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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Sep 19, 2015 11:05 PM

Jan 2011
xKula said:
it's not really about fighting tho. :s

btw the words later in the novel shouldnt be used here, since the rating is about anime not LN.

I said there's lot of fighting beside wondering who is the 7th. Did I say later in the novel it will be concentrated on only fighting? Didn't, right? Then what's your 'its not really about fighting tho' about?

And 'the words later in the novel shouldn't be used here'. Geez.. I didn't give spoilers on the future novel, why can't I say anything like 'it would be more than just finding the 7th, different from vol. 1' What? This counted as spoiler? *shocked* This is just a comment. Did I say anything about people should rate the anime like in the LN?
Sep 19, 2015 11:36 PM

Aug 2015
hokaru said:
I said there's lot of fighting beside wondering who is the 7th. Did I say later in the novel it will be concentrated on only fighting? Didn't, right? Then what's your 'its not really about fighting tho' about?

Because you make it sound like people will enjoy it more if there's alot of fighting?

hokaru said:
And 'the words later in the novel shouldn't be used here'. Geez.. I didn't give spoilers on the future novel
Did i mention anything about spoilers? Didnt right?

hokaru said:
it would be more than just finding the 7th, different from vol. 1' What? This counted as spoiler? *shocked* This is just a comment. Did I say anything about people should rate the anime like in the LN?

The point of this thread is why this anime is not ranked high enough?
and your answer is
I can't believe it didn't even get an 8. Geez.. those impatient people.
Later in the novel, beside wondering who is the 7th, there're a lot of fighting though..

so, first of all lets me apologize first, since i may misunderstood your reply.
1. what exactly do you mean by " I cant believe it didnt even get an 8. Geez.. those impatient people."
-what impatient about them?
since the last episode is already outed, what more do they have to wait?
that's why the way you put it like that make it sound like " Geez.. these guys should read the novel first and rate the anime later"

then again, i apologize if i misunderstood your intention.

2.What exactly does "Later in the Novel, beside wondering who is the 7th, there're a lot of fighting though.." mean?

-What does "Later in the Novel" has anything to do with rating this anime?
this sounds like " You shoudnt rate this anime low because it getting more interesting later in the Novel
Again, sorry if i misunderstood your intention.
Sep 20, 2015 2:31 AM

Jan 2011
@ xKula

Yup, you misunderstand me. From the 1st place, I only read the TS's 1st post.
Do you think I've the time to read 4 pages of I don't know what?

TS say "this a really good mystery show, people must enjoy some really hollow and empty shows or have little brains not to understand a mystery show also no spoilers please am just asking a simple question no reason to spoil the whole show"

My "those impatient people." are about agreeing with TS, that those people who think this show is the normal 'chosen heroes killing demon king' show but couldn't understand the beauty of mystery. When it change from the old plot to added mystery after ep 4, isn't that when some people nagged about it? I assumed TS's "Hollow and empty shows or have little brains" are talking about those people who doesn't want mystery and want the 'chosen heroes..' plain adventure show.
Thats why I say they are impatient, couldn't wait to watch finish the show first to rate.

xKula said:

btw the words later in the novel shouldnt be used here, since the rating is about anime not LN.

To me it sound like I can't even mention anything about 'novel' in this thread. Even though this is an anime adaptation from Novel. Why can't I mention something like it get better later in the Novel just because this is about anime adaption? Isn't it okay as long as I didn't give out any spoiler?
Oh, sorry that it sound to you as "You shoudnt rate this anime low because it getting more interesting later in the Novel"
You mad, bro?

xKula said:

Because you make it sound like people will enjoy it more if there's alot of fighting?

As you know the main element in this story, is mystery. Like what I've mentioned above, this is to make it more appealing to those who like the "chosen heroes.." plot..

Yeayea... "Later in the Novel" doesn't has anything to do with rating of this anime.
What? I can't say it? You mad? Oh man.. someone is banning the word 'Novel' in this thread.. whoa..
Sep 20, 2015 4:03 AM

Sep 2014
You can say what you want but it doesnt change the fact that later in the novel has nothing to do with a 12 episode anime that basically ended where it started.

For me the show had nice moments and very good OP and ED, but overall I would never give more than 8/10, considering many people probably dropped it after noticing it wouldnt become what they want, a nearly 8 rating isnt even bad.
I personally hate short anime, because it always makes you want more and you almost never get it. This is exactly the case here. Not a manga but a LN appetizer.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Sep 20, 2015 4:45 AM

May 2010
This thread is weird.
It basically asks why people who did not enjoy the show gave it a bad rating...

Or I am missing something here.
Sep 20, 2015 4:59 AM

Jul 2014
Aohh said:
This thread is weird.
It basically asks why people who did not enjoy the show gave it a bad rating...

Or I am missing something here.
No you dont, weird threads always exist in MAL :P

Comander-07 said:
You can say what you want but it doesnt change the fact that later in the novel has nothing to do with a 12 episode anime that basically ended where it started.

For me the show had nice moments and very good OP and ED, but overall I would never give more than 8/10, considering many people probably dropped it after noticing it wouldnt become what they want, a nearly 8 rating isnt even bad.
I personally hate short anime, because it always makes you want more and you almost never get it. This is exactly the case here. Not a manga but a LN appetizer.

ikr. even me who enjoy the LN very much gave this series 8/10. so it's not that surprised to see the score around ~7.5+. i still think that it may be (slightly?) better if they adapted the prologue.
Sep 20, 2015 5:52 AM

Aug 2015
hokaru said:

i know you replied directly to OP that why i said what i said.
still the use of word impatience doesnt feel right. If people dont like mystery, that's their taste it has nothing to do with patience.
hokaru said:
Thats why I say they are impatient, couldn't wait to watch finish the show first to rate.

If they dont like mystery why do they have to spend their time watching what they dont like? Even if they finished it unless they like mystery in the first place their score will be the same.
Again instead of impatience , we can also say they're not masochist. (trying to watch what they dont like)

hokaru said:
To me it sound like I can't even mention anything about 'novel' in this thread.

You can use the word Novel as you like, but using the word "Later in LN, blah blah blah" has nothing to do with rating this anime now. you can use it but its pointless argument, that's why i suggested you shouldnt.

hokaru said:
As you know the main element in this story, is mystery. Like what I've mentioned above, this is to make it more appealing to those who like the "chosen heroes.." plot..

Yes actions scene are always welcome but as you said yourself the main element is "Mystery", if people like this show about actions instead of Mystery it means they've missed the whole point of the show. that's why there's no point of boosting the score by the people who dont like Mystery.
Sep 20, 2015 5:54 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
If anything it should be dropping after that incredibly disappointing ending >.>

Well there's the 1/5 rule of course but still
Sep 20, 2015 5:55 AM

Jul 2014

Calm down, you're the one getting excited here. :/
Read again and you'll see

she knew that you replied directly to OP that's why she said
xkula said:
btw the words later in the novel shouldnt be used here, since the rating is about anime not LN.

"Later in the Novel" has nothing do with the topic. yes you can use it but the fact that you replied directly to OP make the words "Later in the Novel" pointless, hence you shouldnt.
She only said the words "Later in novel" shouldnt be used here, it's suggestive and she has a point since whatever happen in the novel later has nothing to do with rating this anime now. ( No one said you cant use the word Novel )

EDIT: Ninja lol'd
Sep 20, 2015 10:14 AM

Jan 2011
xKula said:

If they dont like mystery why do they have to spend their time watching what they dont like? Even if they finished it unless they like mystery in the first place their score will be the same.
Again instead of impatience , we can also say they're not masochist. (trying to watch what they dont like)

You know there're tons of people who doesn't like mystery yet still watch it (all 12 eps). Just read a few pages of episode 12 discussion and you'll know..
Who knows why they do that?
Plus there're many people who think the opposite, first 4 episodes are boring, it get better when the mystery. But there're also some of those many people who rated low first.
That's why I say people are impatient (for every anime, not just this). Always judge the show and rate it after a few ep.

xKula said:

Yes actions scene are always welcome but as you said yourself the main element is "Mystery", if people like this show about actions instead of Mystery it means they've missed the whole point of the show. that's why there's no point of boosting the score by the people who dont like Mystery.

Nah.. There're just some people even through don't like the show, but for the seek of completing it, they will just watch it. Again, who knows why they do it?

In the end you guys are saying "Later in Novel" shouldn't be used here coz it has nothing to do with rating of this anime. Ok ok it's suggestive, then I'm going to say this. You've no right to tell/ask me what i 'shouldn't' say as long as it didn't bring any harm or spoilers to anyone. Peace?

Oh.. I can't wait to see Dozzu!!
What?! I shouldn't say it here coz it has nothing to do with "why is this not ranked high enough?" thread? Or because this is considered spoiler? ops...
Sep 20, 2015 10:16 AM

Jul 2014
After that last episode, I'm not surprised. This or volume 3 were the weakest out of the 6 thus released, I can see it getting an 8 at best.
Sep 20, 2015 10:21 AM

Oct 2012
Ended up liking it more than I thought I would but besides production quality I guess I have have two major issues with it, the first being the fact that most of the relationships between the characters except Adlet and Flamie didn't really feel very fleshed out and people flipflopped really quickly between trust and mistrust so that hurt my suspension of disbelief a bit.

