Information Prétear is about a girl named Himeno Awayuki who aims to live a happy life especially after the death of her mother.
Himeno meets Hayate, and eventually discovers that he is one of the seven Leafe Knights.
The group consists of Hayate (Knight of Wind), Sasame (Knight of Sound), Goh (Knight of Fire), Kei (Knight of Light), Mannen (Knight of Ice), Hajime (Knight of Water), and Shin (Knight of Plants). The knights explain that Takako (aka Fenrir), the 'Princess of Disaster' in the ADV translations, escaped and sent Demon Larvae (monster worms in Odex translations) to Himeno's town, and that the Leafe, which the Demon Larvae are absorbing, is the energy for all life itself.
The only way to destroy the Demon Larvae is for Himeno to become the Prétear and fight them alongside the Leafe Knights.
Himeno Awayuki (淡雪 姫乃, Awayuki Himeno)
Age: 16 years old
Birthday: July 9
Sign: Cancer
Blood type: O
Job: None (Pretear)
Favorite drink: Apple-flavoured tea
Hobbies: Martial arts (karate, kendo, aikido, tai chi), Gardening
Changes from manga to anime: No major differences.
Voiced by: Sayuri Yoshida (Japanese), Luci Christian (English)
Hayate (颯, Hayate?)
Age: 18
Knight of Wind
Birthday: April 27
Sign: Taurus
Blood Type: A
Job: Works at a messenger/delivery service, in anime later as Kaoru Awayuki's assistant.
Favorite Drink: Coffee (with a little milk)
Hobbies: Going long distances on bike or motorcycle
Weapon when fused with Prétear: Kaze no Sword/Wind Sword
Hayate is the Knight of Wind. Hayate is initially hostile towards Himeno, refusing to acknowledge her as the new Prétear due to a past experience. After testing Himeno through various means, Hayate gradually begins to accept her as the Prétear and ironically falls in love with her.
In an attempt to watch-over and protect Himeno, Hayate takes a part time job with his father working on the mansion grounds.
Changes from manga to anime: No major change, but his hair gets a little shorter in the anime. Also, in the manga, his hair was considered black; in the anime, his hair was a dark, midnight blue.
Voiced by: Kousuke Toriumi (Japanese), Illich Guardiola (English)
Sasame (細, Sasame?)
Knight of Sound
Birthday: December 30
Sign: Capricorn
Blood Type: AB
Job: Works as a radio personality on Sasame's Gate. (Also known as Sasame's Words-Gate)
Favorite Drink: Brown rice tea
Hobbies: Singing and playing instruments
Weapon when fused with Prétear: Oto no Arrow/Sonic Arrow
Sasame is the Knight of Sound and has a job as a radio personality, addressing people's problems on the air.
Sasame enables Himeno to strengthen her abilities as Prétear, by not only teaching her how to use her powers, such as the Sonic Arrow, but by also providing her with advice.
Sasame later becomes Fenrir's Knight of Darkness after confessing that he was in love with Takako 16 years ago, pitting him against the Leafe Knights and the Prétear. He starts to change around episode 3 or 8.
Changes from manga to anime:
Sasame's hair went from light blonde to Grey, and he gained glasses.
Sasame's outfit changed slightly.
He was apparently in love with Himeno in the manga, though there were a lot of fans who, after both reading the Manga and watching the anime said that it seemed that it might have been possible that he had liked Takako as well.
Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese), Chris Patton (English)
Kei (蛍, Kei?)
Knight of Light
Birthday: February 1
Sign: Aquarius
Blood Type: B
Job: Works for an electronics design/gaming company for web
Favorite Drink: Earl Grey tea
Hobbies: Anything with computers, reading, himself
Weapon when fused with Pretear: Hikari no Chakram/Chakram of Light/Scepter of Light
Kei is the Knight of Light and works at an Electronic Gaming Company.
Kei is the most practical and direct of the Knights, which sometimes leads to confrontation.
Kei is also a narcissist, as illustrated by the numerous self-depicting toys and pictures in his work cubicle.
Changes from manga to anime: Kei's Knight of Light outfit changes dramatically.
Kei's skin gets darker, and his short blonde hair gets longer and is tied up in a sideways ponytail.
Voiced by: Makoto Naruse (Japanese), Victor Carsrud (English)
Go (豪, Gō?)
