All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 94.5
Mean Score:
- Watching29
- Completed264
- On-Hold76
- Dropped3
- Plan to Watch874
- Total Entries1,246
- Rewatched0
- Episodes5,850
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 18.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries640
- Reread0
- Chapters2,774
- Volumes381
All Comments (2311) Comments
کیا تم بھی جاپانی پڑھ رہے ہو اور Ghost in the Shell کے بارے میں تمہیں سب سے زیادہ کیا پسند ہے؟
Maybe it was because I didn't had anyone to sit an enjoy or something that can give me a topic to talk with my friend. I never waited to watch it with some. So all I did was consume until I watch way to many of them; then they lost value to me. Or maybe we are just different people.
No matter I enjoyed having conversation with you. Thank you very much for your time.
Maybe if I was also born in a time where I had to use torrent and watch fansubs of whatever I got then I would have enjoyed it more. YOU DO YOU!
You never have time for me anymore! T~T