I know Ougi refers to itself as a girl, but it was hinted earlier in the series that Ougi was a boy dressed in girls clothing (I forgot which monogatari). But in the most recent episode she said that she can be "much like a spirit possessing him." referring to araragi. So I just want to know your opinion on Ougi
still a bit safe if (or as long as) he didn't/doesn't tell the reason why.
anyways, a spoiler is a spoiler. but if OP is persistent, i would rather tell him on PM.
As you can see, the real deal with Ougi Oshino is that she's a student at Naoetsu Private High School. She's in her mid-teens, is unmarried, and currently resides in Japan. Thanks for writing! We'll be right back.
the darkness that appear on shinobu time, because she claims to has a job of "punishing liars". In addition, in nadeko medusa she said that she was looking for hachikuji
the darkness that appear on shinobu time, because she claims to has a job of "punishing liars". In addition, in nadeko medusa she said that she was looking for hachikuji
A very interesting guess.
[spoiler]Further comment would be wrong, even in spoilers.[/spoilers]
I think Ougi is related to Araragi in someway and to Darkness. The best pice of foreshadowing on the anime is when Ougi is talking to Araragi and she turns into his Shadow!. The evidence goes further when she talks, She uses baiting manipulation. She purposely talks erroneous information to bait people with knowledge to correct her and spill the beans. I love the masterful manipulation she has displayed.
The most formidable image is from Ougi Formula, Where Ougi poses like a puppeteer behind araragi as if to mock him!.
Ougi isn't a boy. In Hana, she wore a boy's uniform to complete a plan of hers (I won't give details). She was just fucking with Kanbaru when she said that she "had always been a boy up until then" and stuff.
still a bit safe if (or as long as) he didn't/doesn't tell the reason why.
anyways, a spoiler is a spoiler. but if OP is persistent, i would rather tell him on PM.
btw, Ougi is a boy on Hanamonogatari.
Lol I'm still trying not to read it... I should have expressed that I only wanted theories.
missMenkoi said:
Ougi isn't a boy. In Hana, she wore a boy's uniform to complete a plan of hers (I won't give details). She was just fucking with Kanbaru when she said that she "had always been a boy up until then" and stuff.
Thnx for the explanation... I watched Hana when it came out so I couldn't remember the exact situation
From what we've seen so far, both this arc and prior to this, as well as the references to her/him/it at the end of Nadeko Medusa, I'm almost certain she's an apparition/aberration of some sort, but it's hard to tell who or what she is actually linked to. I bet he/she/it is linked in some way to Araragi, possibly something to do with some part of his past that the anime has not yet revealed; this seems especially likely given how he/she/it seems to know everything there is to know about Araragi.
I haven't read the novels or anything, but my guess is that she is an oddity created by Araragi.
She's basically an image of himself that he created in the absence of Meme because in his mind he couldn't solve everyone's problems by himself (even though he could). With Ougi, she has the same intellect and somewhat similar demeanor as Meme, so she becomes someone Araragi can be comfortable bouncing theories off of. Because she has Araragi's mind, he finds out the answers with the illusion that he got them from someone else.
Thus the apparition of Ougi is born. Since Araragi's mind is the basis of her creation, it makes sense that she has a logical background. She's Oshino's niece, who is conveniently not around so it cant be disproved. She also knows details about Oshino and all of Araragi's friends, which are all just bits of information from his mind.
Whenever he chats with her, she always knows the answers to his questions. Always saying "I don't know anything, you're the one who knows Araragi-senpai"...despite the fact that she is the one who verbally says the answers to his questions.
Also because she is an oddity, (and one derived from someone who gets rid of them) she is also good at deflecting anything that would raise suspicion against herself, and definitely has the intelligence to keep herself from being eliminated.
But that's just my theory. I see someone also mentioned that she could be the darkness that chased Mayoi, which could also be true. Or perhaps the darkness is actually connected to Araragi as well and darkness and Ougi are both connected. Who knows...
At some point Ougi claims that his job is to punish liars. The black hole kind of thing that appears to erase the existence of Hachikuji Mayoi and Heart Under Blade(Shinobu) did this. When it came after Shinobu, she was acting like a god which was not exactly an oddity slayers character and hence, she was a liar. Mayoi was the lost child and was suppose to make people lose their way, she stopped doing so shortly after her encounter with Koyomi and again we see the black hole trying to erase her. Again, she was not being true to her role hence, a liar.