The second is the fact that the ending is just so anti-climatic, there is 11 episodes of build up, the reveal is in the first 10 minutes of the episode and then its like 'welp we still have another plot to deal with in the future'.
Sep 20, 2015 6:52 PM

Aug 2015
calm down, mad much? xD

hokaru said:
You know there're tons of people who doesn't like mystery yet still watch it (all 12 eps). Just read a few pages of episode 12 discussion and you'll know..
Who knows why they do that?

Kid with no drop rule?
masochist? xD ( i dont know too)

hokaru said:
Plus there're many people who think the opposite, first 4 episodes are boring, it get better when the mystery. But there're also some of those many people who rated low first.
That's why I say people are impatient (for every anime, not just this). Always judge the show and rate it after a few ep.

the show is ended already the last episode already outed. So what does rate low at first has anything to do wth completed anime?
Your argument only valid for on-going shows.

hokaru said:
Oh.. I can't wait to see Dozzu!!

hokaru said:
Later in the novel, beside wondering who is the 7th, there're a lot of fighting though..
gave entirely 2 different feeling.
The former is just about typical chit-chat-fav-scenes/characters but the latter(with your whole context and who you replied to) is sounds like "The anime shouldnt be rated low because it's getting more interesting later in the novel".

hokaru said:
In the end you guys are saying "Later in Novel" shouldn't be used here coz it has nothing to do with rating of this anime. Ok ok it's suggestive, then I'm going to say this. You've no right to tell/ask me what i 'shouldn't' say as long as it didn't bring any harm or spoilers to anyone. Peace?
how ironic, when you're the one who said "those impatient, couldn't wait to watch finish the show first to rate." = those impatience should've watched the show to end first. lol

You can talk about whatever you want, just dont use the word " Later in the Novel" to defend the Anime rating. You can use it but i suggest you shouldnt, cause it sound like a cheap excuse.
(whether you've used it or havent used it yet, i dont care ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )
Sep 20, 2015 7:00 PM

Jul 2014
Cause its 12 episodes. This show has a story tht will only be well done if its like 50-60 episodes
Shirayuki= Most Perfect Female MC ever
Sep 20, 2015 10:22 PM

Jan 2011
Im just saying they are impatient to judge the show lowly when its just a few episode.
I nv did say they should have judge after the show ended.
Heck i rate shows before they ended too! I nv did say they shouldnt!
Like i said, im replying to the TS, which asked why it is rated low back in Aug. Im not saying its rated low despite being it a completed series.
Coz tons of ppl rated it back then, thus the rating is low as it isnt well received from the start.

Furthermore, i already said sorry that it sound like "The anime shouldnt be rated low because it's getting more interesting later in the novel". But what ive said is the same thing as "oh, i cant wait to see dozzu".. geez, its just a comment of what i feel.

Why are we even still discussing this?
Basically we just have different perception. I no longer feel like explaining to someone with different perception, when the person in question insisted of thinking what they thought I meant.
Oct 22, 2015 3:14 AM

Apr 2013
A bit sad that since the anime finished airing, the average rating has become lower and lower. It lost 0.04 already despite the number of peoples who already rated it being very high, meaning that peoples who watched it after it finished... mostly have given 7 or less, or else it would move at all with 50k+ rating already counting.
Oct 23, 2015 5:48 PM
Oct 2014
Looking on the bright side of things, at least a lot of people have actually watched and rated it. Could've been that show that went unnoticed until a couple years later when some reviewer caught onto it and people actually got interested but then complained that it wasn't popular enough to garner a sequel. At least for the moment we might (Thats a big might) get enough people behind this to actually get a sequel.
Oct 28, 2015 7:01 PM
Jun 2013
To those who say MAL rankings don't matter, lots of great shows have low ratings and vice versa. I disagree, essentially all of my favorite anime are quite highly rated (8+) and I generally notice drastic quality difference between 7.5 and lower shows and 8+ shows.

I really really enjoyed this anime though, and I hope the sub 8 rating doesn't deter many people from enjoying it.
Nov 1, 2015 9:47 PM

May 2013
Porb3 said:
To those who say MAL rankings don't matter, lots of great shows have low ratings and vice versa. I disagree, essentially all of my favorite anime are quite highly rated (8+) and I generally notice drastic quality difference between 7.5 and lower shows and 8+ shows.

I really really enjoyed this anime though, and I hope the sub 8 rating doesn't deter many people from enjoying it.

Well, considering most WMTs got sub 8 ratings even though people haven't watched them for some reason... (really, how do MAL ratings work again?)
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