This review will be very succinct since this is just the recap episode and if you wish to read my thoughts on "91 days" I have a full review on MAL's page for the main title.
This recap unfortunately has a lot of flaws and little to no upsides, the recap is only of the first six episodes which makes this utterly useless for anyone that did not watch weekly and that isn't taking months to watch this anime. It also fails to recap all the important details of the story leaving some relevant parts out and giving excessive time to some moments that didn't need
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May 11, 2024
Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro
Not Recommended
The majority of people that have decided to watch this anime probably did so due to it's absurdly ridiculous name and premise and I was no exception, even though I watch a relative big amount of the typical isekai anime I can't watch them all so many pass under my radar or I simply decide not to watch but after reading the premise for this anime my curiosity took the best of me and I decided to start the show as soon as I could. The first episode starts the story in the exact way most people would assume the story would go given the
premise, however in the following episodes the story deviates into an interesting plot that was not expected.
Plot: You will find the plot of this anime to be pretty innovative based on the whole"turning into a pig" premise alone, however even outside of that I found it to be innovative with how they decided to present and unfold the events and with the world building of the show. The story starts with our mc being reincarnated as a pig and meets Jess, a girl who supposedly is of a different race that are treated with disdain and are forced to be servants to humans, however the "Yesma" (the race of Jess) have a very special ability, they can read mind which is the method our mc uses to communicate with her. After meeting her our mc finds out that all Yesma are obligated to head on a dangerous journey towards the capital on their 16th birthday and now it has come the time for Jess to head out on said journey so he decides to accompany her and make sure she gets there safely to the best of his abilities. The way the story flows with them traveling across the land makes it so that we are presented with the world building in a very natural way and can really showcase how good the world building of this anime is. At first this world seems very fun and lighthearted specially with Jess's attitude to it all but with each episode we are shown hints of how dark and heavy the world they are in actually is. Sadly, the world building is amazing as I said but it is the only quality of this show I can wholeheartedly say is good since the plot itself started ok but quickly got really underwhelming falling for clichê plot-lines and the ending for this season was outrageously bad, so much so that I would've instantly drop the anime if it wasn't the last episode. Art: The art style chosen for this anime is the standard for basically all generic isekai show out there, nothing to boast about but not bad either. The animation on the other hand was lacking throughout all episodes although it was still bearable, the episode with the major fight that was hyped up throughout the course of the story was specially bad it felt like the studio ran out of budget and decided to animate the fight scenes on PowerPoint I am not particularly demanding in terms of animation but it was seriously making me not enjoy the episode or what was happening at all. After that horrendous episode the animation picked back up to it's previous average status. Sound: The opening was decent, honestly better than I expected for such an anime, it is very fun, upbeat, has a great repeatability value and is definitely playlist worthy. Even though the opening is good it got heavily outshined by the masterpiece that was the ending song. The ending was not only better than the opening as a song but it also has much more emotion to it and alludes to the dark undertones behind the story, it also has an arguably better repeatability value and is overall one of the best anime songs I've ever heard. The voice acting was good as it always is in anime but I would like to highlight the decision to have two different voices and deliveries for the mc's speech in order to indicate whether it's him talking in monologue or talking to Jess, I imagine this is also something done on the source material but I am not sure as I haven't read it. Characters: There are only 4 characters in this anime that are worth talking about which are our mc, Jess, Notos and Brace since all other characters either didn't have enough screen-time or they didn't do anything with the screen-time they had. Our mc is the typical anime pervert protagonist who is a "loser" in life and suddenly gets thrown into the crazy situation we see, even though he is the stereotypical trashy unlikable character beneath all that we can see he is quite honorable with strong ideals and motivations: he tries to help Jess and do anything he can even when there isn't much for him to do as a pig without having any type of reward or personal gain in mind going to the point of even putting his life at risk for her. It is also through our mc that we are alluded to the dark injustices of this new world since all other characters are native they treat everything we see along the way as normal and ok and it's with the mc and with his real world views and ideals that such moments get questioned. All in all I find the mc to be a well-rounded character with some flaws which is something a well written character should have, has some comedic moments and is used excellently to present the world the show is set in and the main messages of the anime. Jess is a more straightforward character but is still very well written since she serves as a blatant contrast to the world the story is set, even though everything in this world seems to target the Yesma, everything in Jess's life seem to be going horribly and it seems as she has no way to better her destiny she is always very happy, kind and innocent. Overall, Jess is a relatively one dimensional character but in conjunction with the plot and world building of this anime she adds great value to the story as a character. Notos had some potential as a character when he is first introduced, however he ended up as a very superficial character with not much going for him outside of his backstory. Lastly, Brace is a very interesting character and adds another layer to the story and atmosphere of the anime, however her plot-line felt rushed making it have less impact on the viewer. Overall: The world building carries the whole show into being relatively decent, the plot started strong but ended up not delivering. The art was below average specially during fighting scenes but it is still watchable. The intro and ending songs are great. The two main characters seem really well thought out and fit perfectly in the show, however the anime lacks good secondary characters and even though some had potential they weren't properly developed. All in all the show is nothing life changing or that you need to watch but it is decent to mindlessly pass time if you are bored. In spite of all this, I could only give the show a 4/10 specially with that ending, if not for that ending I would probably have this show as "mixed feelings" or "recommended" and with a much better rating of around a 5/10 or even a 6/10 depending on how good this hypothetical new ending would be. The ending was genuinely horrendous and it felt like a slap on the face to the viewers since the whole last episode was emphasizing the difficult decisions in life and a "no matter how hard we must move forward" ideal but in the very end of the episode it just flips itself on it's head, contradicts the whole aspect of the episode and makes the entire story feel unimportant. If I knew the ending would be so bad I wouldn't have ever even started this show or I would've dropped it so, sadly, I have to set this anime as "not recommended". ~Heat the pig liver~
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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![]() Show all Feb 16, 2024 Recommended
Are you tired of every anime being set in Japan and feeling like it's a waste more of them don't make use of the rest of the world's history and culture? Well then fear not "91 days" is an anime that is placed in the west during the years of prohibition and focuses on the world of mafia, alcohol trafficking and vengeance.
