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Jul 5, 2014 11:19 PM
Mar 2013
Damn son that was a pretty good episode. Bloody and gorey just the way i like my anime.
Jul 12, 2014 5:45 AM

Mar 2013
Nice, this is better than expected. Love the dark and mature atmosphere.
Jul 15, 2014 1:10 AM
Jul 2014
>First episode
>Lots of fanservice
>Didn't know what to expect
>Pretty dark and badass feel

I get the feeling that after completing this show, I'm going to be both praising its dark overtone and badassery as well as looking down on it for the fanservice, but overall I liked ep1 and thought it was interesting to say the least.
Dec 19, 2014 8:41 AM

Nov 2011
The thing about the fanservice here is that it actually feels more like those Hollywood movies with 'random' kissing scenes and shots focusing on the sexualised parts of the female.

By the end of this shit, what I am sure I will NEVER live with is the fact that a character like Mimi exists. Goddamn lolis who actually turn out to be older than 20s. Not unless this "immortality" thing doesn't just refer to reviving, but even to the revitalisation of aging cells, then that would mean Mimi must have been experimented on long before Rin. I'm sure I got everything right so far. Otherwise, it would really disappoint me even more if she was a normal human who just so happens to be much younger than she looks.

If the naked-fighting is a recurring thing, then that would really piss me the fuck off. But hopefully the anime gets way more interesting than this already interesting opener.
zetsu_shorenDec 19, 2014 9:19 AM
Jan 26, 2015 10:45 PM

Jul 2014
i'm not into these gorey, too much blood everywhere, oversexualized, torturing stuff. at all. i hate this amount of fanservice, to be honest...
BUT i gave Mnemosyne a chance only because
- of this title
- of the appearance of Rin - pretty badass with that suit, green hair and glasses, right?
- synopsis contained the words Yggdrasill tree and vodka shots.
- oh, and i wanted to watch some yuri which is not fluffy magical but more serious, dark and mature enough.

okey, i feel trapped. a bit.

at several scenes i had to take a short half minute break.*sigh* except the 'locked in with zombie people' scene which i found mere sad like Rin did too - they were victims and lab rats and not made for killing.
overall, this 1st episode was more interesting than disturbing. was worth a try, yes. definitely.

now i'm curious about the following episodes.

+ one thing:
i can't stand watching the leg-hip area of female characters..! thigh gap?! -_-" this is more like an earth-moon distance between their thighs.
Mar 31, 2015 6:45 PM
Jul 2014
Great Anime! I like it a lot! One of best ever-I hope it will stay on this level!
Sep 10, 2015 11:04 AM

May 2014
Very interesting first episode :D I don't know if I should be happy that the story is better than I expected or if I should be sad that is not as disturbing as I imagined... Anyway, the dark mature atmosphere and the rock/metal OST are just to my liking.

Also, smart megane girl with nice body... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 28, 2015 3:53 AM

Dec 2009
First episode was quite good, but there are some possible inconsistencies.

Firstly, how did Rin suddenly make that connection between that accident with the tanker truck and Maeno? It came out of nowhere. Also love the 'You're about to die... but I'll tell you everything!' cliche, always works. And I'm curious how Rin got through that lock up when she was chased by those zombies. It seemed like a thick steel wall was blocking her way, but she somehow got through.

Now with that Maeno guy in Rin's business, won't they keep getting harassed by those mafia guys because that clone is still alive? Guess we'll see.
Oct 7, 2015 8:25 PM

Feb 2013
Haha I'm loving how gory and action packed this series is so far.That torture scene actually managed to make me cringe a bit too lol.

Another thing I love is how brutal this anime is. Take that red haired chick for example, in your typical anime she would have lived and possibly become some kind of recurring villain. In this anime she just gets shot in the face lol.

Rin herself is also pretty entertaining MC so far. I'll be interesting to learn more about her and how she gained her immortality.
Shape430Oct 7, 2015 8:34 PM
Oct 16, 2015 3:29 AM
Oct 2015
I hated this episode.

Why was she interested in that guy?

