feels like nobody bloody waits to do reviews and i really think MAL should ban reviews until atleast episode 6.
all negative reviews complain about the same thing "idk whats going on characters are the exact same" no shit retards its been 4 episode how much character development do you think can happen in that short of a time frame especially when there is a massive world to build foreshadowing, and intrigue to design as well as a narrative to formulate.
all characters have soul. 10 episodes in an even though i know just the names and faces of the background characters that alone makes the
Dec 25, 2017
Death Parade
alternate name for this anime: black haired woman ruins litterally everything
jesus chrst she is a retard, she goes on and on about how what they do is wrong and creates evil in people that "wasnt there before" when in episode 3 two people were in the same situation as everyone else and they didn't do anything evil. this anime seems to disregard the first 8 episodes as if they never happened and only use the final 4 as the actually story line canon. there is ample evidence to suggest what the arbiters are doing is not only correct but the single best way to pass judgement. people have ... Dec 5, 2017
im going to break this abysmal hunk of shit down into stages
story the story at a glance seems very interesting and highly developed for the first 5 episodes until it breaks down into a literal shit show of "world building" where they seem to just throw shit in to make everything seem more dark and brooding and it killed the vibe of the show. it went from a run of the mill psych anime to a post apoc psych horror detective mystery. art the art style was nothing special at all its standard episode art was quite shit considering the time it was released however the ED ... Oct 14, 2017
Naruto Shinden Series
sasuke's book wasn't necessary. itachi's books were amazing and gave a new insight into his backstory and really fleshed out his characters inner turmoil much more than in the anime. the English translation had a few doubled words and misspellings but it didn't take anything away from how good it was.
the books looked into alot more than i thought they would and they changed my opinion on the tsukiyomi. the book made me realise that it is probably not a good thing to have happen to the world while during the anime i was confused as to why people opposed it so much Oct 12, 2017
normally while watching an anime i can switch between tabs without much fear of missing out on any plot or dialogue. for probably the first time, ive been geniuenly enraptured by an anime. i couldnt switch tabs and found myself unable to sleep without seeing what happened in the next episode.
during episode 9 and 10 i was completely lost for words and had no idea what to think. to many of the characters had traits that related to friends i had in the past. the culmination of emotion exploding in those episodes left me completely shattered. ive never seen a show quite like this. |