Plot: I would argue the first episode of this anime does an amazing job at situating the viewers and presenting the story and our main characters' goal and motivations. It all starts with our MC as a kid happily living with his family ... when suddenly a group of three men enter his house with the intent to kill him and his family, even though they succeed at doing so to his family they fail to get to Angelo and he manages to escape. 7 years later he receives a letter from a self-proclaimed friend of his father revealing the killers which prompted him to go back to the city he once fled under a new alias as Avilio Bruno set to take revenge on the ones who murdered his family at all cost. The method chosen by Avilio to get to his targets and execute his revenge is to get close to them and gain their trust since they had heavy security due to their status as mafia members, in the midst of him building trust with his targets he discovers there was a fourth member in the assassination making it so he can't end his revenge without figuring out who this mysterious fourth person is. The story doesn't focus solely on a mafia family but on three main families all fighting physically and politically for power and status which helps immensely with the world building and plot progression of the show. art: The art style is nothing out of the ordinary when comparing to other shows, but it does fit well with the whole aesthetic and plot of the anime. The animations and the lack of vibrant colors throughout the series, with the exception of some scenes, really highlighted and properly showcased the atmosphere set by the anime both in terms of it's vengeance aspect as well as it's mafia and criminal life aspect. My biggest gripe in relation to this category is the underwhelming animation and lack of fluidity when it comes to the action scenes, most of the action in this anime happens in the form of guns and shooting making it's stale animation on these scenes bearable, however when comparing to other anime with guns as there main action it still felt lackluster. Sound: The overall sounds throughout the anime seemed a bit underwhelming specially in relation to gunshots and so on where they didn't seem to blend well with the scenes and felt out of place at times. The opening is simply flabbergasting, it is sung by TK who has probably the most popular anime song ever (unravel) and it gives the perfect entrance to this show, it immediately sets you into it's dark and gritty atmosphere. I probably wouldn't put this song in an anime opening playlist as it doesn't really fit well with it and it isn't meant to listen casually on it's own but it is an absolute much listen during each episode and each time more enjoyable as you progress in the story. The ending is a simple melody with no lyrics and I would typically say it is underwhelming and a lack of effort but with how this show is where in each episode people die and a ton of impactful and shocking stuff happen it fits perfectly for you to simply lay back dwelling on everything you just saw. All in all opening and ending songs couldn't have been better picked. Characters: An anime like this that focuses on vengeance, mind-games and betrayals needs to have amazing written characters with depth and development, sadly even though our main character Angelo and a couple of side characters like Nero and Corteo did achieve these requirements, the rest of the cast fell short making it so most of the characters feel bland one sided and forgettable. Angelo or Avilio is our MC and is an amazing character, the whole story constantly revolves around him and his motivations and we are presented with some amazing character depth through his constant disparity from his kind-hearted nature and his dark revenge fueled side, the story also isn't afraid to show us that Angelo is a character with many flaws that is constantly hurting those that are still with him in order to avenge those that are gone. Corteo is a character that isn't from the mafia life the anime centers around, he is a normal person that is reeled in to this kind of life and as a result starts losing his sanity throughout the episodes leading to a final break which made for a great character and the viewer can feel him falling more into despair each episode. Nero is a direct opposite to Angelo's character, Angelo ruined his present by being stuck to his past while Nero ignores his mistakes in the past which ends up catching up to him in the present. Nero's and Angelo's friendship is very dynamic and perfectly written with two sides to it that are constantly clashing. Sadly some other characters seemed to have great potential but were kept very superficial like Fango, Frate and Fio that although were given some screen time it just didn't feel like enough or it felt like very one dimensional characters. Overall: This anime's story and atmosphere are very unique and refreshing in a world where most anime seem like carbon copies of each other, on top of this the show has an amazing plot, main characters and soundtracks. It does present some downside's in lack of world building, shallow secondary characters and some awkward moments related to sound and animation. I would definitely recommend this anime to avid anime watchers and even to people who normally don't watch anime as long as they like mafia style stories, although I believe the rating I gave to "91 days" of 8/10 is very objective I did boost it a bit due to how well thought out the soundtrack choices were and I believe this show could've have gotten a much better rating with some better animation or development of it's side cast. ~People don't need a reason to live , they just live~
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jan 7, 2024 Recommended
Unless you are one of those few people that do their research before deciding to watch a show, you just like me came into this anime with very different expectations taking into account the anime's title and cover. You most likely came into the movie expecting a generic magic world type anime and got hit with something completely different, however in my opinion the story and setting of the anime is much better compared to a generic fantasy power type anime and the surprise subverting all your expectations actually enhances the overall experience of the show.
