Information Vincent is Gilbert's younger brother. As the Bezarius family found Gilbert, the Nightray family similarly adopted Vincent. His left eye is golden like Gilbert's, but his right eye is wine-red and his long hair is also golden in color. Loves his brother Gilbert to the point of slight obsession. Has an easy-going personality on the outside and is often seen smiling. However, it is shown that Vincent also has a dark, unstable side.
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According to recent speculation, Vincent may also have been from 100 years ago. In Alice's memory, a young Vincent is seen walking among corpses, gouging out eyes and intestines with a pair of scissors saying that 'it's not his fault'. He is also shown to be meeting with suspicious characters that look like the ones that attacked Oz and Raven upon their re-entrance to the Bezarius manor.<!--spoiler--></span></div>
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