People are weirdly salty about this show, idk why. There's nothing wrong with this anime. It's a solid 7/10. It's entertaining, has decent mech designs, the characters don't act ridiculous, and the plot is coherent and simple. It's not a deep show. It's not an amazing show. But I certainly can't think of anything I didn't like or anything that makes it a bad show. I respect small, contained anime that don't try to be something they are not and don't have a wide-sweeping plot they aren't ready to handle.
Just because it's a mecha show doesn't mean it should be compared to Gundam. The plot
Dec 9, 2021
Well that was weird. There's no pacing whatsoever with the story. There's very little transition between plot points so it just feels like you get dropped into a major arc of the story and you're like "wait, why is this happening?". The story isn't complex though so you won't feel lost – just bored, frustrated, and a little confused.
The show tries to have its own in-universe politics but none of it is logical or engaging. You can't have political drama if there are zero consequences for the main characters. The only thing that's political about the show is that it's blatant nationalistic propaganda. I don't ... Jul 21, 2021
Spoiler free review.
It was okay. I wouldn't call it bad. And I don't regret watching it. I probably would only recommend it to people that specifically like the subject matter in the show (read the synopsis). As someone going into it looking for a decent thriller/mystery/suspense it was pretty mediocre. I thought the tonal dissonance that we're introduced to right off the bat (sunny quiet village life vs. the horror backdrop) would be either amped up as the story went on or would resolve itself one way or the other. It mostly didn't and just kinda felt like a show that wasn't sure what "vibe" it ... |