(P.S. I was made aware that many people recently gravitating ... to this movie were brought to it via tiktok but since I don't use the app as I enjoy keeping my braincells intact I have no way of confirming if this show is really that popular on the app) Plot: The anime mainly focuses on two concepts bullying and Chuunibyou or the eighth grade syndrome, a term presented to us on many other anime, which is basically when a teenager is trying desperately to stand out which usually happens through delusions of greatness where they typically pretend or believe they have secret powers and different backgrounds; basically they live cosplaying shounen anime MC's. Our main character in "Aura: Maryuuin Kouga Saigo no Tatakai" is Ichirou Satou and the anime hints several time that he was a Chuunibyou during middle school and was bullied because of it and therefore changed and tried to be and act like a typical teen once he got to high school. One day he forgets his notebook at school and decides (for some weird totally not believable reason) to INVADE his school just to get the notebook back and found a strange girl in a weird costume talking about dragons and alternative universes, he decides to follow the girl and spend some time with her showing us he still has his Chuunibyou side but is just suppressing it due to trauma. We later come to find out that the girl is merely a classmate of Ichirou Satou that is at her Chuunibyou peak where she would even go to school in cosplay, miss whole week's of classes and constantly talk to classmates and teachers in character. The main character ends up befriending the girl at the request of their teacher and the story progresses from there with some interesting and heavy plot lines and twists. The story's main concept and the character development are great and I loved it but when you look objectively at the movie you will find many flaws in the details and execution of the show, some might try and argue that a movie is not enough to cover all basis but there are many anime movies that do so and if a movie is not enough than this title should've simply been done in an episode format. Art: This part has nothing much to talk about as the animation is painfully average by it's release date and below average by todays standards. the anime aired in 2013 which is not that long ago and with it being a movie I expected some better animation, with this said the animation is not bad in a way that would affect your enjoyment of the show. The character designs were interesting to see as they resemble a more early 2000's type style like "Code Geass" and other anime of the time. Sound: With this anime being a stand alone movie it doesn't have your typical opening and ending songs that can greatly enhance your appreciation for the title but it did have an OST song play during a key moment of the show that really enhanced the scene in a special way making you feel much more immersed and connected to what was being portrayed; this OST is a very slow and mellow, borderline depressing song so I am not so sure about it's replay value outside of the anime on a playlist of some sort but it was definitely a really well thought out pick. Characters: As a Romance Drama show it's main focus is obviously the characters, their development and relations. Ichirou Satou our main character is in my opinion the best written character in the show with Ryouko Satou (the girl in cosplay) being a close second, however sadly besides these two all other characters are either extremely bland or they seem to be heading for some growth and then just die out as background characters. Ryouko Satou is a girl who isn't happy with her ordinary self and her monotonous day to day so she decides to be as different as possible from others to try and escape reality to a fantasy scenario, this starts off as a simple quirk but after some events through the story reality starts to catch up to her and her true depth as a character is shown tackling some heavy topics, but more than a good character I see Ryoko as a mere vessel for the anime to portray this very uncomfortable but relatable theme to the viewers in the form of a cute waifu. On the other hand, Ichirou Satou, As I previously mentioned is someone who was just like Ryoko before but got bullied out of it and as the story progresses he starts seeing himself in Ryoko and seeing history repeat itself through her; with this he starts to have internal struggles where he wants to distance himself from her and specifically that world of fantasy but he also wishes to help her and take care of her so that she doesn't have to suffer the same way she did. Even with this absolutely amazing duo as main characters the previously mentioned lackluster side cast makes it so this anime mainly becomes wasted potential with the teacher presented as a puppet master pulling the strings behind everything but basically never mentioned again after the first half of the episode, the antagonists of the show have zero development and do not give any reasons for their actions making it look like they were simply there to lazily push plot; another character that personally bothered me was Shinako Kobato which is presented as being a character in the antagonists group who later joins the main group and is ultimately forgotten in the show making her character a completely useless piece in the anime. Overall: I think based on the rating I decided to give to this title and with the hints I've been giving throughout this review (if you read it all), you can guess my feelings towards this anime. The show is a massive waste of potential as the premise of the story and it's main characters had the potential to make a top-tier Romance/Drama show comparing to some of the big shows withing these types and if this anime had some better execution, better development and focus on secondary characters and less inconsistencies or absurd moments (like when our mc decides to casually invade his school to get a notebook he could get the next morning via legal methods) I would give it a 9/10 or more. Sadly all of this isn't true so this anime can't go higher than a 6/10 for me. SPOILER WARNING P.S. I didn't want to go heavily into this as it would be hard to do so while not spoiling but the most absurd moment was Ryoko finding that outrageous amount of tables and being able to setup that whole castle without anybody (in a school during school day)noticing it before it was finished.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Nov 16, 2023
Mob Psycho 100 II
I, like probably many others, got introduced to "Mob Psycho 100" through "One Punch Man" and at the start I was simply comparing both and not seeing "Mob Psycho 100" as a stand alone and unique show, after the end of first season I ended up enjoying it very much, but still not thinking anything special in relation to the hundreds of other titles I've watched. With all of this in mind I decided to watch the second season since the first was decent but I didn't come into it with very high expectations and oh boy am I glad I was wrong.
