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The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan
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Jul 18, 2015 11:35 PM

Jun 2009
because many think this SUCK!
srsly, ppl here should've started to respect others opinion
Jul 19, 2015 8:27 AM

Mar 2010
ZetaZaku said:
Because people thought this was the third season. (because autism)
Because people think that this ruined the chance of KyoAni ever making a third season. (KyoAni doesn't care about Haruhi, Free is more likely of getting a third season than Haruhi)
Because people think it's taking place in the main Haruhi universe. (despite the title, synopsis and the first episode saying otherwise)
Because people prefer anime girls without any character over moeblobs obsessed with turkey. (sounds like a penis metaphor)
Because people think that KyoAni's Haruhi had actual plot. (top kek)
Because somehow a different design makes the whole show bad. (Oh boy, Kyon doesnt look like that bland guy with a long face anymore, he's now a bland guy with a round face, gasp, the horror)
Because it lacks Haruhi. (which is somehow a bad thing, apparently)

Bottom line is: Disappearance of Nagato Yuki is average. Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi S1 is average. Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi S2 is garbage. Disappearance of Nagato Yuki is already an improvement over Season 2.


I think people are mostly just mad that it's not "Haruhi". It's not 3rd season, it's not the same thing, it doesn't have the same art, characters are slightly different etc. What these people were looking for was s3 or something that could be considered s3 but they got a brand new anime and that disappointed them so much that they decided to hate on it as "revenge" (most of them not consciously).
Jul 19, 2015 3:19 PM

Apr 2015
HikaruIzumi said:
ZetaZaku said:
Because people thought this was the third season. (because autism)
Because people think that this ruined the chance of KyoAni ever making a third season. (KyoAni doesn't care about Haruhi, Free is more likely of getting a third season than Haruhi)
Because people think it's taking place in the main Haruhi universe. (despite the title, synopsis and the first episode saying otherwise)
Because people prefer anime girls without any character over moeblobs obsessed with turkey. (sounds like a penis metaphor)
Because people think that KyoAni's Haruhi had actual plot. (top kek)
Because somehow a different design makes the whole show bad. (Oh boy, Kyon doesnt look like that bland guy with a long face anymore, he's now a bland guy with a round face, gasp, the horror)
Because it lacks Haruhi. (which is somehow a bad thing, apparently)

Bottom line is: Disappearance of Nagato Yuki is average. Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi S1 is average. Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi S2 is garbage. Disappearance of Nagato Yuki is already an improvement over Season 2.


I think people are mostly just mad that it's not "Haruhi". It's not 3rd season, it's not the same thing, it doesn't have the same art, characters are slightly different etc. What these people were looking for was s3 or something that could be considered s3 but they got a brand new anime and that disappointed them so much that they decided to hate on it as "revenge" (most of them not consciously).

It's almost as bad as the Sonic fanbase when it comes to change.
Jul 20, 2015 4:32 AM

May 2009
Ulquiorra1923 said:
Haruhi is too damn annoying most of the times in the original series, but I like her a whole lot more now.

^ This. :D
Jul 20, 2015 2:33 PM
Apr 2015
nstyn4te said:

As for the argument that the anime is a reflection of the manga, then so much the worse for the manga; it's shit too.

Maybe it is (for you anyway), but at the very least you would know where everything disagreeable to you comes from, instead of just blaming the anime.

The defenders in this thread are correct - people brought their misconceived expectations into this series.
Jul 20, 2015 2:34 PM
Apr 2015
IZUMI64 said:
because many think this SUCK!
srsly, ppl here should've started to respect others opinion

Uninformed opinions aren't equal to informed opinions.
Jul 21, 2015 9:09 PM

Jun 2009
boukendesho said:
IZUMI64 said:
because many think this SUCK!
srsly, ppl here should've started to respect others opinion

Uninformed opinions aren't equal to informed opinions.

so, you meant all the hate came from ppl who think this different (from original) and then just assuming this anime suck without watch it first?

at first I like this anime idea making spin-off of the "original world", but after watched and finished it. I fucking rather rewatch Haruhi S2 with the whole endless 8.
If I have no respect like you guys, I will say "person who made this story should be executed in front of his family!"
Jul 22, 2015 9:26 AM
Apr 2015
IZUMI64 said:
boukendesho said:

Uninformed opinions aren't equal to informed opinions.

so, you meant all the hate came from ppl who think this different (from original) and then just assuming this anime suck without watch it first?

at first I like this anime idea making spin-off of the "original world", but after watched and finished it. I fucking rather rewatch Haruhi S2 with the whole endless 8.
If I have no respect like you guys, I will say "person who made this story should be executed in front of his family!"

LoL, I am sure that's what some of the haters think when they watch an anime (not just this particular one). Glad to hear it for real.

