Information <img src="" border="0">
If you support anime by buying DVDs and occasionally Merchandise and not just downloading fansubs then moving on, you may join this club as a symbol of your contribution. By joining I hope you can also join the campaign to encourage others to start helping the indusry.
The purpose of this club is really to encourage others to start buying DVDs and help the industry.
I know anime can cost alot, so I can understand if you don't own all the shows you have watched Fansubbed, but by joining this club you are stating that you want to make the effort to buy the DVDs when you can to help bring the industry back.
<em>As posted in my Profile:</em>
<em>*I <strong>promote</strong> buying anime. <strong>Fansubs</strong> are great, but when the <strong>domestic release</strong> hits, <strong>plz buy the DVD</strong>, even if you don't watch it... The <strong>American Companies</strong> put alot of <strong>effort</strong> and <strong>money</strong> into putting out these show <strong>in America</strong>, which in turn <strong>gives money back</strong> to the Japanese as well. If you <strong>just watch</strong> the fansub you <strong>aren't helping</strong>, but <strong>only hurting</strong> the industry. If you <strong>believe</strong> that if you <strong>don't buy</strong> DVDs that anime will all go <strong>underground</strong> again, I would look <strong>closer</strong>. If all the American Companies <strong>go unde</strong>r, Japan <strong>will lose</strong> a large source of money and <strong>not be able to produce</strong> more anime. So just remember next time you DL anime, <strong>at least try to buy it</strong> after you watch it... We <strong>can save</strong> anime if we put forth <strong>the effort</strong>.*</em>
Buy the Gurren Lagann "Sub Only" Part 1 Box Set at you local retailer...
[They're finally listening to fans, so show them you appreciate it...]</em></strong>
<em>Note: this club is public, but plz only join if your serious...</em>
Please <strong>place</strong> one of these Userbars <strong>on your Profile</strong> if your a <strong>member</strong> (the purpose of this club is to help <strong>promote</strong> the industry, and to <strong>get others</strong> to start <strong>helping</strong>):
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<em>more later...</em>
<em><strong>Spead</strong> the word. <strong>Invite</strong> your friends... ^-^
Hopefully we can bring anime <strong>back...</strong> (and <strong>Better</strong>)</em>
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 109
Pictures: 0
Category: Other
Created: Jul 9, 2008
Club Staff
TrIfOrCeShAdOwS (President) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |