Information Unfortunatly, these are here yet again! 1. Most important, have fun! I dont know why this is always at the bottom of the list, it's the most important one.... 2. Don't offend peoples! it's not nice ya know ;w; try to keep your language not too bad. a bit of swearing might be fine, but don't go overboard... 3. Having battles? Awesome! but try to stay away from the intense violence and gore, it's not Higurashi ;) So saying you got stabbed and are bleeding, fine. going in detail about how someone loses limbs, body parts, etc is not fine 3.5 No Godmodding. this is also a returning rule, but that's for a reason. so well, there it is. Student Council Apartment [link] RazorDestiny - Lisbeth LightSpark090 - Reagan O'Connor TheCynicalCrow - Alius Tamashī Kyūkyoku Tamoball - Mida Rina LoliNinjaa - Lilith Tokisaki Moral Committee Apartment [link] Iamtheecchiking - Aaron Mswatti III LightSpark090 - Anya Erikson-Seijvic Chione - Lora Lychee LoliNinjaa - Nichinya Nuro conman2163 - Asaka Du Elivian Staff Apartments SleeplessVampire/LoliNinjaa - Sarah/Momoyo Kawakami [link] RazorDestiny - Asako Kusakabe [link] LilGreasyKid - Sola Conquistadora [link] Apartment 1 [link] diogora - Matthew (Matt) Leafz - Leafz Ashlyn NavyTrace - Robin Draper, 'Robin Hood' Pacsus - Vivian Hartpalm Apartment 2 [link] SleepyNeko - Nina diogora - Arthur Shitsuji-Carty - Tomoya Mizuhara Minarei - Shina Ayaoto Apartment 3 [link] Kuro-Senpai - Kuro Ironheart Rauzi - Linda Sibelius Blitish - Airy LilGreasyKid - Sergei Schmitt Apartment 4 [link] LightSpark090 - Aeri Martinez RazorDestiny - Kalary Miston kahmu84 - Tatsuya Soma Gez_ - Cyn Apartment 5 [link] Rauzi - Orinan Panyth Leafz - Sylve Lockhert Harukaze25 - Alexandr Mihailovich LightSpark090 - Marcia Penelope Apartment 6 [link] Morco3131 - Grey Trinity TheCynicalCrow - Celetro Metro Punk Harukaze25 - Saladin Chione - Ninianne Nimue Apartment 7 [link] Blitish - Aki Wymsical - Jacques de Molay MontyMars - Jane Cormac Elvario - Shem Apartment 8 [link] LilGreasyKid - Tomoe Gozen Elvario - Bastet Tamoball- Morgan le Fay diogora - Roy Apartment 9 [link] Tamoball - Maha Kayne xyz_network - Yuuji Masahiro ScottishSkarmory - Daedre Mer Pacsus - Kameko Apartment 10 [link] SakuraSweetHeart - Mikaila Bella SleeplessVampire - Jennifer NavyTrace - Maria Harris RazorDestiny - Gran Rataron Apartment 11 [link] RazorDestiny - Katyah Rataron Gez_ - Alfina Hitler Tamoball - Minna Parsaath Morco3131 - Triv willow Apartment 12 [link] Shitsuji-carty - Mary Heartford LoliNinjaa - Peashy KingAce261 - Blake Lucian LilGreasyKid - Sample Text Apartment 13 [link] Morco3131 - Morco Rauzi - Arnet Zelgius Ultea - Crow Wakazaki Wymsical - Raven Wakazaki Apartment 14 [link] Always-Sunny - Jamie Lee Prescott LoliNinjaa - Ichini Sayo SleepyNeko - Nayu Morco3131 - Nova Tsunami Apartment 15 [link] Leafz - Silver Lockhert LoliNinjaa - Shintarou Madoushi MontyMars - Corvo Wrath ScottishSkarmory - Erika Tamashii Apartment 16 [link] Lightspark090 - Angela Riva SleeplessVampire - Ren Kurosaki Tamoball - Violet Protean Always-Sunny - Blair Warren Apartment 17 [link] Zesty-Lime - Cristofer Sevillano Chione - Adi Lindgren Straw-Nihilist - Diana Hunt ProfsrRandus - Micheal Vector Ace Universe Our Banner - Link us!
Normal Uniform Boys Coming events: The Primal Contact! (Battle) Past events: Club Members Club Pictures No pictures have been uploaded
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Members: 91
Pictures: 0
Category: Schools
Created: Mar 17, 2015
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RazorDestiny (President) LightSpark090 (Secretary) Tamoball (Secretary) LeCrowe (Officer) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations |