Information Is this club for you? Well, can you count all of your friends on one hand? Do you even have friends? You're probably not close to your family. You probably don't have facebook or whatever social media thing is popular these days. Do you actively avoid social gatherings? Do you get anxious being in public? Do you have low self-esteem/confidence? Do you hate yourself? Are you suicidal? Do you hate being alone? Do you want to have someone to reach out to and talk to? Do you want someone to care about you?
Look, I understand a lot of people who are anti-social/loners choose to be that way and actually enjoy it. More power to them! But, maybe like me, you don't like a lot of people yet still don't want to be alone. Basically I made this club to serve two purposes, first: I want to establish a means to fulfill my own desire to be social with other people,(That aren´t assholes who think they can treat you any way they want in my case) and secondly(but just as important): I hope this club can be of some help to other people who may or may not feel the way I do. We all must like anime/manga right?
Honestly, I'm socially awkward and am not sure what to say. Maybe leave a comment or something? I'll definitely read and talk with you about whatever you want. Maybe you're just really depressed like me most of the time. Well, I want to help you feel better if I can. I also could use the company, so don't hesitate to leave a comment. Feel free to talk with the other club members and to post your own topics
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 29
Pictures: 1
Category: Other
Created: Feb 23, 2015
Club Staff
4Butterfly (Secretary) lightcha (Secretary) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |