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20th Anniversary You Should Read This Manga
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Sep 5, 2024
tl;dr Inso's Law/My Life as an Internet Novel is a great story of realistic characters within an unrealistic love-novel world, and that's awesome.
I've withheld writing a review for this series for a while now. Not because it was bad, but because it was too good. I tend to write a bit for stories that strike my heartstrings and Inso's Law is one of them. There are not many manhwa/manga/manhua that can successfully write loveable, goofy, yet realistic romcom characters. There's always some kind of unrealistic aspect in romcom characters, whether that be a character's denseness or pure plot armor within their world; but Inso's Law
seems to be devoid of that despite its world hinting at all that from the very beginning.
The story at first is very, very generic for this genre, almost as if you can't see what's so special about it. It takes a couple of chapters to get down to the nitty gritty so I can see why some people drop it before they reach that point. The story is very simple in of itself. The synopsis describes it pretty well and the main conflict reveals itself pretty early too. But simple stories like these help highlight one of the hardest aspects of story-telling. To be honest, as much as I love this series, the story isn't the main highlight of the manhwa. In my opinion, it's the characters and their development throughout the story.
Throughout the story, our main cast of internet novel characters and our "real"-life girl Ham have gone through so much change. The novel characters go from their original reverse harem cookie-cutter personality traits to what they are now...People with realistic thoughts and emotions. As for Ham Dani, she goes from fearing close interaction with the world of Inso's Law to fully embracing the people and love them. While it's not explicitly stated or delved upon, the reason for the novel characters' change is most definitely due to the external effect of Ham Dani's existence in their lives. For those who haven't read this yet, you'll see what I mean.
Ah Hyun's (artist) art also plays a part in the story building. Unlike other mangas/manhwas the growth of the characters are very subtle. Usually when a manga/manhwa transitions characters from junior high to high school, they show some kind of extreme change either that be height, hair style, or size. But the main thing that changed in Inso's Law during this transition in time, were the characters' faces. During the early chapters of Inso's Law, the characters have a much rounder look with simpler eyes. After the cast is in high school and spend time together throughout the years, their eyes brighten and become fuller (more detailed). I think this symbolizes how the novel characters become more human and how Ham Dani comes to accept her new world. While some probably assumed this was the natural course of an artist getting better at perfecting their style, I believe this was done for a reason. Ah Hyun's last work, Oh Holy, has the same style as the older version of the cast of Inso's Law so that's my case on that.
In the end, I'd like to make the extreme longshot comparison that Inso's Law is kinda like Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Now before you question me, I'll explain. Both series tackle a pretty scary/serious topic for the main character and while occasionally always hinting at the inevitable for these characters, the cast of each always find ways to bring smiles to everyone despite that no matter what. And that's what I love about Inso's Law. Humans live to survive, but they live for fulfillment and Inso's Law encapsulates all of that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 20, 2023
Man. There really needs to be more manga/manhwa/manhua that understand how to end their story off once the plot ends. This one does just that. Sure sometimes the main character gave off a sort of infuriating atmosphere in some of the actions/thoughts he gave off while I read this, but it doesn't change how immersive this manhwa was when I read it. The author and artist were able to successfully suck me into this story and I did get chills sometimes reading this. While in a way, I do want to see more of what happened after the events of this manhwa, I'm also glad
with how it ended (for people who haven't read this yet, it ended with a semi-cliffhanger, so read with caution if you don't like that).
Story: 6/10
Let's talk storytelling. The story was subpar at best. It's nothing original; we probably have all seem some kind of story like this in the movie theaters, on some drama tv series, or even another manga. By the 10th chapter, I was already able to predict who the main antagonist was—I'm sure everyone was able to. But having predictability or having cliché aspects is not everything that makes a story, when it comes to those aspects, it's HOW the story's cliché aspects are executed, and in my humble opinion, Seunghan did a pretty good job keeping me on my toes. This was a fun read, no doubt.
Art: 7.5/10
The art wasn't anything to be mesmerized about. It felt ordinary. But with the normality it brought, it was eerily able to make the many scenes of tension seem even more creepy, especially with scenes that were focused on staring. The art's atmosphere (not style) reminded me of manhwas like Distant Sky and Escape Room (great reads, highly recommend). Each of these manhwas have relatively simple styles but do a great job encompassing dread. Whenever an important reveal occurs or plotpoint happens, you can really see it in the characters and the surrounding when it happens. Even when no one is speaking, when these events occur, you know somethings happening just from the art.
