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Sousou no Frieren 2nd Season
Oct 14, 2024 5:38 AM
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Oct 14, 2024 5:38 AM
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Mormegil May 25, 2012 7:03 PM
Hah! Nah, man. It's all about Kanbaru, and Hanekawa to a lesser extent. In her cat form especially.

I managed to watch quite a few of those One Piece specials. Unfortunately I haven't had the time(or motivation) to sit down and watch one of the movies yet.

I loved this one:

It was a lot of fun. Plus Nami in 3D= GOD DAMN.
Mormegil May 3, 2012 7:30 PM
Nisemonogatari was way too over-the-top for me. haha
That scene with the toothbrush. What in the...
I am, however, looking forward to Kizumono.

Ha! Yeah, Nami might as well use it to her advantage. Who knows how long they'll be stuck like that. If Luffy had it his way, they'd be trapped forever. =P

Oda's entering dark territory with these latest developments. Drugs?! Poor kids. I felt like Chopper while reading the chapter.
And now, we wait for Golden Week to end.

On a side note, can you recommend any good One Piece movies/OVAs/specials? I'd appreciate it. Besides Strong World, that is. Or is Strong World the only good One Piece movie?
Because I've been watching so many current anime series, I tend to neglect anime movies. I'll probably finally get around to Strong World soon enough. :)
Mormegil Apr 14, 2012 11:46 PM
Those two need to get it over with, and have cubs already. Maybe if we get another season...whenever that will be.

Dude, Senjougahara would destroy him. He's an idiot, sure, since practically every girl in the series wants him(even his sisters >_>), but if he even attempts to reciprocate, he'd lose his life. lol
Anyway, I've got one episode left of Nisemonogatari to go. I think I liked Bakemonogatari better.

One Piece is back! Sanji's living everyone's dream.

Law is ridiculously powerful now.
Oda picked on Tashigi again this week. And no Luffy vs. Law battle for the time being. =(
Mormegil Mar 29, 2012 1:50 AM
Oh, wow. I wasn't even aware that the light novels had come to an end. I hope that gives them some incentive to at least make another season.
By the way, how was the second season compared to the first? Better or worse? I haven't watched it yet.

Kanbaru added to your character list, eh? She's so awesome.

Oda's taking another break! He's killing us, here. Another cliffhanger too! I can't wait to see how this is going to play out.
Mormegil Mar 16, 2012 1:33 AM
I've noticed. =)

What did you think of Spice and Wolf?
I keep forgetting that there's another season. Who knows when I'll watch it.

Youjohan Shinwa Taikei/Tatami Galaxy is a masterpiece. Great choice. I'm curious to hear your opinion on it.
Mormegil Mar 15, 2012 11:51 PM
Ha! Nice! That's what siblings are there for! =P

Besides the Wii, I borrowed my sister's iPod Touch. It actually has a good browser. Better than the Wii.
Mormegil Mar 15, 2012 11:06 PM
Unfortunately so. =(
I should have a new one by mid-spring.
Mormegil Mar 15, 2012 10:02 PM
Oh, right. That's the name.

Have you heard of It's a Wonderful Life!
Two volumes, I believe. It's the only other Inio Asano work licensed here in America, besides Solanin. A while back, I saw both volumes in the book store, but I never got a chance to pick it up.

Mormegil Mar 15, 2012 12:52 AM
Another great chapter, again! This arc is already shaping up to be something amazing. What a crazy demonstration of Law's power. Wow. He's certainly much stronger than he was before. O_O

Some good humor in this chapter too. The panels with Smoker's crew reacting to all the weirdness in front of them made me laugh. You gotta love Oda's imagination. XD

I think he's done a few other works besides Solanin and Punpun too. I keep hearing about this really complicated one. Something Holograph...just look up holograph, and I'm sure you'll find it. lol
Mormegil Mar 9, 2012 9:59 PM
Oh, wow! Great chapter. I should have known Law would show up, given his power and the samurai dude's current predicament. You think we may get a Luffy vs. Law battle in the near future?

Ah, that explains it. I would always just read the chapters on mangastream, so I didn't even know there were other groups working on the same series.

I guess that's the good part about it being official. SJA gets the chapters right from the source, so they most likely don't even need to clean or retouch the images.

Excellent, on both counts. I'd say Hulu Plus has the better anime selection, since they have recent and current stuff. For instance, Nisemonogatari is currently streaming week by week, though they're behind a few episodes.
Netflix has a lot of older titles. Still, you get your money's worth. And that's just the anime section. Tons of TV shows and movies. I'm currently watching Community on Hulu. The show is so damn funny. XD

Ha! Is he really?
Cidz recommended Punpun to me as well. The Solanin author is quite talented, so I'll have to check it out one day.
Mormegil Mar 7, 2012 9:35 PM
Will do! I'm a little behind this week.

I'm guessing it's a good chapter?
Mormegil Feb 27, 2012 10:13 PM
Gah! No One Piece chapter last week. Sucks. >_<
And, as you said, a new team picked up right where mangastream left off.
Very true. Maybe one day in the future I'll check out SJA. I wonder how the translations are. Perhaps in the future they'll set up some type of free service like Crunchyroll does and start releasing the manga simultaneously. At the moment, though, since they just launched, that would be asking too much.

Mostly via the Wii. I've been using Netflix and the newly added Hulu Plus for most of my anime needs. =)
It's not a bad internet browser, fortunately, and I picked up a USB keyboard so I don't kill my wrist typing with the Wii remote. lol

How is Oyasumi Punpun, by the way?
Mormegil Feb 12, 2012 11:00 PM
I read Wanted! such a long time ago, that the reference completely slipped my mind. Very cool though.

Good luck, man.

I can understand that. Brawl's online must be crawling with veterans by now. I'd get my ass kicked as well. XD

Yeah, unfortunately. With any luck, maybe I'll have a new PC by Spring.

Are you reading them on an online manga reader site? Do hurry, then, because at this rate we won't have any of those left. >_<
Did you hear about Viz taking down mangastream? If no other group steps up...well, there goes the weekly One Piece, Naruto and Bleach chapters.
Mormegil Feb 10, 2012 10:35 PM
Awesome One Piece chapter as usual. Who's this new guy? He reminded me of Buggy. haha!

I think I'm at the same amount of internal Wii memory.
You might as well pick one up. They're relatively cheap.

Oh, yeah. GoldenEye. I forgot all about it. I didn't even know it was playable online.
I also have the Conduit, but I'm almost positive that you don't. It doesn't have the best online anyway. I've been wanting to pick up Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Easily the best fighter for the Wii besides Brawl.

It would certainly make life easier for the both of us, instead of these messages back and forth on MAL. Too bad I'm still without a computer...

EDIT: I see that you're reading Solanin. Awesome choice. What a great little manga. The story and characters speak to our generation. Enjoy!
Mormegil Feb 2, 2012 9:41 PM
Hahahaha! Yeah, Luffy's "Warp Zone" comment was hilarious. Never change, Luffy.
And how about that latest chapter? Fantastic stuff.

That sounds annoying. Respawning enemies are the devil.

Oh, cool. They've got quite a few demos on there, though I can't remember the last time I checked the shop in. What sucks is that they do delete some of the demos every now and then, so make sure to download them while you still can! =)

Well, hey, if you have Brawl, let me know if you want to play. I used to have Mario Kart but my cousins are currently borrowing it. MK was easily my favorite online experience on the Wii.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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