You might want to go back and re-read the thread and see what people are saying.

People aren't saying you cannot dislike this anime. Taste are subjective and you are entitled to your taste.

They are saying that the reasons voiced about disliking this anime come from having unreasonable expectations - and these expectations get quickly blown away if people just spend a bit of time with the source material.

I.e. many of the dislikes come from being uninformed about the source material.

Lastly - nothing you said made uninformed opinions equal to informed opinions.
boukendeshoJul 22, 2015 9:38 AM
Jul 22, 2015 8:29 PM

Jun 2009
boukendesho said:

... I.e. many of the dislikes come from being uninformed about the source material.

Lastly - nothing you said made uninformed opinions equal to informed opinions.

another typical "you must read manga first" bullshit crap shitty comment
good adaption doesn't really need the watcher to read the source material first. (like SAO, SNK and GoT for example)
I'm not having problem with the animation, lack of haruhi etc. but the whole spin-off story is just bullshit crap. (same for source material, they suck if the story basically same with this crap)
Jul 23, 2015 12:14 AM
Apr 2015
IZUMI64 said:

another typical "you must read manga first" bullshit crap shitty comment
good adaption doesn't really need the watcher to read the source material first. (like SAO, SNK and GoT for example)
I'm not having problem with the animation, lack of haruhi etc. but the whole spin-off story is just bullshit crap. (same for source material, they suck if the story basically same with this crap)

... I can't tell if you are being too defensive or just have reading comprehension challenges, but I will try one last time.

People don't care if you don't like the story. Your enjoyment is your own.

But if you don't like it because it's not Haruhi S3, people are saying you wouldn't have such an expectation if you just spend a couple minutes checking out the source material. And if you can't be bothered, do yourself a favor to listen and learn to save yourself some time and angst.

Nobody said you would have liked the anime if you just read the manga. They are saying you wouldn't have wasted time watching the anime if you didn't like the first couple chapters.

I don't give a shit why you don't like this anime. But stop misreading and misrepresent what's been said.

boukendeshoJul 23, 2015 12:29 AM
Jul 23, 2015 1:01 AM

Jan 2014
boukendesho said:

... I can't tell if you are being too defensive or just have reading comprehension challenges, but I will try one last time.

People don't care if you don't like the story. Your enjoyment is your own.

But if you don't like it because it's not Haruhi S3, people are saying you wouldn't have such an expectation if you just spend a couple minutes checking out the source material. And if you can't be bothered, do yourself a favor to listen and learn to save yourself some time and angst.

Nobody said you would have liked the anime if you just read the manga. They are saying you wouldn't have wasted time watching the anime if you didn't like the first couple chapters.

I don't give a shit why you don't like this anime. But stop misreading and misrepresent what's been said.
Well said mate...Its too hard to understand for some people apparently...
Jul 23, 2015 5:09 AM

Jun 2009
boukendesho said:

...But if you don't like it because it's not Haruhi S3...

saying shit about my reply but still same shit response and shoving opinion in others thought
like I said above, I like the spin-off idea or completely different story form original world, but the execution just pretty crap and disappointed.
I'm pretty sure if this anime well executed many haruhi fans that hoping for S3 will settle with this anime.
what make them angry, god damn PUYO ruining the characters (keep in mind not because it's different or not haruhi S3) especially Nagato.
we've already seen Nagato with expression and she's loveable in Haruhi movie, he should've did that and expanding the story around that rather than creating disgusting creature called "new" Nagato.
and you people, just because you love it then you blatantly judging ppl who don't like this anime negatively and urging them to respect your "why it's not shit/it's actually good" opinion.
prime example is OP of this thread, asking "why the hate" then reply with this funny crap answer :
iLatrell_ said:
I guess none of yall dumb fucks have read the manga,
Jul 23, 2015 6:09 AM
Nov 2008
I never liked nagato, still even with her as main character it was ok to watch. Id say it deserve 7.4 score, not 6.7
Jul 23, 2015 10:20 AM
Apr 2015
LoneWizard said:
Well said mate...Its too hard to understand for some people apparently...

I wondered if some of these people had bad English teachers, but that's probably disrespecting their English teachers.
Jul 23, 2015 12:41 PM
Apr 2015
IZUMI64 said:
boukendesho said:

...But if you don't like it because it's not Haruhi S3...

saying shit about my reply but still same shit response and shoving opinion in others thought

LoL, snipped most of my post and claim I didn't address you. What a genius move.

IZUMI64 said:

like I said above, I like the spin-off idea or completely different story form original world, but the execution just pretty crap and disappointed.
I'm pretty sure if this anime well executed many haruhi fans that hoping for S3 will settle with this anime.
what make them angry, god damn PUYO ruining the characters (keep in mind not because it's different or not haruhi S3) especially Nagato.
we've already seen Nagato with expression and she's loveable in Haruhi movie, he should've did that and expanding the story around that rather than creating disgusting creature called "new" Nagato.