Plot: This season ... can be split into two parts in relation to the storyline, the first half of the episodes roughly can be all summed up as various diverse mini-arcs that focus mainly on developing Mob, Reigen and Dimple as characters and to give them some depth and uniqueness; and the second half of the season is more focused on the world building presenting our cast of villains for the season and of course we get our main cast fight them off and saving the day. Something that I wasn't expecting whatsoever but that came as a pleasant surprise was the fact that they managed to due some amazing development on a wide variety of characters in only twelve episodes and whilst still maintaining the show interesting specially for more casual watchers with amazing fights and animations together with this focus on the characters, something that many show neglect to do and others try to do so but fail miserably. Art: The art style continues the same as first season and it is a very distinct and unique art style that is immediately recognizable at first glance. Such different art style comes with various pros and cons that I've already explained in my review to the first season of Mob Psycho, so I won't repeat myself all over again here as if you wish to see my opinion on it it is available there. In regards to the animation quality it has definitely had a massive upgrade in it's quality in comparison to the first season, in the first season the animation was decent and generally above average however nothing that would blow you out of the water, but in the second season the animation and directing for the show was flabbergasting. Even when animating less relevant characters and scenes it felt that immense care and dedication was put into it. The choreography for the fights was exquisite and the directing and camera work were innovative. The fight that was given to us in episode 11 was probably one of the best choreographed and directed anime fights I have ever seen in my life and is probably one of my favorite fights in anime in general. I would also like to bring attention to the animation during the opening and the ending, the opening felt like the animators were just flexing their skills on us all and I loved it specially since it's quirky and confusing visuals fit well with the theme of the show; in the ending we got a completely different art style whilst still maintaining the uniqueness of Mob Psycho's art style which just fit perfectly with the type of song we got for the ending. Sound: The opening in season 2 also suffered some drastic improvements in my opinion when comparing to the first season. The opening is basically the same chorus as the first season but it changes the rest of the song, I personally disliked the first season's opening as I already mentioned on my review to said season as the counting and overall song would just ruin the vibe and not be enjoyable to listen to out of the anime or on a playlist and I generally can excuse such cons on an anime opening if it trades it's repetition value for setting the mood and atmosphere for the anime, however the first season's opening didn't accomplish it. In this season however they maintained the amazing chorus for the song and substituted the dreadful counting with some amazing vocals and I can now say that I fully enjoy the song and it would fit perfectly in a playlist with other great anime music. The ending song is also really pleasant and definitely worth the listen, it starts off slow and calm it makes you think it will be the generic calm and soothing ending song any anime opts for but then it starts to pick the pace and distinguish itself in a way that still gives you that calm feeling most anime endings accomplish, this ending song is very different in comparison to the first seasons' ending so I'm not really sure as to which one I prefer since their vibes are almost opposites but all in all definitely not a bad song. Characters: As I already mentioned in this review this second season put tons of emphasis on building the cast which definitely elevated this anime above your typical show, one of my gripes with the first season was the lack of personality given to Mob I understand that was the whole point but it just felt like a complete npc and throw-out character and it was really throwing me off during the first season however in this season they started to give him some amazing depth as a character and overall some amazing writing although it took some time to get there. Reigen grew amazingly as a character from when we were first introduced to him and Mob Psycho 100 manages to give him some of the best developments in the show whilst still maintaining him as comedic relief, something most show fail to accomplish. Reigen is a really relatable character and somehow still manages to fit perfectly in this universe of out of the ordinary characters. Dimple was also a character that when we were first introduced to I didn't expect much from but ohh was I wrong he is one of the best written characters in the entire show if not the best and is the anti-hero "ends justify the means" type character which in turn fits perfectly with Mobs innocent and righteous personality. Dimple single-handedly transforms the show from a generic shonen with boring topics into a more nuanced and complex show since he often times blurs the lines between good and evil. I could be here talking about all the characters for hours so I will stop myself with those three since they are the main focus within the anime, but some other character highlights throughout this season were Teruki, Ritsu and Serizawa who although had considerably less time to shine still had their moments. Overall: All in all I would say this is one of the best shows out their specifically this season and is miles above your average show you have a decent plot-line and some really well written and memorable characters, the opening had an astonishing improvement in relation to the first season and the ending is enjoyable. The animation is top-notch and the main highlight of the anime, this show has one of the best animation you'll be able to find at least for the moment and it's choreography and directive choices were amazing. To summarize it's animation it is simply breathtaking, innovative, unique and definitely will set high standards in your mind when you go watch your next show. I personally would give this season a 9/10 as I feel the plot could be stronger but I can't give it anything less than a 10/10 when it has one of the best fight in anime I've ever seen.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Nov 4, 2023
Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch
After the ending of season 2 of "Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch" it's comunity felt divided on the ending, whilst many didn't like it others said it was perfectly written. This movie, from my perspective, is above anything a way to fulfill the wishes of the fans that didn't like the ending of season 2 as this movie isn't canon, it is a filler alternative ending. This movie also serves as extra content for those who loved "Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch" and specially it's cast. If you watched the two season and didn't particularly like it then this movie won't do much for you
and as it is technically a filler and you can just skip it but if you, just like me, absolutely loved the main show then I would wholeheartedly recommend this movie it will be two more hours of this exquisite cast(one of if not the best in all anime in my opinion) and will in general be enjoyable.
Plot: Obviously the plot on this movie is lackluster in comparison to the main show so if you come into the movie with high expectations in this department you might be disappointed but if you keep them mild you will fully enjoy the movie. The villains, just like in the main show(with the exception of one or two) are forgettable which is my main complaint of Code Geass as a whole but the main cast is so good that it makes up for it. Something that I loved is that the plot went into the Geass world and specially into C.C., which although the anime went into a bit near the end I still felt that we needed more so I loved the plot for this movie in that aspect. Art: The art style remains the same unique and iconic style as in the anime and the animation was really good, I can't say it had "movie level animation" as in it had much better animation in comparison to the anime since, in my opinion, it didn't have any noticeable upgrade in relation to the main show, however the anime already have above average animation and amazingly animated fights specially for the time it released. Sound: the sound for the anime in general and fight scenes are really good just as in the main show, the voice acting I don't even have to describe it was absolutely flawlessly executed and the OST's and the opening and ending songs were amazing and had me pleasantly surprised, Colors is amazing and one of the most iconic anime songs of all time so of course I expected decent songs on this as well but since in the end it is nothing but filler to a certain extent, I thought they wouldn't bring such amazing projects but I'm glad they did, the songs' vibe fit perfectly with the show and the atmosphere of Code Geass. Characters: So the characters from the main cast that are at the center of this movie are Lelouch; C.C.; Kallen and Suzaku. besides those we also get some good screen time on professor Lloyd, Sayoko the ninja maid, Cornelia, Ougi and Nunally. Nunally was more of a plot driver, for the rest of the cast there wasn't a ton of character development which makes sense since it's a non-canon movie but we still got a bit of growth in C.C. as a character and in some relations, specifically, Lelouch with C.C. and Lelouch with Suzaku. I talk about the main cast extensively and why I love them so much in my review for the main show so I won't do that here in order to not repeat myself, however I will talk about the antagonists for the movies as they were not present in the anime itself. The antagonists for the movie are basically comprised of two brothers: the older sister Shamna and the younger brother Shalio they rule a kingdom as head priestess and king, respectively, and they are made to be almost as a shadow of Lelouch and Suzaku, Shamna being Lelouch and Shalio being Suzaku. Shmna has a Geass, provides only intellectual might towards her faction and whilst Shalio is oficially the king she is the one who truly rules the kingdom, all these aspects are very similar to Lelouch. On the other side Shalio although is the leader in paper he is simply following orders from his sister whilst being useful for nothing more other than mecha combat which is very reminiscent of Suzaku's role in the show. This duality aspect between the two duos confronting each other created a good base for some really good and interesting characters, however the movie format held these characters back, the movie tried to develop them to the best of it's abilities but with only two hours and most of that used on the main cast the plot points to grow these antagonists felt rushed and out of nowhere which in the end just made them failed attempts of good villains. If these two characters were to be introduced in a more paced manner in a multiple episode season format than I believe they would've had the potential to be amongst the top villains for show as a whole. Overall: Once again ultimately this show is non-canon content so if you don't like the main show to start with then you probably won't enjoy this and even if you do love the anime you will be disappointed if you come in to this with extremely high expectations specially towards the plot. The animation and art style is in it's majority the same as in the anime and the OST's and songs were really good and definitely worth a listen, perfect to just put you back in the whole vibe the Code Geass universe creates. The enemies had good potential but ended up being pretty lackluster and the main cast just like the anime were amazing. My 8/10 might be a bit biased since if you didn't notice from the rest of the review "Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch" is one of my favorite anime of all time but even looking at this movie in the most objective way possible and low-balling it the movie wouldn't get anything below a 7/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Oct 15, 2023 Not Recommended
I usually divide my reviews in different categories for the shows such as plot, characters, art, etc however I feel it is useless to do so in this title since it is a recap episode and I did that on my review for the main page on MAL for "Mashle". I will keep this review short listing just a few good points as well as bad points on it.