So maybe it is possible that Ougi is actually that black blob(I don't remember what it was called).
I've got my own theory on who is ougi but I may be wrong.
Ougi Oshino might be Meme Oshino:
-She appeared when Meme disappeared.
-We only see her talking to people he knew and she talks to them just like they were pal for a long time.
-I'm may be overthinking this but the way she talks sometime to Araragi in Owarimonogatari, and claiming he is silly for not quickly understanding what's obvious, sounds like the way Meme would talk to Araragi at the time he was helping him. It also sounds like she was implicitly telling him: "aren't you able to see what you've got in front of you"
-She is clearly not oshino's niece as Kaiki said in Hitagi end arc that "Meme had no family at all" meaning he didn't have any brothers or sisters to have a niece. Also Kaiki said that he didn't know who ougi was but he had already heared her name in the past. That being said, if she is not Meme niece, why does she sounds like him?
-It doesn't prove anything but, again in hitagi end arc, Anekawa tells Kaiki that "She knew more or less that Oshino didn't go abroad".
The biggest problem with this theory is why and how Oshino decided to become Ougi.
I don't know why he decided to do that but how he transformed himself seems doable. It's just like the way Gaen, Kaiki Kagenui, Teori and Oshino created Ononoki the doll from a dead person spirit into a doll.
Oshino died or intentionally committed suicide and was resurected, not into a doll, but into a dead body girl, explaining the dead black eyes of Ougi in addition to her pale colour skin.
This theory has maybe only 10% of chance to be true but... why not ? And if it comes out to be false, it would make a good creepypasta :p.
Sorry by the way for my english, it's not my native tongue.
As you can see, the real deal with Ougi Oshino is that she's a student at Naoetsu Private High School. She's in her mid-teens, is unmarried, and currently resides in Japan. Thanks for writing! We'll be right back.
I've been trying to figure this out as well, but I think we need more information... at first, I was onboard with the theory that she is an oddity created by Araragi. For the most part, it's a really smart theory and it makes sense but there are some loopholes. Ougi seems to act out of her own self-interest for one. She seems to have an ultimate goal in mind, and doesn't always do anything Araragi would do or even have knowledge of.
For example, in Otorimonogatari she gives Nadeko a bunch of information without Araragi being present. She also mentions after running into Nadeko that she was trying to catch Hachikuji, which is very interesting because the Darkness was doing the same thing in Onimonogatari, but we saw Hachikuji disappear...
Ougi also appears as a boy (and forgets that she is a boy at one point) when talking to Kanbaru in Hanamonogatari. She gives Kanbaru information about the Lord Devil, which Araragi definitely has no clue about and would have no way of getting that information to Kanbaru seeing as he is far away at college at that time.
The one constant in what Ougi does is that she seems to be trying to resolve things in a way that isolates Araragi. She did it with Sodachi... Nadeko... she tried with Hanekawa but Hanekawa is a boss... etc. That's just a theory though, the only thing Ougi tells us as far as her ultimate goal is is that she wants things to be "proper" whatever that means.
So in short... Ougi is incredibly spooky and we need to get more Monogatari in a hurry to solve this completely lol.
harrytheprince said: I´m not planning on reading the novels and since it isn´t solved in the show...spoil me with everything
you´ve got
The show hasn't ended, though... everything will be answered in Owarimonogatari Season 2, so I'd hold off on spoiling yourself if you haven't already. Should be a very good season!
Although Gaen supposedly "Know's Everything", she is obviously pretty stupid with respect to explaining things. If goes to say that, as she explains things, it gets even more complicated. Gaen have said a lot of garbage about Ougi in OWARI so she would appear smart but it boils down to this.
Being Araragi&Shinobu's child, she inherited Shinobu's matter creation skills (a skill that can literally create anything - a bike for example), knowledge&wisdom and her personality was influenced by Araragi's inner-self.
For example, Araragi's jealousy towards Hanekawa becomes evident via Ougi's action in competing against her .
“People can think whatever they want deep down, and it’s not like they’re going to create an oddity that way—however, to declare you ‘one mere high schooler’ would be a bit of a misnomer. After all, you’re a quasi-human who keeps the remnants of a legendary vampire in your shadow.
