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Nov 13, 2024
Every review starts off with explaining what the book is roughly about. I'm not. Go read the top of the page if you want to know that
[TLDR no Spoilers]:
I wouldn't recommend this if someone asked hence the review. too much happens too quickly. I dosed off more times than not while reading meaning it was hard to stay in touch with the conflicts and tension moments. the love story conveys a message to me that I didn't like. I saw too many contradictions amongst characters actions throughout the story. I saw much more potential than what was executed.
to sum up the story in a single sentence:
|I'm in an abusive relationship. I did something to make him this way. I can fix him"|
The story touches a lot of hearts for reasons of I'm not sure how to say but what i would call Bulls. people who chase red flags. I dont understand someone who would rate this so high for a love story about an abusive person winning. Yeah... That's exactly what it is... You... You do remember that Haruma choked a bitch out right and then held her prisoner in her own home? We just forgetting that happened or...?
Ive listed some things below that made me lower my ratings:
1. Haruma comes back for the girl he wants to be with and the mother lets him even though she is covering her daughters "crime" and putting Haruma anywhere near her will contradict that motive. so why does she agree? "guilt" cop out to move the story along.
2. Haruma doesnt want Yoh to remember what happened even though him existing in her life IS her remembering because itll become inevitable. therefore another contradiction. so why does he come back? its selfish love and that love wins in the end sadly.
3. Haruma literally choked Yoh out and then kept her prisoner in her own home that he tricked her into letting him live in. This guy won the love battle by the way. The one that many rooted for. Let that sink in for a moment before moving on.
4. His behavior change is a contradiction because nothing stops that type of behavior in stalking and manipulation. It would continue even after he won as we saw it did when Haruma locked up Yoh. A personality doesn't change just because things go their way. A flick out of line reverts that behavior right back, as we see him lose control of his behavior when Yoh runs away, because its about control not about love. Reminder: he was lovey dovey with her before worrying about her weight and eating habits until he loses control and then reverts back to his ways. volumes 2-7 easily back this up as its literally all Haruma is doing because he doesn't have complete control yet and when he loses it he becomes an abuser. LITERALLY TEXTBOOK here. He cannot go to the personality type that he gets in volumes 9-10 it just doesnt make sense
5. The delusion of Yoh. So Yoh's behavior towards Haruma isn't what made me lower ratings, as a person in her situation would do exactly what she did, its EVERYONE AROUND HER. they all say the same thing: "why" and instead of trying to help her realize "hey this guy is crazy you are in an abusive relationship you need an out HENCE WHY YOU RAN AWAY" they say "lets help you save this relationship" like why?
6. Everyone suddenly being bestfriends after the behavior and manipulation we saw through out the book that they were all aware of AND wanted Yoh away from is very unbelievable I mean the fact Touya even calls Haruma out of friendship about Sawako is a wild idea to me after the combativeness we saw between the two. I do believe Touya is the type to make amends but I dont think he'd ever go to that extend as Haruma is the literal definition of the change of his friendship with Yoh WHICH was even stated BY HIM in the same volume.
We have massive love triangles going on, Haruma <--> Yoh <-- Touya <--- Sawako
it wasn't a bad love triangle however, the way it plays out Touya didnt receive the justice I felt was deserved nor for Sawako. His love for Yoh was because he wanted what was best for her hence why he ended up taking a knee and surrendering. He wanted what made her happy whereas Haruma's love is self serving of "shes been all alone all this time" when in reality shes had Touya and Sawako. She was alone to him because he didn't have her and he was truly the one alone due to that which fits stalker MO. What kind of destroys this love story as a whole for me is the abuser, Haruma, because that is entirely what he is for the majority of the book, cause once again... he choked a bitch out, wins the girl. the good guy finishes last and gets the left over prize to which Sawako IS a prize but was not treated as such as she had to lose it all in order to even be considered making her a consolation prize. Her and Touya were a cop out to try to make everyone happy at the end.
Art wise. pretty. i liked it.
characters: honestly all likeable. Haruma was scary, cunning and made a great stalker creeper. Yoh was a bit of a stereotype but i liked it. a bit of a demise in distress but we all need those sometimes. Touya i was rooting for the guy the whole time. golden heart. Sawako an underdog we all want to see win in an unwinnable triangle.
overall: too much happens too quickly, the plot seems kind of "how badly can i manipulate Yoh today" or "how can i be creepy this volume" like it was good creepy manipulation yes but i felt myself dose off from the story more times than I feel it was intended to. the spicy scenes were okay. definitely was not expecting that but it was alright.
In the end, for those who DID like this story, more power to you. All stories in the world will have its fans and have its haters. Sadly today I must admit I'm a hater. I do not disrespect viewers who like it nor do I disrespect the writer and artist who put in their hard work and time making this for our enjoyment, however please respect that this is my opinion as I just respected yours. I don't have some fancy degree to make allegations that I have. I'm just an old dude who loves anime manga and books. I hope this helped but also hope this doesn't offend the people who enjoyed. See you next time~
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 11, 2024
Hi. I haven't done a review in a long time. Thought I'd bring it back for some fun.
Overall, I watched this anime in two days, so I enjoyed it. Very likeable characters, even very likeable bad guys. The mystery element was great and you find yourself wanting to write down as much of the loop as the main character does to see how you would play the loop game.
The battle scenes were great to watch, because of the time loops you never knew who was going to die when or how. The bad guys were SO great to watch. The creative ways to fight
the shadows really interested me however, as we grew later into the story, fighting shadows weren't the same as fighting shadows later and that disappointed me.
I watched the english cast (i know i know) but the english cast was okay, i didn't really have any problems with it. I thought a lot of them were well casted.
I really liked the time leap looping gimmick of this story as it sadly IS a deus ex machina which is one of my least favorite anime things however I really enjoyed it this time around. There are things I loved however things I really thought "damn we ... we really went with that huh?"
Shinpei: The eye color stuff I really just didnt understand at all about until the end and then I realized holy crap thats Ushio's eye. That was crazy cool to me however i thought he was really fleshed out as a main character. He didn't really seem stereotyped to me he didnt seem boring. I liked that he was clever or was becoming more and more clever as the story went on.
Ushio: For how much I loved Ushio, her being this defective shadow (though explained later as a part of Haine) was just so bleh to me. It was kind of this cop out for being able to beat Four Arms. Her ability to copy didn't really make sense? Though its explained there were a few times where I was like "no no no you cant do thattttt" Though she's a very likeable character and I loved that she was in the show, I actually feel her existence for what she was damaged the show and its storyline. I think I would have preferred that the humans take on and defeat the shadows instead of this "hacking" she did. Wasn't a very believable trait and it became more of a "I'll go along with this" mechanic of Ushio.
Hizuru/Ryuunosuke: Hizuru, in my opinion, was a very likable character from start to finish. I really enjoyed the idea of her switching between her and her brother but not the way the story had explained. I actually liked the idea of the split personality rather than her brother's shadow taking over her since... that doesn't... really make a whole lot of sense? She was a great bad ass however or at least Ryuunosuke was. Them as an entity was great.
Mio: carry, boring, pathetic. Mio's shadow on the other hand that chick is scary and I LOVED watching her shadow as a bad guy because she was absolutely ruthless every single time on camera. Mio's shadow was probably the best introduction to "holy shit doppelganger killing homies". But real Mio, like you're not the love interest, beat it. Go stand somewhere and not die.
Haine: I don't think I've ever wanted so badly for a bad guy to have a happy ending. In the end, Haine was just a kid who liked sweets and never really got to be a kid. It hurt so badly to see her transformation into Heruka (spelling) Her performance however, was SOOOOO amazing. From the handprint onto Shinpei to playing as Shiori, to be the real Haine, was just so well done. We were afraid of her, hated her, but then pitied her. I feel she was really well written and I really enjoyed watching her.
Everything made sense as to why Ushio was able to do over half the stuff she did, however I still didnt like it. I just accepted it because of the way the story was flowing. For it to end with the way it did, it was a bit hard to accept as for no one remembering what happened and everyone surviving and carrying on their life as if it never happened. For me, it took away the bonds that were actually created there between everyone. Thats just a me thing though. Overall, I would definitely watch this again and probably would recommend it to someone, even though I felt there were some poor choices or some holes in certain mechanics of the shadows.
Just a reminder, I show no disrespect to anyone who had an opposite view of me in this anime. We all have our genres and titles we love and I'm just a guy that likes anime. I have no degree in English nor do I have any work published. I just speak my mind. Take it as serious as you like, in the end my opinion is mine o/
Hope you enjoyed~
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 28, 2016
This is Vince's Don't Give a Fu*k Review:
I say what i want when I want how I want so get over it. Let's be real you just want to know if this is a good read or not: It is.
This story really grabs at your feels and does a great job making you want everyone to have a happy ending. There was a great deal of character growth all around I felt and I wasn't dissatisfied with any character really. I laughed a lot in this manga and I won't lie i teared up here and there. In the end this is a very touching
story of a lonely girl, a lonely boy and a lonely family separated feeling their voids and it touched my heart in all places. I'm hit the spoilers that hit my soul so to the van!
Spoilers GET TO THE VAN:
Ok so, Mao for me was a favorite character, I loved her personality and I loved the idea for her as a main character. I felt she fit the role well, I don't feel she was generic like a lot of girl characters in these types of works. Her relationship with Hiro was very interesting and it definitely built up as the story went on and it was something I enjoyed watching grow. Mao as a character going from a character that ran away from her problems to a girl who stood up and took them head on, you can't really ask for better character growth.
Hiro was a funny character, I felt he was a tad dense but he was a good character overall. I love his love for his family and wanting to bring them back together. That was one of the main feel trains that hit me especially when Hina agreed to come home.
Daiki was a very great character. He was very funny and for a short time I found myself rooting for him to get with Mao. This writer did a great job in the love triangle for the middle of the story. I wasn't too fond of it being these two, being Hiro and Daiki but it sure added tension.
Hina was a character I wish I got to see more of but her being the last to come home didn't give her much time to have spotlight sadly.
Chihiro and Oda were another HUGE feel train. I was actually more into them than I was Hiro and Mao for a good while in the manga. I was super happy when they got together. Their characters themselves were great characters as well. But the only problem I had was I wish I got to see more of them. Double date that shit bro.
Mao's dad, obviously he suppose to be hated but this guy did a complete 180 and you gotta give him some credit man. That was the final straw for me and I knew I was gonna need some tissues and some feel train passes for the next few days. He went from dead beat to actual father and thats something anyone in Mao's position can pray for.
I did call out Mao was Sotomi who was Kyuukai and I did know he was going to read her book in like chapter 3 it was obvious but obvious isn't bad at all. Sometimes it adds more tension and I didn't see many flaws in this writing nor did I see much problems if anything I learned more about writing and storytelling reading this story.
Overall, I can't fu*king wait for this to be an anime. That is all
I don't disrespect anyone who had a different opinion. We all have our genres, and the titles we love. I don't have a degree in English or Literature nor do I have any published work. I'm just a guy that likes anime who just wants to speak his mind. I hoped this helped
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 16, 2016
This is Vince's Don't Give a Fu*k Reivew:
I'm gonna say whatever I want regardless if you like it or not. Let's be real you mainly want to know is this worth watching or not: I'm indifferent
"What? That's so mixed signaled Vince!" Here let me explain. I was told this anime was the best, it changed views on life, they saw Jesus etc. Clannad sucked as an anime. How and why its rated 8+ is a fu*king miracle. This anime was actually a game before it was an anime so it began to make sense but you can't use that as a handicap. It's an anime
now which means I'm going to tare into it like it's an anime. People rate this show so high because it gets you to feel sorry for people. The problem is, is what if you don't care? Get the picture? This is why i stand indifferent. If you are a caring person who lives in Rainbow Land and when people have sad rain clouds you go and fix them, you'll LOVE this anime. If you are someone who digs deep into story writing and character please do not waste your time with this show. I'm going to go into depth right now about the character arcs and why this show was considered bad in my eyes... how the fu*k did this get a second second and that get a 9 rating >_>
So first off, we have Okazaki..The delinquent. I'm confused about his character, he's a delinquent to others, and he states multiple times he's a delinquent but does not act like one. All he does is play harmless pranks on people, which quite entertaining, and has a dad that abuses alcohol. That's not a delinquent. I lived that life in high school too except my step dad was a douchebag. Am I now a delinquent? Unless my definition is misread we have a lame character. When I think delinquent I think Yamada from Yamada kun and the Seven Witches, not Okazaki.
Which brings me to the "conflict" of the story if you can call it that. Nagisa wanting to open up a drama club. Mr. Delinquent feels sorry for her and helps her. Why? <-- this question you will see a lot from me. Okazaki shouldn't give a flying shit about some random ass chick, but he does and now we start into the first character arc:
Fuuko (ep. 4-9): Fuuko is a ghost? a freshman ghost? So she's like Casper the friendly ghost at high school? The reason I'm asking these questions like this cause no one knows what the fu*k she is. All you know is that she's in a coma and everyone can see her but her sister and apparently if you forget about her you no longer can see her. Though my problem with this is her sister sure in hell hasn't forgotten about her, so what are these qualifications you need to see Fuuko? Then at the last moment of her sister's wedding, her sister can see her. All this was, was a cute cinderella ending for the view. I saw right through it and called bullshit. My main issue with Fuuko is this: she's suppose to be a high school student, but this bitch doesn't know the fu*king difference between first and third person?? That is literally my worse pet peeve on this Earth. Mainly though, why is this arc important to the story? It's not. At all.
Second character arc: Kotomi (ep 10-15) : So apparently Kotomi is this genius that doesn't have to go to classes cause she's so brilliantly smart. This bitch doesn't even know how to introduce herself to someone properly. Genius my ass.. So this arc starts off like Okazaki goes to her and is like "oh you're depressed. I feel like helping you" which brings us back to "WHY does Okazaki care?" and "WHY does this help our story?" Well of course this is like Yuuko, where they want to pull your emotions across the board. How do we do that? Sad story and then connect it to the main character. -Parents dead, OMG Okazaki and Kotomi knew each other when they were kids- like ... that's the best you could come up with... So now we're using a coincidentally wtf. What's next? Are we going to talk about another girl that has a problem that relates to Okazaki?
Spoke to soon.
Third Character Arc : Tomoyo (ep. 17-19) Her story isn't sad at all. Her parents want to get a divorce and her brother over reacted. I feel it was the writer trying to use this girl to state "I have a bad home life at one time too with my family just like you" when its nothing alike. Again. Why do we CARE. This did help the storyline a little indeed but no one cares about what happened to her, we just care if the theater club gets started up, you know that thing that was in the first line that we have yet to really go over in this show.
Finally the realization that he likes Nagisa. I don't know why everyone is so sad. I mean the viewers not the characters. Nagisa was the first girl in the show and by anime rules in a harem (at least that i can tell) first girl wins. That may be wrong, but it ain't in this anime so prove me wrong o/
I felt that a tennis ball flying at her.. and hitting her, was very like "really?" like it couldn't be like Okazaki jumped in front of a car to save her or something a little more heroic? Like that's lame.
The one thing they did well though was end the love story on a good note. They made a decision on who wins, had the confession nicely done and that's something I won't take away from them.
In all, this anime was just bad. I only watched it because I was told it was so amazing and it's not. Sunohara and Kyou were the only thing keeping this anime from being shit with their comedic ways. This anime is for the people who played their game, not for people who like literary views.
I show no disrespect to anyone who had an opposite view of me in this anime. We all have our genres and titles we love and I'm just a guy that likes anime. I have no degree in English nor do I have any work published. I just speak my mind. Take it as serious as you like, in the end my opinion is mine o/
Hope you enjoyed~
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 15, 2016
This is Vince's Don't Give a Fu*k Review:
I'm gonna say what I want regardless if its right in your eyes or not. Choose to agree or disagree. Let's be real you want to know if this anime is worth seeing or not: It is:
So this anime took roughly two episodes to get me hooked. That hook being Hinazuki, Kayo. So the main guy, Fujinuma Satoru gets put in a "anime situation" or a situation that will only happen in anime where he gets thrown back in time. His objective I'll save for later. But this in whole, is why i rate this anime high. Kayo
and Satoru will be the main strength along with mystery. Buckle your seat and get to the van we're hitting the spoilers
Alright so right off the back, Hinazuki Kayo is not okay. You can instantly tell there is some sort of maybe bullying, trauma and loneliness in her life. Satoru's job is to prevent her from being murdered. Satoru became this light source for Kayo and gave like a new chance at life. This all being represented when she sees him in the hospital (later in the anime)
What they executed very well in was grabbing your emotions with the abuse Kayo goes through at home and how Satoru becomes her hero pretty much. This is what makes the viewer love this show so much. Honestly, I don't give two shits about the other two kids that die, I just wanted Kayo to survive. They do a very good job in building this sort of romance or small love story between the two kids. I found it a beautiful little thing but I'm also a sucker for a love story. But don't let this paragraph fool you, there is a reason this wasn't rated a 10.
For whatever reason the writer decided to play with our emotions and not give us the ending we hoped for. Many others come to the same conclusion as mine when I say, WHY DID YOU END IT THIS WAY. No question mark... oh yeah I went there. Explanation coming up.
This ending was fu*king weak. After Satoru saves Kayo the anime literally takes a shit and becomes useless. No one gives a damn about these other two kids. The writer rushed Kayo's rescue. In my opinion, the last episode, Kayo should have taken the abuse, put in the shed and when murderer came along to kidnap her boom Satoru/mommy/CPS to the rescue just like they did to save her from her mom. You save Kayo from death, from her mom and Satoru gets his heroic moment and probs gets the girl along with changing the future gg rip. What makes me go nuts is when I can write a better ending (opinionated of course)
The teacher being the killer was.. kinda disappointing. It was becoming quite obvious it was him after accidentally pausing in the opening....... He shares a picture with Kayo's mother in the opening and since Kayo's mom is the only Antagonist in the 1988 arc pretty much i put it together. If I'm wrong then that was just a lucky fu*king guess.