Knight of Fire
Birthday: August 22
Sign: Leo
Blood Type: O
Job: Waiter/Delivery boy
Favorite Drink: Hot chocolate with milk
Hobbies: Riding his motorcycle, cooking
Weapon when fused with Pretear: Hono no Axe/Axe of Fire
Go is the Knight of Fire and works at a restaurant.
Adopting a tough-guy technique, Go is typically the one assigning the younger members of the Leafe Knights tasks and threatening them for any misdeeds.
He often uses reverse psychology as a tactic to get the younger members to do what he wants. When Himeno assumes Go's power, she can utilize the Fire Axe.
Changes from manga to anime: Go's Knight outfit changes drastically from a shawl-like robe and spandex to a red jacket, pants, and even armour.
His hair also goes from wild and wind-blown to completely spiked up.
Voiced by: Shotaro Morikubo (Japanese), Spike Spencer (English)
Mannen (万年, Mannen?)
Knight of Ice
Birthday: November 25
Age: 10
Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: B
Job: None
Favorite Drink: Cream Soda
Hobbies: Good at sports
Weapon when fused with Pretear: Ice Javelin/Ice Arcubus
Mannen is the Knight of Ice and is the leader of the younger members of the Leafe Knights. Mannen often comes up with clever ideas to solve the Leafe Knight's problems, including using Shin as bait to find the Prétear. The older Knights usually get mad at him and claim that he's too young to help majorly, which only drives Mannen to disobey them more. With his two followers, Hajime and Shin, Mannen died while fighting the Princess of Disaster sixteen years ago and came back as a child.
Changes from Manga to anime: Mannen's Knight outfit changes slightly, as he has trousers in the anime and shorts in the manga.
Voiced by: Akiko Yajima (Japanese), Greg Ayres (English)
Hajime (初, Hajime?)
Knight of Water
Birthday: April 8
Sign: Aries
Blood Type: O
Job: None
Favorite Drink: Orange Juice
Hobbies: Making models, practical jokes
Weapon when fused with Pretear: Mizu no Flail/ Water Flail/Water Whip
Hajime is the Knight of Water and is the second youngest member of the Leafe Knights. He is almost always seen with Mannen and Shin. When Himeno assumes Hajime's power, she can utilize the Water Flail.
Changes from manga to anime: Hajime's Knight outfit changes slightly. Like his friends Mannen and Shin, Hajime died and came back as a child after dying while fighting the Princess of Disaster.
Voiced by: Misato Fukuen (Japanese), Hilary Haag (English)
Shin (新, Shin?)
Knight of Plants
Birthday: April 8
Sign: Aries
Blood Type: A
Job: None
Favorite Drink: Royal tea (very sweet) with milk
Hobbies: Gardening, playing with Tipi
Weapon when fused with Pretear: Not shown in either anime or manga.
Shin is the youngest member of the Leafe Knights and is the Knight of Plants. He uses his abilities to seal away Demon Larvae, as well as using the spell 'Beyondios' to create a separate dimension so that when the knights and the Prétear are battling Demon Larvae, they do not harm the surrounding environment. Like the other two younger Knights, Shin died sixteen years ago while fighting the Princess of Disaster and was reborn.
Changes from anime to manga: No appearance changes to Shin occur, however, he dies (and is brought back to life) in the manga after preting with Himeno, but doesn't in the anime. Shin does not pret with Himeno in the anime, though the form it would have taken is shown briefly in a short sequence within the final episode.
Voiced by: Tamaki Nakanishi (Japanese), Sasha Paysinger (English)
Mayune Awayuki (淡雪 繭根, Awayuki Mayune?)
Age: 16 years old [same as Himeno]
Mayune is the same age as Himeno and is the eldest daughter of Natsue and holds a pretentious attitude toward Himeno for coming from an impoverished family. Mayune often plays practical jokes to demean Himeno, including tampering with the dining room chairs and setting traps throughout the mansion grounds. Mayune's spiteful attitude comes from her great jealousy of Himeno. By the end of the series however, Mayune and Himeno reconcile after Himeno saves Mawata from the Great Tree of Fenrir.She is named after the character 'Mayune' in Kaoru Awayuki's book, 'The Twin Princesses'.
Mayune falls in love with various leafe knights during the anime, but they always manage to escape before she can seduce them. When she sees them (especially Hayate) later in the story, she does all that she can to make them mad.
Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (Japanese), Shelley Calene-Black (English)
Mawata Awayuki (淡雪 真綿, Awayuki Mawata?)
