This is a really enjoyable series. It isn’t something you have to think to terribly hard about to keep tract of the story or the characters and the art is easy to look at and enjoy, especially the colored pages, which are really little artworks in their own right.
This is a high school - college transition story, which has the potential to be stale, but it isn’t. I can’t quite put my finger on it, maybe it is the realism in the protagonist’s turmoil or the focus on art instead of a different subject, but this series really feels fresh.
Going into the new
Jan 2, 2020
Agravity Boys
I went in blind and didn’t know what to expect when reading Agravity Boys, but it probably would have been nice to know that this is a comedy first and foremost that occasionally tries to masquerade as something more serious.
This is targeted at a younger audience, but the bathroom humor is juvenile to the point of being demeaning and not very funny to an older audience and it seems like some of the jokes (that have at least some potential) are one offs. If the jokes return, then my regards for the series might change some. The art is emotive and used to good ... |