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Jun 3, 2021
Rewriting this review after finishing the series.
Making a sequel that doesn't suck is daunting, especially when you wanna top it of with what you have. This one in its rare cases is a success, not only in becoming a good sequel but improving look of the original in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE..
Story & Characters : Previously, original had a good clichė story - underdog that rises from button, but it was more of a focus on bumps on the road itself rather than the finish line.
This new story tells what happens to that underdog that becomes destroyed between season 1 and 2, protagonist starts as
his shadow of his former self and has not only to deal being that person but overcoming himself once again and by that FIND what makes people continue to keep on pressing forward. Keep in mind that's why its called NOMAD, wanderer and for a reason.
The Sound & Art: They didn't change much sound being pretty much there at the top of the game. Arts still kicks butt with unique style that reminds me of beck (funny enought the music kickbutt), redline and few other early mid 2000 anime that had grainy tone or texture to it. The Music increadibly good previous season it was more like hit or KO, this time once the music is on its straight on banger mostly every single song could be considered as best one.
Previously you could say you watch it because of art and animation but now you could comfortably add story too since its really good.
Overall series has improved so much and its truly worth your while, so watch it even if you ain't sports or boxing fan. Just a road to redemption, road to standup get back on the feet.
For people who watched megalobox you may be surprised with story, story telling and the ending that it choose. In the end i would like to say that this is once in a rarity where Season 2 improves the whole series quality example bladerunner 2049.
Easily 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 9, 2019
Now and Then, Here and There. Damn what a roller coaster ride it was probably was one of the hardest animes i've watched, from a humble beginning to a full on war and not some just war but full out apocalypse. Where its not afraid to show blood, gore, kidnapping, child soldiers, rape. Still it manages to a tiny piece of everything and you immediately begin to grasp everything is wrong in this so called apocalypse.
The slightest thing i think i can spoil here since you will understand in 5 minutes of watching 1st episode is the story takes place in diffrent planet. Be
expected to watch WAR footage like its somekind of documentary where it totaly shows depression and desperation during war time. Kinda worst part of story overall it is not really explained where exactly ''apocalypse'' takes place, tvtropes helped me with the answer but since we are thrown immediatly there and begin to grasp everything at once but 1-2 episodes in you will not matter and you will get a part of it and will be drawn to amazing story telling.
Hell maybe the weakest point here it was drawn in the late 1999 it not really aged but compared to what we have now 4k formats everywhere good luck finding bluray disc or if you lucky 4k online. BACK TO THE ART Post apocalytic desert enviorment combined with steam punk and maybe like Chinese/Japanese village type clothing.
Im rewriting this since there is no best way to explain the characters. Main protagonist comes from our planet to diffrent realm hes middle schooler i believe probably 14-15 at max. He is highly moral and quite frankly really naive, you will cheer for him to make highly moral decision in this planet and will make this dreadfull planet bearable and hopefull for its future, Overall character development is quite bad there are only like 4 characters that will in course of the story will progress off actions and words of main character, the things they will see in this world. I wanna point out one character rarely speaks and when ''she'' speaks it is quite meaningfull towards what action it will take because of main characters influence.
Its kinda of rare to hear some music could be considered as ambient and doesnt influence the current scene. OP is just there that is getting you ready for a interesting watcht. ED is the most memorable song here every episode leaves you thinking what happened with a slow melody and calm voice i could consider as one of the greatest ed songs i've heard.
Overall: I think in the end it was an amazing story, feeling like i've read a book like 1984 or some war book that truly speaks things like war is bad in a sense and filled with horrors the unluckiest of us will see. But in the end i've watched an anime that uniquely covered it all and i feel like i've experienced atleast a portion of it. In the end and damn that was amazingly hard to watch but thankfully i've managed to watch it and happy for it.
Thank you for reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 2, 2019
These series got hyped up of people are not really into anime or have watched truly great one in its category, il say it. It is not good as people say, partly why im gonna say it is because i've read the original and compared them both maybe that is what ruined the experience but at the same time im still gonna review it as completely diffrent product and give comparisons to the manga
Story: I believe it has like 4 arcs beginning from introduction to the main part of slaying goblins in diffrent areas and for diffrent motives simple yet it works like a charm
connecting to characters. In the manga some episodes are added in between anime must have skipped it and they also switched some arc side from 2-3 so its kinda first arc then third second and fourth, they've done it to introduce characters early on. Show sadly begins to gradually fall after 6th episode or 3rd arc (sewer stage)
Art & Animation: I've had really big hopes in this one since i hoped it will have unique dark style like berserk 96 or something like it instead it got regular art style that added blood and little gore with above average animation that still doesnt exceeds of my expectation from anime that has alot of combat and movement, also btw it has 3D goblin slayer which looks bad as hell, they probably thought 3d goblin slayer would look cooler. In manga what i've noticed it had really great camera angles which turned our imagination to know what he did how combat went by the looks of it, they removed it and budgeted out on this part hard.
