4, 2017 9:54 AM
Name: Setsu (she is known as a vampire in this game because she drinks blood from other) Owner: Setsu Bluestar Powers: blood magic Power Explanations: -setsu can control her own blood and use them in fight. *bloody art: she can make any weapon from blood and figght with it, most of all she use a sword or stick witch change forms. *her bloody magic helps her to heal faster.. and helps other to heal faster too if she wants to heal them because she use much blood in fight she liked drinking blood from others... (even thought avatar has no blood.. :D) she s like a vampire :D and i will add if i remember something :D grades: Grades Science: Biology, Languages: English, Russian, Georgian, a little Japanese and a little Chinese Mathematics: Algebra and geometry. Sports: plural gymnastics; drill, basketball, tennis, golf. Extracurricular: psychology, bussines and Music Total: -???? what point should i add? Stats/Attributes: should i write as much as i want? Strength: Agility: Endurance: Accuracy: Horizon points: Everyone has 50 HP, plus half of their current math points. Weapon: because of her magic, she always carry a bottle of her blood... so it can protect Pic: more info: well she is like Gaara (from Naruto) but her powers is blood and not sand. |
Setsu_KaMay 4, 2017 1:59 PM
May 4, 2017 11:39 AM
@pretty-setsu Add her grades. Use this form in the end of the post: [b]Grades[/b][spoiler] [b]Science: [/b] Physics, Biology, or Chemistry [b]Languages: [/b] Can be anything from English to Latin to Japanese to Spanish [b]Mathematics: [/b] Algebra for Freshman-Sophomore, Calculus or Stats for Junior-Senior [b]History: [/b] Only required for Freshmen. Others may take a second extracurricular instead. [b]Sports:[/b] Any sport or P.E. [b]Extracurricular:[/b] This includes any subject not already mentioned, like Philosophy, Theatre, Art, etc. You can also take a second science. There is also an E-sports league at the school that earns credits, a chess division, and other similar leagues. [b]Total:[/b] Add up all points [/spoiler] Also you need to add hp costs to your power. Ho is not health points, it's like chakra in Naruto or ki in dbz games, understand? I will calculate your character's maximum HP when you add your grades cause I'm too lazy to explain how you calculate it. Sorry ^^" Also your character can only have 3 power at max so you can't add another power. And 3 powers is actually her maximum if she scores 100% in everything so she may only be able to have 1 or 2 powers |
May 4, 2017 1:59 PM
Raiores said: @pretty-setsu Add her grades. Use this form in the end of the post: [b]Grades[/b][spoiler] [b]Science: [/b] Physics, Biology, or Chemistry [b]Languages: [/b] Can be anything from English to Latin to Japanese to Spanish [b]Mathematics: [/b] Algebra for Freshman-Sophomore, Calculus or Stats for Junior-Senior [b]History: [/b] Only required for Freshmen. Others may take a second extracurricular instead. [b]Sports:[/b] Any sport or P.E. [b]Extracurricular:[/b] This includes any subject not already mentioned, like Philosophy, Theatre, Art, etc. You can also take a second science. There is also an E-sports league at the school that earns credits, a chess division, and other similar leagues. [b]Total:[/b] Add up all points [/spoiler] Also you need to add hp costs to your power. Ho is not health points, it's like chakra in Naruto or ki in dbz games, understand? I will calculate your character's maximum HP when you add your grades cause I'm too lazy to explain how you calculate it. Sorry ^^" Also your character can only have 3 power at max so you can't add another power. And 3 powers is actually her maximum if she scores 100% in everything so she may only be able to have 1 or 2 powers ok i added grades, but i did not get at points... you can add them as you wish :D she has 2 powers. i have no idea what HP is.. do you mean cool down? or something like that? and i do not know about Stats/Attributes.... help me in that too |
Setsu_KaMay 4, 2017 2:03 PM
May 4, 2017 3:12 PM
@pretty-setsu Points are what she gets at school and I can't really tell how smart you want her. This is the grades your character, not avatar, gets at school for example if she has 100 in science, that means she got all the answers correct in science, know what I mean? I've no idea how schools work in Georgia and am too lazy to Google it so I can't give much explanation. Sorry For HP, it's like cool down but it's kind of different. It's something like that: if your character has 10 HP and you want to do an attack that costs 5 HP, you'll do the attack but your HP will go down by 5, making you have only 5 hp after it, and if you try a power that costs 10 hp with only 5 hp, you can't do it. To make sure you understand I'll give ya some examples. It's like chakra from Naruto games, elixir from clash royale, mama from many mmorpg games, ki in Dragon ball, magic power in fairy tail etc... Also remove the part in your power about sucking others' blood. And for stats/attributes, if your grades in PE are for example 40, your character gets 40 points in total and you can distribute them however you want. For example have 10 in strength, 10 in agility, 10 in endurance and 10 in accuracy or 37 in strength and 1 in the rest. Just do it however you want but the sum of your stats can not be greater than your grades in PE. Don't distribute anything in hp. The way you calculate hp is different than how you calculate other stats. It depends on math not PE but don't worry about that, I'll just calculate it for you when add your grades for math. |
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