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Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki desu ka?
Jul 4, 2019 2:40 AM
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Dear Friends,
Good day! I’m happy to announce that the revamped DD Nen School for the Exceptional is ready to take off. Our sincerest apology for the long wait and we’re thankful for your patience in this.
The yearly Student Enrollment Exercise and Staff Employment Exercise has commenced. We’ll be looking forward to your presence and creation.
Take care!
We noticed that you'd joined DD Nen earlier on so we're wondering if you'd be keen to participate in a pre-survey.
Good day to you. This is the Narrator from DD Nen School for the Exception.
I’m here to announce that the school had started accepting new students. If you’re keen, you may proceed here to enroll. I’m sure you’ll have a delightful time with us.
Alternatively, we’re also looking for new teachers. Various subjects are available at the moment. Do proceed here to arrange for an interview.
We look forward to your presence. Till then, take care and cheers.
The Narrator