Well, what is there to say. Name's William, or Will for short. I'm from New Zealand (we invented pavlova, not the Australians!)
I'm an ordinary high school student, looking forward to completing school in December, so that I may begin my exploits in the world, hehehe...
Got into anime around the time Mirai Nikki was airing (fantastic show, loved it!) and since then have taken to watching anime whenever I can. I don't like mecha for some reason, I don't know why, I just don't. Although there will be the exception from time to time. I generally love anything, romance, action etc. Specifically, my favourite anime of all time is Clannad, it was just beautiful, and brought tears to my eyes in a way no show has ever done before. Other than that, I enjoy pretty much any anime equally. I'm not much of a manga person myself. I do follow the Bleach manga, and have read the odd bits and pieces, but I'm more into anime than anything.
I absolutely love the games Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and Virtue's Last Reward, amazing visual novels! Oh, and I enjoy other games such as Skyrim (still don't have the DLC :'() and Bioshock (Infinite is better than the first imo :P)
I'm a nice person (or so I hope...) so feel free to add me or leave a comment, would love to meet new people! :3 (my friends call me a nerd T.T)
All Comments (89) Comments
Have yourself some pavlova!
And what is this I see about hating your job?
I told you, I MIGHT give you the position of Regent IF I am satisfied with what you do!
Now get back to
PERHAPS I'll let you have it... IF I am satisfied with the work you do
And Pavlova? That depends... is it related to cake?
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and if you don't mind can you recommend me to your friends? coz you're the only one i have so it's kinda lonely lol.
btw thanks for being my friend i really appreciate it !! XD
eah, I hate getting old too! But you know, I can never escape from my younger self :P I'm young at heart too! xD
My first anime was Katekyo Hitman Reborn. It's a pretty long series. Come to think about the first two anime I ever watched were long O.o The second anime I watched was Shugo Chara. Katekyo Hitman Reborn had 203 episodes and Shugo Chara had 127 episodes. Though they can be never as long as One Piece, Detective Conan, Naruto, Bleach.....etc. I think I spent a lot of time watching my starting anime already X.X
Hahaha, yeah!
Oh, yeah. I know it must feel great to be able to fly ^^ Cool.
Now go get me some cake before I have Michiru carry you back to the Jurassic period