The only positives I can find in this underwhelming recap is that it is not simply a mashup of old scenes, although it still is in it's majority they make a couple of new scenes regarding Mash's ... granpa and make the recap be some sort of point of view through a letter Mash sent to him so it gives a sense of cohesion to it instead of it feeling massively out of place. On the other hand this recap has nothing of value to offer the viewer, recaps themselves are at their core filler content and much less valuable to a viewer than a normal episode, however certain recaps in my opinion are of some use and excusable in a context of refreshing the viewers memory to events in previous season especially when a new season is announced and the previous season aired a while ago, but sadly, this recap in specific doesn't fit this niche use of recap episodes since for some odd reason it was decided to make a recap of only the first six episodes of the season instead of the entirety of the season making this recap basically useless and not worth watching under any circumstance unless for the sake of saying you watched it. P.S. I know this recap was most likely made in order to give extra time for the studio to perfect the future episodes but this review is made with the viewer in mind and not the animators.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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![]() Show all Oct 15, 2023
Tengoku Daimakyou
Here we have the long lost brother of "Yakusoku no Neverland" so if you enjoyed that title(first season of course) you will most likely also enjoy "Tengoku Daimakyou", although the world is fundamentally different the beginning of the story presented is very similar between them and a ton of the themes the two shows present resemble one another. "Tengoku Daimakyou" presents the viewer with some very heavy themes and topics that tend to make the viewer think and try to decipher what is happening throughout each episode so although I really enjoyed this anime it is by no means a casual watch that you can
just put on on not think about it.
Plot: "Tengoku Daimakyou" provides two separate stories that seemingly look completely unrelated that later obviously start getting connected by different pieces of information given to us by the show throughout the episodes(another anime that does this is "Kumo desu ga, Nani ka?"). One of the stories we follow is of our main characters Kiruko and Maru that are in a journey to find a place know as heaven in a post-apocalyptic world whilst having to deal with monster and criminals such as thieves and murderers that are obviously the result of anarchy due to the falling of society itself. The other story that get's just as much screen time as our two main characters is of a facility where several adults are raising children in a less than conventional way and said facility is constantly shrouded in mystery brewing most of the questions by the viewers in comparison to the side with Kiruko and Maru. As I've said already this isn't the type of show to spoon feed the viewers with every single detail and we are expected to think and deduct what is happening based on the little hints and revelations in each episode. The main component of this show in my opinion are the various themes and topics it presents that are very heavy and uncomfortable to dive into such as betrayal, grooming, the thin line between scientific advancements and the subjects humanity but above all these the main theme in my opinion is human's true nature and it is presented to us in a "yin and yang" form where the good and virtuous side of humanity is shown through the kids at the facility and the dark and disgusting side of human nature is shown with Kiruko and Maru, not by them specifically but rather by the environment and people surrounding them throughout their travels. Art: The art style in this show is pretty good and unique which just seems like a breath of fresh air from the average art style the majority of anime present. This art style is also seemingly "cutesy" which presents a hard contrast to the plot-line and themes of this anime(another anime with this approach is "Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica" although in a much more extreme way). The animations are above average in my opinion especially throughout the action scenes and the artistic choices made to show the symbolism throughout the show is very well made and the background scenery perfectly portrays the post-apocalyptic setting the show is based on. Sound: The opening song for this show is easily the best anime opening of 2023 and one of my all time favorites for anime in general, it is the perfect ratio of being tailored to the show in order to put you in the perfect mood to watch the episode and of being an absolute vibe and a perfect song to also listen to outside of the anime in a playlist of sort. On the other hand, I didn't enjoy the ending song, the song itself and the animations are happy and peaceful which I would say is standard for anime in general, however I think it fits poorly with this show and detracts from all the tension the episode presents just making it feel massively out of place. Characters: The plot's premise first starts with following Maru's story but that is quickly put on hold and the plot-line deviates into Kiruko's story and past, with this Kiruko is the character at the center of this first season and she has amazing depth and character development throughout the show with her trying to find peace with the past and with herself; meanwhile Maru is put to the sideline's in a way where he is developed as a character throughout the show mainly focusing on his morals and relation with Kiruko, my point with this is to say that Maru's development on this season seems to be just the tip of the iceberg and has potential to be much better in later stages of the title. On the kids side of the story the characters at the center are Tokio as a pseudo main character and Mimihime and Shiro as a side cast; Shiro has little to no depth and the whole point of his character is to follow Mimihime around and she also doesn't have much development throughout this season serving mainly as a way for the author to convey several hints to the viewers which in my opinion was a very tasteful way to approach it. Tokio is basically the epicenter of every single event on the facility and is the main plot driver for that side of the story, her role in the story seems to have been mainly focused on this season and I would assume she would have much less screen time if a second season end up happening, however her actions were such important catalysts to the story as a whole and were portrayed so well in this season that she will always be one of the most important characters of the this anime no matter where the story goes in the future. Overall: I believe this title is an amazing story and has potential for a 9/10 or 10/10 in a future season as long as the graphics don't get a downgrade and the plot and characters continue to evolve and be as engaging as with this season. The reason I settled for a 8/10 on this first season is due to it more of a build-up for the world itself, it raised many questions and kept you engaged in the stories however all the answers were left for future seasons and this season being only 13 episodes just feels incomplete.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Oct 12, 2023 Recommended
Have you ever thought to yourself... "What would it look like if Saitama enrolled in Hogwarts?" well if you did then you are lucky because that is exactly the plot in "Mashle" at it's core. As soon as you watch a couple of episodes you will notice this anime takes massive inspiration from the famous "Harry Potter" stories to the point you think they could get a copyright strike. This anime has some really good action within it's fights and the plot is not bad at all, although predictable, compared to some other titles, however the main focus of this anime in my opinion is
it's comedic side so throughout the anime it doesn't take itself serious even in situations where you would expect them to exactly in order to achieve this comedy.