Why did she kill people in open public like it was the most normal thing in the world without even knowing what they want from the guy?
Mar 2, 2016 3:19 PM

Jan 2012
that was brutal ep , what with zombies and sadist

Mar 4, 2016 12:04 PM

May 2014
A nice change of phase for the normal yuri anime
Reminds me of Cannan
"I lost all of what you could call feelings of love. They weren't sealed, so they can't be released. They weren't broken, so they can't be fixed. That which is lost, cannot be recovered." Shiba Tatsuya
"There are no regrets. If one can be proud of one's life, one should not wish for another chance." Saber
"No matter what happens, no matter how crazy things get, I'll always try to restore balance." Korra
"It's madness to let others take what's yours and accept it blindly." Baatar Jr
"Instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong." Zaheer
"Partner in crime, partner in time" Chloe Price and Max Caulfield
May 21, 2016 11:38 AM

Feb 2014
I saw that coming... about the guy in the end coming to work with them... that's common in animes... much like a cliche.

And... I'm bothered by the fact that that laser catching the girl ass and triggering the alarm was the reason for all the things that happened after.

Anyway... I still don't know how to feel about this anime just with ep 01... I have to watch the next episodes to build a better opinion. So far is... fine to good? Now going to the next episode.
Apr 16, 2017 12:43 AM

Mar 2012
zetsu_shoren said:
The thing about the fanservice here is that it actually feels more like those Hollywood movies with 'random' kissing scenes and shots focusing on the sexualised parts of the female.

If the naked-fighting is a recurring thing, then that would really piss me the fuck off. But hopefully the anime gets way more interesting than this already interesting opener.

pretty much this. i know it's kinda standard for yuri anime the whole echo approach, but i was hoping that in a more serious series - which this looks like it is - they wouldn't objectify this much the women and their relationship.

but anyway, i... didn't really get it?
maybe it's my fault for coming in without reading anything about it but... i didn't get it.
it's interesting, the parts i got, but, i don't know. i don't get how she got to find that guy and what does he have to do with the cat and the accident in the beginning?

rin and mimi are pretty cool characters, though. i think i'm probably not gonna like the clone because he's like chii from chobits, i have no memories and i don't really know what i am and what i'm doing here. but anyway, i'm gonna give it a try anyway. it's only six episodes after all...

oh, and OP/ED, what a horrible experience to listen to. i got excited by the guitar in the beginning and then the guy started singing and i was WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?
Jun 24, 2017 8:41 AM

Aug 2016
This is...... something very different from other anime.

and i love it!!!
Sep 4, 2017 7:32 PM

Jul 2009
Dang, this show is pretty cool! Loving the awesome music, lots of rock and guitars, especially the OP and ED XD Lots of blood and ... fanservice? Dunno if it's exactly right to call it that. I wasn't a huge fan of this episode's plotline, except we get to find out that yes, Rin's basically immortal, but the "fight" against the clone-making research facility was kind of "meh" for me. Especially because we didn't really see too much for it other than confirming that's what happened to Maeno. I'm more interested in that cop from earlier and the things that Rin sees ... oh and also that girl who was trying to kill her! Who hired her? :O Either way, looks like we get a new "case" each episode, so looking forward to the next one :D
Jan 7, 2019 2:23 AM

May 2016
It wasn't what I initially expected but I found it entertaining nonetheless~ It reminded me a lot of Hollywood movies with the action, zombies, guns and tits. On one hand, Rin's an adorable hottie who makes a living out of odd jobs and on the other she's a femme fatale who'll go through anything just to get the job done no matter how painful it is. Can't say that she's lucky for being immortal because people like that always end up meeting the most sadistic sickos like the pharmaceutical lady. That bounty hunter sure likes ambushing her while she's naked.

To think that most of the brutal shit in the episode was caused by her thicc booty... At least her tormentor got a taste of her own medicine by getting eaten by her own lab rats like that one scene in Day of the Dead where the guy gets eaten by zombies that burst through the door behind him while that one zombie shoots him with his own gun.

Even after finding out his origins and the reason why he was devoid of emotion, he still chose to live on to make up for the trouble he'd caused Rin by getting her into the whole situation, much to Rin's relief. For someone who has an unlimited time to live out life, she's well aware of the value of life to those who doesn't bear her curse and laments those who take it for granted.

