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Mar 8, 2016 12:50 AM
Jun 2009
I wanted to see what you all were eating in a day. Both good days and slow days. I'm super lazy so I usually make things that are really easy. I'm like 5'9'' 155lbs, so I try to keep it around 2500-3000 calories. Also keeping the carbs/protein/fat ratio close to 80%/10%/10%. This is just guidelines, I'm not very strict with it either.

Breakfast(usually eaten outside):
Mixed ~1-1.5cups of Oatmeal, 1tbsp Flax meal, 0.5cups Cranberries
1-2 Oranges
5-15 Bananas (Blended w/ water)
2cups White Rice
1 boiled potato
~1-1.5cups Beans or some Pasta or tofu
Bowl of mixed salad - kale + lettuce + spinach + carrots + tomatoes
Couple slices of toast
1cup Soy or Almond Milk
1hr-1.5hr of strength + cardio
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Mar 9, 2016 7:11 PM
Apr 2010
There's not really any rhyme or reason in my eating. It's pretty much just vegan versions of...everything. I use a lot of almond milk and meat alternatives. I eat a lot of fruit.
Mar 9, 2016 10:50 PM
Jun 2009
mrhatnklogs said:
There's not really any rhyme or reason in my eating. It's pretty much just vegan versions of...everything. I use a lot of almond milk and meat alternatives. I eat a lot of fruit.

Same here but only on weekends when I go out to eat. I generally buy a lot in bulk (oats,rice,beans,potatoes,fruits) I'm lazy so boiling and blending are my limits in cooking.
Mar 17, 2016 11:14 PM

Dec 2014
On days I train I drink a vegan protein shake. I use about 2 cups of soy milk, a banana, 2tbsp hemp seed, vegan protein powder (Vega All-In-One), and ice. Highly recommend trying this.

To OP: I don't count calories. I eat until I'm full. I eat a ton of fruit in the morning. Pears, apples, bananas, strawberries, melon, w/e. Also might have some cinnamon toast crunch with soy milk and hemp seed. I also eat a lot of chickpeas now that I have a bomb ass recipe for them. Ever try mixing quinoa with your rice btw? Try it if you haven't. But yeah vegans all eat the same shit.
Mar 17, 2016 11:21 PM

Dec 2014
@Azula-Kurohime, @Conceal, @CondemneDio, @cruel_Alice, @cumshotz, @freya-6th, @Frisco, @Google, @JakeM, @kawaiiyuris, @Masked_Mantis, @Maskimrain, @mrhatnklogs, @neUtrino_23, @PureBlueSF, @QuirkyIceHeart, @SwagQueen, @talkingheads, @Tegan_Harmony, @TerribleLie, @Windschirmchen, @zevlovex, @_Luh

Figure its about time I step up my TOFU game. It's like Genin lvl right now. Any suggestions/recipes/tips/tricks for tasty tofu.
Mar 18, 2016 12:13 AM

Jan 2013
ghstindashamploo said:

Figure its about time I step up my TOFU game. It's like Genin lvl right now. Any suggestions/recipes/tips/tricks for tasty tofu.

Here's some I like:

Tofu and miso soup
Deep-fried smoked tofu (buy a package of smoked one, and fry it)
Baked marinated tofu

Here's a good recipe, just swap out the meat with more tofu.
Mar 18, 2016 5:15 AM

Oct 2012
ghstindashamploo said:
Figure its about time I step up my TOFU game. It's like Genin lvl right now. Any suggestions/recipes/tips/tricks for tasty tofu.

Well, one of the base recipes around here (Germany) is scrambled tofu. In essence it's a scrambled egg recipe with no egg. There are numerous ways to prepare this, given all the different preferences (firm vs soft, added stuff vs no added stuff) vegan people had when it came to scrambled egg - most of these preferences made it into the vegan version. ;)

All versions feature tofu (in different forms), curcuma/turmeric and Kala Namak salt.

I prefer mine to consist of three quarters regular tofu (best with lots of pores), one quarter silken tofu, a bit of smoked tofu, curcuma powder+Kala Namak, one onion, some mushrooms and chives. Looking at several english recipes hasn't resulated in one I'd like to post here... most of the time I do it by guess and by gosh anyways. It's really worth trying - if you're interested then I might post a more detailed version of my own 'recipe' here ... or maybe you have your own recipe already and would like to share it with us. ;)
Mar 18, 2016 8:35 AM

Dec 2014
@neUtrino_23 sure I'll share my recipe :) I rarely ever cook tofu right now. The only way I've prepared is by pan frying it. Btw I've only ever come across tofu with different degrees of firmness in the store. I usually just buy "firm" tofu. Didn't know you could by smoked tofu and all that. So all I do is press the water out the tofu then marinate it in thyme, basil, paprika, jerk pepper sauce, soy sauce, slat & pepper, roasted garlic & herb, and Italian seasoning. Then I just toss it in some cornstarch or nutritional yeast and throw it in the frying pan with some onions and garlic. I almost always burn it accidentally and even when I don't it nvr really comes out that great...but your welcome to try it for yourself. Maybe you'll have better luck.
Mar 19, 2016 12:38 AM

Oct 2012
oh my, a day can look so different for me.
i certainly love cooking, and i always cook as healthy as possible.
i'll try to give y'all an outline of my usual day, but please don't be too surprised, i have stupid double standards because of an eating disorder and eat too little most of the time. still, the delusion of "well, whenever i do eat, it's healthy!" stays so there's that, stupid Li is stupid.


breakfast before school, around 6 am: either 1 apple or 1 banana, a cup of coffee.
lunch (depends on how long school takes, i eat at home after that (usually between 3-6 pm): a meal of 600-800 kcal, which is often rice with vegetables, tofu, or pasta, i really take care of having that one good meal
"dinner" around 8 pm: depending on how bad my day was, max. 4 shots of plain vodka, usually just one or two. on a very good day or when i still have to do some assignment that has to get finished, none.
i try to stay under 1500 kcal a day.


breakfast, around 7-8 am: i allow myself up to 4 pieces of fruit lol
lunch around 12- 2 in the noon: i cook a big healthy meal with a looot of veggies, many carbs and energy. about 1000 kcal.
then i try to eat nothing for the rest of the day but this usually fails so i eat a few tangerines in the evening, but never more than 5.
i usually dont drink on weekends.

there are 389372391 more rules, spleens and obsessions i have about food, but that would go too much into psychology now, so that's it for now. ^_^

take care
If life ain't just a joke
Then why are we laughing?

If life ain't just a joke
Then why am I dead?
Mar 20, 2016 8:44 AM

Oct 2012
ghstindashamploo said:
@neUtrino_23 sure I'll share my recipe :) I rarely ever cook tofu right now. The only way I've prepared is by pan frying it. Btw I've only ever come across tofu with different degrees of firmness in the store. I usually just buy "firm" tofu. Didn't know you could by smoked tofu and all that. So all I do is press the water out the tofu then marinate it in thyme, basil, paprika, jerk pepper sauce, soy sauce, slat & pepper, roasted garlic & herb, and Italian seasoning. Then I just toss it in some cornstarch or nutritional yeast and throw it in the frying pan with some onions and garlic. I almost always burn it accidentally and even when I don't it nvr really comes out that great...but your welcome to try it for yourself. Maybe you'll have better luck.

Your marinade sounds a lot like something I've done quite a few times myself. :) Thanks for sharing anyways!
The problem with 'firm' tofu is that most of the producers urdle/congeal (don't know what would be the right word here) the bean mash with Calcium sulfate (which is nearly the same as plaster), producers who use nigari tend to make tofu that absorbs a bit more of certain flavours because it results in wider and more frequent pores. After all... no tofu I have ever used or eaten in a restaurant has taken up lots of flavour (if it hadn't been added to the bean mash before the congealing). Best way to go is to always have a sauce or dip when serving a tofu dish. Also I prefer nigari tofu over plaster tofu ... and fermented kombucha tofu over nigari tofu (yep, we're lucky to have that here in Germany -

If you're from Europe then maybe you have a chance of finding a shop that sells it. ;)
SwagQueen said:

"dinner" around 8 pm: depending on how bad my day was, max. 4 shots of plain vodka, usually just one or two. on a very good day or when i still have to do some assignment that has to get finished, none.

