Information [b]Special Event: The Never-Ending Nightmare[/b]
At the beginning of each round, one of the participant characters will be chosen to be [i][size=110]the assassin[/i][/size]. The objective of the assassin is to kill [i]the victim[/i] without being discovered. After that, one of the participant characters will die and then the mystery will begin. Just like any other mystery, the group will have to discover who was the assassin and what really happened, while at the same time, the assassin will try it's best to never be discovered, either by using his special skill against his enemies, or hiding his identity until the very end.
If the assassin runs free, he gains two Special Skills of his choice for the next mystery.
If the assassin is discovered, all participants( including the victim ) gain one special skill.
The Never-Ending Nightmare is not linked to the real story and progress of the game. Meaning that everything that happens in this Nightmare is never true and just a possible outcome.
Never-Ending Nightmares can be repeated like any other mystery but only if the whole party agrees to repeat it. When repeated, Never-Ending Nightmares will be completely different. A new assassin and victim is chosen and a new mystery rises.
In Kurai Nazo, your character is locked inside an eternal paradox, where he needs to solve a mystery that he doesn't even know exists. Such mystery may hold very serious dangers to you or may even be dangerous to your life.
Because of this, you have to take into consideration the fact that you might die... [size=110]many times[/size].
Each time someone dies or fails at some part of the "memory", the entire day is reset and you wake up again, not remembering what exactly happened on the last restart, but remembering of important aspects, such as the number of times you repeated this and if you have or not been the one who died in the last one. Sometimes, you may even remember why you died the last time.
Be mindful of every action you make. A single word can throw down the entire memory and make you repeat the whole thing down again. [i]Repeating is never a good sign.[/i] So don't try to repeat again and have your characters work together to solve the mystery proposed to you by one of the admins.
[b]Know the Mystery:[/b]
Each mystery has it's own characteristics and objectives to be hit. These objectives must all coincide in the same playthrough, so don't go thinking you can solve a part of the mystery each time you reset.
Whenever a mystery is solved, another one rises up and new possibillities are open for your characters. Changes may happen to your character from the last mystery.
Characters will only remember what happened before if they solved a mystery. Each mystery may disgust, destroy or pollude someone's mind, so be thoughtful of your character's mental state.Club Members Club Pictures
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Club Stats
Members: 8
Pictures: 1
Category: Other
Created: Aug 2, 2014
Club Staff
Yzmael (President) Asrea (Officer) Club Type This is a private club.Members must request access and be approved by a Secretary of this club before joining. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |