Information <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" /><!--center--></div>
The winter has once again come in Japan, and this means one thing for the Gaikan and their Sentouki; the Winter Gaikan Tournament will once again take place. Everyone is excited as they aim to be number #1. But some of them still have a long way to go... And it isn't always as easy as clapping your hands to participate in the Gaikan Tournament.
<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="" /><!--center--></div>
<strong>Gaikan and Sentouki -</strong> In the Tournament, the girls are described as "Gaikan," a special type of human which holds special powers. The boys are described as "Sentouki," those who band together with and control the Gaikan. A Sentouki and Gaikan pair have a special pact; a bond which not even death itself can break. The Sentouki control the Gaikan as they fight together, the Gaikan listens to her orders. A Sentouki can never abandon his Gaikan, nor can a Gaikan attack her Sentouki. They cannot kill each other too, they're bound together for life.
<strong>The Gaikan Tournament - </strong>This is a special event where Gaikan and Sentouki pairs fight against each other to win games and matches. On a Game Day, all pairs play the game together to secure their positions in the Battles. After four Game Days, there will be one Battle Day, where two one-on-one fights, and later another one-on-one fight will happen. The winning team of that week will have a secured position in the next round. After eight weeks, the next round will start. (If you don't make it to the next round, after the finale, the tournament will repeat itself, so you can participate again. And while waiting, you can still roleplay, so there's always something to do :)) In the Second Round, we have two weeks with four Game Days each, which will decide which pair fights against which. (So yes, these are four-day weeks instead of five-day weeks. Also pair number 1 fights against pair 8, 2 against 7, 3 against 6 and 4 against 5) After that there is one week with four Battle days, one battle each day. The fifth day contains two battles, and a sixth day contains the finale, announcing the winner of this tournament. After these eleven weeks, a new Tournament starts, and everyone can participate again :)
<strong>Rules -</strong>
- You can create up to two characters, but if you create a Gaikan and a Sentouki, they cannot pair together.
- No overpowering. Play the Games and the Battles fair, or you'll be disqualified for one day
- No Hentai/Ecchi stuff which is not on an acceptable level
- No commenting in a Game or Battle you don't participate in, that's what the RP threads are for
- Follow the rules of the tournament
<div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Event Statics -</strong> Not yet started<!--center--></div>
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Members: 10
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Category: Other
Created: Jun 3, 2013
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Shiura_Aoi (President) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. |