Sound: This one should be metal or atleast rock of somekind that immerses us in it, tranqulity music would even fit now and then. Instead we got crappy Japanese based anthem/pop style songs from op to the credits. Lost potential here.
Well atleast we got characters here dont we ? Well kinda the main premise with this anime/manga is the main character of his coolness and what not its hard to rate him here but il begind how he is in manga: He has no voice, you are his voice that you are reading, actions speak louder than words. His character here is ruined by 70% he speaks way too much and characters are evolves too damn slow.
In the end no one is gonna do it but read the original you wont regret it, this product works as commercial but does not stands on his own feet while having manga looking at him overall poor anime. You better of watching ''Hai to Gensou no Grimgar'' aka ''From Ashes and Illusions'' diffrent experience and more enjoyable to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 3, 2018
I've had really high expectations when i saw trailer and noticed its gonna be in hiroshima and nagasaki back when nuke dropped "1945 august". I suggest starting with it if its gonna get you interested watch it immideatly and be prepared for 2 hours.
The movie is kinda slow taking and takes it times to introduce its main character and shows true plot, the main focus here is its characters and i think the course of time.
Characters are great thoe we see them interact uncommonly interacting between each other but in the end every encounter it shows has its meaning.
You get to feel sometimes
for the main protagonist making you sad and happy for the main character 'Suzu' she was kinda forced/asked to marry person she doesnt know and as the time goes on she is kinda agrees and disagrees on that decision not because of her mistake or someone else but by the time.
Movie has 'few' hard moment and one inparticular that gets you're stomach to ache and feel discusted by the 'war' itself but the sad part of that war is we get so see it how civilians living under it not like constant under siege but by how village people that live by the military coast get to experience it.
I honestly dont know who to recommend it to rather than see whats its like to eperience or look how Japanese villagers were living in ww2.
In the end i think i got wholesome moment that i was looking for in this movie thats how it eneded.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 11, 2018
60 Episodes is always nice, But the problem series had more quantity rather than quality episodes. As for series stricly aim for humor and story quality, and story for all it felt it was strenched out the problem was that humor not always "funny" sometimes even cringy
Story is quite hit or miss since it it has like 6-8 arc in it. So basically story always change, 1. Was Like introduction it contrantly was annoying trying to bring out humor by making beezle shoot electricity goddamn that was annoying and tiresome to the point you know whats going to happen...
2 3 and so on was quite
interesting probable from ~28 till 40 when show showed its peak and was really good to the point of really enjoying show like in the score of 8.5
Last arc was like already feeling like strenched out series and wanted to drop at 50 episodes
Art: Budged asf nothing to show here rather than animations which is rather are nice sadly art style is like late 2000 nothing inovative.
Sound: well OP is great exception is the last one wich was really shitty but sound is really forgettable in this one, Character voice acting is quite good some of it atleast
Characters: Well as bland as it sounds we all seen it we all know it, more than half of characters are stereotypes
In the end it kinda sounds like a bland show like its kinda is but it has it moments my suggestion start from 1,2 skip few episodes and from 8 watch till you feel bored or smtg i guess 45-48.
For a show that wanted to commercialise itself it did a poor job and its good you can watch full anime and not even care about manga (there things go littlebit complicated and end same way anime does)
The show is nothing more than above average and good at times.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 3, 2018
An slice of life thats ahead of it's time.
Weirdly enough if you take all unique "school and slice of life" this will stand out atleast at top 10.
Interesting thing about it's the characters and story as the whole, main character is a delinquent witch is super rare to begin with in modern animation usually he's like second character or even antagonist. But here he evolves and has a reason to be called a "delinquent" So in short he wants a girlfriend really badly but his infamouse reputation only ruins it. Second main character is a girl that is in love with him and makes this
series adventure, cause hey dude always ends up fighting and his hand becomes a girl and THAT GIRL makes everyday seem more alive for him even thoe he sees her like a problem rather that a girl that loves him and cares for him.
Animation/Art is so oldschool you may be a fan of it or not but that art style early/mid 2000 is like a golden age of anime and hell it somewhy is really good. Maybe im just reacting nostalgic, maybe respect to that era. In the end Animations/Art look aged asf but the end its good.
Sound... well thinking about it looking at soundtrack trying to remember when music played... it's non existent. You not gonna enjoy it for music. The only god thing about sound is the English DUB is good. Hard to judge when music is poorly done but the dub is good, maybe i shouldnt even include it in as sound rating itself but lets not go full weeb here.
Overall i saw quite few (10+) "school, shounen, Slice of life " this will definitely be as the most unique out there and most underrated of them all. The time was not good for it to be released but everything it did was great out then. If it was done today with minor improvement it would be trully outstanding in quality but now it is a rare gem in pile of rock ready to be picked up by people who want to find out "why am i watching anime ?"
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 8, 2018
Burned out. After watching season 1 and doing a deep dive after neary 3 years it offers nothing new or fresh.
From the first episode we can already tell writes no longer want to risk it for humor and just stick to the same comfortable corner so to say, comparing to the first season humor was fresh it wasnt afraid to showing supershort skits and doing incredibly weird funny stories. This one has unmemorable stories which are mostly weird and rarely super unfunny, i can count on my fingers how many funny stories there been in season 2, while season 1 was so incredibly good that
every episode was a huge rooler coaster of fun.
I think this sums up everything from season 2.
Being a fan of season 1 i will cherish with critizing in hoping it will still get a
season 3 but until then season 2 is bland as heck.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 28, 2017
I'l keep this simple.
Before i start out with the review, be cautious not to be attached to this one, i enjoyed this series way too much and the novel ending is so bad it ruined the whole series as a whole, but il will still review this.
Story: Il start with saying this "this is no typical harem". Dude has no friends because of his appearance (thug like appearance), he enters a club just to find friends OR HOW TO FIND FRIENDS (this is really important cause it the main point he joined the club in the first place). The whole process of the series
we will learn that alot more about main characters how they interact between each other. The characters and how they interact are the whole premise of this series.
Art & Animation: Nothing special, typical Harem, Slice of life style. Brings nothing impressive to the table.
Sound: Op is good, but nothings stands out of whole soundtrack.
Characters: I'l try to say this, this is no typical harem again...
Main character -Kodaka, has no friends had a friend once in his life. His past is tied with the second and third character.
The second friend is -Yozora, but he doesnt recognize her as her friend too. Pretty much most indecisive character in the whole series which never doesn't make up her mind.
Third one is -Sena . Intelligent, Athletic, Popular. But... shes a bitch is sort of way doesnt get along with Yozora, (has some mental problem ?)
Fourth one is typical Genius Lustfull girl. She is a genius doesnt go to any classes as well doesnt have any friends because of it. Lively character somewhat in between of 2 and 3 not good not bad good in conversations makes huge impact in second season where she comes more to live as a person.
Fith ones is a Girl or a Guy -Yukimura, il leave you to guess. Joined the club because of main character how he is facinated by him and thats it. Makes stupidly interesting series with him.
Six and seventh is lolis, a Sister and wannabe sister. Kids nothing serious i hope.
So the main thing why this series has strongest plot line of this series is because of they're interaction between each other, how they evolve as people but not in huge gaps, the ending of the s1 and s2 are good to enjoy every episode how they are getting theyre empty phone list a 2 or 3 person more and that are making them feel cool or hip. Just whole series are tied in middle of them. How they are training to find friends. That the whole idea, they don't admit they are fiends but in truth they are you can see it they are. Romantic Comedyyyyyy
Enjoyment: Man i watched 2 season in 5 days, its super rare that i do it nowdays. Basically really fun really enjoyfull series anime speaking (s1 or s2), would hope for s3 if i wouldn't found out about the Light novel ending, thats the problem. Also Manga ends after season 2 ep 4 or 5. The Light novel ending, i simply discourage you to watch the whole series if you are easily attached to series, sadly it is but its true. The Light novel leaves the OPEN ending and the main character fucked it up every romantic relationship is fucked it up everything was seen and explored with every character that tied with the. In fact the ending is sooo so bad that you can't just look at them and smile in the end, just after watching this joyfull series it leaves a hearth torn appart. When you watch a good series you will feel happiness but you will feel sadness that it ended (exmpl. Clannad). But this series is straight out bad ending/open ending. Where you speculate what can happen, but it somewhat obvious that this is bad out ending. they will never look at each other the same way the did at the beggining, just smiling and hoping the good days will never end. FeelsBadMan.Jpg. The whole series could have been something Amazing, Unique and Legendery the anime industry but in the ned they rushed it revealed some major plot points too early and ended up being and Amazing start but a horrible ending.