Jul 16, 2019 2:36 PM

Apr 2014
This was pretty meh.
Jul 23, 2019 7:17 AM
Jan 2017
begin with ecchi scene and gore.. it could be nice opening
Jul 29, 2019 4:50 PM

Aug 2018
That first episode was pretty damn good. I’ve heard of piercing queens before but Rin takes the cake.
Jul 29, 2019 5:47 PM

Dec 2008
I'm not gonna comment on the first episode-the whole show is one of my favorites. You just can't beat the combination of lesbianism, immortality, blood and gore-it's a fantastic series.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Apr 2, 2020 2:17 AM

Sep 2015
I think I've had this anime on my Plan to Watch list since 2016 lol. Now that I'm finally watching it, it's pretty good. The animation quality isn't very impressive even for 2008, but I can look past that. Rin is really cool, and she and Mimi are pretty cute together. Overall it's even edgier than I might have thought, but still has comedic elements to lighten the mood. Kinda mixed on the gratuitous nudity.
Jun 20, 2020 2:00 AM
Jul 2018
Kajo_Senpai69 said:
For someone who has an unlimited time to live out life, she's well aware of the value of life to those who doesn't bear her curse and laments those who take it for granted.

Damn, that was beautiful. That aspect of Rin never even occurred to me. Usually, a close-to-immortal villain will lose their regard for life, and yet Rin can sympathize (but not particularly empathize) with troubled souls. I wish I could've come up with an observation like that.
(This person's whole, uncut analysis was glorious, though. They seriously need to consider writing some reviews.


Ahhh, so we've got an older classic. 2006. While I could’ve done without the fan service, I must say that was an excellent first episode. Great action sequences. Great noir/mystery vibe.

Cool OP. As of now, the OP looks extremely paranormal compared to the first episode. Also, I hear this show is very edgy — and even disturbing at times — but so far, this first episode seemed tamer than what I was setting myself up for.
After watching 50 days worth of anime (according to MAL) — and of a vast range of genres — I guess you start to become numb to things like that torcher scene. It looked painful, but what I’m saying is I guess I didn’t find myself flinching. And I’ve got a pretty bad phobia of piercings too. Luckily they didn’t really show any injuries or gore… just the blood from wounds. I wonder if there’s any other gruesome torture scenes.

So the guy’s memories and emotions are distorted because he is a clone. His formal self died during experimentation. The organization responsible for the cloning were the people who were chasing him with guns throughout the episode. Trying to get him back, I guess? I wonder how he escaped in the first place… and how he ended up on the road where he met Rin? There are still some things that are unclear and weren't properly explained, but I'm assuming there were many deliberate implications that went over my head that more refined watchers picked up on.

Ultimately, it's a fine anime. The animation is cool, like any other anime from 2006. The dialogue, setting, design, soundtrack — it’s all fine, as of Episode 1. It has a decent premise — an immortal investigator solving crime-related mysteries. I guess Rin is a tolerable character. And the plots seems to have a clear direction. I really don’t have any complaints.


Or maybe I do have some complaints… but rest assured, these won’t impact my score of the anime…

The transition between the butt-to-laser and the torture scene could’ve been better executed, though. I was kinda confused since we didn’t see them get caught. The sirens went off and they both looked less panicked than I would’ve thought. Then again, the dude can’t feel emotions.

The scene with the zombies was interesting. But I don't think the concept lived up to its potential aside from garnering our sympathy for the torturer's victims. There could've been a cool fight scene too. How did Rin end up escaping the big room with the zombies??? Didn't the security guard lock her in the room??? The door shut behind her when she entered, after all. She was cornered by the zombies but then looked at some staircase in the room... did it really lead to an exit??? And then, despite security cameras in the building, Rin managed to sneak into the main office?

- How did Rin manage to get into that convention and find the "manager" (as she referred to him as). How did she procure a limo, and how was she allowed to enter the building? What was the purpose of even going? (Or is her talented side-kick -- the one who made the ID's -- behind this?)
- I guess Rin wanted to get her hands on the manager's computer... but to do this, did she seduce the manager? We saw him passed out in bed. But then Rin disappointedly said "I thought we were going to get to know each other"... and that shower she took, was it before or after the seduction (if it even happened).
- So what WAS the computer for? It got to like 54% and then the red-haired bitch came in and attacked. She even stomped on the computer. After Rin overpowered her, she left. Did Rin leave with the computer? In the episode, it was never stated what the computer was for, though.

