TL;DR : You have to be imaginative.
Reading all the extremely negative reviews made me laugh. Is this an anime review or parental complaint section?
To be honest, I was a little surprised when I saw that many people were surprised to see a plot like this.
Yofukashi no Uta tells the story of a teenager who struggles to understand the complex concept of love.
This is not something new. Many other literatures and films share the same premise. imagine the following scenario:
you: Boy, you look hungry. Wanna some chocolate?
boy: Not just chocolate. I want a whole chocolate factory with chocolate rivers and fountains, and squirrels sorting nuts.
Jul 11, 2022
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Fine
Great wrap up for the previous 2 seasons. This is the best and logical ending for the series.
If you are not happy with his kind of ending, I can only think of 2 reasons; either you are a masochist who seek anguish and despair storyline, or you are a heavy Eriri / Utaha simp. From the very beginning we should have known who the main heroine was. Episode after episode goes by, flag after flag is being raised, we can see the route getting clearer and the movie completes it all with a satisfying ending. I love how the series has evolved from the easy rom-com ... Jul 17, 2020
Shinseiki Evangelion
Is it metaphorical and philosophical ? Yes
Good plot? maybe Is it bad ? Yes Why? Because the story telling is bad. No character development. Weak character background. Everyone in this anime is broken and has a weak soul. Especially our boy Shinji. If you can be happy why did you choose despair? If you don't like something and don't want to do it, why overthinking it? If you are trash, depressed, undesirable, unwanted, not good for anything and hate everyone or anything including yourself like Shinji, at least be consistent. In the end he was able to end all his torment and be free but he chose to ... |