I love anime! It has been my favorite hobby since 7th grade, and I have been collecting and watxhing ever since. I love almost any type of anime series if it has a good story line and charaters with some personality.
I love
Moblie Suit Gundam Wing
Angel Santuary
Comic Party
Ranma 1/2
Full Metal Alchamist
Full Metal Panic
Outlaw Star
Absolute Boyfriend
and a few hundred others ^_^
I also like going on walks and hiking, hanging with friends, chatting on yahoo messenger (neko_chan1987), and doing whatever life throws my way.
I am 20 and am finally going to start school at TTU here in cookeville and hope in the furture to open my own business.
My motto is "It is Better To Regret Something You Did Then Something You Didn't Do."
I have a 2 puppies aboy named Heero and a girl named Pixie that I love to death and six turtles - Dr.Don, Turtle, Yamcha, Therman, Sakura, and Daniel.
I have two siblings - an older sister and younger brother that I love to death as well.
I hope one day to fall in love and have some kids but until then I'm gonna have the time of my life!!
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But if I use them as a source then I need the author's name so they know where to find the source if they need to check up on it again. I can't use your MAL name because my school is gay and requires a real name but you could just give me an alias or even make up a name but it is required that I ask the author if it's not provided in the source. If you wouldn't mind doing that for me then it'd be great ^^
Sorry for the randomness of a strange anime fan asking you for your name or a fake name to use to refer to you by xDD Thanks a lot and nice to meet you :D
Get it here.
Cheers. XD
have a happy valentines daaaaay