I hated that Satoru was able to go back to the past on demand near episode like 8 but couldn't go back to the past on demand afterwards to just be able to call the teacher out on his shit to give him his 15 years back. I found that kinda lame that the writer basically made him a martyr.
Finally the main thing I hated other than the ending... THE CARRY: Airi Katagiri. When I review characters in my head, the first things I ask are "Why are you relevant and why do I care?" I could not find an answer for this. All she was, was someone in Satoru's future that helped him not get caught by the cops even tho the bitch failed at doing that. That's it. That's all she's good for and then to have him meet up with her at the ending as the "Coincidence of fate that they meet again" .. -.- stupid shit. SatoruxKayo stop putting holes in my ship, Canon.
Final words, Please note I don't have any type of literary degree or any type of work published. I'm just a guy who loves anime. I don't disrespect anyone who disliked this anime or who is a fellow fans of this anime. Though there were a lot of bad, I'd definitely watch this anime again JUST for the Kayo and Satoru moments. You see a lot of growth between those two because of those two and I found that very interesting and worthwhile. It put me on the Feel Train for a while man. I felt the ending could have been executed better but hey there's a reason I'm just a viewer and not a publisher author right?
Hope it helped~
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 14, 2016
This is Vince's Don't Give a Fu*k Review:
Basically I say how I feel regardless if you agree or not so buckle down for this shit. I will be spoiling and I'll let you know when that big jump happens
Let's make this quick because it's simple you just want to know if it's worth watching or not: It's not:
True Tears:
First impression: love triangle probably gonna be guy wanting Girl A until he realizes Girl B is better for him even when Girl A wants him. I was instantly drawn to Aiko honestly, I always seem to cheer the childhood friend without meaning too. Noe something about
her caught my attention later on. What it is, is a great question. As for Hiromi I DONT GIVE A FU*KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK She's what I call a carry. As a fan of love stories, this was very disappointing. The True Tears was what I had because I was so disappointed.
Alright check this out so we got the main bro: Shinichiro - personally i think he's a bit generic and that's not bad at all. Simple is nice. I'm not a fan of my main characters standing to far out. But basically our bro is stuck in a pickle where he can't have the girl he wants. In this struggle we see three girls:
Girl A: Hiromi [Carry] : So Hiromi in the beginning I understand why she doesn't go for Shinichiro, it makes sense. The problem I had with Hiromi is that SHE'S SUPPOSE TO WIN and that's why we don't want her to win. In love stories its all about the underdog coming through to win. Hiromi just wasn't a good candidate from the beginning, she was set up to lose yet pulls off with a W? shit is weak.
Girl B: Aiko [Carry] : I thought Aiko was a good match for Shinichiro but after finding out she's with his best friend, I didn't have much to say about her. If you wanted to date Shinichiro and not his best friend...WHY YOU AGREE? The lesson with her is nut up or shut up. By the time she realized that it was WAY to late and after her moment she's gone, she is absolutely irrelevant. I honestly have no idea why she's on the cover.
Girl C: Noe [EndGame] : So Noe, obviously a little different, but she does something that I notice that none of the other girls do. She challenges Shinichiro to look at life a different way. She pushes him and inspires him to continue his work. She was clearly the way to go, yet the writer felt it was not the way to go. I honestly think that decision to go with Hiromi instead of Noe killed his work. Shredded in the shedder. Noe was the end game. To see her get the L in this anime was quite painful.
THINGS I HATED: (Spoilers)
Noe's brother.... REALLY? c'mon dude she's your sister...
Tears were used a lot in this story and I got nothing from it... It may be that I'm not intelligent enough to grasp it, that the tears meant nothing, or it was never actually stated what the tears meant. Why is this anime called True Tears? Noe doesn't cry. Was it suppose to be Shinichiro's tears? I feel if you are going to make a story about something, you gotta make it somewhat clear to the dumbs what the hell you're talking about.
I felt this was a poorly executed anime. I wasted my time in this. I don't disrespect the people who liked this anime. We all have our genre and our types of love stories. This one wasn't mine. I just felt it was weakly done. Please note that I don't have a degree in any type of literary work nor have I ever published any work. I'm just a guy that likes anime and wanted to share what I've felt. Don't take my review seriously. I hope you enjoyed my review and I'm running out of anime! Give me something to watch!
Some terms used:
EndGame: A character that is suppose to make it to the end and farther with the main character - basically the character you ship.
Carry: A character that you ask yourself "Why are you here". This character is normally always causing problems or is the problem. In most cases it will always be the character opposite of the one you ship.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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