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Mar 9, 2025
Trinity Seven... is okayyyyyyy. It's really hard to describe the kind of series that Trinity Seven is but I think it just depends on how you decide to read this manga. I had a very rough experience because of the sheer volume of things that needs to be remembered (and I had taken a 2 year break). This series just requires you to be on the fandom while reading. And that's an issue, because the story is quite difficult to follow without a stable understanding of the power system or the name of the 30 waifus. Everything else is good and enjoyable, the art is
very much the mid 2000s vibe and the characters are pretty well drawn (especially Lilith). But yea, this series needs a sense of undivided attention that most people just aren't going to be able to give. So read with caution.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 4, 2025
Life Is But A Dream...
Cowboy Bebop is sort of like a good dream; it's beautiful and reminiscent of the best in all of us. But like all dreams, be it through tragedy or satisfaction, it always comes to an end. It's the sad truth... good stories all come to end, and no fantasy lasts forever.
Are You Living In The Real World?
When critiquing anime, there is a high regard for a show's animation, plot, pace, and cast. Most shows require the reviewer to put a score on these metrics and correlate it to the enjoyment. And for the most part, Cowboy Bebop even
for its' age, is a splendid display of all of the aforementioned criteria. But sometimes as an audience, you need to look past just the basic, and value the show for its essence and impact. It's hard to describe, but watching Cowboy Bebop changes you as a person. It sort of lingers in your heart, as a dream, as an inspiration, as if "You're Gonna Carry That Weight."
Final Thoughts-
Cowboy Bebop is a must watch, and life's too short not to.
So, See You Space Cowboy...
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 18, 2024
Let's keep it simple. Rent-A-Girlfriend, is probably the worst manga out of the 250 most popular manga in MAL. It's rating is so bad, that it's worse than another series with a similar title, DOMESTIC GIRLFRIEND(DG). Look, DG as out right crazy the plot is, the story is at least entertaining. I repeat Rent-A-Girlfriend, isn't entertaining. It has good art, and probably the blandest and most hopeless cast of characters. The female characters are simply too simple, they exist to look good, that's right "TO LOOK GOOD." Now our male protagonist... well I don't know how he's even human. Look there is 0 people like
Kazuya in this whole planet, because not a single one would be able to girl to fall for them. Kazuya is lazy writing. He's the same in beginning and he's the same at chapter 250, he's pretty much stuck as a high school mentally. There is absolutely no other way of describing it, Kazuya Kinoshita, is the reason why this series gets butchered online. It's so bad that I can't in good conscious recommend this to anyone. So, here's my take, DON'T READ THIS SERIES. That's it.
(I lowkey might try finishing this series when I'm 90 years old)
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 11, 2024
Simple, straightforward, pretty short. Romantic Killer isn't going to be on anyone's "must reads", because it's not exactly supposed to be that kind of series. At around 38-39 chapters, let's be real, the plot isn't the reason why you would pick this story up, it just can't be. The story is as flat as an ironing board, and as linear as the streets in American cities. In fact, like every other short story, what's most enjoyable about short mediums like this is the fact that they're just a short, quick, and fun distraction: you'll read it, complain about its lost potential, and after a few
months, remember the glee on your face from the whole experience. And if that's the kind of feeling you want, go ahead, this story will do just that. Otherwise (this is probably one of the few times you'll hear it), just go and watch the Anime.
PS - To be honest, this story is too short, that I really couldn't bother putting anything about the plot. And just like RIRI's project, my review ends here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 27, 2024
Romance in itself is a touchy genre. People often find it touching their hearts or enraging them because it doesn't touch base with their own romantic experiences. Kaoru Han was Rin to Saku (Fragrant Flowers) is in particular the epitome of this dynamic. Now I think Fragrant Flowers isn't the agreed short form, but it's what I'm going to stick with on this review, because let's be real this review is a love poem that loves and hates.
When I first started reading Fragrant Flowers, I had one thing to say, man love is so nice if the world was perfect. And it's true Fragrant
Flowers, has a cast that is unremarkably perfect, all of whom strive for their own common goals. That's really sweet for everyone who use manga to escape reality, but the same perfection comes in conflict with the people who appreciate realism within their manga. When everyone is a goody two shoes, why would anyone watch the development of these characters? Perfection is of course a double-edge sword, its great at making an audience focus on the smaller things in the plot, or it makes people feel burned out and numb of reading the story. If you find the latter to be the main reaction; I think its best if you stay away from Kikyo and the story all together. Otherwise, I'll get to my next point.
Fragrant Flowers is sort-of another Romeo & Juliet-esque story. You could draw one big parallel with one of the Romance Manga's big juggernauts, which is Nisekoi, and that similarity comes down to Kaoruko and Rintaro the two main leads, being part of two schools that has a one-sided conflict. Outside of that, there isn't really any other parallels. In this series the leads are star crossed lovers, and love was truly at first sight. Both Rintaro and Kaoruko are dating really as soon as the story starts. Nisekoi is a battleground harem, and both Chitoge and Raku accept their love for each other at the very end. I compare these two series specifically because it highlights how even in a popular trope like Romeo & Juliet, each take on that trope can lead to a vastly different story. Fragrant Flowers emphasizes not on the falling in love, or the Romeo & Juliet dynamic of two conflicting factions, rather it focuses on the dating phase and the progression of other characters as they find their own way of embracing the future. This shift in focus from most other romance series, makes Fragrant Flowers more refreshing than people often give credit.
To keep things short here's the final thoughts: Fragrant Flowers has excellent art, pretty good pacing, but it 100% needs a bit more tension between the leads, as their relationship is a bit too linear. So yeah, go and read it.
And like every tragedy, my review sees its end after seeing my thoughts die from poison.....
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 8, 2024
It's quite unimaginable how Hajume Isayama took a story as brilliant as Attack on Titan and killed it quicker than Aniplex could pump out filler episodes for Boruto. And just like all of Boruto's filler episodes, Attack on Titan ended with disappointment, while also feeling rushed and incomplete. As such this review will talk about the story in 3 different sections; Pre-Major Timeskip, Post-Major Timeskip, and Eren Yeager.
It is not to the surprise for many, but the beginning of Attack on Titan is undoubtedly one of the best orchestrated pieces of fiction ever created. Isayama's emphasis on the darker tones and excellent world building
made the island of Paradis a very well-constructed stage for all the events in which much of the story takes place. The fantastic character direction also gave characters like Eren, Erwin, Levi, Armin, and Mikasa (Mikasa was slightly less developed due to her being so emotionless). This part of Attack on Titan lasts for the first 90 chapters, and sadly ends after the timeskip. Everyone who praises Attack on Titan, this is the part that takes most of the heavy lifting. The series may have a very linear goal, where the characters want to see the outside world. But the execution is so perfect, that even One Piece fans can appreciate the story.
That's pretty much the end of all the good things in Attack on Titan, in reality the story can end at chapter 90, and for many the story can be put to rest here, if it wasn't for some extra beef the characters have decided to settle. So now is the Post-Major Timeskip, where the characters are slightly older, and we switch our view to Marley. And yes, this part of the series is pretty confusing. Unlike the first 90 chapters, the goal of our protagonists are kind of blurry?? And I put question marks, because I'm not sure, Isayama seems to have given the characters some overarching goal, but the execution is outright dog-water. First of all the new characters in Marley, aren't really the most interesting bunch, their story is similar to World War 2 antisemite Germany, but unlike the tragedy of the Holocaust, this part of the story isn't interesting. Characters are doing things for the sake of doing so, and Gabi is undoubtedly the worst executed character, a whole lot of potential wasted on her terrible personality. But the rest of the newly introduced characters don't get the same background exposure as Gabi, because Isayama is now trying to clock in Attack on Titan's ending before One Piece ends, and guess what it worked. Attack on Titan took 90 chapters for the Survey Corps to finally see the end of Paradis, and in roughly half that many chapters, we are introduced to a bunch of Yeagerists, and Eren's plan to kill everybody. Overall if the first part of Attack on Titan what 9/10 the final arc was 4/10. There was no real reason behind the actions of the characters, character development went rogue, and Eren became an absolute savage.
I mentioned how the story was framed to have 3 key elements, and Eren Yeager after the timeskip is the biggest NPC found in all of fiction. Bro went from trying to end titans, to using titans to end humans. The progression in his character was pitiful, especially the last moment where Eren and Armin talk. In that moment where Eren begins to yap on and on about his desire to kill everybody, and about how he doesn't want Mikasa to fall in love with anyone else. This was the last real moment that Eren talked, and his portrayal was drastically different from the character which we had grown up watching. In the end, his attempt in getting rid of titans ultimately failed as it really only worked for a few dozen generations. Eren Yeager by the end was an NPC boss event, that lasted long enough to end the story worse then it previously had.
Now for the conclusion, I think Attack on Titan is a great story, that was let down by bad direction going into it's final arc. It's something that I recommend while acknowledging that the ending is something put together by a toddler. As such it's truly up to the reader, it's a story that's easy to fall in love with, and it's also a story that ends up breaking some hearts. For me it broke a heart.
Overall Rating : 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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