Plot: As I said this anime feels like Saitama from "One-punch Man" invaded the "Harry Potter" franchise and what I mean by that is that the world we find ourselves in with this anime is one where magic is commonplace and every person uses it even whilst doing the most basic tasks, in this world your proficiency with magic is what determines your status and influence. Meanwhile our main character as it is expected from a story like this is unable to use any kind of magic and relies only on his muscles and physical capabilities to fight and fend off all the magic users he will find along his journey. After the events of episode 1 our main character is forced to enroll in a magic school where he meets his friends(the rest of our main cast), his enemies and is in general the main setting for the rest of the story or at least this first season that is, this school setting is where all the inspiration from "Harry Potter" becomes more evident each episode from the design of their uniforms and the inner workings of the school to the headmaster's appearance and personality. Now the reason I mention our main character is reminiscent of Saitama is because even though every person we encounter has magic whilst our main character doesn't which in theory would mean our main character would be at a massive disadvantage and would be significantly weaker in combat when compared to the majority of others characters, however that is not the case and instead we find out that our main character has such absurd levels of physical ability that he can crudely outpower all the magic that is thrown at him to the point people think he is using magic to achieve these physical feats, this is the main gag of the show and the basis for most of their comedy besides this their other attempts at comedy rely on running jokes specific of each character in our main cast that I will talk about further down the review. Art: The art style is really good in my opinion and is neatly backed up by very good animation quality. I also loved the character designs for the show, not only were the designs and stylistic choices really good, but also the fact that each character has those marks on the face means the artist had more chances to let their creativity run wild and make the characters even more unique and memorable. Getting back to the animation, the studio that made "Mashle" was A-1 Pictures which is already a well established studio in anime and it's already expected good animation by their part just like other anime they produced such as "86" and "Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen" and they did not disappoint; I would say the animation on "Mashle" is above average in general, in some scenes we get a bit of a goofy style on the animation but that is done to go for a comedic effect and I wouldn't call those instances a drop in quality, on the other hand when they want to flex the animation and just hype you up the animation get's simply immaculate especially during Mash's fights which is something I appreciate and did not expect an anime that focuses so much on their comedic side to also put so much emphasis on their fighting scenes. Sound: If you ever heard the opening song for this show you might be surprised to hear I actually didn't like it at first, don't ask me the reason I was simply not enjoying it but it definitely grew on me and I can now wholeheartedly say it is an absolute banger of a song just fun and hype basically the perfect characteristics to accompany an anime like "Mashle" which itself is perfectly described as fun and hype, it has a rocky vibe to it and it just feels different than your average anime openings that sometimes end up sounding all the same. The ending song had me laughing the first time I saw it, I never expected them to use the whole ending song for the running joke of the show but here we are with an anime ending song only focused on sweets and especially cream puffs, the worse part of it all is that it is actually a vibe and definitely worth the listen. The sound effects were a bit goofy and personally were starting to feel overused and were getting annoying, but I understand this is a show focused above all else in the comedy aspect so something of this sort is to be expected. The OST's were absolutely flabbergasting, I was just casually going through the episodes and was constantly being caught off-guard by the banger OST's that just had me vibing instead of paying attention to the action, definitely the anime in the comedy genre with the best OST's that I've watched and among the best in general in terms of OST music. Characters: This show considers every member in the main friend group as main characters however the true main character that the story revolvers around is Mash Burndead who I already talked about extensively above, I will add that the as the main character he presents us with two running jokes for comedic effect whilst the rest of the friend group only have one each them being that he is obsessed with cream puffs to the point its all he has on his mind and the fact that doors are his arch-nemesis and he always breaks them because he never knows whether to push or pull in order to open. Mash actually get's a fair bit of development throughout the show especially regarding his friendships and his motivations which come somewhat as a surprise due to the comedic nature of the show. Lemon Irvine is the only girl in the group and the joke around her is that she talking about perfectly normal situations as if they were sexual and then calling others perverts or "beasts", she is barely in the spotlight in this season and I imagine her character will only get developed further down the line but from what we got of her she is a very likable character. Finn Ames is Mash's roommate and he is also one that is always in the sidelines in this season with little development and 0 fights his running joke is I guess being a coward but above all else he was just useless, at least in this season. Lance Crown is basically the Sasuke of the show, the too cool for school type character that is always very cold and reserved but also very naturally gifted in terms of combat and looks, with a character like this the running joke could be none other than him obviously being a siscon(I guess sibling issues is the standard