Nice! Repeating beaten arguments hoping whoever shouts the loudest wins. Such impeccable logic.

Let me clue you in - with your own words - if you think "execution just pretty crap," and "god damn PUYO ruining the characters especially Nagato," you simply have unreasonable expectations because you don't know the source material.

15 minutes of manga time would have told you the above and saved you hours of anime time, but in your great wisdom that anime should stand alone you decided to burn your time and more bitching about people telling you that you've wasted time.

Feel free to keep banginging your head against the wall. We are telling you why it hurts, but we ain't stopping you - it's fun to watch suffering.

IZUMI64 said:

and you people, just because you love it then you blatantly judging ppl who don't like this anime negatively and urging them to respect your "why it's not shit/it's actually good" opinion.
prime example is OP of this thread, asking "why the hate" then reply with this funny crap answer :
iLatrell_ said:
I guess none of yall dumb fucks have read the manga,

What makes you think we "love" it? Did you check out our scores showing you that we think this is a masterpiece?

And what makes you think we care what you think about our opinions? Seems to me you are the one who cares.

And what makes you think you are free from judgment? If you can judge an anime, others can judge what you said.

Don't want to be judged? Don't say anything.

Welcome to the interweb, where thin-skinned people are eaten alive before breakfast. Enjoy.
boukendeshoJul 23, 2015 12:44 PM
Jul 24, 2015 7:55 PM

Jun 2012
Because even if you've never seen The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi and know nothing about the characters, this show is an utterly bland and unremarkable romantic comedy.
Jul 25, 2015 12:55 PM
Apr 2015
Kintrex said:
Because even if you've never seen The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi and know nothing about the characters, this show is an utterly bland and unremarkable romantic comedy.

Right, bland and unremarkable = average = hate.

People these days sure are difficult to please.
Jul 27, 2015 7:39 AM

Oct 2012
I like this series. The characters all looked so much better, save for Yuki herself. Haruhi actually looked 10000x better than the original one.
「友達なんていない。人はすぐに裏切るし、学校っていうのは誰かを標的にしないとやってられない馬鹿共の集 まり。ままごとみたいな役決めて、仲のいいふりして都合が悪くなったら知らんぷり。そんな奴らと仲良くした いとか全然思わない。」
Jul 28, 2015 10:32 AM

Jul 2014
I don't hate it, honestly it was BORING.
Jul 28, 2015 11:53 PM
Jul 2015
Lol, I really like it. I see it as a completely different experience with characters I already know. I don't see it as a new Haruhi series. Also, since I like stuff like Watamote and Kotoura-san, I just have a disposition to like this too. As for the art style...I'm still trying to get used to it. It's a bit too chibi like in the face for me...At least for Kyon. Everyone else I am pretty okay with.
Aug 14, 2015 6:57 AM
Aug 2015
From what I just read a lot of people didn't like it cause of the art style and kyon for some reason. Cant say thats my reasons but to each his own. For me its cause it was just another romantic comedy. I'll give it that its kinda always been that but I liked it cause the cool plot about a girl who is god but doesn't know that she is god. thats just me though.
Dec 1, 2016 12:33 AM

Apr 2009
Because Nagato is speaking too much.
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Apr 16, 2023 12:16 AM

Oct 2018
[quote=TakezoKensei message=40221929]If people wanted a continuation of the story from the movie, they should play the PSP game, which is actually that, and continues the Kyon/Nagato Disappearance storyline.

Isn't the PSP game setting is before festival? When Kyon is still editing the movie?
If wanted continuation then adapt season 3
Jun 11, 2023 8:39 AM

Dec 2017
Aditya_Rizki1 said:
TakezoKensei said:
If people wanted a continuation of the story from the movie, they should play the PSP game, which is actually that, and continues the Kyon/Nagato Disappearance storyline.

Isn't the PSP game setting is before festival? When Kyon is still editing the movie?
If wanted continuation then adapt season 3
The PSP game is not a continuation of the movie. The first story to be released that was set after the movie was Snowy Mountain Syndrome in The Rampage of Haruhi Suzumiya. Chronologically it's Love at First Sight in the Wavering of Haruhi Suzumiya (another great volume). However the true epilogue of Disappearence is Melancholy of Asahina Mikuru.
Sep 24, 2023 7:30 AM

Mar 2020
Because its trash obviously
Oct 9, 2023 6:49 PM

Dec 2017
This show literally took the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and stripped everything that made it unique and exciting out of it. Pair that with less-than-average character designs and production values and you get this forgettable blah.
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