Welcome to Four Seasons of Anime, a community featuring—among other things—season-long, thoughtful discussion threads of the latest anime series. Looking for an alternative to MAL's episode-focused series discussion format? This is the place for you!
We're much more than just a place for current series discussion, though. Our bustling community has many popular user-created features. Here are some highlights:
Anime/Manga Recommendations
Need an anime/manga recommendation? Ask us here!
Seasonal Anime Awards
Our 2024 Fall Season Awards just wrapped! Check out the results here!
Seasonal Anime Discussions Threads
Our bread-and-butter are discussion threads on current seasonal series.
Click the link above for an index!
MAL Informed
Which anime are the most watched and highest rated each season?
Check out the updated rankings!
Anime/Manga Character Face-Off
The Face-Off is taking a temporary hiatus. Stay tuned for updates very soon!
Anime Motivational Posters
Check out the latest Posters for a laugh (or three), and make your own!
Tug of War
Or just chill in a game or chat thread, like our Tug of War. Pick a side and chat to help them win!
Some club history: We started in the aftermath of the decommissioning of the Crunchyroll anime forums in November 2022, and serve as an unofficial successor community. We loved that place, and strive to sustain its legacy over here on MAL. The Crunchyroll forum community was welcoming, open-minded, diverse and full of insightful discussions about our favorite shows, both new and old.
Come join, participate and make this the best place to discuss anime on the web!
Members: 263
Category: Anime
Created: Oct 18, 2022
This is a public club. Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.