“Given her origin and her nature, just as you were arguing, she’s not exactly the fighting type—but all the same, she ought to have full command of Heart-Under-Blade’s matter creation skill, at the very least.
“Basically, the last name ‘Oshino’ doesn’t come from Meme Oshino, but from Shinobu Oshino. If you take into consideration that you and Shinobu Oshino are essentially one in body and soul, you could consider Ougi Oshino to be your joint production .
“ Of course, it would’ve made more sense if she just called herself ‘Ougi Araragi,’ but I suppose that would have been too obvious. The idea to call herself Meme Oshino’s niece probably came from me, shamefully enough; I set a bad example when I called myself his sister back in August.
“ With how hard Shinobu-san has exploited her matter creation skill up ’till now, it would be totally feasible for her to create an oddity, a high school girl, or whatever else .
“You didn’t do anything special or unheard of. However, compared to the rest of those girls, what was unique about your case—what was unique in the same way my sister’s case was—was that you created an oddity meant to attack yourself.
“Not out of self-importance.
“Out of self-criticism—self-criticism to an extent that it could very well be considered a form of autotoxemia, from a certain point of view.
Anyway... spoiling is not actually bad, it will help you enjoy the anime more. We don't see or hear anything in LN so even if you know what is going to happen, seeing&hearing it will still excite you on a different level.
What did it look like when... or how did it sounded when... etc....
FrEaKaZoIdIaNJun 4, 2017 12:03 AM
-> It does not matter if everything else is BAD as long as the PLOT/STORY is GOOD!
-> TRAGEDIES are for MASOCHIST so count me OUT!
-> TRUTH sometimes HURTS!
-> | Reddit | FanFiction |
woodthing97 said: Although Gaen supposedly "Know's Everything", she is obviously pretty stupid with respect to explaining things. If goes to say that, as she explains things, it gets even more complicated. Gaen have said a lot of garbage about Ougi in OWARI so she would appear smart but it boils down to this.
Being Araragi&Shinobu's child, she inherited Shinobu's matter creation skills (a skill that can literally create anything - a bike for example), knowledge&wisdom and her personality was influenced by Araragi's inner-self.
For example, Araragi's jealousy towards Hanekawa becomes evident via Ougi's action in competing against her .
“People can think whatever they want deep down, and it’s not like they’re going to create an oddity that way—however, to declare you ‘one mere high schooler’ would be a bit of a misnomer. After all, you’re a quasi-human who keeps the remnants of a legendary vampire in your shadow.
“Given her origin and her nature, just as you were arguing, she’s not exactly the fighting type—but all the same, she ought to have full command of Heart-Under-Blade’s matter creation skill, at the very least.
“Basically, the last name ‘Oshino’ doesn’t come from Meme Oshino, but from Shinobu Oshino. If you take into consideration that you and Shinobu Oshino are essentially one in body and soul, you could consider Ougi Oshino to be your joint production .
“ Of course, it would’ve made more sense if she just called herself ‘Ougi Araragi,’ but I suppose that would have been too obvious. The idea to call herself Meme Oshino’s niece probably came from me, shamefully enough; I set a bad example when I called myself his sister back in August.
“ With how hard Shinobu-san has exploited her matter creation skill up ’till now, it would be totally feasible for her to create an oddity, a high school girl, or whatever else .
“You didn’t do anything special or unheard of. However, compared to the rest of those girls, what was unique about your case—what was unique in the same way my sister’s case was—was that you created an oddity meant to attack yourself.
“Not out of self-importance.
“Out of self-criticism—self-criticism to an extent that it could very well be considered a form of autotoxemia, from a certain point of view.
Anyway... spoiling is not actually bad, it will help you enjoy the anime more. We don't see or hear anything in LN so even if you know what is going to happen, seeing&hearing it will still excite you on a different level.
What did it look like when... or how did it sounded when... etc....
Thank you so much, now I finally know what ougis f***** deal is. Throughout the run of the whole show that´s released until know I always thought to myself, either reveal something about that character or make him an enemy, you can´t keep a mystery up for 2 whole seasons and expect your audience to be patient. Of course you get the gist that "it" (ougi) is a bad guy but nothing´s revealed about him/her in the anime. I hope that changes with owarimonogatari 2