Information Chika is referred to as "Boy B" or simply "B" ("B-san"), titles which greatly irritate him, after surviving an accident with Shito, known as "Boy-A", six months prior to the start of the series. His attitude is rather lively and extroverted, but he is also short-tempered; he is often seen beating Michiru for her various failures. He appears to be fonder of Shito than Shito is of him, being occasionally concerned for his welfare, though he goes into a sulk and rejects Shito completely if they argue. In volume 8 of the manga, he gives Michiru a 500 yen coin, saying that he owes her a favor for saving him. And in the anime, when Michiru bandages Zen's wound, Chika thinks that she showed sympathy for Zen and becomes angry and slightly jealous and says, "If you can take pity on the enemy, you should use your energy being nice to me" and also says, "Pamper me, damn it!!" Later in the episode when Shito and Chika meet Michiru, Chika turns away from her and walks to the Z-loan office looking really irritated. Shito explains that Michiru showed sympathy to the guy from A-loan yesterday(although she was just being nice) and it seems that he didn't like it.It is hinted that he has feelings for Michiru. Although he has yet to realize his feelings for her because of his denseness. His room in the special dormitory is entirely empty, possibly because unlike Shito, he does not expect to be there for very long. Chika is linked with Shito by a spiritual chain, which cannot be seen by normal people. This chain allows them to switch their right hands with each other; due to the terms of their contract, their real right hands, which they both lost in the accident, were switched when they were revived by the Zombie-Loan. With Shito's right hand, which is actually Chika's original right hand, Chika has the ability to generate a katana possessing Shinigami abilities. With the katana, Chika is able to guide the souls of those zombies they defeat to heven. Though often seen with a short temper, Chika has a genuine care for those he defeats and often performs their memorial with great sympathy. Though they have free will and emotions, both Chika and Shito are still considered zombies, so his ultimate goal is to regain his life once again. Around voulumes 9 and 10 of the manga, Chika works together with Shuji Tsugumi to escape and save Shito and the other members of A and Z-loan. Although it is more likely that they only were getting along for their own reasons, Chika and Shuuji may have somewhat formed a friendship during that time and ceased to argue afterward. Club Members Club Pictures
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Category: Characters
Created: Jul 2, 2009
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