Information For all those who like this great fighting game.
Samurai Shodown (Samurai Spirits (サムライスピリッツ) in Japan) is the name of a versus fighting game series by SNK. It is considered to be the premier 2D weapons fighter, and is one of the best-known video games created by SNK. Samurai Shodown consequently portrays snippets of the Japanese culture and language internationally with little edits. Much of the music includes traditional Japanese instruments (predominately the shakuhachi, shamisen, koto and taiko) and later enka. Several characters are loosely based on real people from Japanese history.
Samurai Shodown was among the first fighting games that modified the classic Street Fighter II formula and chose a different fighting system and many gameplay and graphical deviations (including the then revolutionary Neo-zoom effect, first seen in Art of Fighting). Samurai Shodown II was also enthusiastically received by critics and fans alike, for further adding new mechanics and enhancing existing ones. Like many of SNK’s flagship series, Samurai Shodown is home to several firsts in the history of fighting games. For instance:
Samurai Shodown was the first one on one weapon fighting game in the history gaving birth to the entire genre.
The series was the first fighting game to feature characters who could use animals to help them during their fights (i.e.: Galford and Nakoruru).
Samurai Shodown 64 was the first 3D fighting game to incorporate multi-tiered arenas, where you could break through one section of the stage to fight in another area close by. This idea was later showcased in (and is often erroneously credited to) Dead or Alive 2.
Samurai Shodown II is the first to incorporate a specialized form of blocking: block an incoming attack at the last possible instant to deflect the opponent’s strike and stun him/her, enabling time for a counterattack. This ability has persisted throughout the series, and variations on the theme have shown up in many other games, such as The Last Blade and later into Parrying/Offensive guarding in Capcom’s Street Fighter III and Just Defense in Garou: Mark of the Wolves.
Samurai Shodown Games:
Samurai Spirits (Samurai Shodown I)
Samurai Spirits Haohmaru Jigokuhen (Samurai Shodown II)
Samurai Spirits Zankuro Musouken (Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood)
Samurai Spirits Amakusa Kourin (Samurai Shodown IV Amakusa's Revenge)
Samurai Spirits 64
Samurai Spirits Asura Zanmaden (Samurai Shodown 64-2 Warriors Rage)
Samurai Spirits Shinshō (Samurai Shodown Warriors Rage 2)
Samurai Spirits Zero / Special (Samurai Shodown V / Special)
Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden (Samurai Shodown VI)
Samurai Spirits Sen (Samurai Shodown: Edge of Destiny)
Samurai Spirits Anthology (Samurai Shodown Anthology)
Samurai Shodown Related Games:
Samurai Spirits RPG
Card Fighters
Capcom vs SNK 1&2
Days of Memories: Oedo Love Scroll
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2
Neo-Geo Battle Coliseum
SNK vs Capcom: Chaos
Samurai Shodown Anime:
Samurai Spirits 1 (Movie)
Samurai Spirits 2 Asura-Zanmaden (OVA)
Nakoruru - Ano Hito kara no Okurimono (OVA)
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