My rating system:
10 - beyond satisfied - most of the show is highly enjoyable, with at least one moment or aspect that stands out, or makes an impact
9 - highly satisfied - most of the show is highly enjoyable
8 - average - overall the show was enjoyable and worth the time
7 - needs improvement - at least one aspect of the show is unsatisfactory, for example plot holes/untied loose ends/too many plot conveniences taken [P], inconsistent character personality or behavior/too many unlikable characters [C], or no development/wasted potential/comedy falls flat [N]. Note: [P] is not applicable to moeblob shows, where plot conveniences or errors are allowed.
Note: show rating is separate from fap rating - not all 10s are fappable, and many 7s are highly fappable.
All Comments (6) Comments
btw hello :D
Example: the game ''infamous''. In the game, you are literally living on volts.
So my question is simple: is it possible to get so much volts in you, that if I was to touch your arm, you would immedieatly die of all the volts going your body?