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My MALentine Story Fantasy Anime League
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Jul 25, 2018
Saw this at US theaters, this review contains spoilers.
Story 6
The story was the weakest part of the entire movie. The set up of the story was going to work out well with the setting but the plot was very slow even with its time skip. The movie gently touched on a few topics that could had made the story so much better, but never went into the cores of the topic. The parts that were more interesting was Maquia rescuing her friend whos in the castle instead of Maquia's motherhood. A movie's theme which is motherhood was outshine by a different event in the movie.
There was good motherhood events that could had made the story of motherhood so much better but it didn't go deep enough into the core of the struggle of a single mom who never had a mom. Overall the core message was motherhood but the story didn't touch deep enough into the topic. It was lacking the connection. Maquia and Ariel obviously has some sort of strong like connection throughout the timeskips but the connection that was missing was making a connection to us the viewers. The story wasn't able to pull me into its fantasy world. The point of a fantasy like genrne is suppose to pull us in into the world. Sayonara no Asa was barely able to do it but wasn't able to keep pulling you in to where you felt like you were a part of it.
Art and Sound 10/10
If it wasn't for the art and music the movie would had not stand out at all. It had amazing animation and soft like music to fit the tone of the movie. I can't even recall any OST besides the ending song haha.
Character 7
Supporting characters had a fairly good supporting role in the movie, we introduced to only important sup. characters which we'll end up seeing overtime in the movie and not forgetting about them. The biggest problem was Maquia, the MC, she developed so little even throughout the time skip, Her whole purpose was being a mother, yet it felt like she developed so little knowing nothing about what being a mother is. The only way to go while being at the bottom is to go up, but she barely developed as a mother, the story didn't provide enough event and struggles for her to overcome and become a better mother to Ariel. Ariel developed pretty well overall. He was pretty much as any other kid. Love the parent and at some point becomes a rebel and comes back to loving his mom/understanding her love.
Enjoyment 8
Even with such a weak story I still enjoyed the movie overall. I took my mom with me to watch this, she doesn't watch any anime at all so I had no idea how she will feel about it and she loved it. She even had a few tears in her eye saying "it was such a sad story".
Overall 8
If only it was given more time to hit some core topics of motherhood better and making them an obstacle for Maquia to overcome and become a better mother it would had turned out so much better. The plot was too slow pace and it felt like there was good time wasted throughout the middle of the movie. It is so sad to see the kid you raise to past away before you did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 3, 2018
Enjoyment 10
This series did more then pull my heartstrings, it made me felt like I was there traveling with them, feeling the sorrows and joy they felt, A Place Further Than the Universe INSPIRES me so much, these words alone is not enough to explain the feelings I felt watching this series. It feels like buying your hardworking single Mom a surprise cake on her birthday and seeing her tear up, and that's when that feeling hits you. I honestly don't know what to say, but its that kind of feeling you get when you do something good to people who you love. It just
feels you up with joy. This series was not just an adventure for the girls, it was also an adventure for me.
Story 10
The story isn't anything unique or amazing that stands above all other story, it's just a plain and simple story of four girls who made the courage to step out and travel.
Art 10
Amazing artwork, it's just what's expected of Madhouse
Sound 10
Amazing OST and insert songs that gets me everytime
Character 10
These characters felt like they were just normal high school girls but as the story progresses these characters grew and grew and their personally started blooming making them feeling so unreal, even though they were blooming with personally they still grow and grow as characters. I personally felt myself as Mari, "what if something goes wrong" I wish I was as strong as her, taking that step.
A solid 10, I sure hope some of you felt the same way I did watching this series, if this review didn't help you because this review was only about how amazing I personally thought it was, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't feel a connection like I did. Maybe one day myself I'll do some traveling after college.
Sometimes the things you do will inspire others to do something too. Lets go another adventure someday.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 25, 2014
Who else watches pretty much anything that comes out at least ep 1 or ep 2 to see if they like it? I'm also one of those person who watches series at least 1 or 2 ep to see if I'll drop it or watch it, at first no doubt about it, the characters were so CUTE and that really helped me to watch it...then I didn't care about how cute they were now, the plot caught my eyes, and I was pretty much getting really close really really close to dropping this series, but then....oh boy I'm glad I did not drop it
Yuuki Yunna
is prob one of the highly underrated series of fall 2014(by my guess from views on kissanime.com crunchyroll, wao, sites that I use). I somewhat had a gut feeling that I would like this series and as each ep. came out weekly ratings 6.50ish and now look where it's at, slowly, but surely, this series got better as it went on.
I'm not going to review the series into details of the plot, but the plot was what made me really change my mind of this series(watch the series yourself for full detail of-course :D)
The series starts of with a club know as the hero club, witch does a lot of community services in a way, after being "it" the hero club(4 members at start) are randomly taken into another dimension where they fight these "vertex" where they have to defect 12 vertex and their battle would be over, so they thought...the series starts of really light and simple, and as I was watching my enjoyment was slowly dropping down on it until a bit more into the series their was a lot of hints of a different factor in the plot, the dark areas of the plot. Honestly it has been a while when I last saw a series that has brought some tears to my eyes. I would have to say this series felt really really close mahou shoujo because of the slow start and from the plot just giving hints and hints and here it is.... a twist, but I wouldn't say that this is another mahou shoujo despite the fact both series girls transform and fight, they do have their differences. The artwork of the other dimension is also really similar to mahou shoujo. And the ending is one of the difference, but just because it ended this way, that did not mean it was over(or so i thought).
Genres: Slice of Life, Fantasy, Magic
Being in a part of a club pretty much that will lead to the slice of life event
the dimension world that they are taken to brings out the fantasy genre to the series
I'm not fully sure if I would be able to consider this as magic, it felt more like it was super power/action, but also there wasn't much action at all, the hero club members didn't really use magic, but they did got their powers from something else may have consider it as magic
YES, these characters were so.....CUTE, when they transformed to their hero form.... EVEN CUTER, but...it's not just their cuteness, their development as a character went really well, even tho as you might be able to tell, the plot will be around Yuuki Yuuna because of the title, but the plot did have room for development of other main characters which was really good, even a character that came in later had development, because this is a 12 ep series don't be expecting one whole ep. about one character, their developments were quick and simple and may even bring some tears to your eyes or heart warming at the very least?
The sound was not really well I can honestly say from my view, the opening itself felt a bit dark to it, and then the ending it felt a bit more light? happy? it was a bit weird for me, but it didn't effect my enjoyment of the series. I would say the OST is a bit balanced with some dark theme, sad theme, light theme OSTs.
Last Ep on Christmas
what can I say? after eating lunch with the family and opening presents and then finally getting to watch anime, I can really say, I enjoyed my afternoon a lot more then I thought. If you were one of those person who has only watched ep 1-6 or so, sit on your chair, turn on that comp, watch in HD, and enjoy your Christmas/your day. Entirely a worth watching series if you ask me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 6, 2014
"Never forget that kindness can hurt instead of help"-Inaba A really strong overall feel of friendship. I personally really love anime with strong feels of friendship
Story 10:
Changing bodies, desire being released, turning into a younger age, your real emotions being heard by others. This was really a unique story of it's own. Adding these genres of drama, school life, romance comedy really made the story felt really good. I really wonder how this anime would turn out with these events and these genres and dang yep, it really went well, good pacing of the story too, it was not rush and went in a good
Any decent art/animation I give it an easy 10.
Really nice OST and the ED of the first song on the previews..dang.. those feels that it has given me. Just like any other anime certain OST plays at certain events and it pretty much puts you in that kind of mood.
Okay, so.... every character were really different from each other O_O. Character's personally being reveled through the action they take with these events happening to them. Even despite that the are all really different they all are still really close friends that supports each other. This really has good character development throughout the story and i really enjoy seeing how characters change throughout the story, the action that they take. Like for the part when their desires and emotions were being really released, we really got a close up look on who they really were.
I still can remember back when this series came out in 2012 of winter, those moments of me finishing the newest ep that just came out, the previews that made me crazy, like dang this is a worth watching, most ppls had went crazy over SAO(dislike comparing unsimilar anime but i wanna get a certain point out), but kokoro connect is that anime that i went crazy for(review is also for michi random) I was really sad, really sad, when the last 4 ep did not come out, and than new years eve...my year 2012 was complete with the last 4 ep coming out.
I just recently rewatched Kokoro Connect to see how much I loved this anime and yah surely i really love this anime, easy 10 for everything. A BIG 10 out of 10, I really think almost anyone would really enjoy this anime. Connecting hearts and learning more about each other eh? That's friendship.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 27, 2014
After seeing the trailer, I really look forward to watching this
Story 9
the story is really similar to Attack on Titan where humans are almost destroyed, but I would not compare BB to AOT, they are different anime with different story, the plot itself is really interesting, but I do dislike how the story moves so fast, like for some ep some stuff happens sooooo much in one ep, it was hard to take them all in. Overall I do really enjoy the story that it gives. From just the first ep. it really draw me into watching it was just like BOOM BOOM THIS
AND THAT, if you know what I mean.
Art 10
any anime with good quilaty art i give it an easy 10
Sound 9
I love the opening, but some music sounds really dark o_o. Voice actress seems to fit every character too.
Character 10
I love how every Character is quite different from another. The cursed child are all different from another too. What I always love to see is character development and where the story would take them. All the character has a good bond with each other. I found myself really feeling bad for the cursed child for what they went through and I pretty much just LOVE THEM. I did wish we get to learn a lot more about the characters, we only get to learn a certain amount about them. Like i would totally love to learn more about their past.
Enjoyment 10
I can't wait for the next ep is what i always thought when watching or finishing the newest ep. I really enjoied watching it
Overall 9
As someone who just really enjoys watching anime I would really rank this as 10 out of 10, but what i did really dislike was the pace of the story, it goes way too fast. If you like fast pace anime and gets right on to the point Black Bullet is really good at doing that. It keeps the anime going and making it interesting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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