Age: 14 years old
Intelligent and composed, Mawata is the seemingly perfect child of the family. However, her outwardly calm demeanor is used as a facade to hide her loneliness and mask her own sense of loss as a result of her father's death. Her only outlet for her emotions are the postcards she sends to Sasame, under the pen name "Miss Silk". Ultimately, Mawata's grief is used by Fenrir to fuel the Great Tree of Fenrir. Named after the character 'Mawata' from Kaoru's book, 'Twin Princesses'.
Voiced by: Akemi Kanda (Japanese), Mandy Clark (English)
Kaoru Awayuki (淡雪 薫, Awayuki Kaoru?)
An author of romance novels, before marrying Natsue, Kaoru spent much of his time drinking sake while Himeno balanced the budget and cooked their meals. He stopped writing due to Himeno's mother's death. After he married Natsue, Kaoru spends much of his free time sculpting. In particular, after a comment by Hayate calling Himeno "Tulip Head", Kaoru set out to sculpt a Tulip in dedication to her, which Himeno laments, and ultimately destroys.
Voiced by: Yuji Ueda (Japanese), Jason Douglas (English)
Natsue Awayuki (淡雪 夏江, Awayuki Natsue?)
Age: 38
A powerful executive, after her marriage to Kaoru Awayuki, much of the town's businesses were also renamed. Natsue runs a large make-up company. At the death of her former husband, Natsue relied on the strength of her daughter Mawata. Natsue fell in love with Kaoru at a young age, loving his shojo-genre books. She only exposes her soft-side to Kaoru while dealing with everyone else with a strict decorum. Natsue even named her two daughters, Mawata and Mayune, after the characters in her favorite book by Kaoru, 'Twin Princesses'. In the Manga, Natsue is possessed by the Princess of Disaster; her hatred is fueled by her jealousy of her husband's ex wife and daughter. Natsue feels she can never live up to Himeno's mother because Kaoru only wrote romantic novels for her, and stopped after her death.
Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Lauren Goodnight (English)
Mr. Tanaka (田中, Tanaka?)
Age: 38
Mr. Tanaka is the Awayuki's butler/chauffeur. He and Natsue used to go to school together, with Mr. Tanaka harbouring a crush on Natsue while she pursued other interests. He once offered Natsue a ride, which lead to his employment as the Awayuki's chauffeur. Tanaka is constantly losing his hair, due to the stress of not being able to tell Natsue of his love for her, later then being from his love marrying an 'idiot' like Kaoru.
Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Japanese), Paul Sidello (English)
Yayoi Takato (高斗 弥生, Takato Yayoi?)
Yayoi is Himeno's schoolmate and friend. Yayoi adores romance novels, as is illustrated by her attempt to publish her own novel based on Mr. Tanaka's unrequieted love, and her hopes of becoming Kaoru's apprentice, which is shut down by Himeno.
Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (Japanese), Monica Rial (English)
Takako (貴子, Takako?)
a.k.a. Mikage (美景, Mikage?)
a.k.a. Fenrir, the Princess of Disaster (災妃フェンリル, Saihi Fenriru?)
Mikage is one of the maids at the Awayuki estate. She is often seen throughout the series helping Himeno, including providing advice. However, she is found out by Sasame that she is in fact Takako, the former Prétear.
Takako was the former Prétear and was in love with Hayate. When Hayate confessed that he did not reciprocate her love, Takako's powers as Prétear turned towards evil, thus becoming Fenrir, the Princess of Disaster. As Fenrir, Takako's ultimate goal was to destroy the world by taking away the Leafe that preserved all life. She employs the use of Demon Larvae, Transport demon (which look like dark purple Butterflies), and eventually Sasame, when he became her Knight of Darkness, to obtain her goal. After she comes back to her senses after Himeno preaching to her and becomes 'good' again, Takako returns to being a normal human, and is assumed to be an item with Sasame.
Voiced by: Yui Horie (Japanese), Kaytha Coker (English)
Tyipi is a kind of bird found in Leafania, and the only sort of animal we see in either the manga or anime. They seem to be most attracted to Shin, the Knight of Plants- we don't know why. In the opening anime theme a tyipi flies towards Hayate.
Manga description: One of the creatures of Leafania. Most Tyipi are pink, but there are many colour variations like red, blue, and yellow. The rainbow colour, gold and white tyipi are rare. They love black tea, and it has the same effect on them as catnip does on cats.
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