Better than most of the music anime I've seen. 12 episodes usually make for a good short and sweet story instead of a stretched out, prolonged one.
I went into watching the first episode of this anime blind. I didn't know it was based off a game so I was pretty confused why there were cgi scenes out of nowhere. I had no prior knowledge of this series so I also didn't know the characters would be turned into these miniature furry chibis. But they were pretty cute. Visually the cgi scenes were the best.
I felt the pacing was kind of slow sometimes and really only
Jul 3, 2015
If you like a large cast of characters that have enjoyable and fun interactions, an intriguing mystery that is both haunting and complex, and have the stomach to handle gore then this is the manga for you.
There are no good guys. The best way to describe it is that the morality scale is incredibly gray. Almost everyone does something bad, usually with violence. Despite that the characters are still lovable and have humorous interactions with each other even in serious moments. There's also some subtle romance, mostly from Noi and Shin. Sometimes hinted at with the main pair, Nikaido and Kaimon, because their relationship is ... |