Characters: 6/10
As I said before, the main character doesn't always act the smartest sometimes. But that is to be expected with most suspense/horror-like stories. But of course, having a sort of clueless MC in times of trouble only allows us, the readers, to become more immersed into the other characters, which is the highlight of this manhwa, in my opinion. All of the deuteragonist and side characters gave off a weird aura when I first met them or when I started to learn more about them, giving them the feeling that everyone at one point in the story was actually a bad guy. That's the best part with this story. Because of how the main plotline starts off with the MC witnessing a crime via call, there is no way for us to know who really is the true antagonist of the story. Is it the kid at the beginning of the story who was being bullied? Is it the MC's best friend? Is it the really creepy cop? These were all thoughts I had throughout the course of reading this short manhwa.
Enjoyment: 8/10
Yeah, there were some ups and downs about this manhwa, maybe some things were rushed or not explained properly, but I liked it. It was able to quickly capture my bored brain when it had nothing better to do on a Sunday evening and it did its job at keeping me in suspense.
Overall: 7/10
Maybe I'll come back to this series again to see if I can catch certain things I didn't notice when first reading this; maybe my opinion from now will worsen, maybe not. But all in all, this manhwa was a pretty fun read. The ending was fun :) I hope you guys liked it too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 25, 2022
This is only my opinion, but I feel everyone should read a girls love erotica at least one time in their life, especially a romcom.
When you read the synopsis, you should almost automatically just assume that there isn't going to be some kind of coherent/deep plot going on, and that's right. This is purely a comedic adventure for the greatest neighborhood yuri threeway.
Only if we look past its lack of plot development can we see the true treasures that lie beneath this manga. The love-making. Expect some kind of kissing, groping, and/or impure thoughts coming from our main cast of characters, and despite the
extreme usage of these elements, I never seemed to get tired or bored of its occurrence. This manga keeps a good division between comedy and just the right amount of lewd.
This is a great choice of yuri to read if you're bored. A really quick and enjoyable read. Take this as a light snack at most, don't ingest this manga thinking it's a full-course meal or anything.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 15, 2020
I honestly don't understand why this has a 6/10. It might not be the best fantasy that includes a party of four defeating the demon lord, but it is good.
Story: 8/10
Art: 6/10
Character: 6/10
Enjoyment: 9/10
The story starts off like any cliche demon lord killing fantasy manga, but when the main party gets cursed, it just becomes the stupidest thing ever (in a good way of course). The womanizer Knight becomes a homo, the oldest Monk (he's only originally 25 tho) becomes a child again and is sometimes haunted by being pegged, the Mage(?) genderbends into a girl, and the Princess becomes the Demon Lord. Just
that alone sounds amazing in my opinion.
You shouldn't expect the best story from this manga, just some laughs or maybe you'll feel weird reading about occasional gay stuff.. I don't know nor do I care.. Thanks for reading..
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 27, 2020
Hatsukoi Losstime really did a good job with how the "loss time" thing worked so that it wasn't too confusing and was well paced. The drama wasn't too heavy in the small amount of the 9 chapters of this manga so it was just right for this type of romance story. The art really brought the entire manga together, it made it more fun to read. There were some holes in the story that were never really explained, but it didn't really affect it too much so it didn't matter I guess...The story was kind of predictable though since there has been
lots of others with a similiar premise like this and it was basically hinted at in the early chapters.
Overall, it was good (to me of course), I enjoyed reading it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 4, 2020
This special will remain in my heart forever. Fate Grand Order was probably the reason I question my homosexuality. Astolfo is hot but I don't think I'm gay.
Story: 10/10 - absolutely amazing. I got to see Gudako have spasms and become delirious over gacha and my favorite trap basically being complimented on how cute he is.
Art: 10/10 - it's the same thing as the manga version but that's what makes it amazing. Astolfo is adorable in any style.
Sound: 10/10 - When Gudao moaned(?), I felt that.. It was as if I heard that noise in real life. Don't underestimate the power of traps everyone.
Character: 10/10
- we got to see Astolfo and his gay relationship with gudao.. That's all the characters we need.
Enjoyment: 12/10 - Everyday I look for more astolfo to refill my gay. This one small special helped me stop drinking a depresso and I really enjoyed it.
Overall 10/10 - words cannot describe this masterpiece as a whole.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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