Tsukamoto Tenma Fan Club

<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/CharacterProfile.png" border="0" /> <img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/aboutheading.png" border="0" /><!--center--></div> <strong>Overview</strong> Tsukamoto, Tenma is the first character that School Rumble introduces. Even though she is presented as the main character at the beginning of the series, she gradually falls into a supporting role towards the end of Season 1. She is nevertheless, an important character in School Rumble, and one of the most popular among the fans. The older of the two Tsukamoto sisters, her childish appearance and behavior often make people think she’s actually the younger one. <strong>Talents</strong> Tenma’s most notable talent is impersonation. Whenever she gets carried away by her wild imagination and occurrences, she can actually become someone else and incorporate the traits and abilities of that particular personality. The Archer in episode #3 and the Pitcher in episode #5 are good examples of this. Even though it’s only shown briefly in episode #5, Tenma appears to actually be good at Judo or some similar martial art, as she easily threw Harima to the ground when they first met. Ultimately, her most characteristic trait is probably her outgoing, kind, and friendly personality, which makes everyone like her; therefore, we could say that Tenma is really good at making friends. Now if we wanted to list the things she’s not good at, this page wouldn’t be enough. Nevertheless, her short list from episode #1 includes cooking, sports, and school work. <strong> Psychic Ability</strong> Tenma seems to have some telekinetic ability. She was shown bending spoons with ease after failing an ESP test with Zener cards. This was commented on at least one other time in the series. Also, she is able to converse with a spirit. She and Yakumo appear to have been born into a psychic bloodline. <strong>Personality</strong> Her mood and emotions are always expressed openly with every part of her being, including her hair which she leaves down, except for her two antennae which move by themselves according to her current mood. Mostly bi-polar, she tends to be extreme with her emotions, making a big drama out of any little event in her life. <em>source: wannabefansubs</em> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/clubartheading.png" border="0" /> <div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.nextSibling.nextSibling.style.display='block';this.style.display='none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.parentNode.style.display='none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br> <img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/Userbar.gif" border="0" /> <img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/Userbar2.gif" border="0" /> <img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/Userbar3.gif" border="0" /> <img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/sig3.png" border="0" /> <img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/sig1.gif" border="0" /> <img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/sig2.gif" border="0" /> <!--spoiler--></span></div> <!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://i641.photobucket.com/albums/uu137/tenma-chan/avatarsheading.png" border="0" /><!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.nextSibling.nextSibling.style.display='block';this.style.display='none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.parentNode.style.display='none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br> <img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/01.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/02.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/03.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/04.gif" border="0" /> <img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/05.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/06.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/07.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/08.gif" border="0" /> <img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/09.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/10.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/11.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/12.gif" border="0" /> <img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/13.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/14.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/15.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/16.gif" border="0" /> <img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/17.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/18.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/19.gif" border="0" /><img src="http://i580.photobucket.com/albums/ss247/shinigamidono/Tenma/20.gif" border="0" /> Download all of the avatars above <strong>plus many more</strong> in one simple download <!--link--><a href="http://www.box.net/shared/dqottg0y66">HERE</a> <!--spoiler--></span></div> <!--center--></div>

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Club Discussion
Sticky: Off-Topic Discussion
shinigamidono - Mar 21, 2009
2 repliesby CarinaVella »»
Dec 18, 2012 3:22 PM
[THREAD CLOSED] - Membership ID Cards ( 1 2 3 )
shinigamidono - Mar 21, 2009
132 repliesby CarinaVella »»
Dec 13, 2012 4:17 PM
Sticky: Club Suggestions
shinigamidono - Mar 19, 2009
4 repliesby CarinaVella »»
Dec 13, 2012 3:33 PM
The ending of School Rumble
shinigamidono - Mar 19, 2009
9 repliesby CarinaVella »»
Dec 13, 2012 3:27 PM
Tenma Pictures
shinigamidono - Mar 19, 2009
4 repliesby CarinaVella »»
Dec 13, 2012 3:22 PM

Club Comments
zLordIgniz | Nov 30, 2015 2:39 PM
Tsukamoto Tenma-chan, tanjoubi omedetou! <3

Yakumo_Tenma | Aug 11, 2011 4:58 PM
Konata I feel the same way but with Tsukamoto Yakumo.Don't get me wrong I love Tsukamoto Tenma.^_^

KoshKing777 | Dec 19, 2010 5:25 PM
Hey all...last year I made a video of my favorite Tenma moments! I figure no one would enjoy it more than you guys...so...enjoy! :)

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/U8pZTM6KZRY?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/U8pZTM6KZRY?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


KonataCrazy | Dec 9, 2010 9:41 AM
I may be the only guy who thinks Tenma is attractive...but I don't care!

JadedGoth | Jul 5, 2010 4:21 PM
Just started School Rumble Ni Gakki and I just adore Tenma. Actually, I fell in love with her the moment she appeared. <3

xDreww | Mar 6, 2010 12:47 PM
New video I made for a friend of mine. Plus giving out a good message out there. check it out!


RonnieLuv | Feb 28, 2010 6:48 PM
She might be a klutz,but it doesn't matter!

harold | Jan 14, 2010 7:20 PM
tenma and andres bonifacio (phil. real-life hero) have the same date of birth

thnks 4 invites

tenma rocks!

Club Stats
Members: 281
Pictures: 25
Category: Characters
Created: Mar 18, 2009

Club Staff
shinigamidono (President)
CarinaVella (Secretary)
Tenma-chan (Secretary)

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This is a public club.
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Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.

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