Also, I was sad when it appeared as if the man (apparently a clone) shot himself, but it was super cool to see him return. Still, I’m a bit disappointed by the fact that… well, why did the man reappear with a bandage wrapped around his head? Did he try killing himself but fail? Did he hesitate at the last second, pull the trigger, dodge, and the bullet grazed him? I haven’t a clue. Also, how did he end up finding the cat Rin was searching for? No explanation for that? He just stumbled upon it by chance? Hopefully the significance of the cat gets explained.

Lots of unanswered questions. That's for sure. I'll forgive all of it with, though, because each episode is 45 minutes. (Then again, there are only six episodes. Which equates to a regular 12-episode anime with 20-ish minute episodes.) Plus, the pacing seems decent. Not too fast or slow-paced whatsoever. (Then again, maybe they achieve this with unwarranted and confusing time skips. One moment the characters are somewhere, and the next moment they're somewhere else.)

Whatever. I'll give this first episode an 8/10 for effort. Hopefully the next five episodes don't make me reconsider.
removed-userJun 20, 2020 2:23 AM
Dec 21, 2020 6:48 PM

Jul 2017
Ah, my guilty pleasure show for nearly 3 years, finally time to rewatch this and see if I still somehow enjoy this like I did then or have I grown up and moved on from this show.

And from the first episode, I'm pretty sure that I'm still the same old guy that I was in 2018, well at least for only this show. Mnemosyne's the kind of show where I could easily see a majority of people disliking it, and it's easily justifiable. But I was really entertained by this, the action, the characters and little comedy moments, the brutality and sexuality used, the intense stories per episode that actually are interesting for the narrative too, the GALNERYUS songs that are fucking awesome for the opening and ending, the really damn good soundtracks in general, and more. This was a fun, badass episode with a great main character already in Rin Asogi in terms of personality, and I'm sure she's going to get some good characterization overtime with the usage of her immortality at hand. I'm even more impressed that the dub was good for this show.

Call me fucked in the head for not hating this, but this episode alone was more entertaining than most anime I've seen this year, for the story itself let alone the other crazy ass details about it that I found ironically fun to watch and the narrative is genuinely good too.

"For someone who has an unlimited time to live out life, she's well aware of the value of life to those who doesn't bear her curse and laments those who take it for granted." - Kajo_Senpai69.

I absolutely agree with this statement above and that's one of the things that makes her a surprisingly compelling MC for a show like this with that immortality ability, who is Rin Asogi here. People just spew out that they want immortality for reasons but don't question what it entails to truly have an ability like that and how they don't try to value the one life they have and make the most of it, and she is clearly aware of how valuable life is. Already so, so good.
animejasDec 21, 2020 6:51 PM
Oct 1, 2021 9:16 AM

Nov 2017
The "piercing" scene made my tits hurt 🥲
"he has it big as a cactus
but he won't let go of my head
and I puke on his cock bitch" - Boy by Fishball 
Aug 30, 2022 6:39 AM
Mar 2016
Brutal but interesting; not simply gore laden hentai. This first episode communicates a great deal about what to expect from the series and the world in a short time. Solid.
Dec 26, 2022 9:06 PM
Feb 2021
This show goes hard as fuck. Anime like this never really gets made too often anymore. I'm really interested in where this goes and also how the fuck i'm supposed to pronounce Mnemosyne
Dec 29, 2022 9:06 AM
Dec 2022
i didnt know how brutal this show was gonna be but GOES KINDA HARD SO FAR FR FR
May 19, 2023 3:28 AM

Mar 2013
This is a very lewd series... 👀
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Sep 15, 2023 11:39 PM

Aug 2018
Walking the path of Mnemosyne again! I can’t believe how good and lurid this show is.
Apr 22, 2024 2:43 PM

Feb 2023
Damn...I always forget that early aughts anime is fighting with the kid gloves off. This was metal AF!!!

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