Information <div style="text-align: right;"><strong>Theme:</strong> <span style="color:navy">Ikuto Tsukiyomi<!--color--></span><!--right--></div><div style="text-align: center;">
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<span style="font-size: 100%;"><em><ul>
<li> You can invite your friends sure but not random people
<li> If you request then it will be a week till i can approve due to i am not accepting RANDOM requests. So ya.
<li> Don't Make fun of others!
<li> If you act bad and i find out u will go to jail [or be ban for 1 hour]
<li> <strong><span style="color:red">If you are An Admin</strong><!--color--></span>
<li> Don't abuse your power
<li> you do it an u'll go to jail [for 2 hours]
<li> you will also be remove from beging an Admin
<li><strong><span style="color:red">Id You Are a Officer<!--color--></span></strong>
<li>Officers include: Claim maker, Member Cards maker, and Designer [a person who make the main page]
<li> <span style="color:red"><strong>Day Claim</strong><!--color--></span>
<li>Will only be able to claim on that day
<li>Please fill out everything [but the picture part] BEFORE you post
<li> you claim a character i list and claim it for that day
<li>example: the list is Ikuto,Lelouch, and C.C. The limit is 13 requests. If you request for Ikuto you will only have him for a day
<li> If I do claims on that week I don't do weekly cards
<li> I do not count as a claimer since that would kinda be ceating SO
if i claim the claim doesn't effect anything but i still claim it [SAME GOES TO ADMIN]
<li> When you get 30 claims from ME then u are allow to open ur own claim thread but must be provided in the thread "Prize"
<li> PLEASE PROVIDE A PICTURE & i will be cropping the picture just to let you know~
<li><strong><span style="color:red">Profile DP card</strong><!--color--></span>
<li>When I change my Main profile DP then I'll try to make a card
<li> <strong><span style="color:red">Weekly Member Cards</strong><!--color--></span>
<li> Only 1 cards may be reuqested [unless i change it]
<li> People who get it will be low until maybe summer?
<li> Please don't request more D:> I might have to be force to skip ur request.
<li> UH....that's all :D
<li><span style="color:red"><strong>Chara of the Month Card<!--color--></span></strong>
<li> Whatever chara was choosen for that month is what u will see on the card ^ ^
<li><span style="color:red"><strong>Sweets Cards<!--color--></span></strong>
<li>Card about candy/food/ and other sweets
<li><strong><span style="color:red">Profile Card!</strong><!--color--></span>
<li>Whenever i change my profile I'll make a card out of the picture if possible!
<li><strong><span style="color:red">Mangaka Cards</strong><!--color--></span> <em><span style="color:blue">NEW</em><!--color--></span>
<li> A card with a picture from whatever mangaka i'm using
<li><strong><span style="color:red">Scene Cards</strong><!--color--></span> <em><span style="color:blue">NEW</em><!--color--></span>
<li> Usualy i love alot of scenes from mangas soooo i wanna make tcards outta them xD so whenever this happens u get a card :)
<li><strong><span style="color:red">Manga/Anime Card<!--color--></span></strong> <em><span style="color:blue">NEW<!--color--></span></em>
<li> I think the name explained it ^ ^
<li><strong><span style="color:red"> 12 Minute Card</strong><!--color--></span>
<li> You have 12 minute to request A card, after 12 minute has pass
the thread will be close and i will post about 20 or 10 seacond BEFORE the thread is close >w<
<li><strong><span style="color:red">24 hours Card(s)</strong><!--color--></span>
<li> I will send out a mass message 24 hour before i release the 24 hours member cards and after 24 hours or so i will open the thread.
<li> <span style="color:red"><strong>If you want to RP<!--color--></span></strong>
<li> No harssing
<li> No cursing
<li> Please if it's a private RP please tell on your Thread name
<li>Also writing stories are allow here
<img src="" border="0" />
Day Claiming:
Limit: 15
Theme: Shugo chara
Charas: dunno
Claim here: coming soon
Character of the month voting for Next month
<strong>VOTE: </strong><!--link--><a href="">Here</a>
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<li><strong> If you have....</strong>
10 weekly cards: get 1 free pass to a holiday card
20 weekly cards: get 1 free pass for a weekly member card
30 weekly Cards: Get a never release card [never has and never will be realse card]
40 weekly cards: get a special cookie :3 [yummy right?]
50 weekly cards: Get a surprise gift [wow never thought i made <em>that</em> many cards]
60: Get a free pass for an extra card
70 weekly cards: get a "You card"
80 weekly cards: get a "Sweetlollipop Card"
90 weekly card: get to be officer
100 weekly Cards: get a "I GOT 100 CARDS FROM SWEETLOLLIPOP'S WORLD!!" card [Long name so it's a IG1HCFSW :D]
the next set will be counted by 100s like 100,200, and so on
<li> <strong>If you get over 40 weekly Cards then you get to make weekly cards too. BUT they do not count as any of these specials</strong>
<li><strong><span style="color:red">Go <!--link--><a href="">HERE</a> if you have reached any of these goals</strong><!--color--></span>
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<span style="font-size: 90%;"><strong>By:</strong> <!--link--><a href="">sweetlollipop</a><!--size--></span>
Have a Banner for this club? Post <!--link--><a href=""> Here</a>
<span style="font-size: 50%;"><div style="text-align: right;"><em>Yes, looks bad >_< but i was in a hurry sorry!<!--right--></div></em><!--size--></span>
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![]() Club Stats
Members: 134
Pictures: 1
Category: Other
Created: Sep 26, 2009
Club Staff
Sweetlollipop (President) Club Type This is a public club.Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here. Anime Relations Manga Relations Character Relations