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Sep 9, 2021
My dislike for Chinese media now extends from C-dramas to anime. I cannot, for the life of me, explain what the plot of this anime was - or at least explain in a way that anyone would want to watch it. This couldn't end up as mindless background noise for me, either, because I was hoping against hope that this would turn to be something I liked - the first episode was really promising, and I really like (present tense) the art. Though the story isn't anything out of the world amazing - overpowered MC's shenanigans - that's exactly what I went into it knowing;
I expected it to be a rip-off of Saiki-K (in the least), and I love that show.
But no. The worseness runs deeper than that. The filler episodes are terrible, and there's way too many of them to even be entertaining after a certain point. Let's just say, 13/15 of these episodes could be seen as fillers. The rest of the two had the dullest story, with the most unnecessary ending. I just couldn't care for any of the characters as much as I would've liked. I want to say I like Sun Rong, but that would just be because I really like her spirit sword.
I do plan on giving the novel a try, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.
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TLDR; Thank everything above that I had Uramichi Onii-san to go back to, so I could fix the bad taste left by this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 19, 2021
In the first few episodes, it just felt like they were taking select things from the manga, without paying any mind to the progression which seemed… kind of questionable imo. But it ended nice. Gave me a lot of nostalgia of the time I was reading the manga a few years ago (haven’t kept up with the ending). I don’t think I’ve watched pure romance in a while, so this was quite refreshing + the art style is pretty good too.
You can’t get any more straightforward than this. I remember the time I would binge read romances like Kimi Ni Todoke and Wolf Girl
(yes I know, that wasn’t a ‘romance’ and quite toxic if I look back now) where they’d make it so that graduating high school makes life oh-so-different and suddenly if you’re not getting married you’re not gonna be together anymore - but yeah, those were simpler times and... fun. It’s nice to go back to that idealised world - though also very cringe - once in a while. In short, this makes me feel good about the world again, even if it’s just for a little bit.
I also understand why some people who a) aren't too invested in this particular manga or the genre or b) haven't heard of this before the anime adaptation (though I hope otherwise) or BOTH might dislike this. For me, it was a journey into a very welcome past.
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TLDR; Watch for the cutesy romance. Or read the manga, either work.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 8, 2021
Okay. So I started reading the manga a while ago, but haven't fully caught up - still enjoyed it nonetheless. I’m not super into the comedy genre unless it’s a subgenre somewhere, but I really really enjoyed reading Gokushufudou.
Needless to say, when I heard there was an anime adaptation for this manga with such a cool concept, I came on here to check the ratings & reviews - a habit before watching anything - and I was… utterly disappointed.
Mostly because it’s a ‘moving animation’, but also because what an absolute disservice to a pretty good manga series, AND the voice actors (Nanami!!). Well,
I went ahead and watched the 5 episodes, and let me tell you this: it was a waste of time. And coming from someone who will use any justification necessary to procrastinate on work - even when it’s done by watching the most nonsensical anime - that is saying a LOT. Anyway, this very short review of mine is based on that frustration.
One of the main reasons a manga-reader would watch an anime adaptation is to see the characters ‘come to life' - and with Gokushufudou, there was so much potential. I’d say it’s kind of embarrassing that, to me, the manga seemed livelier - funnier, more expressive, punch-y, and yeah more ‘alive’ - than this… half-assed excuse for an anime adaptation. The only welcome differences were the good voice acting and the sound.
It’s understandable if someone who hasn’t read the manga and/or doesn’t care about the low qual attempt at adapting it in this low-grade moving animation thing watches this and likes it. I’m just saying - you’re better off reading the manga.
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This review’s not too long, but on an ending note: don’t watch. This shouldn’t exist. Read the manga, if you really want to enjoy this. Sorry, Nanamin.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 8, 2021
I started watching this show on a whim, when I had nothing to do (read: a lot of work I'd been procrastinating on) and a lot of time (read: enough to waste away). And let me tell you, I have never not regretted a decision as much as I didn't regret binge-watching this show through the night. I'll admit this review is probably not going to be the best-worded one out there, but I just had to put the love I have for the story and the animation, out somewhere. This isn't going to be too long, just an... appreciative rant? Of sorts.
I admit that
there are some loopholes in the storyline that are a little off-putting, especially in the first few episodes. Who exactly is Violet Evergarden? A robot? Cyborg? Human-machine made for the sole purpose of killing? Well, yes and no: being in the military since an early age does that to people, or so this anime makes it out to be. So, we have a human girl with prosthetic arms, travelling the world writing letters for various reasons, with the sole intention of understanding emotions - specifically, understanding what 'love' is. And we see that unfold in many forms: in the form of a sister's love for her brother; in the form of parents' love - though sometimes misplaced, but never ill-intentioned - for their only child; in the form of a boy's love for his lost mother; and most importantly, the love you have for your own life, and living it.
Of course, what we take away from a show could be completely different from the next person, and that's okay. And personally, what I got from this show was more than I'd expected from something like this. Maybe I was reading too much into the dialogue, too much into the subtle movements of the characters, but that's another thing about this show:
It makes you really observe the subtleties hidden within.
Now, I also admit that I might've made the first six or so episodes sound more than they are through flowery language. But I think that's where the art makes up for the story (for those who might find it hard to understand, or too bland to care for) - the art in this made me feel the same emotions, if not more, as when I watched Koe no Katachi. The soundtrack was also gold, and I immediately went to Spotify to search for and listen to those songs for the rest of the day.
I'm not sure why there are accusations for not showing any character development on Violet's part - sounds completely baseless and absurd to me. As each episode progresses, we see Violet interact with her surroundings more and more, opening her mind and her heart to the people around her. Granted, the pacing is a bit terrible at some parts - and others, I just feel like... there could've been something more, that she could've done something more; but in all honesty, I was satisfied with how it came to an end. I'm not too keen on continuing the series through the novels, though - that's why I gave it a solid 8. Pretty good for what it showed, not good enough for me to obsessively follow over to the LNs.
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This anime made me write my first review on here - a fairly positive one at that. That should say everything that needs to be said. Don't knock it till you've tried it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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