Well well well
Let’s criticize this work a little bit
The World
This genre was very popular in 90s, you know the works about miserable future of the mankind civilisations, people are very few and they are weak and there is an evil force with modern technology trying to kill everyone, oh damn this sort of works bother me.
The Plot
The story has no new idea or anything freak, it’s common and dull, however the events of the story are very boring, there is no comedy in it at all nor a good tragedy, and the fights weren’t good enough, the characters too were primitive, like any child
Aug 13, 2021
Vampire Hunter
If you are looking for a short classic colourful anime then this one could be your goal, so let us analyse this work…
The story The story in this work is really easy and shallow, after all it was taken from arcade game, Anyway the plot isn’t straightforward because each character play a role in the story especially the three main characters ( Demitiri, Morrigan, Donovan) there are human and other organisms that they called as a “Dark Stalkers” such as vampires and werewolves and undeads etc, Demitri is a vampire who want to get back to the dark world and rule it but he have to ... May 28, 2021
No man leaves a hooker without pleasing her
I’m not going to give an analysis of the work but I’ll give my own opinion and perspective to the themes of the work, my impression is so extreme and radical, so if you are not anticipate to accept the other opinions then don’t read it. Themes The ethical man wouldn’t exploits a girl Well, This is not realistic to me, and that’s why I didn’t like the themes of the work because it’s too dreamy and unrealistic, I mean no man in the world would love a hooker and no man in the world refuses to sleep with a teenager ... |