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Nov 19, 2023
What an absolute breath of fresh air. In the world of fantasy anime, there's the trope of the OP protagonist. This anime has a slightly powerful protagonist (not OMG OVERPOWERED as of episode 7), but he has every reason to be strong. As he is repeating his life once again starting from school, his stronger powers make absolute sense. Imagine going back to high school and crushing it. Also, imagine knowing who every sleeper student is and picking them for your team. This show is written in a very clever way.
So far, the time travel aspect brings a fresh coat of paint to an
otherwise typical story. Though certain aspects feel like isekai, other aspects are decidedly NOT, like the protag having information no one else does. He's not exactly a fish out of water, here. And the main characters have some flavor to them (I hope you like Asuna from NGE). They are very likeable, and fairly entertaining.
The animation is pretty average, but certainly never distractingly bad. Even the use of CGI for the otherworldly monsters isn't all that bad (OK, the rats are pretty bad, but show me piles of rats done well...).
This is probably the show I am most looking forward to every week for this season. It has a plot that is moving along at a decent, and consistent, pace. Something a lot of anime AREN'T doing right now...
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 28, 2021
Curb your expectations
Bad animation? Check
Cringey characters? Check
Inconsistent plot? Check
EXTRA brocon? Check
I'm kinda pissed. I was looking forward to some more Mahouka. But this ain't 8-bit and it CERTAINLY ain't Madhouse. The faces being wrong wouldn't bother me so much if they didn't get them right half the time, oftentimes in the same shot.
The real problem I have with this is it covers events that happened in season 1, but with added cringe. Like, imagine a high school anime where all of the characters actually act like high schoolers. *shudders* The events not only happen not the way they actually happened, but the extra events happen
completely out of character. I feel like I'm missing something here. Is this someone's dream of the way events went?
I won't tell anyone not to watch it. If you planned to watch it, you're going to at least try it. But set the bar LOW, and maybe you won't find yourself as disappointed of the beginning as I am. Lots of fast forward got me through episodes 2 & 3. Episode 4 ACTAULLY covered unseen events, and the last half had a scene that I hoped the entire anime would be like. Still, even if the rest of the anime covers unique events, diehard fans may find it difficult to suffer through the first few episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 29, 2019
[It’s better than I gave it credit for]
[I'm leaving this review up because, let's face it, this anime is unlikely to get watched by anyone at this point unless they were already interested in it. And if you are, watch it. I've since completed the entire thing. Alterations I'll put in brackets.]
[Anyone interested in this anime is unlikely to find it a waste of time watching.]
When I first sat down to watch this, I came in expecting nothing. What
I’ve gotten so far ain’t half-bad. Though people unfamiliar with the
Phantasy Star Online 2 game likely won’t think this is a compelling
anime, those familiar with the game
should absolutely give it a try.
[Even people unfamiliar with the game could enjoy this anime. It gets a lot better/was better than I gave it credit for.]
For those who have never played the game that may be reading this:
I really don’t know what to say. I’ve played a lot of the game. I’ve
played the first third of the three-arc story, so I can roughly compare
the anime and game. And that being said, my viewpoint is hopelessly
biased. [lol yeah it was] I’d like to say I don’t watch anime this bad, but it’s hard to
be objective about this one. [lol yeah it was] It’s certainly not terrible, though the
production quality is a bit wonky at times. I certainly wouldn’t STOP
someone from giving it a shot if they were interested, but I’d never
recommend it to this group.
[I still wouldn't recommend this to people unfamiliar with the game, as I think there are better anime. But the story is actually pretty OK, and the sci-fi fantasy setting is fairly unique, and may be enjoyable to people who like said genres. It's certainly easier to be objective for the latter half off the anime which contains material I did not play in game already.]
For those who have played the game: [Watch it. Even if you play only NGS.]
You should give this show a try. You will find value here whether you
did not bother with the story due to length (but still wish to roughly
know what happened), or if you cared about the story enough to play
through the entire thing. It is, so far, a good, approximate recap of
the PSO2 Episode 1 main story. As a bonus, some side stories are in
there as well (including best side story, with best girl & best song).
The environments match those in-game nicely, and the fact that the
characters look the same as the in-game NPCs is a huge plus in my book.
The darkers also closely resemble those found in-game, which is
important since they are the darkers. Darkers are important.
Even not as a recap, this anime still has value for those who like the
PSO2 setting. It is expanding upon the PSO2 story in positive ways. I
actually fell quite a ways behind watching this, and probably still
won’t watch it weekly, but what I’ve seen as of now makes me happy to
have it to watch, not just because I want to know the PSO2 story, but
because it’s a good anime from my fanboy’s viewpoint. At the very least,
one episode will hit you right in the feels. And if it can do that, it’s
worth watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 22, 2015
tl;dr: For those that loved all of S1, this review may not be as helpful. For those that found S1 to have serious problems, this review may be more in tune with your perspective.
Having just watched the first season of Freezing, I had high hopes for the second season, since the first ended much better than it started, and I was not disappointed at all. Gone were the socially awkward moments in S1 that had me pausing the video and facepalming. Gone was all the plot armor surrounding the MCs from S1. And gone was a big chunk of the poorly done, shameless Ecchi in
favor of some Ecchi related to the actual plot. S2 is a lot darker and grittier than S1, and although it's a bit less action packed in the beginning, it more than makes up for it in the end with a much wider variety of action than S1 had.
First of all, the story. The premise of S1 was mere SoL at a magic university, while Vibration starts off with a mission-based premise. It felt much more natural and, though it had less physical conflict at first, the pacing was supremely better in the buildup to the end. This season also focused a bit on a secondary story involving Satellizer that was done fairly well. Both stories going on in Vibration are darker in nature, which was a welcome shift from the rather upbeat and overly happy children from S1. The weakpoint in both main stories going on would definitely be the endings. Endings are make-or-break for me, and I felt that, although they didn't break the story, they could have been done much better.
The character developments in Vibrations were more varied than S1. Vibration focused on more characters than S1 did and, for the majority of the time, on characters that weren't the MCs. The female MC, Satellizer, still got a fair amount of development, but the Male MC, Aoi, got pretty much squat (he's a pretty boring guy anyways). Overall, I felt the characters to be more believable and making harder choices in this season than the first, especially the secondary characters. They seemed more like real people rather than plot-driven dolls.
Normally, I do not comment on art or sound, but one episode in particular had some... curious design choices. That is all I will say.
Overall, Freezing Vibration provides a much deeper and focused look into the problems plaguing the planet, and focuses more on difficult, meaningful decisions by the cast over the rather silly choices made in S1. It takes the solid final half of S1 and builds upon it.
P.S. My review may seem a little, perplexing, to some. I feel this may be because the story of the first half of S1 was not to my liking, and most people that would have liked it, may not like the premise of Vibration as much. For those that found all of S1 to be enjoyable, including the SoL at the beginning, the darker tone that Vibration sets right from the beginning will not be as appealing. It's a shame because I feel there are many people who would enjoy Vibration that were completely turned off to the show by S1.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 22, 2015
tl;dr: Absolutely cringe-worthy for the first 4 episodes, show gets considerable better from there. Season 2 (Freezing Vibration) puts it to shame.
This show really does start off awkward. The sheer amount of exposition in Episode 1 is staggering. The delivery is typical teacher giving a lesson, but it's less natural than others shows have done. Within the first four episodes and the majority of the first, there's a moment of supreme social embarrassment every 5 minutes. I have never seen a show that makes me cringe so much as this one has. If all you want is Ecchi, I feel like DXD or HotD would
be better choices. They have better action, Ecchi that isn't as much in your face "Here it is! The Ecchi!", and fewer moments that make you feel insufferable embarrassment for the MC. And if you like good action, those others are a far better choice as the action is much more varied.
Aside from episodes 1-4 being near-insufferable, ep 5 was actually really good. By episode 7, the show takes off and gets progressively better, though it sticks tightly to cliches and plot conveniences. The MCs wear thick plot armor in this show. I'd rate the last eight episodes at around a 7, and the first four at a 2 or 3.
I gave season 2, Freezing Vibration, an 8. I'm not very big on Ecchi, but I gave DXD and HotD both a 7, in comparison. One could even watch season 2 straight off, skipping S1 for later, so let that factor into your decision here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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