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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Sep 1, 2015 8:06 AM

Nov 2014
So I've finished the available volume kindly translated by nano desu, but it wasn't enough. The cliffhanger was too strong, and I sometimes read spoilers at a whim.
So I went and read the summary of volume five and volume six, and oh man. The helicopter is falling. I don't even know anymore.
If anyone else wants to discuss a summary of the Japanese novel here is the link to the one I have read

[spoiler]I can't get over the fact that SPOILERS Adlets love for Fremy was fake, and he lost it after killing tgurneu. Even though the bastard told her he would turn all lies into truth. T. T
At least she got to hear from tgurneu himself that her mother really loved her, Fremys happiness matters more. And they always could get to know each other again after their get their happy ending, "happy ending" of course.[spoiler/]

Sep 5, 2015 3:16 PM
Oct 2008
Thank you for the link!
Sep 5, 2015 6:24 PM

Jan 2015
Jesus that mind, body and soul are dead.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Sep 6, 2015 5:51 AM

Jul 2015
Moechintai4 said:
So I've finished the available volume kindly translated by nano desu, but it wasn't enough. The cliffhanger was too strong, and I sometimes read spoilers at a whim.
So I went and read the summary of volume five and volume six, and oh man. The helicopter is falling. I don't even know anymore.
If anyone else wants to discuss a summary of the Japanese novel here is the link to the one I have read

[spoiler]I can't get over the fact that SPOILERS Adlets love for Fremy was fake, and he lost it after killing tgurneu. Even though the bastard told her he would turn all lies into truth. T. T
At least she got to hear from tgurneu himself that her mother really loved her, Fremys happiness matters more. And they always could get to know each other again after their get their happy ending, "happy ending" of course.[spoiler/]

Thanks for the LINK Moechintai4.

And Whats about that Nashetania . she loses an arm and gives her virginity? It is true?


Sep 20, 2015 5:16 AM

Mar 2015
I'm so confused now. Who is the seventh? Is there even still a problem with having a seventh Brave? I mean, Fremie is apparently a Saint Tool; the Black Fruitless Flower in form of a human girl but it was null, so I assume she is still a Brave but as a Saint Tool she is powerless? If that is the case, then is Adlet a Brave or not? Did he actually receive a petal from the First Saint? If he did then everyone is a Brave right?
Sep 20, 2015 8:31 AM

Nov 2013
Adlet is kinda like Lelouch. He's a deceiving genius and a main character. I can only see the series ending with him dying also.
Sep 20, 2015 10:13 AM

Jul 2014
HandsomeMan said:
Adlet is kinda like Lelouch. He's a deceiving genius and a main character. I can only see the series ending with him dying also.

But Adlet was being manipulated by the power of 'love' throughout tho @.@
Oct 6, 2015 7:27 AM
Jan 2013


The spoilers were effing intense.
"How am I supposed to face the problem when the problem is my face?" - W.Lui

"A real man forgives a woman for her lies." - Sanji

"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes adults flying through a portal in the sky." - NettoSaito

"I'm not a newbie it's just that I only registered a few days ago." - A newbie
Nov 14, 2015 4:57 PM
Nov 2015
Well I doubt the author would simply make Adlet say "Ill turn all lies into truths" and then have him go back on it immediately. The only thing that would accomplish is disappoint the readers even more. As a result of this, I do still hold out hope for Fremy and Adlet. That said, 99% sure that Adlet is gonna do some heroic suicide thing at the end to kill the Majin.
Dec 9, 2015 9:37 PM
Jan 2010
Moechintai4 said:

So appropriate. We need volume 7 ASAP!
Jan 26, 2016 10:06 AM
Nov 2015
Oh this is interesting. I recently stumbled upon another discussion of volume 6 but they say that the brainwashing remains active after Tgurnue dies. Considering the link provided by yourself is simply a rough translation of a discussion from some random person who probably used google translate to decipher it, I do not believe it. Well at least, I trust the other people that were talking about this more than the link you gave.
Feb 7, 2016 12:31 AM
Jul 2012
all i want is for Fremy x Adlet to happen plzzz cmon author
Feb 7, 2016 2:16 PM

Apr 2013
Negative_Neutral said:
Oh this is interesting. I recently stumbled upon another discussion of volume 6 but they say that the brainwashing remains active after Tgurnue dies. Considering the link provided by yourself is simply a rough translation of a discussion from some random person who probably used google translate to decipher it, I do not believe it. Well at least, I trust the other people that were talking about this more than the link you gave.

Well you're better off not trusting that "other source" because he/she clearly didn't read volume 6.
Apr 21, 2016 12:12 AM
Jul 2018
bobzanny said:
Jesus that mind, body and soul are dead.

This is what happened when I saw the spoilers.

Tbh, adlet being the 7th was not that surprising for me, since the suspects were already narrowed to rolonia, fremy and adlet,(with the first one being somewhat cleared in vol 4). Also there were many hints as it progressed, like when tgurneu said "adlet, do you really want to kill me?" etc.

However, I didn't expect that love spell, although that romance thing felt a bit odd.
One thing I didn't understand(as the spoilers site pointed out), adlet was not aware, but didn't tgurneu say sometimes that "I will instruct the seventh", etc? How is that possible? Well, maybe it was there to make them confuse or whatever.
removed-userApr 21, 2016 12:23 AM
Apr 21, 2016 1:18 AM

Jan 2015
xaos12 said:
bobzanny said:
Jesus that mind, body and soul are dead.

This is what happened when I saw the spoilers.

Tbh, adlet being the 7th was not that surprising for me, since the suspects were already narrowed to rolonia, fremy and adlet,(with the first one being somewhat cleared in vol 4). Also there were many hints as it progressed, like when tgurneu said "adlet, do you really want to kill me?" etc.

However, I didn't expect that love spell, although that romance thing felt a bit odd.
One thing I didn't understand(as the spoilers site pointed out), adlet was not aware, but didn't tgurneu say sometimes that "I will instruct the seventh", etc? How is that possible? Well, maybe it was there to make them confuse or whatever.

yea I thought it was becoming a bit obvious especially during volume 4, but all the side characters really blew me away with their development.

And I think Tgurneu was just playing mind games with them, I mean his entire role in this series was to basically mine fuck the audience and our characters.

In regards to the romance, it always felt forced at best so it's kinda nice that it got cleared up.

But I wonder what's the holdup for Vol.7 it's been almost a year an no release, I need to know the fate of Chamo!
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Apr 21, 2016 1:29 AM
Jul 2018
bobzanny said:
xaos12 said:

This is what happened when I saw the spoilers.

Tbh, adlet being the 7th was not that surprising for me, since the suspects were already narrowed to rolonia, fremy and adlet,(with the first one being somewhat cleared in vol 4). Also there were many hints as it progressed, like when tgurneu said "adlet, do you really want to kill me?" etc.

However, I didn't expect that love spell, although that romance thing felt a bit odd.
One thing I didn't understand(as the spoilers site pointed out), adlet was not aware, but didn't tgurneu say sometimes that "I will instruct the seventh", etc? How is that possible? Well, maybe it was there to make them confuse or whatever.

yea I thought it was becoming a bit obvious especially during volume 4, but all the side characters really blew me away with their development.

And I think Tgurneu was just playing mind games with them, I mean his entire role in this series was to basically mine fuck the audience and our characters.

In regards to the romance, it always felt forced at best so it's kinda nice that it got cleared up.

But I wonder what's the holdup for Vol.7 it's been almost a year an no release, I need to know the fate of Chamo!

True that, the side characters are really great with their developments and tgnereu as a villain is a magnificent bastard.

Hmm I also feel so. Tgurneu also sometimes did say to tell the 7th not to reveal himself until he is found out, so yeah deceiving everyone to the extreme.

Holdup for vol 7 is possibly because of the side stories announced
Apr 22, 2016 12:41 AM

Jul 2007
Oh wow, so the pairing that I felt was so forced and out of nowhere int he show IS literally forced and fake. Well that at least clears up one bit of bad writing.
Sep 14, 2016 11:44 PM
Mar 2016
The rumours about Nashetania are fake. At this point I wont even be surprised if Adlet is the Majin himself.
Sep 16, 2016 2:57 AM

Apr 2013
patcan3609 said:
At this point I wont even be surprised if Adlet is the Majin himself.

You clearly haven't read the novels if you write that.
Sep 16, 2016 10:22 AM
Mar 2016
I havent, only up to volume 4 or so.
Nov 10, 2017 8:22 PM

Nov 2013
Even after being told by Teguneu that his sister was killed by Furemii, I'm really still hoping that he will fall in love with her again(this time in a natural way). I can understand his hatred towards the kyouma, but he really should make an exception for Furemii considering how cute she is... seriously...
And now there's also the possibility of Furemii betraying the group, or of at least wavering in her resolution to go against the kyouma, and perhaps of becoming an ally of Nashetania, since she heard that her mother actually loved her.
I'm still hoping that Dozuu will end up being a "good guy", but considering how dark this series is turning out to be, it's very likely that he will end up being the most dangerous out of the 3. I'm expecting Kaaguikku to turn out to be even more troublesome as an enemy than Teguneu, especially considering how much Dozuu seems to be fearing him. I wonder if Kaaguikku will also be added as a main character. lol
The ending of the volume was very confusing with the Majin eating the Ichirin no Seija and saying that Adoretto is going to help him.
I wonder if Chamo will ever have a volume in which she is the protagonist. Also, for whatever reason I can't convince my brain to see Chamo as a girl. I'm still having to remind myself all the time that she is a girl, and not a boy...
Zefyris said:
Tgurneu is too much influenced in his decision by his own desire to see peoples suffering, and sooner or later, this is going to bring his demise.

Lol, nice. You wrote it before reading the sixth volume and it turned out to be very accurate.
ColtBuntlineNov 10, 2017 11:51 PM
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
― Saint Augustine
Jan 4, 2018 2:03 PM
Jan 2018
alguna noticia del volumen 7 de rokka no yuusha
some news from volume 7 of rokka no yuusha?
Dec 21, 2018 7:40 AM

Apr 2008
Loved the shit out of this volume.

It no joke undermines every character in there, but then reinforces them as well.

Cargikk is introduced sobbing. But by the end of the scene you're more scared for the braves than any of Dozzu's ominous notes about him or by the insanely massive public works we know he contructed to defend the Majin. If Tgurneu was beaten by love, then Cargikk's love will surely triumph over the braves who have lost that love, even if Cargikk were much weaker than Tgurneu was.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Jun 9, 2019 1:03 PM
Jul 2016
Finnaly read this goddamed volume. Pretty good volume, altho it hurts to read my BOY Adlet considering kiling everyone for fremy just like that. I am Glad he is finnaly free. Hope his friendship with Hans will start again and better then ever if possible. That is if he can even have friends anymore.
Aug 4, 2022 7:13 AM

Jun 2017
The conclusion to Tgurneu's arc was great. It manipulated Adlet's emotions even till the end. It is a shame that this is in hiatus and no more volumes are available. I still hope that the author will pick this back up one day.
I have a feeling that the Evil God (Majin) is the result of some experiment gone wrong based on that epilogue.
Feb 9, 9:41 PM

Apr 2015
Well thank god that tgurneu guy was beaten cause this light novel probably won’t get a continuation so we don’t have to worry about that epilogue ending, ended with some progress.
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