Wellcome, fellow comrade! I am necroSNAKE and this is my page.
I usually watch 3 episodes per evening, never ongoing shows. This allows me to deep dive into the story and process my thoughts for 3-4 days.
I can watch something in the morning too, but never more than two storylines per day 'cause my mind get a little bit scrambled :D
I think it's all about intimacy between you and the show, not quantity over quality.
My score a little bit high because I usually don't start watching things what can disappoint me.
Genres I like: slice of life, comedy, adventure, sports, suspense thriller, detective and maybe something I forgot to add.
I dislike battle shounen and romance 'cause they always almost the same, show by show. If you watched one - you watched 80% all of them. And most of all I dislike things can called "cheap(cheesy? idk) drama". Tearjerkers is one of that type. Shows what use cliche from the beginning to the end just to make you fell something and maybe sell more of a product in further.
- profile picture by Shigeto Koyama (I won him at Fortnite on Trigger Christmas stream 2021, this is my one of the biggest life achievement)
- about me pictures made by MAL Secret Santas: Shinah, politecorn, Kuramaterasu, Person_XXIII
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All Comments (9) Comments
Apologies for the late issuing!
no prob, i am bad at editing tho ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
It's kinda funny if you are braindead. I am. If serious - humour here is surprisingly working good, but only if you can process all these softporn.
Wasted potential. Show has no jokes, story has nothing. Only things this show have is good graphics and pedoerotism. By the end they just change one form of MC's escapism to another and nothing else.