Rating this is tought after knowing the true ending. If the light novel wasnt so shitty i would rate it 8 but it so painful to say that everyone who read it were hugely dissapointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 24, 2016
This anime looks like another RPG theme but there are few things that it attracts attention. I'l write it very shotly with "Cons and Pros" since it's not much you can talk about. So here we go
+Art: It is the best thing you can expect from this anime Towns, forest, jungle, ruins are GREAT it's great rarely you will see that kind of quality, Great backgrounds sometimes i even stopped to take a screen shot for my wallpaper and overall it's really good.
+Animation: is good not much i can say about it movement is decent ofc there are expections where it looked like creap
but it stands out in the fight scenes.
+Fight scenes: the second best thing, they are very meaning full, it somewhat fits the plot line where a small fight is something huge and you are risking of dying, at this point you start to doubt this is some another RPG theme anime and think about that this is real fight we are looking at.
+Music: Last memorable thing is music, it serves as a good background music forgeting about loneliness, giving new athmosphere and serving as emotions for characters ( what they feel like ) "example" acoustic music can be played after battle for relief.
-Story line: Man i don't know where to begin is there even a story ? No there isn't. There is ofc small plot line, Characters wake up witout they're momory in this new word and thats it. Yes, thats it, characters simply don't care. You will pretty much will be watching for fight scenes and try to look for interesting/Funny moments when chracters are in the middle of the conversation.
-Characters: Talking about characters they are bland cliche somewhat. There are expections =at the beggining there are 4 characters that you will be interested in but it fades away.
-Enjoyment: because it lacks what it really needs Characters and Plotline this goes in bin of *another boring anime*, if you combine this anime art, animation, sound & Music with some RPG themed anime that has good or decent storyline or plotline *atleast, this will become interesting.
THE personall preference:
+/- OP and Ending are not good at hyping it all up or atleast showing interest, i always skipped it.
+/- some episodes are good some are bland. First episodes are really interesting but that interest fades at the last episodes, goes for personall preferences again.
+/- Ending & Continuation: Ending sucks it endend on boring note, absolutelly no interest for future of this anime not interested in manga or what will happen next in it. I don't know maybe 12 episodes isn't that much, to tell the full tale or explain but it but meh, manga readers won again. But i won too, i'm not interested in this crap.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 4, 2016
*This review contains no spoilers*
From a beggining i would like to start with that the anime has a great story for a strongly music related genre, with great main character, other characters and a grim mood. This anime stands out of the crowd.
The story is quite simple and interesting, a main character who is pretty much bored with life finds his small interest "playing the guitar" from there he meets similiar people, and our main character must find himself from there, what he wants to do.
Every character is diffrent, there are ofcourse some bland characters that have a feeling are there for a ride and thats it, the other are deep with they're motive and feelings. The one thing i love that the characters rarely show they're deep thought to understand them sometimes you must be exited at what they are. Often, i felt that i understood every character, only later to find out more about them.
Without the doubt one of the best reasons to watch this anime. Personally i'm not a fan of Rock, Metal, hiphop-rock (or how you call it) and acoutstic guitar songs. But this one doesn't really have HARD ROCK or Metal, it has a rock that every person will enjoy because how good the rythm is.
************Art & Animation*************
This is probably the weakest thing about this anime. How average looking this anime is and has unsuprising animation. But then i somewhat understood that this is the RIGHT tone for this anime, gloomy not only because budget was low (lol) and not because they are playing rock and often we see them at night but because how our life is. The same unique urban city colors that doesn't really impress us that much. This is a cool art if you think about it, it doesn't have that special anime wibe where cliche character talks about inspiration or motivation. It meant to be looked like a life, you rarely see people talk about these things and these people make our life more brighter. In this world we see main character fight against all that opose him (bullie, school, unsuccsess) and in this world he must stand up on his own and fight back without someone saying a word about it.
8/10 (i would put higher but this anime shows it's age)
1/4 was kinda not interesting and but at the same time somewhat unique and i wanted to see more of that. At 2/4 it's probably the most interesting part is where all the formation happens, where you finally see main character do something. 3/4 Was beggining to be really boring and felt like im watching anothe cliche anime but thankfully i didn't dropped it. 4/4 Now in this apart where all the fun begins you finally see the barrier and what problems people have to face between each other and how main character has to get though it. And also the last 3 was FREAKINg best MUSIC became so goooooood and CHaracters finally felt like i knew them and this is probably most enjoyable part since these last 3 episodes you can acutally see what this band was acutally fighting for.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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