Had to laugh so hard because of this XD Guess vodka is just veggies in a very special form ;) One of the brands I like best adds leaves of bison grass to every bottle - so that's like a double veg intake ;P

Also... stumbled over this, thought it to be funny and wanted to share it with y'all:
Mar 21, 2016 7:06 AM
Jul 2018
ghstindashamploo said:

Figure its about time I step up my TOFU game. It's like Genin lvl right now. Any suggestions/recipes/tips/tricks for tasty tofu.

I'm not much of a cook personally, but as far as eating out, I can definitely recommend Moe's Southwest Grill. I would also recommend Chipotle, but I don't know if you'd really want to risk it, considering the issues they've been having with food quality recently. You can get tofu on just about everything available at Moe's, and they use pretty good quality stuff. I usually get the Wrong Doug Stack or the Billy Barou nachos. Tofu is good on both. As far as Chipotle goes, they have the sofritas, which is seasoned tofu. You can get it on anything, and it goes especially well with the burrito bowl.
Mar 23, 2016 2:59 PM

Dec 2014
PureBlueSF said:

As far as Chipotle goes, they have the sofritas, which is seasoned tofu. You can get it on anything, and it goes especially well with the burrito bowl.

Whaaattt?! Nvr knew they had tofu at chipotle. You just improved my day significantly :D

CondemneDio said:

Here's a good recipe, just swap out the meat with more tofu.

The link isn't working?
Mar 24, 2016 12:03 AM

Jan 2013
ghstindashamploo said:

The link isn't working?

Oh whoops.
Oct 1, 2021 10:37 AM
Sep 2021
Your diet seems really healthy. For me, I am completely into all-natural diet since I was diagnosed with kidney condition. I tried several Ayurvedic remedies and found out that eating food that are enriched with therapeutic herbs and spices etc.can do wonders to your health. I follow for all my natural recipes and they are really healthy and tasty.
Nov 15, 2022 9:28 AM

Aug 2021
ugh even tho im vegan im not that good in the kitchen u know, and i dont think i eat too healthy for a vegan either
breakfast is usually sandwiches with some vegan spread
dinner is like noodles and tofu, rice and fried veggies and whatever substitue i got on hand, or groats u know like kasha and some salad and a substitue
for supper i like grilled ham and cheese sandwiches or some sausages
i been vegan since 2018, and my diet hasnt changed really, i just started using substitues; i went straight from a meateater to a vegan because i had a vegan partner it was cheaper for us to simply buy vegan food exclusively, and i already believed that me going vegan was inevitable bcuz of my politics so yeah it wasnt a problem switching really, knew itd happen someday - havent looked back since
i mean i think im like living proof that u can be clueless about cooking and be vegan and its not a drastic change in lifestyle at all and its like super easy, like nothing changed, i eat the same but vegan
Nov 28, 2022 10:58 PM
Oct 2022
zevlovex said:
I wanted to see what you all were eating in a day. Both good days and slow days. I'm super lazy so I usually make things that are really easy. I'm like 5'9'' 155lbs, so I try to keep it around 2500-3000 calories. Also keeping the carbs/protein/fat ratio close to 80%/10%/10%. This is just guidelines, I'm not very strict with it either.

Breakfast(usually eaten outside):
Mixed ~1-1.5cups of Oatmeal, 1tbsp Flax meal, 0.5cups Cranberries
1-2 Oranges
5-15 Bananas (Blended w/ water)
2cups White Rice
1 boiled potato
~1-1.5cups Beans or some Pasta or tofu
Bowl of mixed salad - kale + lettuce + spinach + carrots + tomatoes
Couple slices of toast
1cup Soy or Almond Milk
1hr-1.5hr of strength + cardio

Are you still following this diet regime?
If yeah, has it worked out well in the long term?
Feb 26, 2023 2:37 PM

Jun 2013
Just a heads up to take your B12, peeps! :P Also, supplementing vitamin D is recommended in winter for everyone North of Rome, vegan or not. ^^ Oh, and Omega 3´s are also commonly deficient in the whole population, so don't forget them as well. (I like to go for the easy route and add some algae oil to my meals almost every day.) <3
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