for this character archetype). Finally we have Dot Barrett which resembles Bakugo both in fighting style and personality being the typical blunt and dense character that is not the most talented but uses his determination to keep on fighting and win, the joke around him is one we almost always see throughout anime and it's the "simp", just like Sanji he is that type of character that is in love with any and all women whilst at the same time not being able to hold a proper conversation with them. The show also has some pretty interesting enemies and I loved all their unique designs, however I felt they were a bit lacking in terms of character depth and diversity in their motivations, what I mean by that is that all main enemies once defeated would present their sob backstory often times very similar to one another which ended up feeling really repetitive at least in my view. Overall: I would give the show an overall 7/10 the graphics and the song and Ost choices were definitely amazing, the characters all looked very unique however their stories didn't and the plot is nothing too crazy but enjoyable nonetheless. Unless this type of anime specifically isn't your cup of tea you will definitely enjoy it and have a good laugh and in general a good time but nothing too special.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Oct 9, 2023 Not Recommended
After watching the first season of this anime I came in to the second season with low expectations since the first one was mediocre, after a couple episodes I started getting intrigued again by the story and it seemed to maybe have the potential for a massive boost in writing quality from the first season and then, just like the previous season, all my hopes for the show and it's potential were shattered by other factors such as the bland characters or bad animation. In the end "100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season" felt like an attempt to make a
continuation to the anime with a really low budget and mid-way through they stopped caring and just did it for the sake of finishing what was started.
Plot: I already talked about the basis of the world building and plot the anime is based upon in my review for the first season of this anime so I won't be repeating myself here but in relation to the plot explored throughout the second season we get a total of 2 quests our cast completes in this season however from what I've researched the first half of the season(first quest) comes from the original material and the second part(second quest) is anime original. In my opinion the second half is definitely significantly worse than the first half. The plot this season explores had much more potential than the first season since that season was mainly focusing on introducing characters and showcasing the world and this season was actually diving deeper in the plot and introducing what looked like the main villains for this anime whereas in the first season the enemies were simply typical isekai monsters with no deep lore but just like the first season this started with good potential and wasn't able to build on it making a less than mediocre show. Art: The animation on the first season of this anime was already pretty lackluster, however they've managed to somehow make it worse on this second season, there was no fluidity to the animation making most scenes feet static including the fighting scenes which was a big downgrade since on the first season although the animation was nothing special it at least had a bit of fluidity to the action parts and didn't feel like a powerpoint presentation. Sound: The sound effects feel as clunky and weird as in the first season unfortunately. The opening song is a bit worst than the song for the first season and pretty skippable in my opinion, however the ending was actually really good and probably the best song of all the season and I will definitely be revisiting it in the future. Characters: I'm assuming if you're reading this you've already watched the first season so you know that after each quest our main cast completes a new member is brought in, at the end of the first season we are introduced to the new character who is to join the party and throughout this season another member later joins. Torii the character added at the end of the first season is definitely the worst character in the entire show he is blonde and gets the spear warrior job and ironically is basically the spear hero from "Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari" in terms of personality. I don't want to talk in depth about the other member that later joins due to spoilers but I will just say she is my favorite character in the whole main cast and actually isn't useless like most of the members. I won't reiterate my thoughts on the characters in the main cast from season one since it's already in my season 1 review and they didn't get a decent development in order to be relevant to talk about them, but in short, this season suffers from the same issue than the first season in terms of characters where the side characters linked to the quests that we most likely won't see again and aren't relevant to the bigger picture are much more interesting than our bland main characters. Overall: After the first season I didn't come into this second one with much expectations but somehow it still managed to be a bit disappointing since it felt like it had even more potential than the first one and ended up being a clear downgrade to this first season. As I said in my season 1 review the plot for the anime is actually really interesting, in this season the first quest was also intriguing (second quest not so much but we can't blame the author since it's an anime original arc), but sadly all the other aspects of the anime couldn't keep up to the plot making you constantly think it was a waste of a good isekai world. I want to give it more but unfortunately I can't go above 4/10 since it was a clearly below average even by isekai standards and even when only comparing to it's previous season. I personally wouldn't recommend it unless you either absolutely loved the first season or are a completionist that gets bugged by dropping a show mid-way through.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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